Abiraham Fe

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Firstly I would thank the almighty God who gives me the strength to pass challenges during my
school life .Secondly I am also vary happy to express my thank to my advisor Teshale for his
important comments and suggestion for the success for the study. Thirdly my deepest gratitude
to my informant who spent their gold time and gave me valuable information .Fourthly I, would
like to express my heart felt gratitude to my family for their efforts contribution for my success.
Finally would like to express great full appreciation to all my classmates who advised me and
provided me necessary information for the study.

This senior essay studies a history of Tseda town from its foundation 1932-1991.This research
paper consists four chapters. Chapter one discussed about the general background of Tseda town.
Chapter two discussed about the history of Tseda town. Chapter three discussed the
administration of the town especially it deals on the Italians occupation period, during post
liberation, Dreg period and after 1991 period. Chapter four discussed about the Economic
activity, Infrastructural development and social organization of Tseda town. To write this
research paper I tried to contact and use written and oral source. Most of oral information is the
main source for this research paper. I am doing this research finance, unwillingness of
information on to give information and unwillingness of government institution to indicate
available source .But all these did not stop my work .For this reason, I did not claim that this
paper is complete. But, I believe that it can be other for researchers who want to study with the
similar issue.

Table of Contents
Chapter One.................................................................................................................................................1
1. General Back Ground of Tseda Town.................................................................................................1
1.1. The Early History of Tseda Town.....................................................................................................1
1.2. Gondar Zuria Woreda.......................................................................................................................2
1.3. Geographical Setting of Tseda Town................................................................................................3
1.7. General Objective of the study.........................................................................................................5
1.7.1 Specific objective........................................................................................................................5
Chapter Two................................................................................................................................................6
2. Literatury Review................................................................................................................................6
2.1 A History of Tseda Town..................................................................................................................6
Chapter Three..............................................................................................................................................8
3. Foundation of Tseda Town..................................................................................................................8
3.1. Tseda Town during the Italian Occupation (1936-1941)..................................................................8
3.2 Tseda Town during post liberation period (1941- 1974)....................................................................9
3.3 Tseda Town during the Derg Period (1974-1991)...........................................................................10
3.4 Tseda Town since 1991...................................................................................................................10
Chapter Four..............................................................................................................................................12
4. Economic Activity and Infrastructural Development of Tseda Town................................................12
4.1 Economic Activity of Tseda Town..................................................................................................12
4.1.1 Agriculture....................................................................................................................................12
4.1.2 Livestock..................................................................................................................................13
4.1.3 Irrigation Activates...................................................................................................................13
4.1.4 Forestry.........................................................................................................................................14
4.1.5 Commercial Activity in Tseda Town........................................................................................15
4.2 Infrastructural Development of Tseda Town...................................................................................16
4.2.1 Education......................................................................................................................................16
4.2.2 Health Services.........................................................................................................................18

4.2.3 Electric Light............................................................................................................................19
4.2.4 Banking Service........................................................................................................................19
4.2.5 Postal Service...........................................................................................................................19
4.2.6 Water Supply............................................................................................................................20
4.3. Social Organization in Tseda town.................................................................................................20
4.3.1 Iqub...........................................................................................................................................20
4.3.2 Mahebar....................................................................................................................................21
4.3.3 Sanbate.....................................................................................................................................21
4.3,4 Religious Institution..................................................................................................................21
List of Informants..................................................................................................................................23

Chapter One
1. General Back Ground of Tseda Town
1.1. The Early History of Tseda Town
Before the establishment of the town the area was a dense forest with association of farm of land.
From this land farmers produced different kinds of crops like beans, sorghum, teff, maize and
barley. The area was suitable for livestock rearing. The surrounding people come to settle in the
area and gradually began to construct their house.1

North Gondar is one of the eleven Zones in Amhara National regional state .It is the largest zone
consistingvarious historical and natural tourist attraction sites. Some of these sites are the castles
of Gondar and semen mountain national parks.2

North Gondar zone is surrounded by sudan in west, in the south Benshangule Gumez
administration regional state ,south Gonder zone in the east and Tigray administration on
regional statein the north.It also surrounded by Dembia Wereda in the southwest , lay
Armchiho in the north, Wogera Wereda in the northeast . The total surface area of the zone
covers 48,621,68 square kilometers.3
North Gondar administrative zone consists 23 Weredas, ten towns and thirteen rural
administrations. In 12 Weredas there is no sufficient rain fall and they are challenged with
shortage of water. The zone is located at 12 o36 ‘north latitude and 370 28 east latitude with
elevation 2133meter above sea level.4

Informants: Ato Hilu Belay and Ato Sisay Mengstu.

Mulegata Sied, discovery of Amhara , a cultural tourism and development bureau ( Bahir dar/ 2011, p43.
Informants: Ato zerhun wagnew and Ato Habtamu Sisay.
The Amhara National Regional state bureau of planning and economic development 1998/99 annual statistical
bullet inbahirdar,2001 ) .p.10.

