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Introduction, Pre-Frame and Six Step Tapping


❖ DSiH (Direct Suggestion in Hypnosis) is great but has its limits - this is why
advanced techniques are required
❖ You need a strong hypnotic foundation
❖ Strong foundation for de-traumatization is 6-step tapping and ideomotor
❖ Deal with ancient Trauma
❖ Timeline is great for clearing up past, removing limiting decisions, removing
negative emotions without abreaction
❖ Best ways to deal with regression
❖ Mike stresses the importance of simpler is better

6 Step - Psychological Toolkit

❖ Mike has discovered the essentials of tapping through experience

❖ Top of head is anxiety spot - de-potentiates anxiety when tapped
❖ Cup hand when tapping top of head, use all fingers when tapping forehead,
squeeze wrist
❖ Six points ---> top of head, center of the forehead, outer corner of the eye,
under eye, under edge of collarbone, wrist
❖ Better to clear all energy meridians vs trying to find specific sequence

Mandel Model: De-Traumatize First

❖ RULES: no treating, prescribing, or diagnosing - unless licensed

❖ Make sure client is hydrated & work away from electromagnetic interference -
could interfere with tapping
❖ Must have ego state in the executive - MAKE THEM FEEL IT
❖ Use their own words - own words have been coded in amygdala - own words
activate feeling
❖ Discharge right brain to amygdala to parahippocampal gyrus (front left brain)
to broca's area (becomes rationalized)
❖ Three things to note - intellectually rationalized / negative emotions
completely discharged / install of positive emotions

❖ Have clients say what they do want and in present time when tapping to
install powerful state

Open Frame on Six Step Tapping

Q: What to say when tapping?

A: Use their words and/or "let it go". The intention must be there.

Q: How do you define tapping?

A: Acupressure points according to eastern medicine are backed by World Health

Organization, first get rid of their disbelief.

Apex Problem - Problem is solved so well the client doesn't believe they ever had a

Q: How to preframe so Apex problem is avoided?

A: A good intake outlining problem, it is easier to point out why they came to see a

Craig's Error - Gary Craig created EFT from TFT but made one logical mistake. Craig
says the reason tapping works is because there is an energetic component to the
emotional problem. The reason works on physical things too is because they have an
emotional component. The two are the same yet different? It is all an energetic
component EMF.

Q: Would tapping work on a person that can affect EM devices?

A: Only way to find out is to do it.

Introducing Ideomotor Signals and the Bilateral Method of
Signal Installation
❖ Idea produces motion - everyone is producing ideomotor signals (passenger
moves foot to brake when in car with bad driver)
❖ Words and actions can be incongruent - pay attention to body language
❖ Two methods - Yes/No signals on opposite hands (bilateral) or same hand
❖ wn ideomotor signals - always set them yourself
❖ Always inform client before touching them
❖ Work done in hypnotic trance is best work and most powerful work

DEMO with LISA - Bilateral Method

Tadd James states that some unconscious minds lift finger very high, some
unconscious minds lift finger low - lift finger same height (very high) both times

Unconscious mind is literal - say ..please give (show) me Y/N signal

❖ Determine in advance the range of motion

❖ ideomotor signals
❖ Have person imagine and dissociate above themselves and SEE their finger
lift, then consciously copy the behaviour and have them do that a dozen times
then it will become automatic
❖ David Cheek says
❖ Ericksonian covertly set it up by nodding our head for yes and shake our head
for no
❖ - must build rapport with it
❖ Matching and mirror works to build rapport, intention works better
❖ Cleaner the vessel inside, the better the work outside
❖ Pretend the person in front of you is the most important fascinating person

Ideomotor Signals on Same Hand and Repressed Memory
Same Hand Method by Charles Tebetts

