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Geotech Geol Eng


Characterization of an Iron Ore Tailing Sample

and the Evaluation of Its Representativeness
Jessé Joabe Vieira Carneiro   · Eduardo Antonio Gomes Marques ·
António Joaquim Pereira Viana da Fonseca · Roberto Lopes Ferraz ·
Ângelo Henrique Cruz Oliveira

Received: 23 June 2022 / Accepted: 10 March 2023

© The Author(s) 2023

Abstract  The massive annual tonnage of iron ore evaluate the effect of compaction on the hydraulic
tailings, plus the more demanding environmental behaviour, and evaluate field variability of iron ore
policies after the catastrophic collapses of Fundão tailings from a mine in Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil.
Dam in 2015 and Feijão Dam I in 2019, have forced Also, a database of iron ore tailings properties from
Brazilian mining companies to search for more sus- Quadrilátero Ferrífero was collected and used to eval-
tainable and safer alternatives for tailings disposal. uate the results. Specimens were compacted to 93%,
The Brazilian mining industry has been studying 95%, 97%, and 100% of Proctor’s maximum dry unit
the dry stacking of filtered tailings. Most companies weight, and the hydraulic conductivity was defined
seek the development of great dry stacks, over 200 m for several confining pressures (100, 200, 400, 800,
high, to absorb the whole tailings generation. As tail- 1600 and 1900  kPa) for each degree of compaction.
ings assume a structural role, it is vital to character- Index properties of the studied tailing were similar
ize the dry stacks and understand their behaviour. to other iron ore tailings from the Quadrilátero Fer-
This study aimed to characterize index properties, rífero, hydraulic conductivity was proportional to the
void ratio, and the field tests indicated some variabil-
ity of both material properties and degree of compac-
J. J. V. Carneiro (*) · E. A. G. Marques · R. L. Ferraz ·
tion of the stacked material. The database presented
Â. H. C. Oliveira 
Department of Civil Engineering, Universidade Federal de in this study supplies the mining industry with a ref-
Viçosa (Brazil), Peter Henry Rolfs Avenue, S/N, Campus erence point for future projects.
Universitário, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Keywords  Iron ore tailings · Compaction ·
E. A. G. Marques  Geotechnical characterization · Index properties ·
Hydraulic conductivity · Field variability
R. L. Ferraz 
e-mail: List of Symbols 
Â. H. C. Oliveira  Avg. Average value
e-mail: ca. Circa
J. J. V. Carneiro · A. J. P. Viana da Fonseca  C–H Constant-head
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculdade de Cons. Consolidation
Engenharia da Universidade Do Porto (Portugal), CPTu Piezocone penetration test
Dr. Roberto Frias Street, S/N, Campus Universitário, Cu Coefficient of uniformity
Porto, Porto, Portugal
e-mail: Cc Coefficient of curvature

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D. Dam 1 Introduction
D50 Mean grain size
DC Degree of compaction Tailings represent an environmental liability to the
e Void ratio mining industry and must be appropriately deposited
emax Maximum void ratio in a tailings storage facility (TSF). The massive ton-
emin Minimum void ratio nage of iron ore production in Brazil requires large
F–H Falling head TSFs and, after the catastrophic collapses of Fundão
F.P. Flow pump Dam in 2015 (the biggest environmental disaster in
Fut. Future storage the country) and Feijão Dam I in 2019 (which led to
F.W.P. Flexible wall permeameter hundreds of deaths), both by flow liquefaction (Mor-
G.P. Guelph permeameter genstern et  al. 2016; Robertson et  al. 2019; CIMNE
Gh. Goethite 2021), mining companies in Brazil have been search-
Gs Specific gravity ing for more sustainable and safer alternatives for tail-
Hist. Historical data ings storage based on a dry iron ore processing pro-
Hm. Hematite duction. Vale S.A., responsible for 71,69% of all iron
k Hydraulic conductivity ore commercial production in Brazil in 2021 (ANM
LL Liquid limit 2023), has invested about R$ 66 billion in the devel-
L.S. Large Strain opment of technologies and facilities for dry iron ore
M. Mine processing production in the last decade (Vale 2020).
Max. Maximum value Dry stacking of dewatered tailings is one of the tech-
Mg. Magnetite nics that have been studied and gradually imple-
Min. Minimum value mented by major mining companies in Brazil.
NP Non plastic Dry stacking is a stable way of storing tailings in
Ovr. Overflow an unsaturated and dense solid state. Even though
PI Plasticity index other dewatering technics have been studied (Fourie
PL Plastic limit et al. 2007; Fourie and Jones 2010; Lees 2016; Sahi
Pl. Plastic et  al. 2019; Zhang et  al. 2022; Shafaei et  al. 2022),
QF Quadrilátero Ferrífero tailings dewatering is usually done in a large capacity
R. Remoulded vacuum or pressure belt filters, so they are also called
R.W.P. Rigid wall pemeameter filtered tailings (Davies & Rice 2001). When tailings
S Saturation are dewatered, there is a decrease in the water con-
Sp Specific surface tent and an increase in the effective solids content that
Stdev. Standard deviation implies higher effective stresses, consequently, higher
Strd. Stored tailings internal resistance in the material (Davies et al. 2010).
TSF Tailings storage facility However, the Brazilian mining companies intend to
t50 Measured time for 50% dissipation develop great dry stacks (over 200 m high) to absorb
U. Undisturbed tailings generation, and before building enormous dry
Un. Unidentified stacks, it is vital to understand the intrinsic character-
Und. Underflow istics and the tailings behaviour under high confin-
w Water content ing stresses (Lupo and Hall 2011; Davies 2011; Hore
wfield Water content of embankment and Luppnow 2014; Crystal et al. 2018; Furnell et al.
wdev. Water content deviation 2022).
wopt Optimum water content This study aimed to 1) understand the intrinsic
γ Bulk unit weight properties of tailings that will be stored in a dry stack
γd Dry unit weight in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (Minas Gerais, Brazil),
γd,field Dry unit weight of embankment. 2) understand the material’s hydraulic behaviour in
γd,max Maximum dry unit weight different states when changing the degree of compac-
σ’v Effective vertical stress tion and confining pressures, and 3) verify the mate-
rial’s variability in the field after quality–control tests.

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Despite the singularities of each company’s mineral 2.2.1 Grain Size Distribution

