Award Winning Paer-Concrete Structure Protection

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Robery P (2021) Paper 2000023 standards/concrete structures/corrosion

Best practice in the management and protection of concrete assets. Received 04/12/2020; Accepted 10/02/2021
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Forensic Engineering 174(1): 23–32, Published online 09/05/2021
ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Forensic Engineering

Best practice in the management and

protection of concrete assets
Peter Robery FREng, CEng, FICE, FICT, FCS
Director, Robery Forensic Engineering Ltd, Solihull, UK; RAEng Visiting
Professor in Forensic Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (Orcid:0000-0002-4202-9210)

While reinforced concrete construction has boomed over the past 70 years, forensic analysis of failures shows that
many structures have not achieved the design service life due to poor durability. This can primarily be attributed to
a lack of understanding about durability design, poor construction practices and poor life-cycle maintenance,
resulting in unexpected deterioration and damage that requires intervention. Exposure to chloride ions continues to
present the construction industry with the greatest challenges. In Europe, EN 206 sets durability performance criteria
for reinforced concrete under normal exposure environments, supplemented by national recommendations.
Increasingly, infrastructure is being built either in environments that are so hostile to reinforced concrete or with
service design lives that are so long, that they are outside the scope of European standards. For design in hostile
environments, both within Europe and around the world, performance-related durability methods have been
adopted, using predictive ingress models over extended service lives. However, even then, the fundamental risk
remains as to whether what the designer intended, through the various cement and cover combinations, will be
achieved in practice by the contractor’s workforce and site practices. This paper explores the lessons from durability
failures of reinforced concrete and examines how performance can be modelled and enhanced in extreme
environments and assured by effective corrosion monitoring and management strategies.

1. Introduction some newly built reinforced concrete infrastructure was exhibiting

Over the past 60 years in Europe, reinforced concrete infrastructure signs of premature reinforcement corrosion and were failing to meet
has a chequered history in terms of successful durability performance their intended design service life – normally taken to be the point
in service (Robery, 2017). Early reinforced concrete structures dating when significant structural repair work is required.
to the 1900s were carefully designed, the construction was closely
supervised and mock-ups were used to prove the design concepts. It was not widely appreciated that reinforcing steel was prevented
The approach resulted in buildings such as Weaver’s flour mill from corrosion by the naturally high pH of concrete pore water
surviving for 81 years, before becoming functionally obsolete (Currie and Robery, 1994), which produces a protective passive
(Concrete Society, 2009), and civil engineering structures such as the oxide film on the surface of the steel reinforcement. The high
Mulberry Harbour units, now over 70 years in seawater, being found concentration of hydroxide ions in the pores prevents corrosion
to have low chloride ion ingress and limited reinforcement corrosion even under damp conditions, but it was being affected by the
(Segers et al., 2015). following three mechanisms.

When reinforced concrete was in its infancy, the available coarse- ■ Absorption of carbon dioxide, a process known as
grained ordinary Portland cement (PC) was used in much higher carbonation, which reduces the alkalinity of concrete. When
quantities than is considered normal today. This was needed to this happens to the reinforcement depth, it neutralises the
develop adequate early strength in the structure. Today, the hydroxide ions and destroys the passive layer, allowing
chemistry, technology and efficiency of cement production have general corrosion to begin on the steel.
improved substantially, and many more types of cement are ■ Ingress of chloride ions from seawater and de-icing salt damages
available, which offer various benefits. the passive layer, causing pitting corrosion on the steel surface
(Broomfield, 2007). Chloride ions do not change the hydroxide
The popularity of mouldable concrete, a construction material like a ion concentration, but above a critical free-chloride-to-hydroxide
‘liquid rock’, contributed to a massive increase in reinforced concrete ratio, pitting corrosion can begin. This is also expressed as the
usage and ultimately to premature deterioration (Robery, 2017). total chloride ion content for corrosion activation, taken as 0.4%
Reinforced concrete was used for increasingly ambitious and chloride ions by mass of cement (Cl-bmc) for reinforced concrete
impressive structures, producing slender and delicate shapes and and 0.1% Cl-bmc for prestressed concrete.
shells, with patterns and colours. In the 1960s, a more reactive and ■ Chloride ions were being intentionally added to reinforced
finely ground cement was used, giving higher early strength. This concrete as an admixture to accelerate the setting of concrete in
allowed the cement content and cost of the concrete to be reduced winter. While a large percentage of the chloride ions was
for the same 28-day strength. The industry then began to realise that bound harmlessly into the hydrated cement matrix, some free

