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Reading: PAPER 2 READING ‘Time: 60 minutes Directions: In this section of the test, you will read FOUR different passages, each followed bby 10 questions about it. For questions 1-40, you are to choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each question. Circle the letter of the answer you have chosen. BASSAGE.- QUES igi ‘Many people enjoy sunbathing, but it is important to be aware of the risks of lying in the sun Every year in the UK, there are more than 4,000 new cases of melanoma which is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Up to 40 percent of sufferers from melanoma will die. However, ‘with the right precautions, it is possible to enjoy the sun and still stay Sunshine contains three different bands of ultraviolet radiation: UV. UVB, and UVC. Although UVC is the most dangerous, because itis a shorter wavelength radiation than UVA and UVB, itis sereened out by the Earth's ozone layer. UVA used to be thought less dangerous than UVB, but it ‘now known that both bands can cause skin cancer. It is UVB which causes sunbum. However. both UVA and UVB can age the skin prematurely Levels of UV rays ean vary. A wvo-week holiday in the Mediterranean will expose you to the same amount of sun as you would get in a year in Britain, Short periods of intense exposure to the sun fre thought to be more risky than regular daily exposure, particularly if you have fairer skin. However, even if you have darker skin tones, you will bum eventually. You can find out the daily UV rate by watching the UV index which has recently been introduced on national weather forecasts across Europe, People haven't really been using sunbeds long enough to be sure of their full effects, but studies indicate that there may well be a potential risk of skin cancer. Because sunbeds use only UVA, vou won't get sunbumt. However, this enables you to expose yourself to huge amounts of UVA, something you would not do at the beach where the prospect of getting sunburnt would limit your ‘exposure. Sunbeds will also certainly contribute to your skin ageing more quickly The ideal sunscreen to use is an SPFIS, This means a sunscreen which gives you fifteen times ‘more protection that you would have normally. An SPF1S sunscreen will absorb proportionally equal amounts of UVA and UVB, and will give you good protection if you are sensible about your ‘exposure. Sunsereens higher than SPFIS tend to lose their balanced effect: the chemicals in an ‘SPF30, for example, will not block UVA rays as effectively as UVB. The other danger with high SSPFs is that people will say in the sun longer because they think they are better protected. Higher SPFs do not give proportionately greater protection. An SPF1S gives 93 per cent protection, for example while an SPF34 gives 97 per cent protection. It is vital to apply enough sunscreen. In order to receive the protection offered by an SPF1S sunscreen, you would need to put on a 120 ml bottle every day you spent at the beach. Most people do not use nearly that amount, which will reduce the SPF considerably. Moreover, the n with a towel. You effectiveness is likely to dim perspite or wipe our s should reapply sun eream at least every hour and after swimming, even if you're using a ‘waterproof brand. 1. According to paragraph 1, what percentage of those who suffer from melanoma will die? AM B.93% C.97% D.40% 2. What isthe best heading for paragraph 2? A. How to avoid skin aging B, Likelihood of developing skin cancer C. Definition of ultraviolet radiation D. How the various types of radiation differ 3. According tothe passage, what is NOT true about UVA? A. Tthas a longer wavelength than UVC. B. It can cause premature skin ageing. C. It causes sunburn D. Itean lead to skin eancer. 4. The word “prospect” in paragraph 4 most closely means — A. benefit B likelihood C. promise D. effectiveness 5. Which ofthe following statements is true about sunbeds? A. They do not affect the skin ageing process. BB. They cause sunburn because they use only UVA. CC. They increase exposure to UVC rays when you are ata beach, D. They may be harmful because you will absorb a large amount of UVA rays. 6, What does the word ‘their in paragraph $ refer to? A. chemicals B.UVA rays . sunscreens D. high SPFs 7. Which of the following questions does paragraph 5 best address? ‘A. Sunscreens: the higher the SPF the better? B. Are risks of skin cancer greater for fairer or darker skin tones? C. Does a short break in the sun hurt? D. Is UV exposure through sunbeds harmful? 8. For an SPFIS sunsereen to have optimal effect, A. use it 15 times per day B, use a limited amount of it CC. wipe yourself with a towel every hour D. reapply it after swimming 19, According to the passage, why is it dangerous to use a high factor sunscreen above SPF1S? A. It contains more chemicals than lower factor sunsereens, B. People tend to use it excessively to protect themselves. C. Thinking they are well protected, people tend to stay longer in the sun. D. It will lose its effects due to similar amounts of UVA and UVB absorption 10. The writers trying to A. persuade the reader to avoid the sun because sunscreens do not hav B. argue that various types of sunscreen available can eliminate risks of sun exposure. you need to y effects, . advise the reader to watch national weather forecasts across Europe 10 avoid sunburn D. inform the reader that with care they ean enjoy the sun and still be safe PASSAGE 2 QUESTIONS 11-20 Alexis de Tocqueville, the French political scientist, historian, philosopher and Politician, is most famous for a four-volume book he wrote called “Democracy in America He came to America in 1831 to study the American form of democracy and what it might mean to the rest of the world. After a visit of only nine months, he wrote a remarkable book which is regarded as a classic. De