1.2. Gondar Zuria Woreda
The administrative center of Tseda town is Gonder zuriya Woreda. It is surrounded by in the
north Armachiho and Wogera, LiboKemkem in the south, Lake Tana, Dembia in the west, West
Belesa in the east. Gonder zuria Woreda consists the towns is Tseda. The Woreda has annual
average temperature from18oc. About 40 present of the soil is covered by black, ten percent
brown /bunama/ and the remaining soil is covered by red soil.5
According to 1984 population census the total population of the Godar zuria Woreda is 191,351
this 93,988 female and 97,363males. Angereb and Gumara rivers of the Woreda flow in the
south to Lake Tana and Atbara respecively.64% of the area is cultivable, 25% irrigation, 6%
pasture land, 4% forest and the remaining 1% degraded.6

Gondar Zuria Woreda consist 35 kebeles of which five of than all town and the others rural. The
Woreda consists two largest ethnic groups names of Amhara 96.95% , Tigre 1.40%andQemant
1.60% and other ethnic groups are 0.5%.the minority groups but he earliest to live around the
town .Their member is about 480/0.22% ). About 99% of the town people speak the Amhara
and 0.19% of the Woreda people speak other language.7

Tseda town populations follow Christianity 94.77%, Islamic 5.20% of religion and 0.3% other
religion.Tseda town has its own topographical structure. Most of the land is hill .Its average
elevation ranges 1800-2800 meter above sea level .the Climate is weynadega or temperate.
Gonder Zuria Woreda is the largest Woreda in north Gondar zone. The Woreda administrative
center is Tseda. The Woreda covers total area of 114.983 square kilo meters.8

Informants: Ato zerhun wagnew and Ato Habta Sisay.
Ethiopia finding shelter away from flooding Ethiopia flood water reading.
Informants: Ato Seyoum Abebe and Ato Debebe Almu.

1.3. Geographical Setting of Tseda Town
Tseda town is located in north Gondar zone in Amhara regional state. The town serves as
administrative center or political seat for Gonder zuria Woreda. The town is located at about
714 kilo meters away from the capital city of Ethiopian {Addis Ababa} .Its distance from the
regional capital Bahirdar is 156 kilo meters and it is 24 kilo meters from north Gondar zone.9

The town is relatively boarded by small rural kebels, Macha, Burbaukkes, Qasiduba, Bachemer,
Berhalla Before the name of Tseda the Italian called good country.10

Tseda town established on a hill land through it is surrounded by mountains. These Mountains
are covered with a forest of various plants and grass. As it is encircled by mountains of Tseda
town is always venerable to natural disaster like flood and many people victim like burning
deforestation of this problem. The area is suitable for the production of crops like cereals and
livestock the area comprises different kinds of soil, such as black 45%, red soil 20% and blue
black 25%, and include other type of soil. Due to this suitable climate and ecological condition,
the town population benefit from the economic importance of agricultural activity.11

Tseda has temperate climate condition .the main rain starts in April and continues up to August
and minor rain season is between September and November in Tseda as it is Ethiopia particularly
in the rural area. The town and its surrounding area are suitable for agricultures due to the
available of fertile soil and suitable weather condition. The area has been producing many
suitable crops among which the important agricultural products are Teff, Maize, and Barely, Pea,
Bean, Onion, Potato and other.12
The total population of Tseda town is 191,351 about among the females 93,988 and
97,363males.The town consists two largest ethnic group and other minority and ethnic group

Tseda town small enterprise office.


Tseda Ketema achir tarik, “short history of Tseda town “1993. Pp.3-4.


such as 96.95% Amhara and Qemant 1.60%, Tigre 1.40% and other ethnic group 0.5% the
minority group but the earliest to live around Lake Tana.13
The Drain age pattern of an area is determined by the inclination of the land. The volume of the
water that forms reverse system could be determined by the amount of rain that exists within
given area. According to informants explained the town is surrounded by many small rivers
Angereb river in northern part, Gumara River in the east, Megech River in the south. Those river
received water supplementary except that of the summer maximum and is the amount during
autumn and spring season there has not been regular volume in the flow of water the purpose
of those are use are not used for the additional purpose because of the topographical area of the
rivers. Since the rivers used for irrigation system vegetables like cabbage, onion, potato tomato
and other crops.14

Natural vegetation refers to community grown in particular geographical area. The vegetation
of a given geographical area could be affected by the natural factors .As informants explained the
area had for a long period of time covered by a relatively better forest coverage. But gradually by
the increasing of population and deforestation the plant coverage decreased and cause for land
degradation and famine the major vegetation found in the area are Acacia
{Girar }Tid{podocurps Tree}, Bahirzaf {Eucalyptus tree} and short bushes. These the vegetation
used for the production of wood, timber, gums, nuts and other purpose.15

Informants: Qes Taye Wondemu and Sheik Haisen Ahmed.

Informants: Ato Tasew Alebachew and Ato Alemu Solamon.

