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The Essential

Digital Marketing
Blueprint For MSPs
The Essential Digital
Marketing Checklist For MSPs
This document outlines, at a high level, how to go about implementing a productive digital marketing
plan for your MSP. Please keep in mind that this is a high-level checklist and the videos on the
Dashboard that correspond to this document will get into more detail about what you need to do.

Tools And Systems:

Below is a list of what you need to have in place to have a good, basic digital marketing presence for your
MSP. Depending on the type of digital marketing you want to implement, there may be other tools,
systems and assets you need, but these are the minimum recommended:

A functioning website designed for SEO and conversion.

At least one really good lead generation magnet (free report, eBook, video, etc.) and offer.
An easy way for a prospect to directly book an appointment from your website.
A marketing automation platform (MAP) to capture inbound leads via webforms.
A good process for handling inbound phone calls (leads).
A drip marketing sequence, both online and offline.
Call tracking and analytics software for your website.

You will also need a team of people to help create, post and manage content, as well as close the leads.
Depending on what you’re doing (YouTube videos vs. simple organic posts), the team needed will change.
A good marketing manager or coordinator can get a lot of this done, but things such as ongoing SEO,
graphic design, web development, video editing, sales, etc., will require a specialist. Here are some of the
people you will need to have:

A salesperson who can answer the phone LIVE and JUMP on leads coming in ASAP.
A web designer/developer.
An SEO specialist.
A marketing automation specialist who knows how to set up a proper marketing funnel.
A graphic designer who can design lead generation magnets and social posts.
A copywriter to create ads and content.
Someone to proofread content.
A social media specialist to post content and manage the sites, ads and performance.
You may also need a video editor, a PPC specialist and a marketing manager, depending on what
types of ads, content and posts you are planning to do.

Proper Expectations:
Before you start digital marketing, you must understand that not all leads will come in like a referral, ready
to buy and looking for someone to manage their IT. MOST leads will come in looking for a project
(break-fix). We recommend qualifying the COMPANY, not the OPPORTUNITY, and meeting with the
prospects you’d like to have as a client as a means for starting the relationship (getting in the door) and
then working toward expanding what you do for them. Further, some of the leads will also NOT be ready
to meet with you right now or even talk to you because they’re just starting the “buyer’s journey” of
investigating what you offer. That’s okay – but that’s also why you must have an online and offline drip
marketing system in place (like the Prospect Hopper).

© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 1

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Phase 1
Implement A Good, Basic SEO Plan
Clarify your target market in demographics and geography.
Determine a set of keywords you want to be found for.
Hire a good SEO company to create an optimization plan and to work with your web designer
to optimize your website.
NOTE: A good SEO plan is very situation-dependent and is not something we recommend you try
to do on your own due to the ever-changing nature of SEO and ongoing work required (unless you
are a big enough company to have your own internal SEO person).

Set Up And Complete Your Company Profile On Key

Business Directories
Setting these up properly (and managing them) are essential to a successful SEO plan. Make sure you
complete ALL information as fully as possible, including a “Book An Appointment” link and other
calls to action (CTAs) where possible.
Google Business Profile (most important)
Apple Business Connect
Bing Places

Set Up Tracking And Analytics On Your Website

Set up Google Analytics 4 and add custom events and conversions to track conversions (leads) on
your site as well as traffic sources.
Set up Call Tracking on your website to track inbound leads who call vs. using a webform. This
will also allow you to listen to calls for quality and to tag and organize them by campaign.

TIP: Connect your web forms to your call tracking service for a single source to monitor all
inbound leads.

© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 2

Set up Prospect Detective to uncover prospects visiting your website
and start building an outbound call list for your sales team.
Secure your tags/pixels from these social media sites for building
custom audiences and retargeting campaigns.
• Facebook pixel
• LinkedIn insight tag
• Call Tracking code
• Microsoft UET tag
• Google Analytics 4
• Google Ads tag
TIP: Use Google Tag Manager to add the above pixels, tags and code to it,
then add THAT to your website instead of adding each one individually.

