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Lake Tolire is a lake located in Ternate, North Maluku. The

lake, which is located about 10 kilometers from the city center
of Ternate, in addition to its unique shape also has an
interesting legend. Lake Tolire is under the foot of Mount
Gamalama, the highest volcano in North Maluku. The lake
itself consists of two pieces. Local people call it Lake Tolire
Besar and Lake Tolire Kecil. The distance between the two is
only about 200 meters.

Of these two lakes, Lake Tolire Besar has its own uniqueness.
This lake resembles a giant pan. From the top edge to the
surface of the lake water and with a depth of about 50 meters
and an area of about 5 hectares. While the depth of the lake
itself is not known until now. Until now no one has measured
the depth of this lake. But according to ancestral stories, the
depth is kilometers and is directly related to the sea.

Fresh water in Lake Tolire Besar is home to a wide variety of

fish. However, none of the local people dared to catch fish or
bathe in the lake. They believe that the lake whose water is
yellowish brown is inhabited by many stealth crocodiles.

Another uniqueness of this lake is that if you throw something

into the lake, how strong is the throw using a stone or other
object, for example never touching the lake water. Whereas
when throwing from the upper edge of the lake, the lake water
was seen to be under the feet of the thrower. Perhaps those
who first visited the lake, would not believe that fact.

However, they may try throwing it after buying stones which

are widely sold by the lake for Rp. 1.000 for five stones. So
far no one has been able to throw the stones to the surface of
the lake

According to local residents, many treasures are stored at the

bottom of the large Tolire lake. This treasure belongs to the
people of the Sultanate of Ternate when the Portuguese
colonized Ternate in the 15th century. The people of Ternate
at that time threw their valuable treasures into the lake so that
they would not be taken away by the Portuguese army.

So far, no particular agency or party has conducted a specific

investigation into the truth of the community's confession. But
some time ago, a Brimob member using sonar detected
objects at the bottom of the lake. The result, indicated that
there were metal objects at the bottom of the lake.

Lake Tolire is big and tolire small, according to local people's

stories, it used to be a village where the people lived in
prosperity. This village was then cursed into a lake by the
ruler of the universe, because one of the fathers in the village
impregnated his own daughter

when the father and his pregnant daughter were about to be

taken out of the village, suddenly the ground where they were
standing fell and turned into a lake. The Great Tolire Lake is
believed to be the father's place. Sengkan small lake tolire is
believed to be the place of the girl.

to visit Lake Tolire Besar and Tolire Small, is not difficult. To

reach the place it only takes about 10 minutes from the center
of Ternate City, by using a chartered car for IDR 250,000 a
day, or renting a motorcycle taxi at a rate of IDR 10,000 in a
matter of hours.

When visting Lake Tolire Besar, many other tourist objects

can be enjoyed, such as the beautiful panoramic view of the
peak of Mount Gamalama, a number of Portuguese forts and
the Tomb of Sultan Babullah, the most famous Sultan of
Ternate. Which is on the road to the lake.

In addition, tourits can also enjoy the beauty of the white

sando f Sulamadaha beach, which is located only about three
kilometers from Lake Tolire Besar. From here,visitors can
also rent a boat to fish or go see the beauty of the underwater
panorama around the beach.

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