1515 Ibi

1.4 Significance of the study

The study Encompasses foundation historical growth climate economical religious and public service of
Tseda town into period under study hence this study by those expects to contribute to the will serve as a
spring abroad of further study by those who will be interested in the history of the of town

1.5 Scope of study

To study the whole issue of the Tseda town can be difficult because It is time and resource consuming
therefore the focus on the history of the Tseda town.

Chapter Two
2.1 A History of Tseda Town
The Town in Ethiopia is used as political, commercial, and religious center. Tseda as a small
urban center emerged due to different factors. The first reason was the area was a presence of
pasture land and adequate water as suitable area to rearing of animals which attracted pastoralist
to settle and gradually shifted to farming. Another factor for the establishment of the town was
the Italians occupation. According to the informants the Italian established a military camp in
town and after this occupation; the area began to serve as settlement area. The town was
founded in 1932 and the town was signed as capital of Gonder zuria Woreda and it has got
municipality status in 1960. The first mayor of the town was Ato Zewdu Mekonen.16
Ajibara, Burbuaks, Shihurar were the first settler who settled in the town. This minority group
became initially from around Gonder. The minority group was marginalized group in east of
Tseda town who was formally live by hunting and later shifted in to a marginalized activity like
a artisans, craft, for long period of time the inhabitants live in the area of Gonder . Since 1930s
when began agriculture and most of them engaged on cloth work like weaving. Fallowing the
settlements of the people in the current town different safer were established. The earliest
established safer in the town known as Qabine safer. This is an old settlement. It found around
kebele administrator office. The other safer is called Gebeya safer. The safer has got its name
from located around market place. The other safer called Falasha, it is a place where most of
prostitute group lived and some alcoholic beverage like Tej, Tella, sold. The area around the
former of Tseda town it is known as bête Israel. It has got its name from people came from the
The main economic activity of the dwellers of the town was agriculture the most important
cereals or crops produced in the surrounding of the town were bean, teff and sorghum. Next to
agriculture, trade was the important economic source of the people. Many local products
exchanged in the area such as, textile, soap, oil and other manufactured goods. Market from
Azezo, Gonder, Addis zemen, Wereta and come to the town produces these manufactured goods.
the transportation of goods from Tseda town to other market loan was mainly by using donkey,

Informants: Ato Dires Fered, Ato Wagaw Dese.
Informants: Ato Yenasew Abebe and Ato Hhilu Belay.

mules, horse , later on following the establishment of the dry water road that connect Gondar to
Azezo, Addis zemen, Wereta crossed the town and this passed the way for vehicle service.18

The other and notable economic engagement of the society is crafts production. Collecting to
artesian and crafts men were called Ketikach. The most important product of this occupations
group include plough oxen, sickle ,hoes and other house materials produced like knife, hammer,
and sweeter. There were other product of hand craft that are locally made and exchanged through
trade among the town community and neighboring societies. They had explained in making of
different land work product like skin and clay. These materials were beyond Economic source,
and cultural identity of the expression. Traditionally clay used to make pot, dish and there are
other material made of skin and used like vellum, drum.19
According to the oral tradition name of Tseda town was simply derived by the early settlers from
the market day of segno (Monday) when the time want on the name of these small village change
from segno to Tseda. The place was known by the production of Teff, Butter, and Milk and
suitable for agricultural development .there was also an abundant heads of oxen and
caw .According to local elders Biru Ayalew and Shaleqa Basha Baye the name of Tseda simply
given by the local people since there was the quality production of grain and other like Butter,
Teff and Milk.20
Orthodox Christianity and Islam are the two main religions which are commonly believed in
Tseda. The majorly of the Tseda town were orthodox Christianity which consists 85%and 14.5%
of Muslim and 0.5% Protestantism. Despite the diversity of believes the town are very peaceful
land give special values for unity and shared their identity as Ethiopians and a lien them salves
on religious line. Culture and Religious festivals are highly celebrated by the town society.
Amount these popular holydays the celebrated are Meskal, timket and arefa.21

Informants: Ato Biru Ayalew And Shek Abash Abaye.

Chapter Three
3.Foundation of Tseda Town
3.1. Tseda Town during the Italian Occupation (1936-1941)
Tseda town was established in 1932 before the coming of Italian occupation. During the Italian
occupation period some town in Ethiopia were expanded or established. The Italian did not
invade easily the town due to strong resistance of local people. The resistance of the people did
not stay long and after the collapse of the struggle of the people, the Italian solider controlled the
During the Italian rule in Tseda town some of infrastructure developments were began, for
example they constructed camp. According to the informant, the Italian solider in Tseda town
and the surrounding area passed through from its center to Wereta, Azezo, then to Gonder they
constructed road for the purpose of connected the camp to the center, also check the patriotic
resistance in the field of communication the Italian were set up wireless telegram, post office
allocated with in Italian zone of settlement.23
Italian was known to build camps for different purpose like for the purpose of depositing
military equipment’s and residential purpose and also there were cannons. During Italian
occupation period Tella bet, Areki bet and others expanded in Tseda town. The Italian
administration in Tseda did not last long, because of patriotic resistance movement by making
group known as Yewst Arbegnoch and there were prominent patriots in the town, namely Qagn
Azmach Belay Maru ,Abuay Yazachew and Belayhun Desta that struggle the Italian invasion.
Generally during the Italian rule there is no other infrastructural activity without construction of
road and camp in Tseda town.24

Bahru Zewude. Society, state and history of selected essay, (Addis Abeba: Addis Abeba University, press
2008), pp.222-223.
Informants: Ato Mezgebu Tamrat and Ato Fenta Abuhay.