beneficiation processes, similarities among tailings
from different facilities in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero Grain size analyses were conducted according to
(QF) are expected because the mines are in the same the International Standards Organization (ISO)
geological formation. Therefore, a database of the 17,892–4:2016 and ABNT NBR 7181:2016. Twenty-
tailings characteristics of iron ore mines in the QF has four analyses were performed at LMS-UFV: one with
been collected and used to analyse the tailings studied the homogenized sample, and twenty-three with the
in this research. Comparing the properties of different material resulting from the hydraulic conductivity
tailings generated in the QF helps identify patterns tests. Three analyses were performed at LabGeo-
and ranges of variation, which can be used to analyse FEUP: two with the homogenized samples and one
iron ore tailings from the same formation and with with the material resulting from the standard Proctor
similar physical characteristics. test.
The grain size analyses were performed to evalu-
ate the uniformity of the samples sent to both labo-
2 Materials and Methods ratories. Additionally, it was evaluated the evolution
or not of the grain size distribution due to the static
Disturbed samples of iron ore tailings were collected (material resulting from the hydraulic conduction
in airtight plastic bags directly from the pressure belt tests) and dynamic compaction (material resulting
filter before being deposited and compacted in the from the standard Proctor test).
TSF in a mining complex located in the QF, where
the total tailings are currently being press filtered 2.2.2 Specific Gravity
and deposited in the TSF. The experimental program
described in this chapter was developed in the Labo- Three tests were performed to define the specific
ratory of Soil Mechanics of the Federal University of gravity of the iron ore tailing samples: one test at
Viçosa (LMS-UFV) (Viçosa, Brazil) and the Geo- LMS-UFV and two at LabGeo-FEUP to verify the
technical Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering of similarity of the samples sent to both laboratories.
the University of Porto (LabGeo-FEUP) (Porto, Por- The tests followed the ABNT NBR 6458:2016 and
tugal). Additionally, a trial embankment was built by ISO 17892–3:2015 methods, respectively.
the mining company, in which field compaction qual-
ity-control tests were performed and made available 2.2.3 Atterberg Limits
for the research.
Tests to determine plasticity and liquid limits were
performed at LMS-UFV in conformity with the
2.1 Sample Preparation ABNT NBR 7180:2016 and NBR 6459:2016,
Tailing samples were dried at room temperature (~ 22
℃), loosened, sieved, homogenized, and stored in 2.2.4 Maximum and Minimum Void Ratios
airtight plastic bags. Before each test, samples were
loosened, sieved, and homogenized again to avoid At LMS-UFV, the minimum and maximum void
lumps. ratios were determined following test method A.1
of ABNT NBR 16,843:2020 and test method A of
2.2 Index Tests ABNT NBR 16,840:2020, respectively.

Index tests were performed to determine the Atterberg 2.3 Proctor Compaction Test
limits, maximum and minimum void ratios, grain size
distribution, and specific gravity of the iron ore tail- Samples tested in the compaction tests were prepared
ings. Samples were prepared according to the Brazil- according to the ABNT NBR 6457:2016 method.
ian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) Bra- Standard Proctor tests were performed in both
zilian Regulatory Standard (NBR) 6457:2016. laboratories. At the LMS-UFV it was adopted the

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equipment and procedures according to the ABNT with gradients equal to 4, 8 and 12, and no signifi-
NBR 7182:2016: small rammer with 2,5 ± 0,01  kg cant difference was observed in the results. Therefore,
and 50,0 ± 0,5  mm of diameter; small mould with the other eighteen tests were realized after saturation
an inside diameter of 100,0 ± 0,1  mm and height and consolidation with a constant hydraulic gradi-
of 127,3 ± 0,3  mm; drop height of 305 ± 2  mm; 26 ent equal to 8 until at least four values of constant
blows per layer and three layers. At LabGeo-FEUP hydraulic conductivity were obtained. The data acqui-
it was adopted the equipment and procedures accord- sition was done after every 20 s with electronic pres-
ing to the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering sure transducers.
(LNEC) E 197:1966: small rammer with 2,49 kg and Four tests (one for each degree of compaction)
50 mm of diameter; small mould with an inside diam- were conducted after the saturation stage, at 10  kPa
eter of 102 mm and height of 117 mm; drop height of of effective confining pressure, and thirty tests were
305 mm; 25 blows per layer and three layers. performed after the isotropic consolidation at differ-
ent effective confining stresses (100  kPa, 200  kPa,
2.4 Field Test 400  kPa, 800  kPa, 1600  kPa, and 1900  kPa): eight
specimens with the degree of compaction, DC = 93%;
To evaluate the quality of field compaction, the min- eight with DC = 95%; eight with DC = 97% and six
ing company determined the dry unit weight (γd) and with DC = 100%.
water content (w) of 218 samples collected in differ- At LMS-UFV it was adopted specimens circa (ca.)
ent areas of a trial embankment. Each lift of the trial 50 mm in diameter × 100 mm long. At LabGeo-FEUP
embankment was 0.5 m tick. Two samples were col- it was used sixteen specimens ca. 72  mm in diame-
lected in some of the checked points to evaluate the ter × 144  mm long, and five specimens ca. 60  cm in
compaction homogeneity of the layer: one on the top diameter × 120  mm long. The specimens were pre-
and another at the base of the compacted layer. Bulk pared through static compaction using a split mould
unit weight (γ) was determined by the Drive-Cylinder and a press. At LMS-UFV, samples were compacted
Method, following the ABNT NBR 9813:2016; water in four layers. For each layer, it was determined the
content was determined by oven drying the sample exact mass of tailings to compensate for the effect of
at 110  °C ± 5  °C following the Brazilian National over-compaction. After the compaction of each layer,
Highway Department (DNER) test method (ME) the material was scarified to avoid smooth planar
213:1994. surfaces between the compacted layers and improve
The γd and w values of each sample were com- the adherence between them. Specimens tested at
pared to the maximum dry unit weight (γd,max) and LabGeo-FEUP followed the same preparation proce-
optimum water content ­(wopt) defined after standard dures, but they were compacted into six layers.
Proctor tests performed every 1000 m­ 3 of compacted
tailings. A total of thirty-three standard Proctor
tests were performed by the mining company tech- 3 Iron Ore Tailings from the Quadrilátero
nical staff, and the results were made available for Ferrífero, Brazil
interpretation. The standard Proctor tests were per-
formed according to the ABNT NBR 7182:201 (with Based on a comprehensive literature collection of
similar equipment and procedures as presented in data, it was possible to provide an overview of the
subsection 2.3). index (physical), compaction and permeability char-
acteristics of the QF iron ore tailings.
2.5 Hydraulic Conductivity Test
3.1 Grain Size Distribution
The hydraulic conductivity tests were performed in
a flexible wall permeameter adapted from the triax- The grain size distribution of the tailings is affected
ial system following the ASM D5084:2016, Method by different factors, such as the mineral composi-
A (constant head). It used triaxial-type cells with all tion, the efficiency of the processing, and the disposal
the components. Sixteen hydraulic conductivity tests methods (Vick 1990). Robertson et al. (2019) subdi-
were performed in the different confining stresses vided the grading curves of Feijão Dam I into coarse