❖ Hold pen as if writing, if you write with a straight wrist - use opposite hand /
bent wrist - use the same hand
❖ This shows hemispheric dominance
❖ We want to use the non-dominant hemisphere (where trauma is stored) to
the unconscious mind communicates with less distortion
❖ Straight wrist shows control by opposite hemisphere, bent shows control by
same hemisphere
❖ PET scans show brain activation in non dominant areas during hypnosis vs
wakefulness state
❖ Right hemisphere 'lights' up more and Left hemisphere dims down
❖ Right brain is creative and big picture, left brain logic and reason
❖ Right brain provides picture and left brain provides caption (Dabney Ewin)
❖ Left brain is connected more to conscious mind and right brain is connected
more to unconscious

DEMO with BOB - Repressed Memory Protocol

❖ Mike utilizes the Tebett's ideomotor same hand method by demonstrating his
repressed memory protocol
❖ Ideomotor signals are Yes, No, and NOT YET (3 in total) on same hand
❖ Make sure to check work and calibrate
❖ Must have rapport with unconscious mind - noble and honourable
❖ Let the unconscious mind choose the event it wants to work on
❖ Run the process multiple times for adequate depotentiation of negative
❖ Support them with your words

3 key points

1. Emotions - must discharge negative emotions

2. Rationalize - verbally rationalize what happened for conscious mind
3. Learnings - install new resources - can be done content free (..and your
unconscious can take all the learnings from this)

Ideomotor Debrief and
❖ Abnormal-reaction is a great way to discharge negative emotions
❖ Get into Negative State / Emotion and discharge (cry it out)
❖ Dipping ---> going back and forth between safe place and abreaction
❖ Must set up 'safe place' first - let client choose their ideal safe place (laughing
place) - a place that is best for the client where they feel safe and secure
❖ Can use notches on side of wrist as positive anchor points for Safe Place
❖ Remind client abreaction state is only a memory
❖ If client abreacts, then either discharge completely or stop it ('the scene fades,
tend to your breathing)
❖ Never let client partially abreact
❖ Another way to stop it is to switch them out of their associated
representational system (VAK) - have them stimulate their new system - move
eyes or move their body
❖ Grinder Model - breathing is at the top
❖ Changing breathing changes physiology changes state
❖ Clients are not responding to real events, they are responding to
representations of them
❖ Only way you can avoid changing a memory is to never access it
(Melissa Tiers)
❖ Another way to stop it is to put a different Ego State into the executive (easier
when you know the person well) - can stop panic attack
❖ Can ask unconscious mind if there is an Ego State that needs to be healed
using ideomotor signals
❖ There is always a hidden observer ego state observing everything from the
background (Hillegaard 1975)
❖ Heart healing posture - both hands on chest over heart, stimulates heart
healing and is a great intro technique for deep trauma

Chevreul's Pendulum

❖ Pendulum amplifies ideomotor signals

❖ Rest elbows on a table and hold pendulum in dominant hand close to the
body where it is easily observable by eyes
❖ Hold still and ask unconscious for Yes signal.. make note of movement and
❖ Then ask unconscious for No signal.. make note of movement and direction

❖ Ask unconscious to produce the 3rd signal NOT YET by moving pendulum in
circular motion
❖ John Fisher technique/trick - get a square table and get 4 persons and a
number of wine bottles set up with a pendulum inside. Everyone puts hands
flat on a table and focuses on one bottle. the pendulum will swing.
❖ Can teach client to use pendulum
❖ Can use it for self work - ask a question - wait for ideomotor signal from
❖ Wait for signal
❖ Unconscious mind remembers all
❖ Unconscious always has posit
❖ Can stop pendulum swinging between questions manually to - 'reset'
❖ If client is in denial, unconscious overrides client if there is sufficient rapport

Hellstromism Demo and Lunchtime Metaphor
Hellstromism DEMO with LISA

purse or on another person
❖ Mike exits the room while Lisa hides ring
❖ Mike enters room again asks her to pretend his hand is her hand and utilizes
Lisa's wrist to sense

Key Points

❖ Hold the person by the wrist from above as if taking pulse NOT holding their
❖ Have your own corresponding hand outstretched
❖ Ask them to imagine your hand as their own hand and ask them to 'move this
hand' with their mind
❖ Calibrate micromovements on their wrist
❖ Resistance = NO
❖ Follow the flow of their hand
❖ Work fast

Second Open Frame
Q: Can limiting beliefs be cleared?

