LAC Narrative Report

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The teaching staff at Labasan National High School established a School-Based Learning Action
Cell (SLAC) in cooperation with our school principal, Dr. Melomar Retanal, based on the
priority development needs of teachers identified in the enclosure in the prioritization of topics,
with a focus on the specific domains and strands in the PPST.
The program began at 8:30 a.m. on May 19, 2023, at the library of Labasan National High
School. After calling for roll, the facilitator, Mrs. Renalyn De Castro, presented the program
flow, which was followed by the Welcoming Remarks of Mr. Joemar Coz, Master Teacher I, and
the Opening Remarks from the School Principal, Dr. Melomar Retanal.
The activity was started by the first discussant, who is assisted by Mrs. Blessie Bedania and Mrs.
Edna Magsumbol. They discussed Module 2, Indicator, about the use of a range of teaching
strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. They included
videos related to the topic to further comprehend the area discussed.
The second discussant, Mr. Aries Montaña, engages the audience in a discussion on PPST
Module 3, which covers the use of a variety of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking as well as higher-order thinking skills. He also discusses indicator 3 so that teachers
completely comprehend the areas where they should put their attention and make improvements.
Mrs. Charity Alegria, the following discussant, focused on Module 4, Indicator 4, which
emphasized managing classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration, discovery, and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning
The SLAC's afternoon session's program started up again at 1:30. The teachers go on to Module
9, Indicator 8, which is tackled by Dr. Ray James Rio. He discussed the matter of selecting,
developing, organizing, and using appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT to
address learning goals. Wherein, the integration of ICT in education is very important because it
enhances learning outcomes and provides students with the necessary skills and competencies
needed to thrive in contemporary society, which is why it is vital to talk about this sort of matter
with the teachers.
Mr. Joemar Coz discusses planning, managing, and implementing developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements through various teaching
contexts in Module 7, Indicator 7. He advised the teachers to include differentiated teaching in
the lesson plan's motivation section, and he said the third instruction needed to be included in the
mastery section. Additionally, he emphasized that teachers in the classroom must serve as
The last discussants were Mrs. Franz Babao and Ms. Cloi Solsinitzhin D. Castro, who discussed
Module 10, Indicator 9, which designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic, formative, and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements. Were assessment
plays a crucial role in education as it helps educators understand the performance and progress of
students. That is why the teacher must design an effective assessment to promote and enhance
student learning and serve as a tool for accountability and quality assurance.
The discussions were strengthened further by various commenters, including Mrs. Blessie Luz
Bedania, a mathematics teacher; Mrs. Charity, a science teacher; and Mrs. Sherly Magnaye, an
English teacher.
The meeting came to a close with an awards ceremony for the instructors who actively
participated in the discussion. Mrs. Charity and Mrs. Blessie received the honors, while Mr.
Aries received a separate award for being the session's most engaged discussant.

The session was enjoyable for all participants. It was a very educational day that ended at 3:30
p.m. Truly, SLAC sessions are an avenue not only to learn but also a time to be with other
members of the school to collaborate and fulfill the vision and mission of the Department of
Essentially, learning is a continuous process that takes place throughout our lives. Learning is not
only about absorbing information but also about critical thinking, analysis, and interpretation. It's
an ongoing journey that requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance. To learn effectively, it
is important to have an open and curious mindset, an eagerness to explore new ideas, and a
willingness to challenge one's preconceptions. With these attributes, one can thrive on a path of
lifelong learning and personal growth.

Attached were the pictures taken during the session.

Mrs. Renalyn De Castro

Mr. Joemar Coz, Master Teacher I

Welcoming Remarks

Dr. Melomar Retanal, Principal III

Opening Remarks

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