Tocqueville had unusual powers of observation. He described not only the democratic system of government and how it operated, but also its effect on how Americans think, feel, and act. Many scholars believe he had a deeper understanding of traditional American beliefs and values than anyone else who has written about the United States. What is so remarkable is that many of these traits which he observed nearly 200 years go, are still visible and meaningful today. His observations are also important because the timing of his visit, the 1830s, was before America was industrialized. This was the era of the ‘mall farmer, the small businessman, and the settling of the western frontier. It was the period of history when the traditional values of the new country were newly established. In just a ‘generation, some 40 years since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, the new form of government had already produced a society of people with unigue values. He was, however, @ neutral observer and saw both the good and bad sides ofthese qualities. ‘The first part of “Democracy in America” was written in 1831-32 and published in 1835. A highly positive and optimistic aceount of American government and society, the book ‘was very well received. He attempted to get glimpse of the essence of American society, all ‘the while promoting his own philosophy: the equaling ofthe classes and the inevitable depth of aristocratic privilege. The rest of the book he labored on for four years, and in 1840 the second part was published. This was substantially more pessimistic than the first, warning of the dangers despotism and governmental centralization, and applying his directly to France. As a result, it was not received as well asthe frst part, except in England where it was acclaimed highly. 11, What isthe passage primarily about? A. Alexis de Tocqueville B. “Democracy in America” C. the progress achieved in America within about 40 years aRer adoption ofthe US. Constitution D. the impact of the book “Democracy in America” 12, All of the following fields of professional interest and activity are used to describe de Tocqueville EXCEPT A.philosopher --B author —_C. political scientist. politician 13. According to the passage, when did de Tocqueville visit America? A. 1830s B18] C.1831-32 D.1835 ideas and criticisms more 14. The phrase these traits in paragraph I refers to A. observations B. how Americans think, feel, and act . traditional American beliefs and values D. visible and meaningful observations 15. What in the passage is mentioned as being truly remarkable? ‘A. Many of his observations are still visible and meaningful today BB. The book was so detailed and thorough after only such a comparatively short visit . The second volume should be so pessimistic in comparison with the first one. D, de Tocqueville's powers of observation, 16, The word unique in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A. clearly identifiable B. outstanding C. unmatched D. positive 17. Which of the following can be inferred ftom the passage? ‘A. The English don’t like the French. BB. The book was most important because it was the first time that American values had been clearly documented, C. de Tocqueville was a slow writer. D. de Tocqueville was primarily motivated by an interest in his own country 18. The word glimpse in paragraph 2 closest in meaning to A. overview B. glance C. briefunderstanding —_D. quick conclusion. 19. According to the passage, how many volumes did “Democracy in America” consist of? B.two C. three D. four 20, Which of the following is tue, according to the passage? A. The visit lasted only five months, BB. The visit coincided with American industralization, CC. The first part was published in 1835; the second part in 1840, D. The second part was more optimistic than the first one, PASSAGE 3 - QUESTIONS 21-3 ‘There is increasing evidence that the impacts of meteorites have had important effects on Earth, particularly in the field of biological evolution, Such impacts continue to pose a natural hazard to ife on Earth. Twice in the twentieth century, large meteorite objects are known to have collided with Earth, If an impact is large enough, it can disturb the environment of the entire Earth and cause an ecological catastrophe, The best-documented such impact took place 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period of geological history. This break in Earth’s history is marked by a mass ‘extinction, when as many as half the species on the planet became extinet. While there are a dozen ‘or more mass extinctions in the geological record, the Cretaceous mass extinction has always intrigued paleontologists because it marks the end of the age of the dinosaurs. For tens of millions of years, those great creatures had flourished. Then, suddenly, they disappeared. "he body that impacted Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period was a meteorite with a mass of more th 8 trillion tons and a diameter of at least 10 kilometers. Scientists first identified this impact in 1980 from the worldwide layer of sediment deposited from the dust cloud that enveloped the planet after the impact. This sediment layer is enriched in the rare metal iridium and other clements that are relatively abundant in a meteorite but very rare in the erust of Earth. Even diluted by the terrestrial material excavated from the ot ‘identified. By 1990 geologists had located the impact site itself in the Yucatén region of Mexico. The crater, now deeply buried in sediment, was originally about 200 kilometers in diameter This impact released an enormous amount of energy, excavating a crater about twice as large as the lunar erater Tycho. The explosion lifted about 100 trillion tons of dust into the atmosphere, as can be determined by measuring the thickness ofthe sediment layer formed when this dust settled to the