Design Your Website For Maximum Conversion

Make sure you concisely convey what you do and who you do it for on
the top third of your website. Be clear, NOT clever (or vague). Have a
well-written, powerful headline and subheadline that conveys the
problems you solve for your ideal prospect.
If you want local business, then use a LOCAL phone number
prominently on the home page that is FIXED and linked so visitors can
click to call. If you’re national, it’s okay to have a toll-free number. If
you have more than one location, list a local number for each.
Make sure your lead generation magnet, or CTA, is clear and above the
fold; also, put CTAs on all the pages of your site to improve conversion
to increase form fills for list building.
Add new testimonials and case studies every month to your site using
relevant keywords.
Make sure your “About Us” page features who you are, who your ideal
client is and other credibility-building information about you. Visitors
should also get a sense of your culture and values. Use multimedia
(written, audio and video) whenever possible.
Make sure your “Contact Us” page is on the main menu bar.
Have a “Book A Consultation” CTA on the home page, Contact Us
page and throughout the site in appropriate places so a prospect can
book a call directly from your site.
Make sure ALL of your webforms work and feed contacts into your
CRM/MAP automatically.
Have a properly trained person answering your phones live who
knows how to handle prospects correctly.
Have an exit pop-up with a strong CTA.
Set up live chat ONLY if you can respond to it immediately. No response
to a website chat is akin to an inbound phone call that you let go to voice mail.

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Web Design Flaws To Fix:
Do not use light-colored, hard-to-read, small fonts. Sans serif
fonts are best online.
Do not put graphics behind text, especially headlines.
Do not use reverse copy (white or light text on a dark
background) for large areas of copy or in your headlines; it’s
okay for small areas like navigation buttons and accent boxes.
Do not use sliders or background videos.
Make sure all your links actually work.
Test all forms to ensure they work, are being tracked in your
analytics AND notify you when a lead is generated.
Make sure all content is delivered instantly; if you make a
prospect go to their inbox to retrieve the link, you’ll lose the
momentum (and their interest).
Don’t use difficult CAPTCHA or similar programs because
they suppress response; instead, have your web provider
install a “honey pot” or hidden checkbox that can be seen
only by spambots to filter spammers.

Set Up And Optimize Your LinkedIn Account

Set up your Company profile.
Set up the CEO’s profile.
Have key employees link to the Company page (salespeople, leadership team).
Make sure that client-facing employees (such as the sales team) have strong profiles.
Create a branded banner for you and your employee’s pages.
Send connection requests to all clients and prospects from the CEO.
Monitor your account daily for messages and comments.
Post at least 3 to 4 times a week under your Company profile and share that post to your CEO profile.

Sign up for Sales Navigator for prospecting purposes.
Post a new article once a week.
Set up a relevant group and invite clients and prospects;
only do this if you are disciplined, posting content and
managing the group weekly.

“We’ve Been Able To Bring In At Least An Additional

$2,000,000 In Total Contract Value!”
More qualified leads than any other marketing we’ve done! We love TMT and Robin as much as any
other MSP with any sense, but man, am I impressed with the Digital Marketing team! We’ve used
TMT’s digital marketing for years and have never been disappointed. Everything the digital team
does for us is backed by their research and experience with so many other MSPs. The fine tuning
they do to our Microsoft and Google ads really pays off. Since we started with TMT’s digital
Adam Crossley marketing, we’ve been able to bring in at least an additional $2,000,000 in total contract value
CEO, Faitroaks IT which we can contribute solely to their efforts. Keep up the great work, guys!

© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 4

Set Up Your Facebook Accounts
Set up the CEO’s profile.
Set up your Company page.
Send requests to clients to like your Company page.
Create posts of relevant content at least 3 times a week on
the Company page and share them on your CEO profile.
Monitor your account daily for private messages, comments, leads, etc.

Add events when you have them.
Add an offer to your Company page, such as a “Book
A Consultation” link or free information. Pin your offer
to the top of your page feed.