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(maximum fines content = 50%), fine (50% to 96% Robertson et al. (2019) and the upper boundary of the
fines), and slime (~ 100% fines) tailings. Besides grain samples tested by Silva (2010). Figure 2 presents the
size distribution, the main difference among materials contours in which the grain size distribution curves of
was the material’s response to CPTu loading. Accord- slimes (in light pink), and fine and coarse tailings (in
ing to the authors, coarse tailings presented a drained navy blue) from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero are most
behaviour during CPTu; fine tailings presented an likely to be. In white, it is also presented the average
undrained behaviour with rapid pore pressure dissipa- curve that separates the fine tailings from the coarse
tion (measured time for 50% dissipation, t­50 < 400 s), tailings.
and slimes presented an undrained behaviour with It is worth mentioning that Fundão Dam and Fei-
longer slow pore pressure dissipation ­(t50 > 1000  s). jão Dam I collapsed through flow liquefaction. As the
Oathes et  al. (2022) used the same delineation of defined contours are inside the grain size distribution
materials to model the Feijão Dam I failure. range initially presented by Robertson et  al. (2019)
A gradual change in the mechanical and hydrau- for Feijão Dam I, all the tailings of the Quadrilátero
lic behaviour of the tailings with the fines content Ferrífero located inside these contours may be sus-
increase is expected. However, the approach pre- ceptible to liquefaction. Yet based on Robertson et al.
sented by Robertson et al. (2019) allows us to search (2019), the tailings below the average curve (with
for tendencies in the tailings’ behaviour based on more than 50% of fines) are prone to have undrained
their index properties. Thus, in Table  1, the limits behaviour under saturated conditions. The grain size
determined by Robertson et  al. (2019) were adopted distribution alone is not enough to dictate if the mate-
to classify the grain size distributions collected in the rial is susceptible to liquefaction or not, but it may be
literature (Fig.  1), and the subsequent index proper- used as a preliminary reference to identify potentially
ties are given in Sects. 3.2 to 3.6 liquefiable tailings, as presented by Ishihara et  al.
From 72 grading curves, 25 were coarse tailings, (1980) for cyclic liquefaction susceptibility.
and 40 were fine tailings. Based on the high values of
the coefficient of uniformity ­(Cu) and the coefficient 3.2 Specific Gravity
of curvature ­(Cc), coarse and fine tailings would be
classified as well-graded or gap-graded soils, respec- The tailings’ specific gravity ­(Gs) depends on the spe-
tively. However, most grade curves presented in cific gravity and concentration of each constituent
Fig.  1 are reasonably vertical, followed by a tail of mineral. As iron minerals have high specific gravity,
finer particles that confers the high values of ­Cu and the higher their contents, the higher the specific grav-
­Cc. The same characteristic was identified by Li et al. ity of the tailings. Table 2 shows the high variability
(2018) for gold tailings. According to the authors, of iron mineral contents among samples. Some tail-
these materials are relatively poorly graded instead of ings are composed essentially of quartz, such as QF—
well graded. AM01 (Pires et  al. 2019), and others are composed
Therefore, nearly all coarse and fine tailings pre- mainly of iron minerals, such as Feijão D. I—Coarse
sented poorly graded curves composed mainly of Tailings (Robertson et al. 2019). The hematite, mag-
silt and fine sands. The average grain size distribu- netite, and goethite grades also vary from each sam-
tion curve of the coarse tailings indicates a silty sand ple, and the hematite concentration is usually the
material with 49.9% of fine sand and 23.3% of silt, highest. Iron content is inversely proportional to the
while the average grain size distribution curve of the efficiency of iron ore processing. Old tailings deposits
fine tailings indicates a sandy silt material with 53.9% (e.g., Feijão Dam I) tend to have higher iron content
of silt and 33.0% of fine sand. The slimes showed than tailings generated nowadays (e.g., Fernandinho
more well-graded curves composed mainly of silt mine future storage). Moreover, slime samples tend
size material (average = 72.2%) and clay size material to present higher grades of iron minerals than other
(average = 25.9%). Nonetheless, the standard devia- tailings.
tion values of all categories indicate considerable Table 3 shows that the average specific gravity of
variability of the tailings’ grading curves. all samples, coarse, fine tailings, and slimes do not
Most tailings grade curves are between the lower diverge much: 3.66  g/cm3 considering all samples,
boundary of the fine tailings samples presented by 3.63  g/cm3 for coarse tailings, 3.59  g/cm3 for fine

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Table 1  Statistic of the grain size distribution curves and percentage of grain sizes of the QF iron ore tailings
Tailing Statistics D50 (mm) CU Cc % Fines < 0.075 mm Percent ABNT—NBR 6502:1995
Clay < 0.002 mm Silt 0.002– Sand
0.06 mm
Fine 0.06– Medium Coarse Gravel > 2.0 mm
0.2 mm 0.2–0,6 mm 0.6–2.0 mm

All (72) Avg 0.069 23.0 4.6 62.2 7.8 45.0 35.8 8.6 1.7 1.0
Stdev 0.053 38.1 7.8 24.2 8.5 21.4 18.3 10.2 3.5 4.4
Max 0.290 233 31.7 100 41 85.5 72 45 16 32
Min 0.004 2.2 0.1 10 0 3 0 0 0 0
Coarse (25) Avg 0.119 24.6 4.1 35.9 3.6 23.3 49.9 17.3 4.0 1.9
Stdev 0.057 53.3 8.6 11 4.3 10.2 12.6 11.1 5.0 6.4
Max 0.290 233 30.8 50 13.5 38.5 72 45 16 32
Min 0.074 2.2 0.4 10 0 3 18.5 3 0 0
Fine (40) Avg 0.048 22.9 5.6 72.2 7.3 53.9 33.0 4.7 0.5 0.7
Stdev 0.021 29.1 7.9 14.2 6.0 15.5 13.0 5.9 1.3 2.9
Max 0.120 106 31.7 100 19.5 82 55 23 5 18
Min 0.009 2.3 0.1 50 0 23 10 0 0 0
Slime (7) Avg 0.006 17.9 1.3 99 25.9 72.2 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
Stdev 0.002 14.2 0.3 1.2 9.9 8.9 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Max 0.011 46.4 1.6 100 41 85.5 5.5 0 0 0
Min 0.004 6.7 0.7 97 10 59 0 0 0 0
D50 mean grain size, Cu coefficient of uniformity, Cc coefficient of curvature, Avg average, Stdev Standard deviation, Max maximum value, Min minimum value
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Fig. 1  Grain size distri-

bution curves of tailings
stored in several TSFs of
the Quadrilátero Ferrífero.
Note: limits upper and
lower limits of the grain
size distribution range. D.
dam. Hist. historical data.
QF Quadrilátero Ferrífero.
M. mine. Over. overflow.
Under. underflow. Fut.
future storage

tailings, and 3.97  g/cm3 for slimes. However, they indicated low plasticity, even for slimes. Based on
present significant standard deviation, and comparing the Casagrande plasticity chart, high-plastic materials
Table 2 with Table 4, it is identified that tailings with (LL > 50%) were identified only by Ferreira (2018),
higher iron content have higher specific gravity and Miranda (2018), and Robertson et al. (2019).
tailings with lower iron content have lower specific
gravity, as expected. 3.4 Maximum and Minimum Void Ratios

3.3 Atterberg Limits The maximum and minimum void ratios (limiting

void ratios) are affected by several factors, such as
Most of the analysed samples of the QF iron ore tail- the grain size distribution, fines content, mean grain
ings, presented in Table  5, were non-plastic (69%). size, particles shape, and intrinsic characteristics of
The number of plastic samples tends to increase the fine and coarse fractions (Cubrinovski and Ishi-
in the finer tailings. Evaluating the type of tailings, hara 1999, 2002; Carraro and Prezzi 2008). The lim-
94% of the coarse tailings were non-plastic, 77% of ing void ratios reflect not only the physical properties,
the fine tailings were non-plastic, and 100% of the but also the characteristics of soil behaviour, such as
slimes were plastic. However, it is noteworthy that compressibility, contractiveness, and flow potential
the average values of the plastic samples (Table  3) (Cubrinovski and Ishihara 2000, 2002). Non-plastic

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­emin and ­emax slightly lower than the fine tailings

(Table 3). The maximum void ratio is two times more
dispersed than the minimum void ratio for both fine
and coarse tailings. High values of ­emax were found
for coarse and fine tailings, even though the increase
of ­emax should be proportional to the fines content
increase. The variability of e­ max may result from the
physical properties of the tailings and the method
adopted by each author to define it.

