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Series EF1GH/3
Q.P. Code 57/3/2
Roll No.

Candidates must write the Q.P. Code on

the title page of the answer-book.

fta faara (AaA)

BIOLOGY (Theory)
sfesAH As: 70
Maximum Marks: 70;
Time allowed: 3 hours

iz/NOTE :
printed pages.
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answer-book before:
Please write down the serial number of the question in the
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will be:
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paperread the:
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.. the students will
question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.

Page 1 P.T.O.
GeneralInstructions :
Rrad the folloaving instruetions very confully and strictly follow them :
() This question paper contains 38 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(d This questionpaper is divided into five Sections -A, B, C, Dand E.
(i) In Section A-Questions no, 1to 6 are multiple choice (MCQ)type questions,
carrying l markeach.
(iv) In Section B- Questions no, 17 to 91 very short answver (VSA) type questions,
carrying 2 marks each.
(0) In Section C - Qestions no, 22 to 28 are short answer (SA) type questions,
carrying 3 marks each.
(vi) In Section D - Questions no, 29 and 30 are case-based questions carrying
4 marks each. Each question has subparts with internal choice in one subpart.
(vi) In Section E - Questions no. 31 to 33 are long answer (LA) type questions
carrying 5 marks each.
(vi) Ther is no overall choice. Houwever, an internal choice has been provided in
lquestion in Section B, 1question in Secetion C, 2 questions in Section Dand
3 questions in Section E. A candidate has to attempt only one of the
alternatives in such questions.
(ix) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be drawn.

Questions no. I to 16 are Multiple Choice (MCQ) type Questions, carrying

Imark each. 16x1=16

Given below is a list of steps Meselson and Stahl carried out in their
experiment to prove that DNA replication is semi-conservative. Select the
option that gives the correct sequence of steps followed by them.
(i) Bacteria transferred to a N medium and sampled every
20 minutes.
(iü) All bacteria contain hybrid DNA (N DNA and Nl6 DNA).
(iii) Bacteria grown in NO medium for many generations.
(iv) Allbacteria contain N° DNA.
(v) Bacteria contain either all N4DNA or all hybrid DNA.
(a) (i) ’ (iv) ’ (iii) ’ (i)’ (v)
(b) () ’ (ii) ’ (v)’ (iv)’ (ii)
(c) (ii) ’ (iv) -’ () - (ii) ’ (v)
(d) (iv)’ (iii) ’ i) ’ (v)’
87/3/2 Page 3 P.T.O.
Which offthe following
honey bees ? statements are true about the males in a colony of
They have l6
(i) chromosomes
per cell.
They produe sperms by meiosis.
ù) They have a
i) grandfather but no father.
Allmales in the colony are
(a) ()and (iii) only haploid except one.
(b) () and (i) only
(c) (ü) and (iv) only
(d) (ii) and (iv)only
Identify the option that gives the correct type of
the two animals shown, living in the evolution exhibited by
same habitat in Australia.

Marsupial mouse
Convergent Evolution
(b) Disruptive Selection
Divergent Evolution
Homologous Ancestry
Match the correct Structures given in
Column II in the chart given below : Column I with the Fruit in
Column I Column ll
(Structure) (Fruit)
Perisperm i. Maize
Thalamus ii.
Black pepper
Pericarp iii.
S. iv.
Endosperm Mango
(a) P-i, Q-ii, R-ii, S-ii (b)
P-ii, Q-ii, R-iv, S-i
(c) P-ii, Q-i, R-i, S-iii (d)
P-iv, Q-i, R-ii, S-iv
87/3/2 Page 8
human male decides to adopt a surgical method for contraception.
ldentifythe point in the diagram where a cut would be made and tied.

(a) Point S (b) Point R

. (c) Point Q (d) Point P

6. Which of the following hormones are active during the ovulatory phase of
menstrual cycle ina normal human female ?
(a) FSH and LH (b) LH and Estrogen
(c) FSH and Estrogen (d) Estrogen and Progesterone

7. Which one of the following fixes ue amospheric nitrogen but is not an

autotroph ?
(a) Oscillatoria (b) Rhizobium
(c) Anabaena
(d) Nostoc
Page 7
57/3/2 P.T.O.
The given Achematic illustration show# three steps P", 'Q and Rof the
polymeraNO chain roaction.
6' 3'
Step P 5'


Step Q

Step 'R'

Which of the following statements are correct with reference to the

illustration given above ?
(i) Step 'P is showing denaturation at low temperature.
(ii) Step Q is a denaturation of DNA strand at high temperature,
followed by annealing.
(ii) Step 'R is an extension of DNA in presence of thermostable DNA
(iv) Step Q' is extension with two sets of primers.