3.2 Tseda Town during post liberation period (1941- 1974)
In 1941 the Italian were executed from the country by the support of British force and
subsequently after the return of emperor Haile Sallasie he reestablished the center a government
in to twelve administration unity that is good situation for the people of the town.25
During the post Liberian period the town leads by patriotic man Ato Belayhun Desta Tessema.
In the post liberation period town and the surrounding areas showed developments. There were a
legacy in the town and there was infrastructural development happed in town, Like construction
of Tantykura and Zewdeber bridge road construction from its center to Enfraze, Wereta, Azezo
and other neighboring towns. During this time the first modern school was opened in town and
was named as Tseda town primary school. The parent sending their children to modern school
was weak because they need to send their children to traditional church education. The people
considered modern education as the Christian education in addition to this the Muslim people of
the town turned their education in toQuran education.26
There were other infrastructural activities during the post liberation period in Tseda town
including the establishment of first Tseda town clinic in 1949, and other modern institution in the
town hotel. The hotel founded in 1960s and the owner was Wezero Ye Baherqa Zellelo hotel and
other hotel which means also established during the reign of Emperor Haile Selsssie were tella
house opened by Weyzero Ayalnesh which found in the same year in 1950. During this period
Tseda town opened other infrastructural institution like electric light, traditional associations and
other service.27

Bahiru Zewde, A history of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1991(Addis Ababa: Addis Abeba university press2002),
Informants: Ato Hailu Belay and Ato Sisay Mengstu.


3.3 Tseda Town during the Derg Period (1974-1991)
After the end of Haile Sallassie regime in 1974 the popular revolution or Derg comes to power
which attracted its top. In Ethiopia history the year from 1974 up to 1983 is called the reign of
military dictatorship. This regime come to power in 1974 mainly head by colonial Mengistu Hile
Mariyam and ruled the country for about 17 years. In 1974 the dreg took different measurement.
Among these the Haile sellasie military and civilian official were in person and killed.28
During the reign of Derg the towns lead by Ato Mulugeta Gatu. During the reign of military
dictatorship these were some social and economic development of the town. Among these the
development of modern transportation system by modern car transport service was started. In
addition, municipal office used today as the government office was also building in Derg period.
During the reign of Derg in terms of education both traditional and modern was given.
Traditional education gives in church by Diacon and in mosque by Sheik, and during the dreg
adult education was given to all illiterate through Meseret Tamiret Zemacha from 1974- 1991.
According to proclamation number 71 of 1975 brought a new events happed in Tseda town by
this proclamation number the urban dwellers was formed and equally benefited from basic
facilities of the town. In the town the government constructed a number of houses to store
agricultural products collected from the peasants. Among the association Hibratsra Mahberat
cooperative shapes service and wearers association.29
Cooperative shape service was established to distribute and to sale finished product such as soap,
sugar and other goods with low price for the society who lived in the town. During the period of
Derg was to supply and distribute cereal crops such as teff, wheat, bean and barely.30
3.4 Tseda Town since 1991
In 1991 the over throwing by of Derg Ethiopian people revolutionary democratic front becomes
hold power. At the time of EPRDF the Tseda town was changed in political and socio economic
stability, infrastructural development are increment ,some investors invested and the construction
of hotel and others. For example “Amaricawi hotel’’ was product of foreign investor which
opened around 1984 the investors are created job opportunity for dwellers and the people.
EPRDF introduced a new development that facilitate for infrastructural development in the town
Informants: Ato Yenasew Abebe and Ato Hailu Belay.



such as road construction from town to rural kebele. Like water ,education from grade 1-12 in
the town from these grade 1-8 in kebele 01and grade 9-10 kebele02 and preparatory school in
kebele 03.31

During EPRDF the government highly ready to address agricultural imputes like DAP, UREA
and others. In the town people free market without any barriers keeping the security of the
people highly , and the policy focused on the construction of infrastructure and other related
aspect of like bank service ,cooperative shape service , electric light from urban to rural , health
care service from urban to rural and others. The town administrated by three kebele, namely
kebela, 01, 02 and 03. Among the administrator were Ato Dessie Tamrat from 1985-1987,Ato
Gataye Sendeku from 1989-1990,AtoWorkuMengstu from 1990-1991 and Ato Zeleke Hailu
from 1991-now.32

