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What changes do the ongoing Moot Courts need?


 Purpose of establishing or constituting a moot court is to train the law student for their
upcoming profession i.e. Advocacy or Lawyer.
 Constituting or establishing the Moot Court in law schools or universities does not means
that the judges and other officers also appointed, not like that.
 Establishing the moot court means only establishing a separate place as the Court room as
the moot court.
 As per the Merriam Webster dictionary Moot Court means “a mock court in which law
students argue hypothetical cases for practice.” Moot court play important role in
developing the practicing skill of the law student, which help them in the future in their
own practice before the court.

Essential for a Good Moot Court:

In order to make a good moot court there are need number of things and proper care on the part
of the participations.

Following are some essentials element which must be there in every Moot Court proceedings in
order to make the Moot Court is good one.

 Good Team
 Good Research

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 Brief and Summarized Argument
 Proper Dress
 Answering Question Directly, Completely and Immediately

Good Team:For a good moot court a good moot team is required. And for a good moot team the
team should contain qualified and knowledgeable member. Member should possess good skill in
arguing and questioning and in answering, which is the core need in practicing law before any
court. In present day proper care and caution is missing in forming the moot team then they face
the problem at the time of competition. So proper care and caution should be taken at the time of
forming team, member should be qualified and skilled.

Good Research i.e. Hard Work:In order to have a good moot court hard work of the member is
required, because without good argument and good hearing purpose of moot court cannot be
fulfilled. Before the day of hearing the team members should research and prepare their topic of
moot court, without that a member may hesitate to argue before the court. In the present day
there is a lack of such preparation before such moot day, so such lack should be removed and
preparation should be made before such moot day.

Brief and Summarized Argument:Argument of the member should be brief and summarized,
but that does not means brief argument without the main contents or main issue. Sometime
person take long time to argue and he/she gone through various issues which may not be the
matter of issue, so member should try to summarize the argument in brief with the contents of
main issue. In present day there is lack of such technique of the member, they should avoid such

Proper Dress/Uniform:Proper dress or uniform is the essential part for the profession like
Advocate, Judge etc. So moot court training is the first step for entering the professional life of
advocacy, so the member of the team should follow this strictly and take proper care regarding
this. In the present day the law student is not following the dress code in their law schools or law
colleges, they are coming in the schools in civil dress, they forgot that they are pursuing the
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professional course which need proper dress. And in moot court also the member are not
following the dress code. So it should be followed without which a moot court cannot be success
with goodly.

Answering Question Directly, Completely and Immediately:Questions should be answered

directly and completely, and for this a member required to prepare the topic well, without well
preparation of topic a person cannot be able to answer the question completely.

Other Changes Needed:

 Above mentioned essentials are for the successful of moot practice which needed on the
part of the team members.
 But some changes are also needed on the part of the organizer of the moot competition or
moot practicing.
 Organizer should conduct it in good manner and systematically.
 It should provide rules regulations for this and should give equal opportunity to both the
teams to present themselves.
 In order to motivate the participating member the organizer should provide some reward
not only in terms of money, but also knowledgeable courses, offers, books, etc. which
being the most important at the student life, make the team member can prepare the topic
well and successful.

New changes required as per some people surveyed:

Naveed Ahmad Mir:

He has a good experience in the moot court which he shared. He shared that moot court should
be in practical form rather than theoretical form, because in the present time the traditional
universities are conducting the moot court in the theoretical form. In theoretical form of moot
court thinking power of the student is limited. In this type of moot court the student just find the

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materials and get them cut, copy and paste. They then compile the file and submit it to the
concerned person, and they become free from their work, some teacher test the student through
group interview or group viva. But in practical form moot court students are required to work
hard in order to present well before the moot judges, so in this type of moot court students
whether hardworking or not bound to work hard and by that thinking power of the students is

He also told that moot team should be small rather than big. Maximum members of the moot
team should be two or three. They should be given equal opportunity to present their argument.

Muneeb Ahmed:

He also opined same as Naveed. But he also opined that enough opportunities should be given to
the freshers from second year and third year in case of five year B.A.LL.B. Course and from the
first year in case of three year L.L.B. course, so that student can develop their questioning skill,
thinking power and reading skill, which will help in practicing in future.

Rohee Ahad: She has also a good experience in the moot court; she proposed a two step
objectives for moot courts- first to increase the drafting skill of the students and second to
develop the arguing skill of the students. These two things are the main which help him to
become a good lawyer. She has practical experience of practicing in the district court, which she
shared and stressed on these two things being the most important in the practicing of law.

Another most important thing she said is that enthusiasm of the students should be developed in
such way that they should feel that they are in original court instead of moot court. This in turn
decreases their hesitation. For most of the law students hesitation is main problem in arguing
before the court, but by the practical form of moot court such hesitation can be decreased.

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