A: Yes, as well as limiting decisions, even if you aren't aware of them.

Q: Can beliefs be a way to bla

A: Yes, Mike teaches Robert Dilts Logical Levels. A hierarchy where making change

tements are at the level of identity.

Old beliefs can be wiped out by installing new more powerful beliefs.

Q: Are the identity statements specific to the ego state?

A: Ego is an I am statement. Super Ego is above that providing moral guidance. ID is

below seeking instant gratification. The ego is in a tug of war between the Super Ego
and the ID. This corresponds to graphology and the 3 zones of the letters. As well as
mindscaping - everything below ground is ID and above ground Ego.

A: To install new beliefs, tap triple warmer spot and say positive affirmations. When
state is in the executive, fire the awesome anchor by touching the tip of ring finger
to tip of thumb on the non-dominant hand and say awesome while looking at the

A: Mike describes ADAC method and how awesome anchor is utilized in the process

Q: What if you are not aware of the beliefs?

A: Doesn't matter. Ask what do you want? Find out the target state and install new
positive beliefs needed to achieve that.

❖ Always get a quality hypnotic trance to make changes.

❖ Something must change, has to be me, has to be now.

Q: What does Mike mean when he says download?

A: Every time you teach you are passing on information that has been archived in
your unconscious which the students then upload to their own unconscious minds.

Q: Do you have any ideas we can use for our mission or identity?

A: You must discover these yourself.

❖ Mike recommends reading The Magus by John Fowles (revised version) and
The Odyssey by Robert Fagles
❖ Xenia is a Greek term - complex relationship between people about explicit
and implicit social norms that interplay between them.

Introducing and Eliciting Timelines
Timeline Therapy

❖ This is an eclectic blend that is more generic that Mike has developed over the
years from various sources

Timeline DEMO with Maggie

❖ Elicit - find out how client codes time - a way to know when things happen
(geographically in time and space)
❖ Ask unconscious by "if you were to ask your unconscious mind which
direction the past is for you which way would you point'? - repeat for future
❖ Has Maggie close eyes and imagine the line of time flowing as they elicited
❖ Asks Maggie where that line is.. their own spatial positioning
❖ Make note of where the future is and where the past is
❖ Is she above or below line or does it flow through them?
❖ Mike has Maggie float above the timeline so it appears an inch long below
❖ Mike has Maggie go to the future to the very last day and then have them
turn around and zoom to past to first day on earth
❖ If client has trouble turning.. have them turn the timeline instead
❖ Mike has Maggie go back to timeline and notice how the events have
❖ Mike asks how are the events depicted - slides / movies / pictures?
❖ Mike has Maggie float above so entire timeline (visible and notice dark spots
and make the brightness uniform)

Timeline Debrief

❖ Some people noticed their timeline had a curve to it

❖ Others noticed gaps in their future timeline - t happened

Key Points

❖ There are 2 types of timelines: 1-in time and 2-through time

❖ In Time - timeline passes through the person - common in addictive

❖ Through Time - timeline is generally right in front of them in an arc or line
❖ Past is where recall is coded (NLP eye accessing cues)
❖ from In Time <-> Through Time timeline will

❖ If someone is chronically late- Mike has remedied this by switching their

timeline from In Time to Through Time
❖ Space time coding of events appears in the language we use to describe our

❖ If a person has no emotional content then switch them to In Time

❖ Timeline therapy changes t
❖ If there are dark spots in timeline behind them, could be traumatic events
(sometimes its lack of neurological pathways)
❖ Sometimes high achieving people have their timeline on an incline
❖ If people feel overwhelmed, can switch from In Time -> Through Time (lose a
bit of emotional)
❖ Can also widen the path of the timeline to elicit changes
❖ Different ego states may have different timelines
❖ Can build in an 'undo' button for your clients
❖ Timeline is client centered therapy, clients have their own answers, YOUR job
is to bring it out