(a) (i) and (ii) only

(b) (ii) and (ii)only
(c) (üi)only
(d) (i) only
87/3/2 Page 9 P.T.O.
DNAprofiles of the child and three individuals 1, 2 and 3 who
claim to be
the parents of the child are given below. Select the option that
shows the
correct actual parentUparents of the child.

Child Individual Individual Individual

X 1 2 3

(a) Individual 1 and 3

(b) Indívidual 1 and 2

(c) Individual 2 and 3

(d) Individual 1 is the only parent of the child amongst 1, 2 and 3

87/3/2 Page 11 P.T.O.
10 Select theoptions which is/are incorrect statement(s) with respect to
T-lymphocytes in the human body.
(i) They are a type of white blood cells.
(ii) They are produced in bone marrow.
(iii) They remain active at all times in the body.
iv) They mature in the bone marrow.
(a) (i)and (iv) only (b) (ii)only
(c) (iv) only .(d) (iii) and (iv) only

11. Given below is a diagram of an ecological pyramid of numbers. Choose

the correct food chain from the list of food chains given, that represents
the given pyramid.

(a) Grass Goat’ Fox ’Tiger

(b) Mice ’ Cat ’ Hyena ’ Cheetah
(c) Grass Rabbit ’ Fox - Flea
(d) Grass ’ Insects ’ Sparrow ’ Snake

12 Human settlement often leads to habitat loss which leads to

fragmentation, forming smaller patches of habitats. Select the
statements that describe how a small patch differs from a large patch of
the same habitat.
(i) Invasive species will never be seen here.
(ii) Population of large animals decreases.
(iii) Biodiversity decreases.
(iv) Competition from surrounding habitatg incrensac
(a) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
(b) (ii) and (iv) only
(c) (i) and (iii) only
(d) i), (ii) and (iii) only
57/3/2 Page 13
number 13 to 16, two statements are given- one labelled a8
For Questions
Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct
answer to these questions from the codes(a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the
correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true,but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

13. Assertion A): In a monohybrid cross between tall plants and dwarf plants,
the F, generation showed tall and dwarf plants in the ratio
of 3: 1.

Reason (R): There is no blending of traitslcharacters in the F,


14. Assertion (A): Homo sapiens have evolved from chimpanzee-like ancestors.

Reason (R) : There is no difference between the two in the amino acid
sequence of the protein Cytochrome-C.

15, Assertion (A): Breast-feeding is advised by the doctor as it is essential for

the new borns.

Reason (R): Colostrum secreted by the mother during initial days of

lactation has abundant antibodies containing I,E and
16. Assertion (A): The Monarch butterily 1s highly distasteful to the predators.
Reason (R): The butterfly has a very rough skin which is not
Page 15
57/3/2 P.T.O.

17. Given belowis afood web that involves nine organisms.

7 8

1 2

(a) Identify two producers and twocarnivores shown in the food web.
(b) Is it possible to make an ecological pyramid depicting this food
web ? Give reason in support of your answer. 2

18. Insertional inactivation' is a method to detect recombinant DNA.

Explain the method. 2
(b) Explain how recombinant DNA technology is used to detect a
disease even before any clinical symptom appears. 2

19, List and explain any two factors that a decrease in the population
density of an area. 2

20./ (ay Explain the process of the development of a male gametophyte in

an angiosperm.
(b) Why is it called a male gametophyte ? 2

21, Explain the role of microorganisms in the following : 2

(ay Reducing the sugar content in grape juice

b) Production of a fuel
Page 17
57/3/2 P.T.O.

The diagram given below shows the events occurring in an ovary during
Oogenesis in a human female.

ja) Identify X. Mention the time when the process occurs in a human
b) Identify Y. When and how is it formed ?
Name the hormone produced by Z.

