Omowumi Omole Lor-1

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I write to support the application of Omole Omowumi into the Masters degree program in biomedical
Sciences at the prestigious NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY for admission and graduate
assistantship considerations. She completed her bachelor’s degree program in the department of
Science Laboratory Technology at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso after she
successfully satisfies the examiners in final exams.

I met Miss Omowumi over five years ago at PZ Cussons where she exercised her mandatory industrial
training program as an intern and since then, I discovered she is a result-driven and well-focused
student. She possesses appreciable prowess in executing laboratory tests which was evident in the
successful completion of tasks assigned to her under my watch. During her stay at the firm under my
tutelage at the quality control laboratory, she was keen to learning diverse raw-materials with the aim
of utilizing these materials for production of detergent and also learnt waste water management which
will play a vital role in the achievement of her career goal.

Omowumi possesses skills that would enable her to flourish in the graduate school. During her stay with
our firm, she solely shouldered the tasks of analyzing results from laboratory works and helped in
converting these results into presentable figures. Her presence at the firm was really impactful. Having
her in any research group will bring about great results in terms of delivery, team work and high level of
professionalism both practically and research wise.

She has an excellent communication skill both in speaking and in writing which I believe will make her fit
for the graduate assistantship position and also a great team leader who leads by example. She utilized
her incredible speaking skill to represent the quality control department in meetings and seminars
within and outside the firm.

With the attributes mentioned above, I am more than certain that she would perform excellently in her
intending program at your University especially in the laboratory. I believe she would use the knowledge
acquired from the program to solve relatedj problems in Nigeria.

Thank you.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr Goldgate

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