Discussion of Timeline Exercise and Phobias

Timeline Discussion

❖ Must always work with correct ego state when doing changework
❖ Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE) acts as a platform or structure
❖ Activating Event (AE) - turns the 'problem' on
❖ Subsequent Sensitizing Event (SSE)
❖ Sometimes only the SSEs are treated and the problem still persists
❖ Must always get to root cause - to the ISE - to correctly eliminate the problem
❖ Sometimes ISE = AE
❖ Clearing ISE will clear all SSE

Timeline Positions and Demonstration
❖ 5 timeline positions
❖ Position 1- facing towards past floating above
❖ Position 2 - ISE - looking down floating above (takes learning)
❖ Position 3 - looking towards NOW (15 mins before the ISE - drains emotions) -
stripping emotion from memory
❖ Position 4 - in the ISE after the negative emotion has been removed (should
perceive event as being emotionally flat)
❖ Check your work

Timeline DEMO with KYLE

❖ Mike asks Kyle what he wants to work on, Kyle describes it as a free floating

then to last day
❖ Mike asks him to come back to now and then float all the way above so
timeline in tiny and then back to now

benefit by releasing negative emotions
❖ Mike guides Kyle through all the positions while using supportive language

Key Points

❖ Where are those negative emotions now or did they just disappear (Tadd
James) - said from position 3
❖ Release all negative emotions and preserve all the learnings from all
subsequent events
❖ Subject do
❖ Timeline can be done content free
❖ Always stack and recharge awesome anchor - build powerful states
❖ Never go in with a plan, let the client guide you
❖ Position 3 is high above and before ISE (position 2), then zoom forward and let
go of all negative emotions
❖ From position 1 zo
very first event where when we disconnect it will cause these negative

❖ From position 2

❖ From positio
- if emotions don't go then take them higher up
above timeline, then have them move rapidly forward past all SSEs

❖ Check work
❖ Optional (not for phobia or trauma) - have them drop down into 4 and make
sure no negative emotion is present

Morning Open Frame
Q: What if a person can't visualize?

A: Visualization is done in fusiform gyrus in brain. Brain pattern matches. It's

how people we meet remind us of other people. How can you recognize a
person when seeing them if you can't visualize? People may not be aware they
are visualizing. Elicit it by asking "if you could visualize, what would it look like"?

Q: Monsters and Magical Sticks says a VAK could be unconscious.

A: Eye accessing cues tell which unconscious system is in play. Utilize the
unconscious system of a person to cause an amnestic loop.

Q: Which brain hemisphere process what? Left / Right brain split

A: Right Brain produces images, Left Brain produces the captions. In hypnosis,
the hypnotist voice provides the captions to the images.

Q: You have a great ability to recall info, is that natural or learned?

A: Some is natural, most is learned. These are different ego states being
accessed. Everyone can do this. Build powerful states and keep the right one in
the executive for the right job.

Q: Do different Ego States have different representational system?

A: Yes. Some Ego States even have allergies that other ego states don't have.
Eg: Shellfish allergy. An allergy is a phobia of the immune system causing a
global body response. Ex: If a person has warts on both hands, under hypnosis
suggestions can be given for warts to go away for only one hand, and it will

Q: People can have powerful paradigm shifts during hypnosis change work.
Ego State therapy is powerful.


Q: How to get someone out of an angry state into a vulnerable state?

A: Elicit timeline first. Go to first time this anger appeared. Make it fun exercise
to release all the crap from the past. Anger must be dealt with first, it is a
protective state, and dealing with it will open up other powerful ones.

Q: Relationship between conscious awareness and ego states?

A: Some ego states are almost always unconscious.