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Forensic Engineering Best practice in the management and
Volume 174 Issue 1 protection of concrete assets

chloride ions remained, increasing the risk of reinforcement ■ Construction ‘issues’ commonly occurring, including poor
corrosion when the admixture was used at a high dosage. formwork alignment and sealing; low cover to the
reinforcement; lower in situ strength than specified; unstable
Designers had to consider not just structural design but also durability mix design; and poor mixing, placing and compaction.
design. The cement content, cement composition, water/cement (w/c) ■ Lack of adequate operative training, where arguably the most
ratio, chloride ion content and reinforcement cover depth all influence important people on the project are not trained in the
reinforced concrete durability and design service life. In the 1970s, importance of how the three Cs affect quality – the attitude
limits were placed on the initial chloride ion content of the mix, seems to be ‘it is only concrete, so how difficult can it be to
effectively banning the use of chloride-based admixtures for pour it?’
reinforced concrete. The total chloride content of a mix was calculated ■ Lack of experienced independent supervision – on many
from the aggregates and water, ensuring that it was less than 0.4% Cl- projects the traditional ‘clerk of works’ inspector and/or
bmc. Also, high standards of workmanship were needed, focusing on client’s engineer is seen as an unnecessary extra expense
the three Cs of compaction, cover and curing, and to achieve this, (particularly in design-and-construct projects).
training and supervision were essential requirements.
Many potential and avoidable defects are built into the
The first attempt at durability design appeared in the 1970s, with construction from the start, including the following.
environmental exposure classes introduced into the UK structural
design code CP 110 (BSI, 1972). Since then, the industry has ■ Concrete placing errors, including mix segregation, poor
continued to improve its approach to durability under known UK compaction causing honeycombing and voidage, restricted
exposure environments. Recommendations for cement content and flow through reinforcement and poor use of spacers resulting
composition, w/c ratio, cover and minimum compressive strength in low cover.
have been tightened progressively as the severity of the exposure ■ Defectively sealed formwork allows grout loss and causes
environments has been understood (Robery, 2000). honeycombing in the concrete, which will reduce the
effectiveness of the cover zone, as well as affect the
Yet the industry continues to build in ever more most hostile, hot architectural quality.
and salty exposure environments. Clients also seek longer-lasting ■ Cracking caused by plastic shrinkage before the concrete has
assets with possibly an ‘indefinite’ service life. This means assets set provides a path for aggressive ions to penetrate into the
should continue to perform until functionally obsolete, rather than reinforcement and should be avoided by better placing
having a fixed design service life of say 50 or 100 years. Meeting practices in hot weather.
these needs can be achieved only by modelling the effects of ■ Poor surface curing after finishing, while not significantly
hostile exposure environments and then combatting them affecting strength, will impair the durability resistance of the
effectively by durability design and high-quality construction, as cover zone protecting the reinforcement, resulting in less
explained in detail below. effective cover, and may also reduce abrasion resistance (e.g.
in warehouse flooring).
2. Buildability and build quality ■ Excessive concrete heat rise, caused by casting large pours
Today, few construction professionals will question the ability of without considering the thermal properties of the cement,
well-built concrete buildings to perform over a normal service life causes restrained thermal cracks that can affect durability.
of 50 or 100 years in the UK when carbonation is the This type of cracking can be avoided by using low-heat
deterioration mechanism. Provided that construction is to an cement or cement containing fly ash (FA) or ground
acceptable standard of quality and the deterioration processes granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) – see further details on
have been correctly identified, durable structures should be cement later in this paper.
produced. Yet durability failures continue to occur even in ■ All concrete undergoes drying shrinkage over time, but poor
relatively benign exposure conditions. movement provision can lead to cracking due to excessive
restraint, affecting durability.
In the UK, investigation of durability failures has shown the root ■ All forms of cracking provide a path for the environment to
cause to lie in poor design and construction practice (Robery, reach the reinforcement and leach away the protective
2017), with some of the key issues listed as follows: hydroxide ions. Plate 1 shows white straws of calcite caused
by water passing through cracks in concrete, which leaches
■ Structural designs and details that require an impossibly out the calcium hydroxide, and then carbonation of the
difficult fit for the reinforcement within the formwork and/or alkaline water forms characteristic hollow stalactites of
the chosen concrete mix (e.g. incompatible with the selected calcium carbonate. This can be seen in bridges, car parks and
maximum aggregate size and flowability). other structures subject to leakage.
■ Procurement by design and construct, which has been an
increasing trend to ‘value-engineer’ designs and provide cost As a result of these avoidable defects, the intended design service
savings, but where compromises can affect the durability. life may not be achieved, leading to forensic investigation of