Chapter Four


4. Economic Activity and Infrastructural Development of Tseda Town.

4.1 Economic Activity of Tseda Town

4.1.1 Agriculture

Agriculture is one of the primary economic activities practiced for a long period of time in
Ethiopia, It Include crop production and animal reading. It is widely practiced in the rural areas.
In Ethiopia, more than 85 percent of the population is engaged in agriculture and about 56
percent of the total land is suitable for farming.33
In addition to rural areas agriculture activities are also practiced in urban areas with considerable
degree. Agriculture is the first means of income for the urban dwellers of Tseda town. The town
is engaged in mixed agriculture which means animal rearing and crop production for their lively
hood. The land ownership system of agricultural people of the town was private ownership and
the state gave the land to the outside of the town to produced different kinds of crops. The
farmers have used traditional ox plough to farmer their land.34
In the town of Tseda agriculture is one of the dominate economic base of the people they
produce cereal and live stokes as the main type of production .By irrigation the people
produce vegetables and sale the products to the local society. Irrigation was leading the people
to halt in the living standard.35
Most of farmer in Tseda town how to use the modern agriculture practice to improve their
production they have also used selected seeds. Fertilizers for high yield of production in the
town and the surrounding area soil fertility is also maintained through or application of
different methods like crop rotation and shifting cultivation where also provides pastoral for
animal rearing. Most of the urban farmers and the surrounding area have used in organic
fertilizers such as dap and urea rather than natural fertilizers produced in that is ready traditional
way such as compost and animal dung. Making the crops produced in the Tseda town and the
surrounding areas was used for consumption for the sale purpose.36
Knife Abraham, Dynamic of economic of Economic reform (Addis Ababa, London, Stockholm
Informants: Ato Bitaw Maru and Ato Kebede Maru.
nformants: Ato Abba Haile and Ato Getachew Maru.



4.1.2 Livestock
Ethiopia is known for animal production .It is the first country in number of animals in Africa.
The Northern high land area of Ethiopia especially the Amhara reign is more suitable for
livestock’s production .It is climatic condition is suitable for animal rearing.37
In the town or Tseda the town dwellers and rural population had large number of animals It
is based on traditional rearing system and its production is low some important livestock in
the towns are cattle, Sheep’s, hen’s and goats.38
4.1.3 Irrigation Activates
The word irrigation is defines as the art of using water for irrigation land. It helps the growth of
agricultural production and preservation of eroded soil in the dry area. Irrigation is mostly
practiced in the dry seasons or during insufficient rain falls seasons. In Ethiopia, considerable
water resource is utilized to increasing food production and cash crop production ,small water
bodies, ponds, rivers, lakes and streams are used for irrigation purposes.39
Megech river is located in the northern highland area, It is originated from highland area
known Gumara in Azozo town and pass through Tseda town, It separate the town in to two that
is east and west direction, The river is used for irrigation and drinking purpose it enters to lake

The river is significant for the urban dwellers and the surrounding society. They have used the
river for different purposes such as for drinking their livestock, mud preparing for their house
building and fishing activities. Among their most dominates use of the river is for irritation
purpose. Most of urban dwellers and the surrounding people living the area are practiced this
activates. The urban society and people are able to produce cropping and vegetable in the winter
season rather than depending on rain fall agriculture. The exploration of the river for irrigation of
the river and fishing activities strongly expanded. Different kind of crops were produce like teff,

Informants: Ato Almu Melkamu and Ato Bitaw Maru. .





beans ,mazi , barley and vegetables such as carrot, cabbage,onion, potato,tomato and other
crops were produce in this activated practiced.41
4.1.4 Forestry
Before 1940’s forest covers of Ethiopia was about 40 percent. However, this amount is reduced
from year to year and reached to 3 percent or below.42
Before this time Tseda town was covered by dense forest used by both the town dwellers and
rural societies for different purpose. Forestry is important for the production of wood, timber,
and barks. The Derg government has tried to recover the forest, placed by encouraging the local
population by giving different assistance such as food, cloth, and related materials. In 1980 more
than 30 hectares were covered by Eucalyptus trees and acacia (Grare) trees. In the transitional
period it was redistricted to the rural, the town people and the farmer military member of the
Dreg so as to use as a source of income.43
The EPRDF government began to make afforestation program to recover deforestation areas. In
2003 Gondar fire project was established. This project began to make its plan to cover deforested
areas in the areas of Dabella and sarwha forest places in the sarwha forest cover a total area 40
hectares. Forest area the only consisted that acacia (grare) and long grass that hold. Its distance
from the town was one kilometer away from in the west direction.Dabella forest is found in the
north direction of the town for the distance two kilometer away. The total area of this forest 30
hectares with different numbers of natural forest are Eucalyptus acacia (Grare) and other natural

4.1.5 Commercial Activity in Tseda Town

Tsda town is a center of commercial activities for Azazo, Wereta, Belesa, Makisegnit and Addis
zemen woreda of the north Gondar zone. The factor that contributes for the existence of the
town is trading activates. Thus, the town is located on the center of Gonder to Addis zemen road.
As a result trade was the main economic activities of the town dwellers. Following this road,
Informants: Ato Alemu Melkamu and Ato Getachew Maru.
Informants: Ato Kebede Maru and Ato Haile Mengsitu.