Set Up Other Social Media Accounts


Post Weekly To Your Website And All Key Social Media Pages
Make sure you are checking, updating and posting to ALL business directory profiles (see previous
list, but most important Google Business Profile) at least once a week.
Respond to ALL reviews, good and bad, as soon as possible.
Post micro-content, offers, announcements, testimonials, news and pictures to ALL social channels
at least 3 to 4 times a week. Where applicable, make sure you tag others (e.g., tag the client whose
testimonial you post) to encourage them to comment and share.
Post a new blog article to your website at least 2 times a month. Once it’s posted, e-mail your list
promoting the article, as well as posting about the article on all social media channels to drive
people to read it.
Be sure to monitor all pages for comments and leads so you can respond immediately.

© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 5

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Phase 2
Perform Ongoing SEO
Here’s What Your SEO Company Should Do For You At A Minimum:
Create a custom SEO plan to be found for your chosen keywords and work with your web
designer to implement it.
At least once a quarter, create long-form, high-quality pillar content articles that are optimized for
SEO and promote them through your social media channels to drive traffic.
Conduct monthly technical audits to identify and fix any underlying technical issues that may
hinder your website’s performance and search engine visibility. This includes addressing factors
like site speed, mobile-friendliness, crawlability and URL structure.
Set up Moz or Semrush for ongoing monitoring of your SEO rankings and provide a monthly
report on results and activity, along with recommendations.
Additional Ongoing Activities To Improve SEO That Your SEO Specialist Might Not Do:
Create a plan for constantly getting more reviews on Google.
Post to your online directories once a week.
Post to your blog at least twice a month (ideally once a week) with keywords.

Set Up And Run Retargeting Campaigns

Secure an AdRoll account to manage the ads and take advantage of their vast native buying network.
• Advanced: Subscribe to their Pro services to be able to connect your other ad sources
(Google, Facebook, etc.).
Define your retargeting goals: determine what actions you want prospects to take after they visit
your website. Examples:
• Opt in for a free report, guide or other piece of pillar content.
• Schedule a Cyber Security Assessment.
• Schedule a discovery call.
• Register for a webinar, live or on-demand.
Develop a conversion-focused landing page for each offer you intend to drive traffic to.
Ensure your retargeting pixels or tags are active in Tag Manager or installed directly on your
website. These pixels allow you to identify and target users who have visited specific pages or
taken certain actions.
Develop engaging ad content that captures the attention of your target audience. Use persuasive
direct response copy, high-quality images or videos, and strong calls-to-action to encourage users
to click on your ads.
Use advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads or AdRoll to set up
retargeting campaigns. Choose the appropriate targeting options to reach your segmented
audience effectively.
Divide your website visitors into different segments based on their behavior and interests. This will
help you create personalized retargeting ads that resonate with each segment.
Continuously monitor the performance of your retargeting campaigns. Analyze key metrics such
as click-through rates, conversions and return on ad spend. Adjust your campaigns based on this
data to improve their effectiveness.
© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 6
Create A YouTube Channel
Video content is some of the highest-converting and most engaging content you can create. However,
creating a YouTube Channel and video marketing are HUGE topics that are always evolving and are
too complicated to outline in this checklist. Below is a high-level of what you need to do.
Invest in good equipment, including a quality camera, microphone and lighting setup.
Create your Company channel on YouTube. Choose a title that will have meaning to your
audience, by either using your company name or your name – whichever you feel your audience
will remember and search on. You can also use a channel name that will have keywords or be
descriptive to your audience.
Make sure to double-check the name of your channel. Often YouTube will assign a name that may
need to be updated.
Provide full details in the step-by-step walk-through, paying special attention to keywords for your
channel and the tags for your videos.
Create a default video description with a CTA you can use on all your videos. (This can be changed
on a one-off basis if it’s not applicable to a certain video.)
Check the appropriate comment settings. We recommend that you either turn off commenting or
set it so that comments must be reviewed before showing up publicly.
If given the option to run ads on your channel, disable this setting so viewers aren’t distracted and
taken away from your content.
Upload your headshot or a company logo in the “Picture” area.
Create a banner using Canva and upload the “Banner Image.”
Fill out the channel description (this is basically your “About Us” story)
Upload a featured video for new visitors and returning subscribers.
Create and post content at least once a week. Here are some starter ideas for videos:
• FAQs from customers and prospects
• New items (comment on a new regulation, cyber-attack, technology, etc.)
• Interviews with clients (testimonials)
• Interviews with authors, speakers and other experts
• Webinars
• Video clips from seminars and events
• Vlogs (use the Prospect Hopper and newsletter articles as starter content)
Create compelling thumbnails and titles. Ensure they are eye-catching and accurately represent the
content of your videos. Use relevant keywords in titles to improve searchability.
Always post a video description with an offer that drives to your website or landing page.
Respond to comments, ask for feedback and encourage viewers to interact with your content.

© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 7

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Phase 3
Like SEO, the strategies we’re recommending in Phase 3 are VERY complicated advertising mediums
that cannot be detailed out here in a simple checklist. We recommend outsourcing, even if initially, to
get set up properly and make your ads productive. From there, you can choose to bring it in-house if
you like.

Use (PPC) Campaigns To Generate Leads

Make sure you have reasonable expectations for results. It often takes 3 months to dial in your
campaigns to where they will produce.
It’s extremely important to follow our guidelines for handling inbound leads (answering your
phone live) and driving traffic to a landing page.
Be prepared to convert leads looking (initially) for help with a project (break-fix). Qualify the
Be open to testing Bing and other paid ads, not just Google Search.

Use Facebook and LinkedIn Paid Ads To Generate Leads

Make sure you’re using retargeting as outlined above BEFORE targeting other audiences.
Run ads to custom audiences generated from your own unconverted leads and farm lists. We do
NOT recommend starting with cold traffic.
Next, target Look Alike audiences based on your custom audiences who you know are in your
target market.
As mentioned above, it’s extremely important to follow our guidelines for handling inbound leads
(answering your phone live) and driving traffic to a landing page.

© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 8

Digital Marketing
Services We Offer
Below are digital marketing services offered by TMT. Some
of them may even be included in your membership, so we
recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our advisors.
To schedule this, e-mail
or go to the “Done For You Services” section of the Dashboard
to book a 30-minute consultation.

Check Out Our Digital Done-For-You Services At:


Done-For-You Presence Package

Social Media Optimization And Posting
We will optimize your Facebook and LinkedIn profile and company pages so they actually help you be
found and don’t look incomplete, unprofessional or abandoned. From there, we’ll do all of the work of
writing, designing and posting engaging content so you don’t have to.
From eye-catching graphics to well-crafted copy, we’ll make sure your social media presence is
professional, informative and on-brand. With our social media management service, you can expect
increased engagement on your pages, improved brand recognition and lay the foundation for more leads,
appointments and sales.

Google Business Profile Optimization

Your Google Business Profile is a CRITICAL component of successful SEO and providing potential
customers with information about your business that makes them want to call, such as your services,
location and reviews. It is also a KEY ranking signal for Google. We have optimized hundreds of MSPs’
Google Business Profiles and know what is working NOW. We’ll optimize your profile with relevant
keywords and phrases, ensure that your contact information is accurate and consistent across all platforms,
select the highest-performing primary category and add high-quality photos and videos to showcase your
team, products and services. To go along with all this, we will also be posting custom content to your
Google Business Profile once a week. This is one of the most important (if not the most important) pieces
of your digital footprint!

© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 9

Done-For-You Essentials Package
Includes Everything In The Presence Package Plus The Following:

A Comprehensive Digital Audit

All successful journeys start with a goal and map – but we need to know where you are now before we can
start creating an action plan. That’s why we kick off our services with a comprehensive digital marketing
audit to know exactly how you stack up against your competition and where you are “leaking” the most
Based on our proprietary process after auditing hundreds of MSPs’ digital marketing, we will conduct a
thorough analysis of your digital presence, including your website, social media profiles, local listings and
online reputation to provide you with a detailed report of our findings.
This will give us our prioritized plan of action to help you start ranking higher, getting more quality traffic
to your site and converting more visitors to paying clients. The best part: we will help you implement ALL
of our suggested improvements.