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Plate 1. Stalactites of calcite forming hollow, water-filled straws Plate 2. Example of pitting corrosion in concrete, with highly
below leaking cracks in concrete localised section loss (arrowed)

failures, legal disputes and associated compensation claims. As an researchers warned, ‘Reinforced concrete is not a material that
industry, construction still does not pay enough care and attention should be recklessly used’ and ‘Do not bring reinforced concrete
to the basics, resulting in poor concrete durability design, poor in contact with seawater’.
concrete mix formulation and lack of training in the use of
concrete. Experience shows that at least one of these basics is Perhaps because of greater experience with it, marine structures in
usually at the root cause of the failure. Even in relatively benign seawater have generally performed better than bridges. As early
exposure environments, such as industrial buildings and as 1984, BS 6349-1 (BSI, 1984a) recommended the cover to
warehousing, errors with these basics cause unwanted premature reinforcement in the tidal/splash zone be 75 mm, with a minimum
cracking and other deterioration. If there is one takeaway cement content of 400 kg/m3 and a minimum w/c ratio of 0.45.
recommendation from this paper, it is this: remember that With these limits, structures in seawater, including offshore oil
operatives placing the concrete are the most important people platforms and piers, have lasted well, although some have also
influencing the production of high-quality concrete infrastructure, failed prematurely. A good example of older durable reinforced
and so they need proper training and good supervision by concrete is the Tongue Sands Fort and Mulberry Harbour units,
competent and experienced inspectors. built during 1939–1945 and made with PC. Investigations by the
Construction Industry Research and Information Association
3. Effect of chloride ions on durability (Ciria, 1979) found that the units have largely survived exposure
The superposition of severe chloride exposure and buildability in seawater for over 70 years, with little evidence of chloride
‘issues’ creates a substantial risk of premature deterioration. Rather penetration and reinforcement corrosion. This was attributed to
than slow, general corrosion of the reinforcement that is seen with the high cover thickness and a cement content above 500 kg/m3,
carbonation, chloride ion ingress causes pitting corrosion on the which was necessary because the coarsely ground cement used
reinforcement, producing a rapid localised reduction in the cross- would set slowly. The message was clear: a high cement content
sectional area, with the potential for structural collapse if the effects and a low w/c ratio were very important parameters for making
of the contamination are not addressed. Plate 2 shows localised durable concrete.
pitting corrosion on a round reinforcing bar where the steel has
been eaten away. The concrete durability specialist needs to be Heavily loaded road bridges are also exposed to chloride salt in
familiar with corrosion technologies to understand and appreciate the form of de-icing agents. As many papers testify, the post-
the risks. Broomfield (2007) offers a good introduction to this World War II roads programme led to considerable numbers of
important area and the importance of ratio of free chloride ions to trunk road bridges being built between 1950 and 1990, including
hydroxide ions at the bar surface. the UK’s famous Spaghetti Junction. Many bridges failed to
achieve the intended 120-year design service life required by the
The problems caused by chloride ion corrosion have resulted in bridge standards of the time (BSI, 1979)). In some cases, a life of
unplanned maintenance, structural repair and even replacement of only 20 years was being achieved before major maintenance was
infrastructure before the design service life is achieved. Yet when required to address corrosion of reinforcement caused by de-icing
reinforced concrete use was in its infancy, researchers already salt exposure. This happened despite precautions being taken to
knew about these risks: Loov (1991) cites two quotations from produce high-quality concrete, as most schemes of the time had
the 1920s that illustrate what had been forgotten by the 1950s: their own independent resident engineer and a testing laboratory.

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The durability design requirements for bridges in BS 5400 (BSI, reinforcing bar, initiating corrosion. With the benefit of hindsight, the
1979) provided an inadequate level of protection against de-icing internal surfaces of the half-joint could have been protected with an
salt penetration, as judged by today’s research and standards. For impervious coating at the time it was built, which would have
the most severe exposure, BS 5400-4 (BSI, 1984b) and counteracted any leakage of de-icing salts into the bearing if the
BS 5400-8 (BSI, 1978) permitted C32/40 concrete at a 50 mm elastomeric joint system failed. Once it was built, the internal
cover and a 330 kg/m3 cement content at a 0.45 w/c ratio. This is surfaces are inaccessible, so repair requires very specialised measures
significantly less stringent than the recommendations for seawater such as impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) to combat
exposure in BS 6349-1 (BSI, 1984a), as explained earlier. corrosion, as explained later in this paper.