28. (a) Darwin's theory of Natural Selection is widely accepted but some
limitations have been identihed by modern biologists. Mention the
limitations identified.
(b) Name and sstate the most accepted theory of evolution in modern

Mention any two ways the limitations identified in Darwin's theory
explained in modern biology.
of evolution are 3

Page 19
57/3/2 P.T.O.
(a) (i)
How many of
tcellypes? RNNA polymernses are there in an
eukaryote Mention which one of them transcribes
Write the changes
nucleus as mRNA. that hnRNA undergoes before it leaves the

(b) The length of DNA any cell is far greater than the dimension of
nucleus. Explain how this enormous DNA is packaged in a
eukaryotic cell.



drugs represented by the chemical structure

category of
Name the
given above.
Page 21 P.T.O.
If the
crystalline group Bubstituted by acetyl group
is we get a bitter

Name the
compound. Name the compound.
natural source of these compounds.
State the harmful
effects of this class of drugs on the human body. 3

26. Expand and explain the

Baby' programme: following techniques used in the Test Tube

(a) GIFT

(b) ZIFT

(e) IUI

the tobacco
27. (a) Write the scientific namne of the nematode that infests

plants and the part that it infests.

Agrobacterium used to protect tobacco plant from this
(b) How is
attack ?

population interactions with the help of one

28, Explain the 3

example each :
Brood Parasitism
Page 23 P.T.O.

houry Caa

The followng questions are case-based carefully and
questions. Read the cases
answerthe questions that follow.
The diagram shows the life cycle of
a pathogenic protozoan.

Host Anopheles mosquito
X bites

mosquito Host
bites B'

the liver)


(iy Name the parasitic stage that is being transferred from host X to
host Y. 1

Write the changes the parasite undergoes in the liver.

(i0 writethe changes the parasle undergoes when it enters the RBC. 1

Trace the changes the parasite undergoes when the host X

(iv) (a)
its blood
meal|from infected host Y.

Page 25
5L/3/2 P.T.O.
(iv) (b) At
whiYch stage during the life cycle of the pathogen does the
disease and the the symptoms of the disease ? Name
toxic substance responsible for these

symptoms. 1

30, following pedigree
chart shows the inheritance of a genetic disorder
up to three generations of a family. Observe the chart and answer the
questions that follow.

Generation I

Generation II C

Generation III G

the disease sex-linked or autosomal as per the chart ? Give

i Is
reasons in support of your answer.
dominant disorder ?
Is it a recessive or a
individuals C, D' and H. 1
Write the genotypes ofthe
be the
D marries a normal man, what will
(iv) (a) If the female sufferer of this disease ?
daughter being a
be the
B is a carrier of the disease, what will
daughter being asuferer of this disease ?
If the
(iy) (b) probabilityoftheir
Page 27 P.T.O.

Draw a labelled diagram

(ii) indicating the process ofof DNA

of a replication fork in a prokaryote
D) replication.
Dif erentiate
within the fork.between the two newly synthesised DNA strands
(ii) Name the
(iv) Name
enzymes involved in the process of DNA replication.
replication eukaryote where the semi-conservative mode of
was experimentally proved. 5
(b) You are given a tall pea plant with green seeds. The genotype of this
plant is unknown. You are allowed to do only 'selfing of these plants
to find out the genotype of the given plant.
Work out all possible crosses and show how you would determine the
genotype of the given plant.

(a Given below is a diagrammaticrepresentation of a human ovum.

'a, and'c.
) Identifythe releasedfrom the ovary with incomplete meiotic
ovum where and how is the meiotic division
. ) This When,
Page29 P.T.O.

(ii) How does an ovum ensure the entry of a single sperm during
(i) Double all flowering plants.
fertilisation is an event unique to
Explain the process.
(ii) Give a reason for the following :
(1) Aseed of an orange has many embryos.
(2) Cashew is a false fuuit but Guava is a true

respect to recombinant DNA

(a) Answer the following questions with 5
considered to be an important tool in rDNA
(i) Why is plasmid isolated ? (Any two
where can plasmids be
technology ? Fronm
selectable marker in a cloning
(ii) Explain the role of 'ori'
proceed without restriction
technology cannot
(iii) r-DNA
endonuclease." Justify.

OR 5
following questions based on Bt-crops :
Answer thhe genetically
(b) preferto grow Bt cotton crop than
Whydo crops?
unmodified cotton toxin.
insects that are killed by Bt
Name mechanismby which Bt toxin kills the insects but
Explainthe which possesses the
(ifi) bacterium


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