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This assessment cum observation sheet is intended for students taking COOP 30136 – Performance Management
& Social Audit for Cooperatives . The CDA Social Audit Instrument (Old-MC 2013-16 and Revised-MC2018-01) for
Cooperatives is the base instrument that guides the students to initially assess cooperatives’ compliance with the coop’s
management social performance standards. You are required to prepare a quantitative assessment and qualitative
observation report relative to the said standard. This instrument uses a 4-point scale to wit:

4= Highly Evident
3= Moderately Evident
2= Fairly Evident
1= Not Evident at All


1. On the Coop’s Vision, Mission, Core Values & Social Goals 4 3 2 1

1. The Coop has its Vision and Mission Statements
2. The Core Values of the Cooperative are reflected in their Vision
and Mission Statement
3. The coop’s concern for its members, staff, and community is
included in its goals statement
4. Others: Please Specify:
2. On Membership 4 3 2 1
1. The members actively participate in the coop’s activities
2. The members regularly patronize the coop’s services
3. Members contribute regularly to building their capital
4. Members attend annual general assembly meetings in the coop
5. Members attend the coop’s education and training program
6. There exists a membership policy manual
7. The coop allots budget for members’ education and training
8. Members are satisfied with the coop’s social/economic services
9. Others: Please Specify:
3. On Employees 4 3 2 1
1. The coop observes labor laws relating to employees’
2. There is an existing healthy employee-employer relationship
3. There is the presence of a development program for employees
4. There is a scheme of reward and recognition for employees
5. Scholarship is given to deserving employees
6. The Coop provides a conducive working place for the staff
7. There are existing equipment and facilities inside the office
8. There is a manual for human resources or employee manual
9. The coop allocates a budget for employee promotion
10. Others: Please Specify:
4. On Linkages, Networking, and Cooperation with Other Coops, etc. 4 3 2 1
1. The coop is a member of a federation or union
2. The coop remits its CETF to the federation/union
3. The coop participates in the federation/union activities
4. The coop collaborates and partners with other coops
5. The coop allots budget for the federation/union affairs
6. The coop has local and/or international linkages
7. The coop partners with CDA for growth and sustainability
8. The coop is an active partner of its community and the LGU
9. The coop collaborates with the government, NGOs, POs, etc.
10. Others: Please specify:

5. On Community and Nation 4 3 2 1

1. The coop has social programs for its community
2. The coop helps improve the community where it operates
3. The coop advocates peace and unity
4. The coop aids in alleviating poverty in their community
5. The coop observes CDA mandates
6. The coop implements programs for the youth and elderly
7. The coop allots budget for its social & development programs
8. There is an existing policy for the coop social dev’t. programs
9. Others: Please Specify:

Assessment Query: Be able to interpret and analyze the results of your

assessment and answer the question: To what extent has the cooperative
implemented the programs and projects relating to its social performance and
in what ways has the coop contributed to the development of its community?
Observation Report: Indicate in this portion your internship’s practical
observations on the cooperative’s adherence to the Social Audit Standards of the
Cooperative Development Authority.
Your Impression: Indicate your personal opinion and impressions of the , Old-MC
2013-16 and Revised-MC 2018-01, Social Audit Tool in this portion.
Name of Student: _____________________________________ Age: _____________ Gender: ___________
Course, Year and Section: ___________________________ Date Accomplished: _____________________

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