surface, Such a quantity of material would have blocked the sunlight completely from reaching the surface, plunging Earth into a period of cold and darkness that lasted atleast several months. The explosion is also calculated to have produced vast quantities of nitric acid and melted rock that sprayed out over much of Earth, starting widespread fires that must have consumed most terrestrial forests and grassland. Presumably, those environmental disasters could have been respo mass extinetion, including the death of the dinosaurs. Several other mass extinctions in the geological record have been tentatively identified with large impacts, but none is so dramatic as the Cretaceous event. But even without such specific documentation, itis clear that impacts ofthis size do oceur and that their results can be catastrophic. What is a catastrophe for one group of living things, however, may create opportunities for another group. Following each mass extinction, there is a sudden evolutionary burst as new species develop to fill the ecological niches opened by the event. Impacts by meteorites represent one mechanism that could cause global catastrophes and seriously influence the evolution of life all over the planet. According to some estimates, the majority of all extinctions of species may be due to such impacts. Such a perspective fundamentally changes our view of biological evolution. The standard criterion for the survival of a species is its success in competing with other species and adapting to slowly changing environments. Yet an equally important criterion is the ability of a species to survive random global ecological catastrophes due to impacts Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were unsuspected a few decades ago. In 1991 the United States Congress asked NASA to investigate the hazard posed today by large impacts on Earth, The group conducting the study concluded from a tailed analysis that impacts from meteorites can indeed be hazardous. Although there is always some risk that a large impact could occur, careful study shows that this risk is quite small. 21. The word “pose” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A. claim B, model C. assume D. present 22, In paragraph 2, why does the author include the information that dinosaurs had flourished for tens of millions of years and then suddenly disappeared” A. To support the claim that the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous isthe best- documented of the dazen or so mass extinctions in the geological record this component of meteorites is easily ‘ible for the B. To explain why as many as half of the species on Earth at the time are believed 10 hhave become extinct a the end of the Cretaceous C. To explain why paleontologists have always been intrigued by the mass extinction at the end ofthe Cretaceous D. To provide evidence that an impact can be large enough to disturb the environment of the entire planet and cause an ecological disaster 23. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the location of the ‘meteorite impact in Mexico? |A. The location of the impact site in Mexico was kept secret by geologists from 1980 10 1990, B, It was a well-known fact that the impact had occurred in the Yucatin region. C. Geologists knew that there had been an impact before they knew where it had occured, D. The Yueatin region was chosen by geologists as the most probable impact site because of ts climate. 24. According to paragraph 3, how did seiemists determine that a large meteorite had impacted Earth? A. They discovered a large crater inthe Yucatin region of Mexico. B, They found a unique layer of sediment workide. C. They were alerted by archaeologists who had been excavating inthe Yucatin region. ons. D. They located a meteorite with a mass of over a tril 25. The word consumed in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to__ A. changed B. exposed ©. destroyed D. covered 26. According to paragraph 4, all of the following statements are true ofthe impact at th of the Cretaceous period EXCEPT: ‘A. A large amount of dust blocked sunlight from Earth. B, Earth became cold and datk for several months. C. New elements were formed in Eart’s crust. D. Large quantities of nitric acid were produced. 27. The phrase tentatively identified in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to A. identified after careful study B, idemttied without certainty . occasionally identified D. easily identified 28. The word perspective in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to A. sense of values B. point of view €. caleulation D. complication 29, Paragraph 6 supports which of the following statements about the factors that are essential forthe survival ofa species? A. The most important factor for the survival of a species is its ability to compete and adapt to gradual changes in its environment B. The ability of a species to compete and adapt to a gradually changing environment is not the only ability that is essential for survival. C. Since most extinctions of species are due to major meteorite impacts, the ability 10 survive such impacts isthe most important factor forthe survival ofa species, D. The factors that are most important for the survival of a species vary significantly from one species to another 30. According to the passage, who conducted investigations about the current dangers posed by large meteorite impacts on Earth? A. Paleontologists B. Geologists . The United States Congress. NASA. PASSAGE 4 - QUESTIONS 31-40 Indian Marriages Marriage is one of the oldest human institutions and this is as rue in Indian culture as anywhere else, In India marriage, called “Kanyadana” or “donating a virgin", is thought of as the greatest sacrifice that a father can make and for the groom as an obligation to perpetuate his bloodline. Many people believe that a marriage is still binding after death. e