Google Analytics Setup

Setting up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially if you’re
not familiar with the platform. Let us help set it up to track and analyze your website’s performance
accurately. We’ll configure all the necessary settings, including custom events, goals and conversion
tracking to ensure that you’re getting the most accurate and relevant data possible. Proper setup will help
you make data-driven decisions that drive results for your MSP.
Call Tracking (With CallRail)
Call tracking is a powerful tool that enables you to accurately measure the effectiveness of your
marketing campaigns by tracking and analyzing the phone calls and form submissions you receive from
your website and digital marketing. By using call tracking, you will know how effective your marketing
campaigns are, where your leads and traffic are coming from and help you improve the way your team
handles inbound leads.
With call tracking, you can make informed decisions based on real-time data and not guessing what’s
working and what’s not.

NAPW Citation Audit

It’s essential to ensure that your NAPW (name, address, phone number and website) citations are
consistent across all key online directories and listings. Inconsistencies in your NAPW citations can hurt
your online visibility, rankings and credibility, and lead to a loss of potential customers. We will perform a
thorough analysis of your NAPW citations across all online directories and listings and identify any
inconsistencies or errors. We’ll then work with you to fix these inconsistencies and ensure that your
NAPW citations are accurate and consistent across all key platforms. This will help to improve your
online visibility, rankings and credibility, and attract more high-quality leads to your business.

Online Directory Listing Assistance

Online directories such as Clutch, Cloudtango and UpCity can be powerful sources of leads and
conversions for MSPs. By getting listed on these directories, you can increase your online visibility and
credibility, reach a wider audience and attract more high-quality leads. We will work closely with you to
get listed on these directories and provide ongoing support and guidance to help you get the most out of
your directory listings.

© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 10

Retargeting Ads Management
Retargeting campaigns are an incredibly inexpensive and effective way to get more prospects to call or
opt-in, building your list and generating more qualified appointments. We specialize in creating and
managing retargeting campaigns that help MSPs reach their target audience with precision and efficiency.
By leveraging advanced tracking and targeting technologies, we ensure that your ads are shown to the right
people at the right time, increasing the likelihood of conversion and maximizing your ROI. Our team will
build out campaigns to increase brand awareness, generate leads and drive sales: our retargeting campaigns
are designed to deliver results.

Pillar Content (Quarterly)

One of the best ways to boost your website’s SEO is posting high-quality, optimized pillar content pages.
Our team of experienced writers and SEO experts will work closely with you to create high-quality pillar
pages that effectively communicate your expertise and drive traffic to your website. We’ll help you identify
topics that resonate with your target audience and craft content that is optimized for search engines and
social media platforms. We will do extensive keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases
to match your topic and ensure that your pillar pages are optimized for maximum visibility and
conversions. Plus, we’ll continually monitor and optimize your pillar pages to ensure that they continue to
perform well and rank high for our desired keywords and phrases.

Custom Landing Pages

One of the best ways to boost your website’s SEO is posting high-quality, optimized pillar content pages.
Our team of experienced writers and SEO experts will work closely with you to create high-quality pillar
pages that effectively communicate your expertise and drive traffic to your website. We’ll help you identify
topics that resonate with your target audience and craft content that is optimized for search engines and
social media platforms. We will do extensive keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases
to match your topic and ensure that your pillar pages are optimized for maximum visibility and
conversions. Plus, we’ll continually monitor and optimize your pillar pages to ensure that they continue to
perform well and rank high for our desired keywords and phrases.

Done-For-You Growth Package

Includes Everything In The Presence and Essentials Packages, PLUS:

Paid Search Ads Management

If you are considering Google Pay-Per-Click (or any PPC campaign) you need to have someone who
knows how to properly set up your account, settings, budget and ads or you could waste a LOT of
money fast.
We understand exactly what type of keywords, ads and settings will produce the best ROI for MSPs
because we’ve been doing this for years. We meticulously create tailored campaigns that align with your
specific goals, leveraging comprehensive keyword research, compelling ad copy and strategic bid
management to drive high-quality traffic to your website and landing pages that convert.

What Are You Waiting For?

Let Us Do The Heavy Lifting For You And Sign Up Today!

© Technology Marketing Toolkit, LLC 11

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