different kinds of finished products of factories and other commodities are exchanged in the
town. Among these commodities are soap, omo fashionable cloth, shoes, stationary materials
modern medicine and food commodities are oil, sugar, salt biscuit etc. are the most common
Beside this Tseda town has good trading interaction with the surrounding kebales and with the
interaction of Azazo town Makisegnit worada. These rural societies have the supply of
agriculture products like wheat, beans, tiff, Azmude (spices) and other production. The rural
society also brought animal and animal products are butter, milk. The two principle market days
at Tseda town are Saturday and Sunday. The exchange goods with rural and urban people, the
commercial activities of the town are shown in the following way.46

Hand crafts and other economic activate Tseda town the skills and knowledge of the society
practiced beginning from the early period. In Tseda town handicrafts activities started in the
early period. It includes metal work, wood works, weaving practices and tanners based on the
division of labor between females and males.47
During the military period handicraft workers are weaving and tailors were given more attention.
So that the, handicraft works were encouraged by the government .The handicraft works not
widely practiced in the recent period because most of the urban dwellers preferred western
clothes rather than the traditional. Wood woks is the other most important handicraft activity
practiced in the town .The wood works produced various kinds of house holding materials are
Tseda town agricultural office, “Annual report “1998, p4.


Informants: Ato Yohannes Abate and Ato Zeru Gata.

windows, bed, chair ,tables, and other tools . In recent time the wood work is strongly expanded
activity and produced different modern house material.48
In addition to this metal work produce agricultural materials are plough oxen ,sickles, hoes and
house materials produced like knife , hammer, hatchets and sweaters .These activities in Tseda
town are the most important economic as well as socio- cultural development of the town.49
Petty trade is one of the economic activities practiced in the town .The people who purchased
different kinds of crops and cereals from the local markets and food like talla, enjara, taj, areki,
and bread and kollo area sold in the town at various houses. By such exchanging activities they
gate profits that enable them to lead their life.50
4.2 Infrastructural Development of Tseda Town
4.2.1 Education
In Ethiopia before the beginning of modern education church education had played a dominant
role. The teaching process was mostly related with church education. During emperor Menelik
period the first modern education school was opened in 1908. Egyptians were staffs included
mainly from orthodox Coptic Christian church. Media of instruction was the French language
and curriculum was also brought from abroad.51
Before the beginning of modern education in Tseda town, there was informal education. Aleqa,
teggne wuba taught the society under the tree shadow by his voluntary service. Then modern
education in Tseda town started in 1970. Following the establishment of modern school there
was challenges of education .There was less attitude of the society towards modern education.
But initiate the student for learning the government gave materials supports such as book,
exercise book and pencil for the students.52
According to the informants, in 1968 the society started sending of their child to school. Their
attitude towards modern education became increase time to time.53



51 Bahiru Zewde, A history of modern Ethiopia (1855- 1991), (Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University press, 2002), P.108.

Tseda town education office “Annual report on education development in Tseda town 2000”,P.3.

Informants: Ato Yehualashet Bezabih and Ato Fekadu Dessie.


Due to increment of students additional class rooms were built. The society raised an idea to
contract the class for safety their children. The construction consisted classroom for the student
and staff for the teachers, to consider the people of Tseda town by understanding the importance
of modern education, they supported to buy materials, money and labor force that helps to build
the class.54
Before 1972 small number of teachers and students began the teaching learning process of the
school. Soon after in 1972 the increment of the number of students in Tseda town leads to the
need for light. Until 1974 the school gave service from grade one up to grade four levels and in
1975 it began to give service from grade five up to grade eight. The student numbers in 1975 was
674, in 1982 was 902, in 1990 that given the service up to grade tenth the number of male
students 698 and females 680 that the total number 1378. A teacher numbers in 1975 was 15 in
1982 increasing the number of teachers to 30. From year to year the numbers of students and
teachers increase.55
According to the informants in 1990 for the first time the school gave grade 11 upto12. In 1991
the zone educational bureau closed grade 11 and 12 in Tseda town in order to give the chance for
the people of the woreda and its vicinity by giving opportunity of education. However, after
three years the school returned to Tseda town because of the opposition of the town people that
returned the school to its former place.56
Now a Tseda Town preparatory and secondary school has high library and laboratory rooms and
other facilities life sport place and computer class. The most important clubs are disability and
anti AIDS clubs.57
4.2.2 Health Services

Medical treatment in Ethiopia traces back to the region king Libne Dingil (1508-1540). During
this period the Portugal missionaries and other of member diplomats brought modern medical




Informants: Ato Yenasaw Albachew and Ato Almu Solomon.