Timelines for Addressing Anxiety
Timeline Reviewed

❖ Must get to Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE), if not able, then rise above to
dissociate. Might not be ISE - ask unconscious or negotiate

Q: If anger is protective mechanism, why would changing it be beneficial?

A: Context. Looking back at event in hindsight it can appear to be beneficial

back then but not anymore.

❖ When at ISE, can imagine removing the slide of the event and replacing
it with a better more beneficial memory - rippling it into the future.
❖ When mind at choices in memories during a single event, it will always
chooses the most beneficial one.
❖ You can always create a parallel memory (your brain will choose the
more empowering memory).
❖ Present State should be associated. Desired State should be dissociated
- associating in future state tells brain signal that goal has been
❖ Always deal with trauma before putting in good stuff.
❖ Tune the RAS to elicit what you are after.
❖ When you focus on something intentionally or intently you put RAS to
work.. Make sure you 'install' what you want in your timeline by
'dropping it in.'
❖ Dissociate from bad memories and associate into good memories.

Q: How to install personality traits?

A: Same way. Associate - Dissociate - Drop it in to Timeline

❖ Enneagram type 6 can never get rid of anxiety because its built in to the
level of identity.
❖ Timeline is great at removing anxiety for future events.
❖ Elicit Timeline properly. Take them into future 15 mins after successful
completion of task. Ask, where did anxiety go or did it just disappear?
❖ Position 1 is for flying above Timeline and finding the event then going
back with new empowered info.

❖ 6 Step Tapping - associate into feeling. Label it. Get suds. Tap it down to
zero. Doing this first makes it easier to then work with Timeline.

Q: If feeling is really strong do we tap it down first before using Timeline?

A: Yes

Q: Can you clarify Timeline positions?

A: Position 1 - finding event, Position 2 - take learnings, Position 3 - before event

(looking back at event noticing how it has changed)

Q: Will past events affect future event?

A: Yes, clear up past event first.

Q: Is fear and anxiety same thing?

A: The two are intimately related but are differently perceived due to time

❖ You can say "is it gone or has it just disappeared completely"

❖ You can also layer on suggestions at this point in the Timeline work

Q: What happens if a person can't find event via feeling?

A: Say "If you were to ask your unconscious mind what the first event was, the
resolution of which will get rid of the entire problem, what would it tell you?" If
they say don't know, then get them to make it up.

❖ Fixing Initial Sensitizing Event can sometimes bring up other events that
need to be cleared as well. Trust the unconscious mind.
❖ You can ask unconscious, is this the Initial Sensitizing Event or is there
an even earlier one? Coach the unconscious mind.
❖ You can also use affect bridge to find event.
❖ You can have Timelines for different purposes. Let clients know they
have the power to change what they want.
❖ All these psychotherapy modalities are similar in a way. They all make
changes at the level of neurology.

Ego State Therapy Part 1
Q: When do you choose between 2 finger or 3 ideomotor technique?

A: If client has experience with ideomotor previously, use that one.

Q: Can tapping work on physical disorders?

A: Yes, Mike cured his own fibromyalgia. Used 6 Step Tapping, Multiple layers,
tapped them all down to zero. Going after the negative emotions behind the
pain. Dealt with whatever showed up. Labelled it as accurately as he
could eg:"gnawing pain in hip socket" took 45 mins in total and never came

Ego States

❖ Mike is teaching ego state material that he has learned from the works
of Paul Federn, Watkins & Watkins, Robyn Shapiro, and Gordon
❖ Ego States in NLP is called parts therapy
❖ Ego states are not imaginary - they are burned into neurology creating
personality patterns
❖ Multiple personality disorder - these people's personalities don't
normally know about each other (physical neurological connections)
❖ Classroom model - ego states are students in class. Some are achievers,
some being punished. Some loud, some quiet etc. - but only the one in

the therapist. Whichever ego state is executive is the neuropattern that

is being activated.
❖ House model (better model) - single story house with basement and
bomb shelter. In daily life, 5-15 ego states show up and reside in living
room. The other 100+ ego states reside in basement - almost never show
up in day to day. In bomb shelter - these ego states almost never
communicate with others. These are the ones that need to be healed.
❖ Some Ego States (ES) only stay active for moments - to make a joke or
comment and then leave
❖ Make sure to get right ego state for the right task at hand in to executive
❖ Must build bridges to childhood ego states that are wounded and heal

