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EA 290 Translation

(o 001)
[Sp]eak [to] the king, my lord, a message from [IR₃-
He]bat, your servant. I fall at the two feet of [the ki]ng, my lord, seven times and se
ven times.
(o 005)
[Lo]ok, (here is) the deed (Akk. gloss: that which they did to me): Milki-
ʾili and Šuwardata assembled troops from Gezer, troops from Gath, and troops from
Qiltu against the land of the king, my lord. They captured the land of Rubbutu. The
king's land deserted to the habiru men. And now, moreover, a town of the land of J
erusalem – Bit-
ʿAnat (Akk. gloss: its name), a city of the king – has deserted (to) where the men of
Qiltu are.

The king should listen to IR₃-

(r 019)

Hebat, your servant, and dispatch the regular troops and return the king's land to the
king. If there is not a regular army, the king's land will desert to the habiru men. Th
is deed was on accou[nt] of a command of Milki-
ʾi[li and on] account of a command of [Šuward]ata [...] Ga[th]. So the king should c
are for his land!

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