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Assalamualaikum wr wb . my name is bagas prama Ananta , I am from upbjj malang .

I will answer
the speaking exam questions.

1. Tell us your opinions on the hypothetical situation where, you are required to accompany a
foreign tourist to visit your city. Discuss what places you will invite the visitor to go to and
explain the reasons why you choose those places
 In my opinion, I will invite these tourists to visit Balekambang beach because the
scenery is very beautiful, there is also a temple on a coral island called Pura Amertha

2. Tell us your opinion on the hypothetical situation where you win a competition of $1000 and
you have to decide what to do with the money. Discuss what you would do and why.
 My opinion is that if I earn $1000, I will use the money to open a small business because
if I open a small business the money will not run out quickly and I can get benefit from
the small business

3. What is your favourite food for breakfast? Choose one and explain why you like that kind of
food. Discuss the benefits of consuming such food in terms of the nutrition and its impact on
your health.
 My favorite food for breakfast is pecel, pecel is very good for health because there are
lots of vegetables in the pecel, I like to eat pecel with tempeh, tempeh is also good for
health because it contains a lot of protein and can maintain ideal body weight.

4. Some people prefer to enjoy their weekend at home, while others like going out such as hanging
out in a malls, eating out in a café, watching movies or any other activity. Tell us about what you
usually do on the weekend and why you like doing that activity.
 On weekends I sometimes like to go for a walk on the car free day, there are lots of
people selling all kinds of culinary and also lots of visitors who come from various

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