3.5 Maximum Dry Unit Weight and Optimum Water


Most ­wopt. values of the tailings generated in the

Quadrilátero Ferrífero found in the literature and pre-
sented in Table  6 are between 10 and 17%. A small
increase in the average ­wopt. is observed with the fines
Fig. 2  Contours in which the grain size distribution of the QF content increase: 12.6% for coarse tailings, 13.4% for
iron ore tailings are most likely to be. In light pink, the slimes
fine tailings, and 16.5% for slimes (Table  3). Most
contours; in navy blue the fine and coarse tailings; and in white
the average curve, which separates fine tailings from coarse of γd,max is between 17.7 kN/m3 and 21.7 kN/m3, the
tailings average values found for coarse (γd,max = 20,0 kN/m3)
and fines (γd,max = 20,2 kN/m3) tailings do not show
significant change. The slimes show a higher average
soils tend to pass from a coarse-dominated structure value (γd,max = 22.2 kN/m3), which is consistent with
to a fines-dominated structure when increasing the the tendency of slime tailings to present higher iron
fines content. Until the transition zone, around 30% ore content (Vick 1990). Notice that the maximum
to 40% of fines content, ­emax and ­emin tend to vary at dry unit weight is directly proportional to the spe-
the same rate. However, for soils with fines content cific gravity of the material. Therefore, it is expected
above 40%, ­emax tends to increase at a faster rate than to have higher values of γd,max for the samples with
­emin, resulting in more compressible soils (Lade et al. higher ­Gs—as for Forquilha III Dam samples (Dornas
1998; Cubrinovski and Ishihara 2002; Cubrinovski 2008)—and lower values of γd,max for samples with
et al. 2010; Mijic et al. 2021). lower ­Gs—as for Germano Dam, Bay 3, coarse tail-
Different authors in the literature have determined ings samples (Ferreira 2016).
the maximum and the minimum void ratios of tailings
with fines content up to 40% to extend the use of rela- 3.6 Hydraulic Conductivity
tive density to tailings (Vick 1990). Torres-Cruz &
Santamarina (2020) expand the determination of ­emax The hydraulic conductivity (k) of tailings is hard to
and ­emin to characterize the behaviour of non-plastic generalize because it is affected by several charac-
silts. According to the authors, determining the limit- teristics, such as fines content, plasticity, confin-
ing void ratios may assist the elaboration of sampling ing stresses, void ratio, stratigraphy, material struc-
programs. However, Carraro & Prezzi (2008) alert ture, sampling, and testing procedures. According to
that ­emax and e­ min, specially e­ max, are affected by the Vick (1990), hydraulic conductivity can vary from
method adopted to determine them, and the real ­emax ­10–10  m/s in slimes to ­10–4  m/s in coarse tailings.
of natural loose deposits and tailings dams’ reservoirs Moreover, hydraulic conductivity tends to reduce up
may not be assessed by the conventional standard to five times the initial value by reducing the void
methods. ratio, while this reduction can be about ten times in
Table 4 presents the maximum and minimum void slimes.
ratios of the QF iron ore tailings found in the litera- Chapuis & Aubertin (2003) studied the applica-
ture. As expected, the coarse tailings show average bility of the Kozeny-Carman (KC) equation to mine

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Table 2  Mineral and elemental composition of the QF iron ore tailings

Tailing Hematite (%) Magnetite (%) Goethite (%) Fe (%) Reference

Morro Agudo M. (Crs.) – – – 23 Presotti (2002)

Monjolo Dump (Crs.) – – – 20.9 (16.5–26.6) Santos (2004)
Germano D. (Crs.) – – – 14.2 Pereira (2005)
Germano Pit (F.) – – – 19.9 (17.6–22.2)
Itabiruçu D. (Crs.) – – – 20.1 (19.2–21.0)
Forquilha III D. (F.) – – – 34.5 (33.7–35.2)
Forquilha II D. (Crs.) – – – 53.96
Campo Grande D. (Crs.) – – – 42.45
Córrego do Doutor D. (Crs.) – – – 21.4
Córrego do Doutor D. (F.) 23.0
Germano D. (Crs.)  < 20 –  < 5 13.1 Tolentino (2010)
Fundão D. (Un.) – – – 17.54 (10,71–32,1) Rezende (2013)
Fundão D. (Slm.) 42.9 0 30.9 – Morgenstern et al. (2016)
Fernandinho M. Fut. (Crs.) – – – 14.6 Carvalho (2017)
Fernandinho M. Fut. (F.) 26.9
Pontal D. Arm 1 (Un.) 45.3 (38.2–56.0) 0.4 (0.04–0.9) 4.4 (2.9–7.7) 34.2 (29.9–38.8) Ferreira (2018)
Pontal D. Beach (Un.) – – – 28.0 (21.4–35.3)
Serra Azul M. (Crs) – – – 30.3 Dauce et al. (2019)
QF AM01 (Crs.) 14.5 – 0.9 11.4 Pires et al. (2019)
QF AM02 (F.) 42.0 – 2.0 27.4
QF AM03 (F.) 28.9 – 12.6 25.0
QF AM04 (F.) 46.7 – 7.1 32.8
QF AM05 (Crs.) 18.2 – 4.0 12.7
QF AM06 (F.) 34.0 – 2.8 23.9
QF AM07 (F.) 39.5 – 4.6 26.8
Feijão D. I Hist. (Un.) 77.1 8.6 7.1 51.5 (38.5–66.6) Robertson et al. (2019)
Feijão D. I (Crs.) 87.3 (86.8–87.7) 7.1 (6.5–7.6) 3.2 (3–3.4) –
Feijão D. I (F.) 48.0 (43.1–54.1) 1.5 (1.3–1.9) 15.0 (10.2–20.7) –
Feijão D. I (Slm.) 47.3 (44.4–50.1) 0.4 (0.4–0.4) 33.0 (32.0–34.0) –
Fundão D. (Slm.) – – – 51.4 Lima & Abreu (2020)

Fe iron content, M mine. D dam, Slm slime, Fut future storage, QF Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Hist historical data, Crs coarse, F fine, Un

tailings. According to the authors, the KC equa- Table  7 presents average values of the hydraulic
tion may be used to predict the k-value of tailings if conductivity obtained by different authors of tailings
it accounts for the particle shape effect, as in Eq.  1. generated in facilities located in the Quadrilátero Fer-
However, the KC equation does not estimate k-values rífero. The range of variation of the hydraulic con-
of intact tailings samples due to their increased stra- ductivity is very similar to the one presented by Vick
tigraphy and high anisotropy. (1990): 1.15 × ­10−10 m/s (Morgenstern et al. 2016) to
[ ] 1.45 × ­10−4  m/s (Santos 2004). However, the lowest
k e3 k-value was obtained in an oedometer test in coarse
log = 1, 46 ⋅ 0, 5 + 2 2 + 1, 99 (1)
1m∕s Gs Sp (1 + e) tailings with e = 0.70, which does not match the
expected values for such material. This value is even
where, k is the hydraulic conductivity, e void ratio, ­Gs lower than the values obtained for slimes of the same
specific gravity, ­Sp specific surface. TSF, analysed by the same authors.

