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LOGIC MODEL - Primary Basic Teachers’ Competencies for Refugees’ Teachers - Teachers in Crisis Context Training (TiCC)


1.0 Strengthened learners’ resilience and wellbeing in crisis affected contexts

Intermedi 2.1 Improved delivery of high- 2.2 Increased employability 2.3 Strengthened teaching
ate quality instruction possibilities linked with the practices among learners
Outcomes labor market

3.1 Enhanced 3.2 Increased 3.3 Improved teachers 3.4 Enhanced capability to
teachers’ teachers’ skills of core teaching develop teaching plans that
Immedi professional collaboration competencies and are in line with curriculum
ate identity pedagogical objectives, scope and
Outcom knowledge sequence

● 25 trained youth on teaching competencies

Outputs ● 4 final assignments finalized per learner
● Training manual for refugee’s teacher training in camps for non-formal education

● Delivery of remote training lectures

● Delivery of face-to-face coaching sessions
● Monitoring and evaluation of results of the project and training delivery
● Provision of a safe, supportive and equipped lab inside the camp for continuous learning and coaching

● INEE training manual and resources: 1 trainers manual, 4 modules - 12 sessions, 28 hours
● Personnel: 2 trainers, 2 assistants
● Partners: Ministry of education (MoE), The Inter-agency Network for education in Emergencies (INEE)
● Save the Children external funding

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