thought to be ready for marriage after puberty and later even children nes marriage In early times girls wi could be married. Divorce and remarriage were not always possible. By Medieval ‘was compulsory for girl, who very often married between the ages of eight and nine. Among those able to afford it. polygamy was common and rulers would offen have one wife from their ‘own region and other minor wives from other areas. Now. divorce and remarriage are possible and non-Muslim Indian men ean only have one wife. Although there are many regional variations, some features of the Indian wedding ceremony are similar throughout the country, In general, weddings are very complicated events and involve Jong negotiations about dowry payments prior to the event. Afler this has been decided a day is chosen by asking an astrologer to find a lucky day. Preparations begin carly because a marriage js not only one of the highlights in a person’s life, but a large and complex social gathering to organize, The night before, the bride, her friends and female relativ ‘mehendi”, where they paint each other's hands and f music, Her guests often give the bride advice about married life and tease her about her furure husband. Weddin: nally held at the bride"s home or in a temple, ‘marriage halls are becoming increasingly popular. On the day a wedding altar or “mandapa” is built and covered in flowers. All of the wedding ceremony will be held in the altar gather together for a party called a th Henna and dance and listen to 1% ut parks. hotels and ‘The clothing a couple wear on their wedding day varies between regions and ethnic Women most commonly wear a sari. The bride wears a lot of jewelry as prosperity she will bring to her new family. In the South wearing flowers is common. The groom ‘wears traditional costume or a suit, Turban are also popular headgear, applied to the The ceremony begins with a mixture of turmeric, sandalwood paste and oils bei couple's fac symbolic, w and arms. In the past, this was done to the whole body, but now it is only h only a litte being rubbed on, Then they are showered in flowers. After this they perform the rituals that will make them man and wife Fist, they garland each other and then take seven symbolic steps together representing seven gifts and seven promises. Finally, they say the vows and then they ae legally married. The bride's father or guardian takes her hands and puts them in her husband's giving her to him. Now she is no longer a member of her father's family, but a member of her husband’s, They then touch the feet of their elders for luck. After the wedding ceremony. the couple go to the groom's house. The bride should be care enter the house with right foot fist for luck. Inthe evening and late and their guests celebrate with dancing, music and food to the night the families 31. In India weddings are Aa duty for the man to cot B. thought to end at death. C. a duty forthe father. D. seen as a benefit for the father. inue his family A.are only possible for non-Muslims. B, were sometimes not possible in the past. have always been possible. D. have only become possible in modern times. 33. The word compulsory in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ‘A. voluntary B. obligatory . traditional D. negotiable 54. The word polygamy in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ‘A. having only one wife B. having only one husband having many wives D. having many husbands Indian weddings A. are straightforward and brief, B. are thought to be lucky Care intricate and time cons D. involve only thei 36, Presumably an astrologer : A. person. B. reference book C. software D. company 37, The evening prior to the wedding, the wife-to-be is given recommendations about ‘A, maried life B. ber future husband C. wedding preparations . her duty in the new family 38. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Non-Muslim Indian men have the right to be married to more than one wife at the same time. B, The wedding ceremony is conducted in a special wedding alter. C. The cou clry on th D. Nowadays, div d reman following is important forthe bride when she first B, She has to touch the feet of the eldest person in the family for luck. She should forget her father’s famil D. She goes into the new house with her right foot first PARTI You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. © You have received a letter from your English pen friend Alex, who wrote: Tim going to give a presentation to my intercultural class about Vietnamese Lunar New Year. I think some information from @ native speaker like you would be very useful. Could you tell me | what people often do to prepare for Tet? What are some typical dishes to celebrate Tet? What are dos and don'ts during the first three days of the New Year? © Now write a letter responding to Alex. © You should write about 120 words, DO NOT write your name or address, ‘Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar. PART2 ‘You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. ["Some scientists have suggested we are facing an uncertain future | and a posible global crisis. The way many people live is seriously damaging the environment and we know that some natural resources are rapidly disappearing. Perhaps it is not too late for people to change their lifestyle and their attitudes to prevent further environmental damage.’ You need to express your own views in response to the points raised. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. © You should write an essay of at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar. oS PART I: Social Interaction (3 mins) Let’s talk about friends, 1. Do you have a lot of friends? 2. According to you, what is a best friend? 3. What are the qualities of a best fri Let’s talk about ontine shopping 1. Do you like shopping? 2. Have you ever bought anything online? 