❖ Some ego states can be responding to past events in a way that are

Types of Ego States

❖ ego state

executive (addictions)

but isn't anymore (bullying behaviour, or passive aggressive), introjects -
look like Ego State but are NOT (mimic other people)
❖ You can find the right ego state that does want to do the task at hand
and ask it to be executive
❖ Assertive does not mean aggressive
❖ We all have assertive/aggressive ego states that can become executive
when needed
❖ Childhood Ego States can be created as coping mechanisms during
stressful events
❖ Ego states have moods
❖ Highly emotional ego states can have irrational perspectives

Q: How do you work with someone that rapidly switches Ego States?

A: Get their name. Calling them by name will make them executive and/or
keep them executive.

❖ Ego states can be tricky

❖ Depressed ego states hog the executive
❖ Sometimes other ego states that are not at cause can show up in
executive - must elicit right one
❖ Key is when a person can feel it in their body - then the correct Ego State
is executive

Ego State Therapy Part 2
❖ 7th Type: Introjects - Ego States can have their own introjects and can be
kicked out as they are not true Ego States
❖ Once a person can yell at their own introjects - they can kick them out
❖ Introjects can also be positive and beneficial to a person and can be
utilized to help heal vaded Ego State

Q: How do you determine right depth of trance to elicit Ego States is achieved?

A: Roy Hunter method - once in trance use - if 100 is wide awake and 0 is the
lowest possible, aim for lower than 40.

Q: What is the difference between introject and Ego States?

A: Introject is portrayal of another person

❖ Use triple warmer point to call forth the right ego state when needed
❖ Inner child - people have inner child states that have their own ego
❖ You can elicit this by associating into memory and asking "how old do
you feel now?"
❖ There are also warrior states
❖ There are also helpful states / nurturing
❖ There are also intellectual states that are not emotional
❖ Also spiritual states
❖ These are all archetypes
❖ There is a highest wisdom state - it talks differently and has a plan and
only state that all others will listen to. It has highest authority.
❖ Give Ego State that doesn't enjoy being executive another task to keep it
❖ Vaded states should be healed and become normal states

Ego State Discussion
Q: Is procrastination a vaded state?

A: It could be a conflicted state.

❖ The purpose of a state will give you its attributes - what does it do for
❖ Feeling sleepy can be an ego state that becomes executive - can do self
hypnosis and negotiate with it - same with feeling sick
❖ Get states to agree and 'shake hands' to integrate and heal
❖ Ego states are often in different genders
❖ Roles are tasks that ego states are assigned - ask the ego state - what do
you do?
❖ Archetypes are constant across cultures- they are symbols for something
deeper and can be surprising
❖ Opera - every character that appears on stage is an archetype. Wagner
invented the light motif. Music that accompanies a character when
being introduced. Wagner designed this so what characters say and
sing is conscious mind, while music is unconscious mind

Q: Do you need rapport with Ego States?

A: Yes, must have rapport with each Ego State never criticizing them but
supporting them.

❖ Great integration is when our ego states are healed with one another
❖ Self work takes a lot of effort and courage
❖ Vaded Ego States come into executive in order for us to address them
and heal them
❖ Avoiding them or distracting ourselves is deceitful to ourselves
❖ When we can stare into the abyss and see the darkness and purge it,
that's when things really change within
❖ David Snyder says there are 6 points about unconscious mind- always
answer first, always answers honestly, speaks softly, sounds like it is
making things up, always have the urge to edit answer, always non
❖ Integrating Ego States develops congruence between unconscious and
conscious mind

❖ A lot of personality patterns are created by modelling parents

Open Frame and Inner Active Cards
Q: Handwriting became scribbled when someone gets environmental allergies,
does this affect the reading?