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Table 3  Statistical parameters of the QF iron ore tailing index properties: mineral and elemental compositions, specific gravity, void
ratios, maximum dry unit weight, optimum water content, and Atterberg limits
Samples Stat Hm. (%) Mg. (%) Gh. (%) Fe (%) Gs (g/cm3) emin emax wopt (%) γd,max (kN/m3) Atterberg limits
of plastic samples

All Avg 42.3 3.0 9.5 27 3.66 0.64 1.21 13.4 20.3 28.7 17.5 11.2
Stdev 20.9 3.2 11.3 12.3 0.61 0.10 0.22 3.7 2.0 12.8 5.9 8.1
Max 87.7 8.6 34.0 66.6 5.22 0.91 1.77 21.2 25.6 60.0 32.4 31.0
Min 14.5 0.0 0.9 10.7 2.38 0.45 0.87 5.3 17.4 15.0 9.3 3.0
Coarse tailings Avg 35.0 7.1 3.3 23.2 3.63 0.63 1.14 12.6 20.0 31.7 14.7 17.0
Stdev 38.2 0.6 1.4 11.4 0.73 0.10 0.20 3.5 2.2 15.7 5.1 10.7
Max 87.7 7.6 5.0 54.0 5.22 0.85 1.63 19.9 25.6 52.0 21.0 31.0
Min 14.5 6.5 0.9 11.4 2.38 0.45 0.87 5.3 17.5 21.0 11.0 10.0
Fine tailings Avg 39.9 1.5 7.4 26.7 3.59 0.67 1.31 13.4 20.2 27.6 17.6 9.9
Stdev 8.0 0.3 6.5 5.7 0.50 0.08 0.22 4.0 1.8 13.6 5.9 8.0
Max 54.1 1.9 20.7 35.2 5.14 0.91 1.77 21.2 22.8 60.0 32.4 31.0
Min 28.9 1.3 2.0 17.6 2.66 0.54 1.02 6.2 17.4 15.2 9.3 3.0
Slimes Avg 45.1 0.2 32 51.4 3.96 – – 16.5 22.2 31.4 18.0 13.4
Stdev 3.2 0.2 1.3 – 0.21 – – 0.3 0.5 12.8 7.3 7.3
Max 50.1 0.4 34 – 4.32 – – 16.7 22.6 53.0 31.0 26.0
Min 42.9 0 30.9 – 3.61 – – 16.3 21.9 15.0 11.0 4.0
Stat statistics, Hm hematite, Mg magnetite, Gh goethite, Fe iron content, Gs specific gravity, emin and emax minimum and maximum
void ratios, wopt optimum water content. γd,max maximum dry unit weight, LL liquid limit, PL plastic limit, PI plasticity index, Avg
average, Stdev Standard deviation, Max maximum value, Min minimum value

The void ratios of most samples shown in Table 7 conductivities of fine and coarse tailings measured
were between 0.60 and 0.90. For this range, taking by the same author and the same type of test, Table 7
the average values of each author and excluding the shows that, on average, fine tailings tend to have
sample analysed by Morgenstern et  al. (2016), con- hydraulic conductivity ten to one hundred times lower
sidered as an outlier, the average value of the hydrau- than coarse tailings.
lic conductivity of the tailings is 1.92 × ­10−5 m/s, with
a standard deviation of 3.36 × ­10−5  m/s. In the tests
where k was calculated to different confining stresses, 4 Results and Discussions
there was a progressive reduction of its value with the
increasing stresses and void ratio reduction. Overall, 4.1 Grain Size Distribution
coarse tailings presented a variation of one-half to
five times the initial value, following the usual reduc- As synthesized in Table 8, the grain size distributions
tion presented by Vick (1990). One exception was presented 83% to 94% of fines passing the nº 200
the sample analysed by Morgenstern et  al. (2016), sieve, from which the majority are silt size particles.
which reduced a hundred times the initial value. The The samples UFV and FEUP—Sample A (Fig.  3)
fine tailings showed a variation of three times the ini- showed high similarity. Nonetheless, FEUP—Sam-
tial value. The slimes studied by Morgenstern et  al. ple B showed some divergence on the central portion
(2016) reduced three times the initial value in the of the curve. The FEUP—Sample B, likewise the
oedometer test; in the large strain consolidation test, FEUP—Sample A—Proctor, exhibited higher content
the hydraulic conductivity at the final void ratio was of particles ranging from 0.02  mm to 0.04  mm than
sixty times lower than the initial value. The hydraulic the other samples.
conductivity is considerably affected by the test used When comparing FEUP—Sample A with FEUP—
to measure it. Furthermore, comparing the hydraulic Sample A—Proctor the fines content increases in the

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Table 4  Specific gravity, maximum and minimum void ratios of the QF iron ore tailings
Tailing Gs (g/cm3) emin emax Reference

Monjolo dump (Crs.) 3.38 (2.89–4.41) 0.65 (0.58–0.75) 0.95 (0.89–1.05) Presotti (2002)
Monjolo dump (Crs.) 3.08 (2.95–3.19) 0.57 (0.51–0.65) 0.95 (0.88–0.99) Santos (2004)
Germano pit (F.) 3.33 (3.27–3.40) 0.62 1.29 (1.26–1.33) Pereira (2005)
Itabiruçu D. (Crs.) 3.37 (3.34–3.41) 0.67 1.38 (1.37–1.39)
Forquilha III D. (F.) 3.88 (3.81–3.95) 0.61 (0.57–0.64) 1.68 (1.59–1.77)
Forquilha II D. (Crs.) 4.80 0.74 1.63
Campo grande D. (Crs.) 4.15 0.74 1.25
Córrego do doutor D. (Crs.) 3.37 0.60 1.37
Córrego do doutor D. (F.) 3.40 0.61 1.25
Forquilha III D. (Crs.) 3.96 (3.42–4.52) 0.54 (0.45–0.59) 1.11 (1.02–1.21) Dornas (2008)
Forquilha III D. (F.) 3.56 (3.27–3.99) 0,54 1.09
Pontal D. (Crs.) 3.32 0.57 (0.50–0.63) 1.04 Alves (2009)
Pontal D. (F.) 3.41 0.91 1.70
Feijão D. I (Crs.) 4.54 (3.80–5.11) 0.75 (0.57–0.80) 1.34 (1.14–1.48) Silva (2010)
Feijão D. I (F.) 4.38 (3.80–4.72) 0.74 1.30
Feijão D. I (Slm.) 4.00 – –
Fundão D. (Crs.) 2.90 (2.77–3.17) 0.55 (0.53–0.57) 1.04 Rezende (2013)
Fundão D. (F.) 3.08 (2.94–3.08) – –
Itatiaiuçu D. (F.) 3.70 (3.44–3.84) – – Silva (2014)
Germano D., B3 (Crs.) 2.91 – – Ferreira (2016)
Germano D., B3 (Slm.) 3.83 – –
Pau branco M. (Slm.) 3.90 – – Gomes et al. (2016)
Fundão D. (Crs.) 3.00 (2.38–4.34) 0.53 (0.47–0.58) 0.87 Morgenstern et al. (2016)
Fundão D. (Slm.) 3.90 (3.69–3.99) – –
SD-02 Stack (Crs.) 2.85 (2.55–3.32) – – Carvalho (2017)
SD-02 Stack (F.) 3.61 (3.31–4.10) – –
Fernandinho M. Fut. (Crs.) 3.23 (3.21–3.27) 0.64 (0.63–0.67) 1.06 (1.05–1.08)
Fernandinho M. Fut. (F.) 3.00 (2.98–3.02) 0.71 (0.69–0.72) 1.04 (1.02–1.05)
Pontal D., Arm I (Crs.) 3.43 (3.23–3.82) 0.63 (0.55–0.85) 1.13 (0.97–1.45) Ferreira (2018)
Pontal D., Arm I (F.) 3.64 (3.23–3.99) 0.65 (0.60–0.70) 1.21 (1.17–1.26)
Pontal D., Beach (Crs.) 3.40 (3.06–3.68) 0.49 (0.46–0.52) 0.97 (0.90–1.04)
Pontal D., Beach (F.) 3.30 (3.14–3.61) – –
Forquilha I D. (F.) 3.52 (2.74–4.29) 0.67 (0.63–0.70) 1.27 (1.20–1.35) Miranda (2018)
Serra Azul Mine (Crs.) 3.71 (3.54–3.84) 0.74 (0.71–0.77) 1.05 (1.01–1.09) Mohallem (2018)
Serra Azul Mine (F.) 3.56 (3.41–3.72)
Fundão D. (Slm.) 4.17 – – Lima & Abreu (2020)
Feijão D. I Hist. (Crs.) 4.60 (2.71–5.22) – – Robertson et al. (2019)
Feijão D. I Hist. (F.) 4.21 (2.66–5.14) – –
Feijão D. I (Crs.) 4.89 (4.64–4.99) – –
Feijão D. I (F.) 3.89 (3.87–3.90) – –
Feijão D. I (Slm.) 3.97 (3.61–4.32) – –
Gs specific gravity, emin and emax minimum and maximum void ratios, M mine, D dam, Crs coarse, Slm slime, Fut future storage, Hist
historical data, F fine

