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For the Electron Configuration Exercise worksheet, for number 4 why doesn't it
include Flerovium?
4. Which 5 elements would have 2 electrons in their outer p-orbitals?
(In red are the answers as posted on the answer key)
C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
Mrs. Toombs’ additional ANSWER /clarification: Because this answer key was
made BEFORE Flerovium was discovered and named!
So, YES, you can include Fl in your list of answers to this question.

Question 6, Electron Configuration Exercise worksheet:

Even though there are 15 elements listed in the 4f and 5f periods on our periodic
tables, we always count it as 14 when using those periods in writing full electronic
6. Why does the table suggest that the lanthanide and actinide series fit after
La and Ac respectively?
answer key: After filling in the 6s and 7s orbitals, one must fill the 4f and 5f
respectively, for a total of 14 electrons in the f-orbitals. That number of
electrons in the f-orbitals means 14 elements for the 4 and 5 f-series, which are
the lanthanides and actinides (keep in mind that La is the first 4f element and
Ac is the first 5f element)
Mrs. Toombs’ additional ANSWER /clarification: Please note the labeling on
the periodic table on the next page!
You start 4f with Lanthanum (element number 57).
There are ONLY 14 f orbital “spaces” for 4f is Yb (element
number 70 Ytterbium).
Lutetium (number 71, Lu) is actually placing its outermost electron in the 5d
orbital, continuing to Hafnium, (number 72, Hf) in 5d and all the way to the
end of that row, with Mercury (#80, Hg), filling up the final, 10th spot of the
orbital, placing its outermost electron in 5d

I demonstrate this progression from 6s to 4f to 5d (etc) in the two tutorials

videos on the blog where I demonstrate Ag, W, Rf
Question 10 in the Electron Configuration practice worksheet,
WHY wouldn't lawrencium be 7s2, 5f15? Why is it 5f14 instead and then 6d1?
1o. Write the core electronic configuartion for Lawrencium
answer key: lawrencium [Rn] 7s25f146d1
Mrs. Toombs’ additional ANSWER /clarification: Please note that there are
MAXIMUMS for how many electrons fit in each shape!

An s orbital can only be represented 1 way – it is a sphere – only 1 way to draw a

It can fit a maximum of 2 electrons in it.

A p orbital can be represented 3 ways (draw that shape in the x, y, and z

directions in 3D)
It can fit a maximum of 2 electrons in each of the 3 shapes = 6 electrons total

D – 5 different shapes / 3 D renderings X 2 electrons each = 10 electrons max.

f – 7 different shapes / 3 D renderings X 2 electrons each = 14 electrons max.

NOTE that s block – has only 2 squares in it!!!!
NOTE that p block – has only 6 squares in it!!!!
NOTE that d block – has only 10 squares in it!!!!
NOTE that f block – has only 14 squares in it!!!!

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