A: It can. Hard to say, depends on context.

Q: What about people who hear voices?

A: Everyone hears voices. Internal self talk amongst ego states, but are they

Q: How does relate to HeartMath?

A: No comment.

Inner Active Cards

❖ Go through them and recognize which ones you resonate with

❖ From a position of self, get names for them - find out their purpose and
thank them
❖ If two states are found, put them both in front of you, negotiate between
them and integrate
❖ Another way is to group together the ones you resonate with, it will give
you insight into your conscious ego states
❖ Can find dissonant Ego State - find purpose, elicit another one that will
do task, and integrate
❖ Map clusters of frequently used Ego States and find out which are active
and which are buried
❖ The cards can be used once or repeatedly, your choice

Q: Can these cards be done for self work?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you use cards over time and find out how ego states change and
become utilized?

A: Yes, you can keep track in piles and revisit them to see what has changed.

The Self

❖ There are parts of the personality that are not Ego States nor Introjects

and kind
❖ Can integrate and heal these parts via negotiation and
compromise/understanding removing conflict
❖ Highest wisdom is state created around birth time
❖ Ego States are designed to protect the self, and introjects can get in
❖ Enneagram Type 1 sometimes write Timeline bars from Right to Left
❖ Use humour when possible - make things fun and enjoyable
❖ Yes, but = Ego State conflict

Ego State Therapy Demonstrations

❖ Mike asks Richard to describe this ego state conflict with examples
❖ Richard has a voice that says 'ah next time'
❖ Mike asks how he feels about that and how he knows when he's in that
❖ Richard describes it in detail
❖ Mike preframes Ego States as sub personalities citing different examples
and how everyone has them
❖ Mike highlights Ego State conflict and how it's just a matter of having
the right state at the right time
❖ Mike preframes what he will do with Richard and asks if it's okay
❖ Mike uses REM induction to put Richard into trance state
❖ Mike uses hand drop as a deepener
❖ Mike utilizes Mandel hand test to show depth of trance (touch back of
hand and if its white its good)
❖ Mike calls forth the correct ego state that Richard wants to elicit. It
identifies as Lionheart
❖ Mike calls forth another ego state that is in conflict with the first one -
identifies as Plant
❖ Plant identifies its problem as not having privacy and having too many
people around
❖ Plant says its purpose is to protect Richard
❖ Mike negotiates with Plant in order to let Lionheart become executive at
the right time
❖ Mike calls forth Lionheart and verifies it can do the right job at the right
time, has it agree
❖ Mike does same for Plant
❖ Mike asks both states to hug each other to 'seal the deal' and confirms
that each will be fulfilling their rightful purpose and are not in conflict
❖ Mike asks if there is anything else that needs to be dealt with


❖ Notice how ego states appear differently in how they sound and act -
Lionheart being strong and assertive and Plant being soft and quiet

❖ Richard says Lionheart Ego State got stronger from his own internal
❖ Remember to rephrase terms of agreement for both Ego States after
doing changework and confirm that both states have agreed
❖ Highest wisdom has a sense of mission or greater purpose


❖ Mike preframes Ego States and Highest Wisdom state (highest good) -
giving examples
❖ Mike uses Kinestetic Ambiguity induction to put Kim into trance state
❖ Mike utilizes Kim's arm dropping back to lap as deepener
❖ Mike asks Kim's unconscious to bring forth playful childhood state -
identifies as Pixie
❖ Mike calls for another state that 'wants to be heard' - identifies as Blocker
❖ The Blocker says its purpose is to stop her - Mike fleshes it out more
❖ Mike calls forth Highest Wisdom state with adequate pre framing
❖ Mike asks Highest Wisdom state for help for Kim - it agrees
❖ Mike asks Highest Wisdom state to gather other powerful states and
have them come together and work together forming a committee in
order to help Kim and assign them tasks
❖ Mike expands upon the programming and gives Kim time to find and
integrate these states as well as installing new learnings
❖ Mike checks work for install by asking for a signal upon emerging
❖ Kim describes her internal experience of the session

