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Name ………………………………………..

3 Form II Term Writing

Task 1 Translate. (Переклади)

Cucumber yesterday

Onion travel

Comfortable shine

Task 2 Fill the gaps with was, were or did. / Напишіть was, were чи did.

1) _______________ she visit her granny yesterday?

2) _______________ you see Linda last month?
3) When __________ you in Canada?
4) Where ______________ you yesterday?
5) What _____________he buy ?
6) ______________ your father at home yesterday ?
Task 3 Постав слова у питанні в правильній послідовності.
He/ Did /visit/ grandpa /last/ his
She/was/home/at/yesterday ?............................................................................................
What/the/are/ months /autumn? ……………………………………………………….

Task 4. Доповни речення про себе:

My favourite season is…………………………………………..

My favourite holiday is…………………………………………..

I like when it is ……………………………………………………

My favourite cartoon is ……………………………………………

I like eating………………………………………………………….

My favourite month is ………………………………………………

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