Kalyana Saugandhikam

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Kalayana Saugandhikam

(The Search for the Fragrant Flower)

This story was written by Kottayam Thampuran (1645-1716). He developed this story from the Indian epic, Mahabharata. Though Mahabharata has much deeper significances, for simplicity it can be said that the conflict between good (Dharma) and evil (Adharma) is portrayed essentially through the great rivalry between the Kauravas, 100 brothers, Duryodhana being the eldest and the Pandavas, five brothers, Yudhishtira, Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. The Pandavas eventually emerge victorious with the help of Sri Krishna, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who took birth on earth to uphold Dharma. Background Story: At a point in the great epic, Duryodhana, with the help of his crooked uncle Shakuni, has defeated Yudhishtira in an unfair game of dice. After losing everything, the Pandavas are exiled into the forest for twelve years. While they are wandering in the forests, Arjuna the third Pandava leaves to the Himalayas in search of a divine weapon. The other Pandavas and Draupadi, the polyandrous wife of the Pandavas, miss Arjuna and spent their time visiting holy places. Eventually they come to Kulinda, the kingdom of Subahu in the Himalayas, and visit a charming forest called Narayanasramam, where they stay. Bheema is impatient about the exile and asks his elder brother Yudhishtira for permission to challenge and kill the Kauravas. Yudhishtira pacifies him. Bheema takes solace in Draupadis company.

Characters Bheema, the second Pandava : : Pachcha or Green Face Draupadi, the Wife of the Pandavas : : Minukku or Shine Face Hanuman, Wise Monkey, Bheemas step brother : : Vella Tadi or White Beard The Play Begins: Scene 1 Bheema is sitting in the Narayanasramam with his wife Draupadi. While they are chatting amorously, a flower wafts near Draupadi and she picks it up. The flower is so beautiful and has such an exquisite fragrance that she asks Bheema to fetch her more flowers of the same sort. The Saugandhikam flowers grow in the garden of Kubera, the lord of wealth and are out of bounds to human beings. Unaware of this, and full of confidence in his strength and power, Bheema sets off to find the flowers. He only has the idea that the flower came from north since the wind blew in that direction. As he strides through the forest he describes the mountains which he climbs, his awe at the sight of the forest, and the wild animals he encounters on his way; an elephant being attacked by a python and then by a lion and such other sights. Scene 2 Hanuman, the monkey chief and Bheema are step brothers, both being the sons of Vayu, the wind god. As Bheema approaches the forest where Hanuman lives, Hanuman is disturbed by the violence of Bheema's approach. Through his second sight Hanuman knows that the disturbance is caused by his step-brother Bheema. He wants to help Bheema but also wants to humble Bheemas pride before revealing himself. So, Hanuman transforms himself into an old decrepit monkey and lies in Bheemas path. Bheemas annoyed and irritated to find a creature obstructing his path. He cannot the climb over the monkey as that would mean disrespecting the creature. He

also knows that he has a half-brother who is high born monkey so he asks the creature to get out of his way. But the monkey merely retorts, I am so infirm that I cannot move my limbs, but if you wish you may move my tail aside with your club and pass on. Impatient to go on, Bheema tries to move the monkeys tail but he finds his club in the powerful grip of the tail. All his efforts to extricate his club prove futile. He has never known defeat before and feels that the monkey-like form before him must be a god. He then penitently asks the monkey to reveal his identity. The old monkey leaps to life and says, I am Hanuman, your brother. Bheema apologizes for his arrogance and asks Hanuman to show him the divine form he assumed when he made his great leap to Lanka in search of Sita*. Hanuman complies with this request and then tells Bheema how to find Kuberas garden and obtain the flowers he is looking for. He returns Bheemas club with blessings. Play ends Story After: Bheema proceeds with his journey and approaches the garden of Kubera. He encounters the demon Krodhavasa who guards the lake where the flowers grow. After fighting and killing the demon Bheema collects the flowers. Bheema having collected the fragrant and beautiful flowers takes them to Draupadi fulfilling her hearts desire.

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