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PHYSICAL SCIENCES 2021-2022 (in MARCH 2022) CLASS-09

Name:…………………………….…. Section:………… Roll No:………….. Max.Marks:20
I. Choose the correct answer. 5x1 = 5M
1. Nucleons
A. Electrons B. Protons
C. Protons and Neutrons D. Electrons and Protons
2. Proton was discovered by ………….
A. Rutherford B. Bohr
C. Goldstein D. Chadwick
3. Identify the pair of Isotopes
A. 10Ne20, 11Na23 B. 18Ar40, 20Ca40
C. 7N15, 8O16 D. 2He3, 2He 4
4. Which of the following can produce sound with more pitch?
A. Insect B. Woman
C. Lion D. Man
5. In a stethoscope, sound of heart beats travel through stethoscope tube
A. By bending along the tube B. In a straight line
C. Undergoing multiple reflections D. all of the above
II. Fill in the blanks. 5x1 = 5M
6. The maximum number of electrons present in K- shell is …………………………………
7. 2, 8, 1 is the electronic configuration of ………...…………………………………… atom.
8. If the frequency of sound wave is less than 20Hz, then the sound is called …………….
9. The distance between two consecutive crests of a wave is called ………………………
10. A normal human being can’t tolerate the sound If the intensity exceeds ………….. dB.
III. Answer the following questions. 3x2 = 6M
11. Why Rutherford's model of the atom is called the planetary model?
12. Write any two uses of Isotopes.
13. Explain the terms. (a) wave length (b) frequency
IV. Answer the following question. 1x4 = 4M
14. (A) Fill in the missing information in the following table.
Name Symbol Atomic number (Z) Mass Number (A) Number of neutrons (N)
Oxygen 8O 8 16 8
7 7
Sulphur 32
Beryllium 9 5
(B) Explain the working and applications of SONAR.

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