and physicians to Ethiopia in the same way, during the period of Emperor Haile Selassie the
expansion of health care facility were no much.58
The history of modern health service in Tseda town was in the early phenomena. Until 1949, the
town society and surrounding people used traditional medicine to protect themselves from
various diseases.59
A January 4 1949, the first clinic was established in the town. It was known as Tseda clinic.
These clinics established by the support of German depress protection organization and
Ethiopian government. Before the foundation and expansion of clinics, there were endemic
disease such as influenza and material. The two disease killed many people. The Tseda town
people raised question for the government to hear to understand the area that hot for suitable
disease and the clinic became built.60
Even if, until 1990 there was shortage skilled manpower and facilities, After1990 following the
increment of population of in the town, different private clinic and large number of medical
doctors were participated to service the life of the society. At present time Tseda town health
situation is expanded in rural area and various medical treatment give vaccination for urban and
rural dwellers. There were four pharmacies privately owned, one clinic and now a day there is
construction of one hospital which is found on the east direction of the town.61
4.2.3 Electric Light

Electric power plays an important role for the development of the town. Before the beginning of
electric service in Tseda town, the society suffered from electric light. Traditional way of
creating light was used gasoline that reflects limited light and around same area the people was
lived. During the period of Emperor Haile Selassie Tseda town go to four hours electric service

I bid.
Tseda Helth office<<Report on the development on
Tseda town, 1991.
Informants: Woyero Worka Eshetu and Ato Mulu Molla.



Tseda electric office: Annual reports on the development
of electric supply in Tseda town 2000, p.4.

in 1968 by using generator. The generator was the property of private. In 1968 the service was
interrupted for a short period of time with the development of gasoline price.62
By the Tseda town municipality and Ato Tarekagne Tasaw who was computing for the house of
election. He won the election then Tseda town gate 24 hours light service in 1973.63
4.2.4 Banking Service

For the socio-economic development of any town bank played a great role. In 1905 the first bank
of Ethiopia, bank of Abyssinia was opened in Ethiopia.64
Banking services the recent phenomena in Tseda town. Before the establishment of bank in
Tseda town, the society saved money by traditional means like Iqub.65
4.2.5 Postal Service

In Ethiopia history postal service is the early phenomena. Before the beginning of modern postal
service the society used traditional way to transfer letters through person. At national level Tseda
town gate postal service in 1973. At the time the service was no postal book number for
individual because at the time the service was not expanded at woreda level. Currently, postal
service is good. It has a good connection with other postal service institution.66

4.2.6 Water Supply

Tseda town was suffered from poor water problem for a long period of time. The town gate
water from Angacha River, during the Dreg period pure water was began but not enough for the
society. In the current time the town has two water supplies station that is Angerb and Angacha
rivers through pipe line. Individuals also have their own pipe line in the gate of their house.
There is sufficient water to reach the society of the town.67
Bahru zewede, A history of modern Ethiopia /1855-1991/,(Addis Ababa university press, 2002).p.102.
Informants: Ato Mekonnen Lema and WeyZero Yenawark Mulugata.

Tseda Water supply office, “Annual report on the development of water supply in Tseda town, 1990, p.6.


Informants: Shiek Muhamed Ali and Ato Umer Said.
Informants: Ato Siyum Abebe and Ato Debebe Alemu.

4.3. Social Organization in Tseda town

4.3.1 Iqub
Iqub is an informal financial institution established by a certain group of people who are
voluntary to pay equal amount of money daily, weekly, monthly. According to the rules and
regulations of Iqub the total amount of money collected in one term will be given for one person
of the group. The following amount collected will be given to the next person of the group
receive the amount collected.68
The major objective of Iqub is to save money and avoid extravagance and to strengthen the
societies among the town people and with the surrounding areas. The people of Tseda used this
financial institution.69

4.3.2 Mahebar
Mahaber is a church based friendly association usually consisting twelve and above members.
The saint days are the accessions for members of the mahebre to be gathered and perform
objectives of the mahebars.70
The mahebar in Tseda town are st.Gebral, st, micheal and st, mary. Mahebars are very important
to save several and spiritual problems of the society of the town.71
4.3.3 Sanbate
Sanbate is another social arrangement of Tseda town .The name sanbate is usually practiced in
the day of Sunday. It is always take place on the first Sunday of month in the church. The total
members of sanbates are usually more than twelve from social and spiritual perspectives.
Sanbate spent a certain amount of crops and many to prepare local foods like brad, Enjra,kollo



Informants: Ato Zeleke Taye and Ato Habte Mengistu.

and local beer to be eaten and drunk by all members in the church members also discusses about
arbitration and mediation of conflict among the members.72
4.3,4 Religious Institution
Religions institutions of Tseda town are established in 1975. In 1975 saint Michael church was
built. Then followed Saint Gebral church becomes established. There was also two mosques
exist in the town .most of the town people are followers of orthodox Christianity 13830 and the
second is Islamic followers 11450.73


This study is conducted in the history Tseda town from its foundation up to 1991.The town is the
center of Gonder zuria woreda. It was founded in 1932 .Agriculture is the basic economic
activity of the town. The life of the population is attached to farming practice. The town dwellers
also direct contact with agricultural activity and produce many type of crops, basically the people
of the town practiced the type of crop production like teff, maize barely and other vegetables.
Trade is one of economic activity that played an important role in the life of town dwellers. The
town dweller was participating on diversified trading activates. Most of the town history during
Derg and Italian occupation period the town was characterized by instability and low economic
development. The EPRDF government crated remarkable improvement in different social
service for the society. There was a good growth level shop, hotel handicrafts are wood work,
metal work and these give use full service for the town dweller.