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Table 5  Atterberg limits of the QF iron ore tailings

Tailing Number of samples Atterberg limits plastic samples
NP PL LL PL PI Reference

Feijão D. I (Un.) 10 6 24 (18.2–33.3) 17.9 (13.8–23.5) 6.1 (4.3–9.8) Silva (2010)

Itatiaiuçu D. (F.) 3 0 – – – Silva (2014)
Germano D., B3 (Crs.) 1 0 – – – Ferreira (2016)
Germano D., B3 (Slm.) 0 1 24.1 11.2 12.9
Fundão D. (Crs.) 1 0 – – – Morgenstern et al. (2016)
Fundão D. (Slm.) 0 3 27.1 (26.0–28.4) 17.4 (16.0–19.0) 9.7 (7.0–11.1)
SD-02 stack (Crs.) 3 0 – – – Carvalho (2017)
SD-02 stack (F.) 12 2 16.7 (15.2–18.2) 10.9 (9.3–12.4) 5.9 (5.8–5.9)
Fernandinho M. Fut. (Crs.) 3 0 – – –
Fernandinho M. Fut. (F.) 3 0 – – –
Pontal D., Arm I (Crs.) 7 0 – – – Ferreira (2018)
Pontal D., Arm I (F.) 8 0 – – –
Portal D., Beach (Crs.) 5 3 31.7 (21.0–52.0) 14.7 (11.0–21.0) 17.0 (10.0–31.0)
Portal D., Beach (F.) 1 3 46.3(37.0–60.0) 22.3 (21.0–24.0) 24.0 (13.0–31.0)
Forquilha I D. (F.) 2 2 39.1 (24.5–53.7) 25.2 (17.9–32.4) 14.0 (6.6–21.3) Miranda (2018)
Serra Azul M. (Crs.) 2 0 – – – Mohallem (2018)
Serra Azul M. (F.) 0 2 20.0 (18.1–21.9) 13.6 (12.3–14.9) 6.4 (5.7–7.0)
Feijão D. I Hist. (Crs.) 15 0 – – – Robertson et al. (2019)
Feijão D. I Hist. (F.) 25 5 22.2 (18.0–30.0) 16.8 (14.0–23.0) 5.2 (4.0–7.0)
Feijão D. I (Crs.) 12 0 – – –
Feijão D. I (F.) 0 2 21.0 (19.0–22.0) 17.0 (16.0–18.0) 4.0 (3.0–4.0)
Feijão D. I (Slm.) 0 15 43.0 (15.0–53.0) 25.4 (11.0–31.0) 17.7 (4.0–26.0)
NP non plastic, Pl plastic. LL liquid limit, PL plastic limit, PI plasticity index, D dam, Un Unidentified, Crs coarse, Slm slime, M
mine, Strd Stored tailings, Fut future storage, Hist historical data, F fine

central portion of the curve, indicating some particle 4.2 Specific Gravity

breakage due to dynamic compaction. On the other
hand, UFV—Post-hydraulic conductivity test samples Specific gravity was determined on three sam-
did not show a significant difference from the UFV ples: UFV ­ (Gs = 3.218  g/cm3), FEUP—Sam-
sample, indicating that samples compacted statically ple A ­ (Gs = 3.184  g/cm3), and FEUP—Sample B
(with a press) did not significantly evolve. ­(Gs = 3.213  g/cm3). These values were consistent
Additionally, the tailings studied in this research with each other and the literature, with an average
are within the limits defined in 0 for the QF iron ore of 3.205  g/cm3. The specific gravity of the analysed
tailings (Fig. 4). The grain size curves of the studied tailings is considerably close to the average value of
material are very similar to the upper limit of the sam- QF fine tailings (­Gs = 3.59  g/cm3) presented in sub-
ples of fine tailings of Feijão Dam I tested by Robert- section 3.2 when compared to the range of variation
son et al. (2019). The values of ­Cu, and ­Cc are in the (2.66–5.14). Moreover, this value is consistent with
one standard deviation range of the QF fine tailings the samples in Table 4 with low iron content.
(Table  9) indicating that curves have similar shapes.
The high values of ­Cu and ­Cc are a consequence of 4.3 Atterberg Limits
the tail of fines shown by the curves, likewise the
other tailings from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. There- As with most iron ore tailings displayed in Table  5,
fore, the material could also be classified as relatively the plasticity and liquid limit tests indicated that the
poorly graded instead of well-graded. studied tailings are non-plastic. Following the Unified

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Table 6  Maximum dry unit weight and optimum water content of the QF iron ore tailings
Tailing wopt (%) γd,max (kN/m3) Reference

Forquilha III D. (Crs.) 11.0 (9.3–12.1) 23.13 (20.47–25.56) Dornas (2008)

Feijão D. I (Crs.) 18.2 (16.1–19.9) 22.22 (20.68–23.27) Silva (2010)
Feijão D. I (F.) 17.9 (16.1–19.7) 22.01 (21.50–22.51)
Brucutu M. flotation + magnetic C. (Crs.) 10.8 18.95 Silva et al. (2013)
Timbopeba M. flotation (Crs.) 11.3 18.75
Conceição M. flotation (Crs.) 13.8 17.75
Vargem Grande M. flotation (F.) 14.6 17.39
Pico M. Flotation (F.) 12.5 18.50
Fabrica M. underflow (F.) 13.3 17.65
Itatiaiuçu D. (F.) 12.4 (11.9–12.9) 21.83 (21.58–22.07) Silva (2014)
Germano D., B3 (Crs.) 14.1 17.50 Ferreira (2016)
Germano D., B3 (Slm.) 16.3 21.90
Fundão D. (Crs.) modified proctor* 13.1 17.84 Morgenstern et al. (2016)
Fundão D. (Slm.) 16.7 22.56
SD-02 stack (F.) 7.2 (6.2–9.2) 19.21 (17.71–20.79) Carvalho (2017)
Fernandinho M. future tailings (F.) 21.2 19.57
Pontal D. Arm I (Crs.) 11.2 (10.3–12.4) 21.18 (18.56–22.56) Ferreira (2018)
Pontal D. Arm I (F.) 10.2 (9.0–11.4) 21.91 (20.75–22.81)
Portal D. Beach (Crs.) 10.4 (5.3–14.7) 20.77 (19.91–22.17)
Portal D. Beach (F.) 12.3 22.17
Serra Azul M. (F.) 12.8 21.66 Mohallem (2018)
 Value not used to calculate the averages on Table 3. wopt optimum water content, γd,max maximum dry unit weight, D dam, C con-
centration, M mine, Crs coarse, F fine, Slm slime

Soil Classification System (USCS), explained in the fine tailings of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero ­(emin = 0.67
ASTM D2487:2017, the material is classified as silt and ­emax = 1.31), but they are into the one standard
or silt with sand, depending on the grain size distribu- deviation range of the sets.
tion curve.
4.5 Maximum Dry Unit Weight and Optimum Water
4.4 Maximum and Minimum Void Ratios Content

