The Role of Business Analytics and Data Analytics

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The Role of Business Analytics and Data Analytics

Business analytics and data analytics entail data analysis for a predictive model and

application of optimization techniques and results communication to employees and consumers.

Business analytics and data analytics use data-driven methods in business environments to create

corporate insights (Mikalef et al., 2019). They transform raw information into valuable insights

that inform decision-making. Organizations can get an in-depth understanding of individual

organizations' primary and secondary data and refine the information to improve organizations

productivity. Thus, it reduces risks and helps organizations make the right decisions based on

available data, such as client preferences and trends (Mikalef et al., 2019). It may also help the

business attain its short-term goals by improving business efficiencies by collecting information

promptly and analyzing it to inform business decisions.

Starbucks leverages business and data analytics to personalize clients' orders and experiences.

The company data aid the company in enhancing and expanding its product and service in its

markets. Starbucks uses data intelligence via Atlas, a mapping tool, and a business intelligence

tool by Esri. The data aids in identifying potential new store locations. For instance, the tools

analyze data from its likely location by gathering information on the accessibility of other

Starbucks locations, traffic patterns, demographics, and other essential information. The data

analytics supports service and product expansion with menu updates and identifying unique

grocery store areas (Swink et al., 2022). The company, in turn, uses this data analysis to decide

on the products it can offer its clients. Business analytics and data analytics determine the

outcomes with high customer traffic and inform business decisions on the need to provide these

products to its clients. Additionally, the management combines store and client order data with

reports from different companies about at-home consumption to tailor their grocery store
products. This information can limit menu items based on different seasons and phenomena. For

instance, when Memphis was experiencing a heat wave, Starbucks came with a tailored local

Frappuccino to entice people to count the Tennessee heat. Although Starbucks runs

approximately eight-seven beverages combined, they continue to monitor information on best-

selling drinks to continue making changes to their menu tailored to local tastes.

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