Informants: Ato Firew Sisay and Ato Mulugeta Mesfin.

The historical Background of Tseda town is so interesting in terms of its socio-economic
conditions and geographical settings. The town served for the development of cultural, economic
and administrative centers as well as market center. The town is advantageous in agricultural
products and trade activities.
The town also became developed economically as well as socially from time to time. The
economy of Tseda town is mostly dominated by agriculture and trade. The infrastructure and
social service of the town generally includes education, health service, transportation, water
supply, electric supply, and telecommunication service.
The people living in the town, has practices their own cultural and social activities similar to
other societies. Such as Equb, Mahaber and Senbete. Different cultural institutions also have
found and practiced among the Tseda peoples. In generally, Tseda town is one of the small parts
of country with its own historical significance for the societies within political, socio-cultural and
economic developments.

List of Informants

Number Name Sex Age Interview Remark

Date Plac
1 Ato Abba Haila M 60 6/12/1991 Tseda He is lived in the
E.C town and he is a
farmer’s knows
the important of
2 Ato Abebaw Mesfen M 50 10/12/1991 Tseda He is a wise man
E.C and he knows
about the cover
of forest in the

3 Ato Alemu Melkamu M 65 10/12/1991E. Tseda He is a farmer
C and he knows
about the
important of
4 Ato Alemu Yelema M 47 11/12/1991E. Tseda He is the worker
C of metal work
and he gives the
information of
the use of metal.
5 Ato Feraw Sisay M 70 14/12/1991 Tseda He the dweller of
E.C the town and he
know the
construction of
churches and
6 Ato Getachew Addisu M 40 14/12/1991 .E Tseda He is
.C agriculturalists
and he is a wise
man that knows
the importance
of water.
7 Ato Haile Belay M 69 21/12/1991 Tseda He is an old man
E.C and he lived the
town that he
knows about the
pleas of Tseda
8 Ato Kebede Mamo M 55 29/12/1991E. Tseda He was learnt in
C Tseda town
primary school
and he is
for the education
development in
Tseda town.
9 Ato Kebede Mamo M 47 30/12/1991E. Tseda He is dweller of
C the town and he
give about the

importance of
10 Ato Mekonnen Lema M 65 11/01/1991E. Tseda He is an old man
C and he knows
about the history
of bank in
11 Ato Muhamed Ali M 43 4/01/1991E.C Tseda He is the dweller
of the town and
he gives about
the postal service
uses and when
postal service
comes to the
12 Ato Mezegbu M 52 15/01/1991 Tseda He is a teacher
Tamerat E.C and he knows
about the
development that
is done in the
town during
13 Ato Seyoum Abebe M 45 11/12/1991E. Tseda He is lived the
C town and he
knows about the
establishment of
Iqub and its
14 Ato Sisay Mengistu M 52 8/12/1991 Tseda He was the
E.C administrator of
the town and he
gives important
about the history
of the town.
15 Ato Taddese Molla M 44 27/12/1991E. Tseda He was the
C farmer he gives

about important
of fertilizers.
16 Woyzero Worka F 45 11/06/1991 Tseda She was a nurse
Eshet E.C and he gives
about the
establishment of
Tseda clinic and
about epidemic
17 Woyzero Yenawork F 45 11/06/1991E. Tseda She was bank
Mulugeta C worker she gives
about the
information of
bank in Ethiopia.
18 Ato Yehulashet M 50 3/01/1991E.C Tseda He was the
Bezab teacher and he
knows about the
attitude of the
people in the
education who
send their
19 Ato Yenasew M 60 15/06/1991E. Tseda He is a history
Alebachew C teacher and he
about the naming
Tseda town.
20 Ato Yohannes Abata M 60 17/06/1991E. Tseda He is a hand
C crafter and he
knows the
important of
hand craft and
21 Ato Zeleke Taye M 63 18/06/1991E. Tseda He is a trader
C and he gives

about financial
institution in the


Tseda Educational Office, “Annual Report on Education Development in Tseda Town ,1990”.
Tseda Electric Office, “Annual Report on the Development of Electric Supply in
Tseda Town Municipality Office Record,1991.
Tseda Water Supply Office, “Annual Report on the Development of Water Supply in Tseda
Tseda Health Service, “Annual Reports on Health Development on Tseda Town 1991.
Tseda Small Enterprise Office.
Ye Tseda ketema Achier tarik,“A Short History of Tseda Town”.

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Bahru Zewde.1991Ahistory of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1974.(Addis Abeba: Addis Ababa
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Bahru Zewde.1991 A History of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1991. (Addis Abeba: Addis
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