With an average water content of 0.66%, the sample The dry unit weight-water content curves defined
dried at room temperature presented e­ min = 0.60 and after the standard Proctor tests performed at LMS-
­emax = 1.18, and respective γd,max = 19.70 kN/m3 and UFV and LabGeo-FEUP are plotted in Fig.  4.
γd,min = 14.46 kN/m3. The maximum dry unit weight In both curves, the optimum water content was
is lower than γd,max = 20.71 kN/m3 and γd,max = 21.05 ­wopt = 11.7%, and the maximum dry unit weight pre-
kN/m3 obtained after the standard Proctor tests pre- sented a small variation (γd,max)FEUP = 20.71 kN/m3
sented in 0, but still compatible with them. The slight and (γd,max)UFV = 21.05 kN/m3. The divergence of the
variation of γd,max is partially explained by the fines values of dry unit weight found at UFV and FEUP
content increase identified after the standard Proctor may be associated with the variability of the sam-
test, indicating some particle breakage (see 0), which ples or the intensity of particle breakage in each test.
results in the rearrangement of the material. The bro- Compared to the parameters presented in Table 3, the
ken particles tend to fill the voids resulting in higher values of ­wopt. and γd,max are into the one standard
dry unit weights. The e­min and e­max are a little bit deviation range of the QF fine tailings, which means
lower than the average values found in Table 3 for the that the values are considerably close to the average

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Table 7  Average hydraulic conductivity of the QF iron ore tailings

Tailing Test type σ’v (kPa) e k (m/s) Reference

Monjolo Dump R. (Crs.) R.W.P. C-H – 0.67–0.62 4.77 × ­10−5 Santos (2004)

– 0.77–0.70 8.94 × ­10−5
– 0.86–0.81 9.45 × ­10−5
– 0.98–0.91 6.00 × ­10−5
Monjolo Dump U. (Crs.) F.P. C-H – 0.86–0.79 8.86 × ­10−5
Monjolo Dump In Situ (Crs.) Borehole C-H – 0.86–0.79 1.45 × ­10−4
G.P. 2 Height – 0.86–0.79 1.17 × ­10−4
G.P. 2 + Height – 0.86–0.79 7.16 × ­10−5
G.P. 1 Height – 0.86–0.79 8.94 × ­10−5
Forquilha III D. R. (Un.) Oedometer –  < 0.70 4.58 × ­10−7 Dornas (2008)
Pontal D. Und. R. (Crs.) F.P. C-H – 0.86–0.80 1.04 × ­10−5 Alves (2009)
Pontal D. CB3 R. (Crs.) – 0.84–0.75 1.50 × ­10−6
Pontal D. Ovr. R. (F.) – 1.10–0.80 3.35 × ­10−8
Fundão D. U. (Crs.) R.W.P.C-H – – 3.72 × ­10−6 Rezende (2013)
Oedometer 12.5–3200 0.76–0.45 2.84 × ­10−6
25–3200 1.33–0.79 2.31 × ­10−6
100–3200 0.65–0.52 3.54 × ­10−6
F.W.P. C-H 75–600 – 6.88 × ­10−6
Fundão D. R. (Crs.) Oedometer 6.3–100 0.86–0.82 1.32 × ­10−8 Morgenstern et al. (2016)
25–300 0.82–0.79 1.68 × ­10−9
50–600 0.79–0.77 4.35 × ­10−10
50–3200 0.77–0.70 1.15 × ­10−10
Fundão D. R. (Slm.) Oedometer 2–1024 1.05–0.73 2.49 × ­10−9
L.S.C 0.4–1000 2.61–0.83 2.26 × ­10−8
Fernandinho M. Fut. R. (Crs.) R.W.P. F–H 0–800 e0 = 0.80 7.45 × ­10−7 Carvalho (2017)
Oedometer 200–800 0.71–0.66 2.10 × ­10−6
Fernandinho M. Fut. R. (F.) R.W.P. F–H 0–800 e0 = 0.82 4.68 × ­10−7
Oedometer 100–400 0.78–0.75 1.55 × ­10−8
Pontal D. Beach R. (Crs.) F.W.P. C-H – 1.25 3.47 × ­10−5 Ferreira (2018)
– 0.66–0.56 5.08 × ­10−8
Pontal D. Beach R. (F.) F.W.P. C-H – 1.53–1.39 5.36 × ­10−5
– 0.60 7.85 × ­10−8
Forquilha I D. R. (Crs.) F.W.P. F–H – 0.84–0.65 1.82 × ­10−6 Miranda (2018)
Forquilha I D. U. (F.) – 1.01–0.88 6.55 × ­10−9
Serra Azul M. R. (Crs.) F.W.P. F–H – 0.87–0.84 1.25 × ­10−6 Mohallem (2018)
Serra Azul M. R. (F.) – 0.81 4.20 × ­10−8
Feijão D. I Berm Fill (Crs.) G.P. 1 Height – 0.86–0.70 3.55 × ­10−5 Robertson et al. (2019)
Feijão D. I (F.) – 1.33–0.95 6.95 × ­10−6
Feijão D. I (Slm.) – 1.62–1.15 1.08 × ­10−6

σ’v effective vertical stress, e void ratio, k hydraulic conductivity, R remolded, R.W.P rigid wall permeameter, C-H constant head,
U. undisturbed, F.P. flow pump, G.P Guelph permeameter, D dam, Ovr Overflow, Und underflow, F.W.P. flexible wall permeameter,
Crs coarse, Un Unidentified, F fine, Slm slime, L.S.C. large strain consolidation, M mine, Fut future storage, F–H falling head

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Table 8  Main characteristics of the grain size distribution curves

Sample D50 (mm) CU Cc Percent fines < 0.075 mm

FEUP—A 0.044 48.6 8.2 85.2

FEUP—A—Proctor 0.020 24.2 7.0 84.7
FEUP—B 0.026 15.4 7.2 83.0
UFV 0.037 28.8 5.6 89.6
UFV—Post-H.C. test 0.035 (0.034–.037) 34.9 (27.4–45.5) 6.1 (4.9–8.5) 91.7 (87.7–94.0)

D50 mean grain size, Cu coefficient of uniformity, Cc coefficient of curvature, Post-H.C post hydraulic conductivity test

Fig. 4  Field tests results (γd and w) plotted with dry unit

Fig. 3  Grain size distribution curves of the studied sample
weight–water content and saturation curves of the studied sam-
ple. The saturation curves were defined after the average spe-
cific gravity, ­Gs = 3.205 kg/m3
values obtained in the literature (­wopt = 13.4% and
γd,max = 20.2 kN/m3).
According to Crystal et  al. (2018), materials with 4.6 Field Tests
S higher than 85% are likely to behave as saturated
in a dry stack. However, with degrees of compac- The standard Proctor tests performed in the field
tion higher than 90% of standard Proctor, no samples exhibited average ­wopt and γd,max similar to those
(FEUP and UFV) presented degrees of saturation (S) found in this research (Table  9). The one stand-
above this reference. Even though the material does ard deviation range indicated a high concentra-
not reach S = 85%, it is close to reaching saturation, tion of values between γd,max = 20.33 kN/m3 and
and water infiltration must be prevented at all costs γd,max = 22.13 kN/m3, and w ­ opt between 11% and
when compacting wet of optimum. Additionally, 12.6%. However, the maximum and minimum val-
when stacking the tailings, if the deposited tailings ues diverge significantly from the average. Two
are compressible, as they are gradually loaded, the samples have even shown pairs of values ­ (wopt,
material will tend to consolidate, extruding the air γd,max) above the zero air voids curve (S = 100%),
existing in the internal voids, reducing the void ratio, just as the other 42 pairs of values determined
and increasing saturation (Lupo and Hall 2011). in the field tests (Fig.  4). These results suggest