3. What are the benefits of online shopping? PART 2: Solution discussion (4 mins) Situation: Your sister has just won the first prize in an English speaking contest. You want to give her a present to congratulate on her success. Different items are suggested: a box of chocolate, a best seller novel and a bracelet. Decide which present you would prefer and explain why You are required to choose and argue for the best option, and then explain why you do not decide on the other two options. PART 3: Topic development (5 mins) Topic: Parents can help their only children get along well with others. - Socializing them early ~ Encouraging neighbourhood relationships = Involving them in group activities and team sports, - Your own ideas Suggested questions to ask after the candidate’s presentation: = Do you like being an only child in the family? Why or why not? = What are some advantages of being the only child in the fami = What are some disadvantages of being the only child in the family’? PART I: Social Interaction (3 mins) Let's talk about family 1. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 2. What is your position in the family? 3. What is the best thing about your position in the family? Let's talk about muse. 1, Do you like listening to music? 2, What kind of musie do you enjoy listening? 3. What are the benefits of listening to musie? PART 2: lution discussion (4 mins) ‘member of your English-speaking club has decided to look for a part- mprove her English. She needs your advice on which job she should take: a Westem restaurant waitress, a tourist guide, and a gift shop assistant. Decide which job you would prefer and explain why You are required to choose and argue for the best option, and then explain why you do not decide on the other two options. PART 3: Topic development (3 mins) Topic: The value we get from travel far outweighs its cost ving us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life creasing our knowledge and widening our perspective - creating memories for a lifetime = Your own ideas ‘Suggested questions ask after the candidate's presentation: = What do you look for when you go travelling to an ancient city’? - How do you plan for your travel? = What are the benefits of elling with a group of close friends? PART 1: Social Interaction (3 mins) Let's talk about eating out. 1. Do you like eating out? 2. How often do you eat out? 3. What kind of restaurants do you often go to? Why? Let’s talk about reading. 1, Do you like res ing: 2. What do you often read when you have free time? 3. Do you have a habit of reading before going to bed? PART 2; lution discussion (4 mins) Situation: Your cousin is going on a seaside holiday, but he doesn’t like sitting on the beach all day. There are different things he can do at the seaside: swimming, riding a bike on the beach, or playing beach sports (e.g. tennis, volleyball, basketball). De which activity would be most enjoyable and explain why You are required to choose and argue for the best option, and then explain why you do rnot decide on the other two options PART 3: Topic development (5 mins) Topie: Any kinds of exam should be abolished. ~ Creating pressure on students ~ A waste of time and mone; - Unfair evaluation of abil - Your own ideas Suggested questions to ask after the candidate's presentation: = How did you prepare for this exam? ~ What was your best memory of an exam? = What was your worst memory of an exam’? PART I: Social Interaction (3 mins) Let’s talk about your school 1. Do you live near your school? 2. What are the things you like about your school? 3. Does your school © any activities for students to protect the environment? Let’s talk about your hometown. Wher. your hometown? 1 2. Is ita good place for children to live’ 3. What are the things you like about your hometown? PART 2: Solution discussion (4 mins) Situation: A group of friends has prepared a picnic but they aren’t sure where to go. There are different pl -y can go for a picnic: going to the beach, going to the countryside, or going to the Zoo, Decide which place would be the best and explain why You are required to choose and argue for the best option, and then explain why you do not decide on the other two options PART 3: Topie development (5 mins) ‘Topie: We shouldn't give money to beggars. - No proof that they are really beggars - Leading to more serious laziness - Encouraging them to continue their bad habits - Your own ideas ‘Suggested questions to ask after the candidate's presentation: ~ Should we always help people who are in trouble? Why or why not? = Why do you think some people like to help others? = What do you often do to help others? PART 1: Social Interaction (3 mins) Let's talk about food. 1. Do you like cooking? Which do you prefer, fast food or home cooked food? How should we eat to have good health? Let's talk about learning English. I. How many languages can you speak? 2. Who do you practice speaking English with? How many hours do you spend learning English per day? PART 2: Solution discussion (4 mins) Situation: Your sister wants to look for a course for her 8-year-old son to take after school. Three courses are offered: swimming. karate, and volleyball. Could you help her decide which course would be the best and explain why? You are required to choose and argue for the best option, and then explain why you do not decide on the other two options. PART 3: Topic development (5 mins) ‘Topic: Job satisfaction is much more important than big salary. ~ gaining happiness in their life - following their interests heir health = Your own ideas Suggested questions to ask after the candidate's presentation: ‘What criteria do you often consider when choosing a job? = Which job do you think is the most exciting? Why? = What do you think might be the problems of a person who can’t stop working?

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