Power Card Insufficient 1ST

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(a) Explain why power card alone is insufficient for accurate assessment of engine
performance (5)
(b) Suggest with reasons minimum information required before an accurate assessment of
an engine performance (6)
(c) Explain the value of Draw card and light spring card in assessing cylinder condition (5)

Power card is insufficient

Indicator cards are taken for determination of

W Engine's indicated out put power
W Peak and Compression pressures
W Evaluation of combustion process
W Evaluation of exhausting & scavenging conditions.
There are 4 types of indicator cards such as Power card Draw
card, Light spring card and Compression card. They have their own
values and limitations. Accurate performance of an engine is can be
assessed by taking all of them.

Power card is taken under cylinder fire condition, using normal

spring and while in-phase movement of indicator's drum and
engine's piston. Power card shows work done of concerning unit. By
measuring its area with Planimeter, unit's MEP and IHP can be
calculated by using the following formulae.
Area of Diagram x Spring Scale
Mean Effective Pressure ( MEP ) =
Length of diagram
Indicated Horse Power (IHP) = P L.A.N
( P = M.E.P , L = Length of Stroke A = Area of Piston , N = Revolution / min.

Operational faults can be determined roughly by irregularity of diagram

shape only.
Power card does not shows
W Peak and compression pressure clearly
W Evaluation of combustion process
W Evaluation of exhaust and scavenging conditions
Therefore, power card alone is insufficient to assess engine performance
more accurately.

1 All relevant Pr. & Temp data for To determine Turbocharger and Air
cooler efficiency, consequently to
Turbocharger & Air Cooler at achieve air and fuel ratio, to reduce
running condition fuel consumption and increase
power out put
2. All relevant Pr. & Temp data Of To compare with engine trial test
results and roughly determine the
engine at maximum rated R P M possible defects and needful
maintenance, such as, cooler and

filter efficiencies

3 Running Hour. To determine engine performance

relating to R H and needful
maintenance or overhauling
4 Engine R.P.M Engine should be running at
maximum continuous running
speed to know its optimum
performance data and power
5 Fuel pump index To determine the fuel pump
condition and out put power
6 Exhaust Temperature To determine the unit's exhaust
valve condition regarding to its fuel
7 Peak and compression pressure To determine the condition of liner ,
piston rings inlet & exhaust valve ,
possible defects relating to
combustion condition
8 F 0 , L.0 & Cylinder Oil To determine it is reasonable with
engine power out put and maker's
consumption recommendations.
9 Ship load , Hull fouling condition To determine load to engine , its
Draught & Trim , Weather and and slip
observation speed

Value of draw card

Draw card shows the pressure changes between combustion

processes more clearly and illustrate any faults during fuel combustion.
The value of compression and combustion pressure can be measured
by scaled ruler. The points for injection, ignition, end of injection etc.,
could be noted on the diagram by crank angle relating to TDC.
By Draw card -
W Ignition timing
W Ignition Delay
W Loss of compression
W Defective fuel pump timing
W Faulty fuel valve

W Unsuitable fuel quality

W Occurrence of after burning. Can be detected

Value of Light Spring Card

Light spring card shows pressure changes during exhaust and

scavenging process with enlarge scale By light spring card -
W Inlet & exhaust valve timing
W Inlet & exhaust valve leakage
W Inlet and exhaust choke condition
W Efficiency of charge air. can be detected

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