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Table 9  Statistics of standard Proctor and field tests performed by the mining company
Statistics γd,max (kN/m3) wopt (%) γd,field (kN/m3) wfield (%) DC (%) wdev. (%)

Avg 21.2 11.8 21.0 13.3 99.4 1.50

Stdev 0.90 0.80 1.09 1.90 4.30 1.90
Max 22.9 14.0 23.5 21.4 115 10.2
Min 18.6 10.3 17.8 9.40 87.3  − 2.90
γd,max maximum dry unit weight, wopt optimum water content. γd,field dry unit weight of embankment. wfield water content of embank-
ment. DC degree of compaction, wdev. water content deviation, Avg average, Stdev Standard deviation, Max maximum value, Min
minimum value

considerable variability in the characteristics of the The variability of the tailings requires not only the
tailings in some portions of the trial embankment. constant characterization of the material but also the
Taking the FEUP and UFV curves as references, adjustment of the specifications for stacking it. This
the average water content of the field samples in dynamic may not be easily implemented in large-
Table 9, ­wfield = 13.3%, is equivalent to DC between scale production, so the impact of the tailings’ varia-
95 and 97%. The average dry unit weight of the bility in the dry stack behaviour should be minimized.
field samples, γd,field = 21.0 kN/m3 is equivalent to Stabilization of mining tailings with different binding
DC = 98.9%, adopting the average γd,max = 21.2 kN/ agents has been studied (Barati et  al. 2020; Bruschi
m3 as reference. Moreover, 82% of the field samples et al. 2021; Pereira dos Santos et al. 2022; Servi et al.
indicate compaction wet of optimum. Of the 218 2022) and should become an attractive alternative to
field tests, 78 show a degree of compaction higher overcome the impact of tailings variability in large
than 100% of standard Proctor and, from these 78 scale dry stacks.
tests, 64 show water content above the optimum.
There is no significant divergence of the values of 4.7 Hydraulic Conductivity
γd and w when comparing the sampling position—
top or bottom of the layer—in Fig.  4. It suggests The void ratios of the specimens varied from 0.64
that the same degree of compaction was achieved at to 0.47 under different degrees of compaction and
the top and the bottom of the layers indicating that confining stresses. Figure  5 shows that permeability
the compaction energy was adequate. decreases with the reduction of the void ratio. The
The samples on the top of the chart (Fig. 4) have specimens compacted with higher void ratios—lower
pairs of dry unit weight and water content higher
than the maximum dry unit weight and optimum
water content of the standard Proctors of reference.
A homogeneous material could never achieve a state
of DC > 100% compacted wet of optimum, even if
compacted with higher energy. These results firmly
indicate variability of the material in the field, and
a unique sample is not enough to define the behav-
iour of the dry stack. The macro-scale behaviour
of the tailings is strongly dependent on the micro-
scale interparticle contact, which is affected by the
morphology (shape, size and surface roughness and
fabric) and elastic characteristics of the tailings’
particles (Sandeep and Senetakis 2019; Nardelli and
Coop 2019; Ren et  al. 2021). Therefore, the varia-
bility of the tailings composition directly affects the
mechanical behaviour of a dry stack.
Fig. 5  Hydraulic conductivity against void ratio

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degrees of compaction—showed higher hydrau- the dynamically compacted specimen showed a fines
lic conductivities, except those tested at 10  kPa of content increase in the central portion of the curve. It
confining stress, which presented almost the same indicates the evolution of the grain size distribution
permeability. due to dynamic compaction, but not static. The stand-
The KC equation curve in Fig.  5 was determined ard Proctor tests done for quality control of the trial
adopting the average specific gravity (­Gs = 3.205  g/ embankment showed that the field samples converged
m3) and the specific surface (­Sp = 402.44 ­m2/kg) to average values of optimum water content and max-
determined from the average grain size distribu- imum dry unit weight close to those found at labora-
tion curve of the UFV—Post-hydraulic conductivity tory tests. However, some samples showed consider-
test samples displayed in 0 following the method of able variation. Variability of both material properties
Chapuis & Légaré (1992). The trend defined by the and degree of compaction was identified in the trial
KC equation (Eq. 1) is not adherent to the results of embankment. Therefore, mapping the tailings’ varia-
the tests. The measured hydraulic conductivities and tions is essential to stack the material in an adequate
reduction rate are higher than those determined by the initial state. The main variations of the material must
KC equation. It indicates that the studied tailings, in be characterized, and the proper degree of compac-
the studied range of void ratios, are more sensitive to tion and optimum water content must be specified for
void ratio reduction than the materials used to formu- each of them. The higher the degree of compaction,
late the KC equation. the lower the hydraulic conductivity. The hydraulic
Comparing the highest (4.10 × ­10−7  m/s) and the conductivity determined after the constant head tests
lowest (6.23 × ­10−8  m/s) values, the factor of reduc- were proportional to the void ratio of each specimen.
tion of the hydraulic conductivity with decreasing For the studied range of void ratios, k varied from
void ratio is about 6.6 times. This rate is higher than 6.23 × ­10−8  m/s to 4.10 × ­10−7  m/s, a reduction fac-
the maximum expected reduction factor stated by tor of approximately 6,6 times. The k measured was
Vick (1990) for coarse tailings (5 times) and lower higher than that predicted by the KC equation, and
than the maximum reduction factor for slimes (10 the material showed to be more sensitive to the void
times). Thus, the value is consistent with the material, ratio variation for the studied range.
since it is classified as fine tailing composed predomi- The data presented in section  3 is a literature
nantly of silt size particles. review of results found by different authors for dif-
After constant-head tests in flexible wall permeam- ferent iron ore tailings of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero.
eter, Ferreira (2018) found k = 7.85 × ­10−8 for a sam- The data survey had the objective of compilating
ple of non-plastic fine tailings with e = 0.60 (Table 7). the physical properties and trying to identify trends.
Compared to the studied tailings, the hydraulic con- The properties showed variability, but samples with
ductivity is 2.3 times lower than the value defined similar index properties were also identified. Some
by the lower boundary in Fig. 5 (k = 1.83 × ­10−7) and properties, such as maximum and minimum void
5.8 times lower than the value defined by the average ratios and hydraulic conductivity, are more sensi-
trend line (k = 4.58 × ­10−7) for the same void ratio. tive to the methodology adopted for their measure-
The value determined by Ferreira (2018) is 3.4 times ment and showed higher variability. All properties
higher than the value predicted by the KC equation presented must be carefully analysed together, and
(k = 2.31 × ­10−8), so it is closer to the lower boundary variability must be accounted for when using them as
defined in Fig. 5. references. For a 200 m high dry stack with an aver-
age bulk unit weight of 23,5 kN/m3 (based on w ­ opt.
and γd,max defined in subsection  4.5), the confining
5 Conclusions stresses in the base of the stack exceed the maximum
confining stress of 1.900 kPa adopted in the hydraulic
The studied tailings exhibited characteristics consist- conductivity tests. Higher confining stresses could not
ent with some other iron ore tailings of the Quadri- have been adopted due to the stress limitation of the
látero Ferrífero. The grain size distribution curves of equipment. As further research, it is proposed to eval-
the samples compacted statically did not show signifi- uate the void ratio and hydraulic conductivity reduc-
cant divergence from the initial sample. Nonetheless, tion with higher confining stresses. Additionally, it

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