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Good Day Everyone. Let me share my screen so we can start our weekly KPI meeting.

For our quality performance overview. We are still waiting for the final AR for May.

For our delivery performance overview (on-time delivery). The score is partial because we must
still include May 29 to 31. These scores are subject to change.

For Tier 1- 89.94% above the threshold.

For Tier 2- 68.98% below the threshold,
For Tier 3- 100% achieved
Proof Prep- 100% achieved
Proofing-100% achieved
Proof Central - 97.62% above the threshold.

For Tier 2, we hope the score will increase to meet the 70% threshold. (need ay maka 80%)

Do you have any questions regarding the performance overview? If none, let's move forward to
our weekly quality performance acceptance rating for May.

For Tier 1- The current Monthly AR is 99.24 Highest Possible Ar is 99.25%,, with 1 unacceptable
files and 2 awaiting feedback.
For Tier 2- The current Monthly AR is 91.23 %, Highest Possible Ar is 94.79%, with
5unacceptable files, and 39 awaiting feedback.
For Tier 2 CED- The current Monthly AR is 91.23%, the Highest Possible Ar is 94.79% %, with 5
unacceptable files, and 39 awaiting files.
For Tier 3- The current Monthly AR is 100%, the Highest Possible Ar is 100%,

Do you have any questions about the information I shared? If none, let's move on to our delivery
performance for week 4.

Week 4 for article overall - We have 14 delayed articles.

For Article Tier 1- week 4, 81.25% was achieved, and performance decreased by 8% vs. Week
3 by 89%. The trend is declining from week 1 to week 4. It has six delayed article, 5 of them is
due to capacity issue, and one is due to many errors from prek/mml conversion.

For Article Tier 2- week 4, 71.43% achieved, performance dropped by 4% vs. week three,
which is 75%. It has eight delayed articles. This delay is due to Late forwarded by CED and

Tier 3- week 4- 100% achieved,

Proop Prep- week 4 100% achieved
Proofing- week 4 100% achieved
Proof Central- week 4- 96.15% performance improved by 1 % compared to week 3 of 95%.
Two articles were delayed from proof central Tier 2 and the reason for this is capacity issues
and the incorrect status of the articles.

For ex-delayed articles- none were obtained for week 4.

For average TAT-
Tier 1- is 20.39
Tier 2- 47.93
For 3- 12.49
Proof Prep- 14.90
Proof Central- 37.29

Let's move on to our delayed and ex-delayed database.

Thank you, Herson, for updating.

For Delayed Article

From January to May - we have a total of 149 delayed articles.
For May- we have a total of 41 delayed articles.
For Week 4- we have 14 delayed articles.

So the overall root cause is late forwarded by CED and capacity issues due to manpower
attrition and ongoing recruitment.

For May.
16 delayed articles due to the Capacity issue
14 delated articles dueLate forwarded by CED
Eight delayed articles due late forwarded by Prod
1 delayed article due took time in pre-editing
1 delayed article due to Accops downtime
1-delayed article due to many errors in prek/ml conversion.

For Proof Central Delayed

From January to May- We have 23 articles
For May- We have five delayed
For week 4- We have two delays.

The root cause of this is still a capacity issue.

The corrective action to decrease the number of delays both articles and proof central is hiring
additional manpower.
As of last week, We have three onboarding manpower in June and still have one ongoing hiring.
Any updates regarding this?

Do you have any questions about our delivery performance? If none, let's move on to the CE
weekly stats.
The CED AR is 91.23%. Five copy editors got 100%: Xannie, Troy, Tita Z, Pia, and Joy.
Followed by JM and Jeriss, who both got 85.71%, Bryan got the second lowest score of 80%,
and the lowest performer is CJ, who had 75%. There are still 39 awaiting files, so we have yet
to conclude who will get the lowest score. But we need to take a look at CJ's performance.
Do you have any clarification if none lets forward.

For our additional information.

For May.
For query stats.
We have 213 processed articles
79 of them are queried articles
and the percentage of queried articles is 37.09%.

For repairs. We have four articles.

For our real-time stats

Tier 1 OTD is 90.49%, decreased by 0.35% performance compared to week 4
Tier 2 OTD is 77.02%, reduced by 0.47% performance compared to week 4
Tier 3 OTD is 100% the same as week 4.

For our RCA CAPA, Thank you, Joy, for updating. We are in the 3rd week of February po.
Please continue to update this.

That's all from my end. Do you still have points to discuss? If none, that concludes our weekly
KPI meeting. Thank you for joining, and have a great day.

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