❖ The Harris Addition = not only healing vaded states and integrating
them but kicking out introjects
❖ Can say 'parts' instead of clinical hypnosis terms when working with
people who are lay
❖ When doing ego state work, make sure to check that it isn't all one ego
state taking on problems
❖ Prisoners undergoing torture often dissociate and have another ego
state take on pain

Q: What is the unconscious mind in relation to all the other parts?

A: Unconscious mind is everything outside of awareness and conscious mind is

everything you are aware of. This is only a model and the test of any model is
how useful it is. The unconscious mind is the only mind that exists. The
conscious is a construct of the unconscious in order to interface with this world
- again a model.

❖ Modern neuroscience shows that the brain lights up 6 seconds before

we consciously make a choice

Healing Hand and Healing Childhood Ego States
Healing Hand Technique

❖ Bring forth powerful healing Ego States, move to persons right hand,
anchor this state and their hand become a healing hand when they
need it - to deal with vaded Ego States bringing in resolution
❖ Gordon Emmerson wrote Ego State Therapy and Resource Therapy
❖ Harris dips back to Initial Sensitizing Event one last time and abreacts -
finally rinsing out the negative emotions
❖ Mike paces Harris as needed to support and nurture the vaded ego state
❖ Mike gives ego strengthening suggestions to Harris while asking him to
integrate and heal
❖ Harris comes back to surface healed
❖ Mike has the entire class tap on triple warmer to elicit a powerful state

Regression via TimeLine

❖ 1. Induce trance and deepen trance

❖ 2. Setup a safe place and anchor it
❖ 3. Regress to cause - i) affect bridge and ii) somatic bridge
o affect bridge = following feeling back to Initial Sensitizing Event
o somatic bridge = follows symptoms back to Initial Sensitizing
❖ 4. Abreact = discharge negative emotions - always affirm with tonality
and words
❖ 5. Reprogramming - install parallel memories and new learning
resources and wisdom (informed child)
❖ 6. Ego Strengthening - always give them suggestions to make them feel
o There should be at least somewhat of an emotional response to
discharge negative emotions
o When the negative emotions are gone there will be no bad
feelings to be felt in that moment for that event in that context


❖ Mike asks Harris if he knows the feeling he wants to work on

❖ Mike asks Harris to bring it forth - asks where he feels it and to amplify it
❖ Mike asks Harris to shake it off and break state
❖ Mike elicits the relaxed state for Harris and uses 3B induction to put him
in trance state
❖ Mike deepens Harris using hand drop
❖ Mike sets up safe place for Harris
❖ Mike elicits the bad feeling and uses affect bridge to regress Harris back
to Initial Sensitizing Event
❖ Harris says he is 5 and with his father
❖ Mike uses dipping technique to discharge negative emotions, dipping
between Initial Sensitizing Event and safe place
❖ Mike does this as necessary in order to discharge all negative emotions
for that event (4-5 times)
❖ Mike brings forth powerful Ego State by utilizing triple warmer point and
tapping on it for Harris while giving positive suggestions

Using Ego State Cards and Closing Metaphor
❖ Mike demonstrates how to use the Inner Active cards
❖ Sit on floor, reduce to cards that resonate with you
❖ Determine how to cluster cards, which pair together, which are further
❖ See how the cards group themselves, insights on how you group them
❖ Put in a position of self, non-

❖ Always be polite to Ego States

❖ Negotiate with Ego States until they agree
❖ Determine which Ego States are in the basement and then heal them
❖ Great way of externalizing what is going in on the inside
❖ When doing changework, something doesn't seem to work, then do
something different


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