Not all bridges required major maintenance: some performed well If chloride-laden water penetrates through a bridge deck due to
under chloride ion exposure, particularly post-tensioned bridges failure of elastomeric joints, then as was found on the Midland
where higher strengths and cement contents were needed for Links viaducts, the consequences of leakage onto the support
structural purposes. It was the lower-strength reinforced concrete structures is to initiate severe reinforcement corrosion in the
bridges where the warning signs of corrosion were appearing. cross-head beams and support columns, as chloride levels rise
Based on the findings, the UK’s Department for Transport above 0.4% Cl-bmc. Yet again, with hindsight this could have
changed its recommendations for concrete durability: previously it been prevented by fitting gutters below the joints to catch any
had been thought that reinforced concrete bridges needed no escaping water. Fitting gutters proved to be an effective retrofit
additional protection, but by 1990, all highway bridge surfaces solution when repairs were being carried out in the 1990s,
were to have additional protective measures. keeping the cross-head beams dry and slowing corrosion rates.

■ Bridge deck surfaces were sealed with a waterproof

membrane beneath the asphalt that prevented downward
penetration of saline water that had ponded on the surface.
■ All spray-susceptible concrete parapets and abutments were
treated by hydrophobic impregnation to reduce the rate of
chloride ion penetration.

Despite these precautions, movement joints remained weak points

that were prone to failure, particularly those above half-joints and
support cross-beams, leading to corrosion in the reinforced
concrete substructures (Segers et al., 2015), and a typical example
of a half-joint is shown in Figure 1.

Plate 3 shows typical severe deterioration of the bearing area of the

half-joint, where de-icing salts have penetrated through or around the
elastomeric joint and down into the narrow gap between the concrete
Plate 3. Visible end surface of the half-joint nib, showing
sections, concentrating in the concrete forming the cantilever bearing
horizontal cracking, rust staining and heavy encrustation by white
to the left side of the half-joint (Figure 1). This raised the chloride calcite deposits
ion content well above the threshold of 0.4% Cl-bmc at the

Inaccessible areas for inspection, gap

Pavement typically 20−30 mm
Elastomeric joint Waterproofing

Cantilever slab of half-joint

Figure 1. Section through Trent Valley floodplain viaduct half-joint, built 1966

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Macro-environmental factors have also exacerbated the chloride standards, particularly for concrete bridges exposed to de-icing salt
ion problem. The ‘hollow-leg’ effect was so named by Browne and for maritime structures. With advances in the understanding of
(1980) for reinforced concrete tunnels and hollow offshore reinforced concrete corrosion, the European cement standard BS EN
concrete structures such as oil and gas platforms. Where water 197-1 (BSI, 2000a) included a range of cement compositions that
moves through a hollow concrete surface by capillary action or have improved resistance to chloride ion penetration, including PC-
hydrostatic pressure, a point is reached where dry air on the inside based blends incorporating FA, GGBS and silica fume (SF).
face causes evaporation of the water, and any salts contained in
the water will be left behind, concentrating them close to the Durability design requires the designer to consider not only
inside face, which is usually where reinforcement is located. structural load cases but also environmental exposure classes. In
Europe, BS EN 206 (BSI, 2013a) sets out six exposure classes,
An example of the hollow-leg effect causing accelerated chloride subdivided into 18 subclass exposure levels. As European
ion build-up at the evaporation point is seen in mass rapid transit Committee for Standardization member states are a mix of
systems, such as the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway, which northern nations, such as Iceland and Finland, and warmer climes
first opened in 1979. The concrete tunnel segments were found to of Spain and Malta, BS EN 206 (BSI, 2013a) allows national
have developed high levels of chloride ion build-up at the depth standard bodies to establish requirements based on experience in
of the internal reinforcement after only 15 years, requiring repair the country of use and local regulations.
by a track-mounted robotic system to cut away and replace the
inside of the segments (Davies and Brunnsatter, 1995). For the UK, BS 8500-1 (BSI, 2015a) gives durability
recommendations to resist the prevailing climatic conditions, and
Learning from this evidence, it has been shown that even mildly Table 1 lists seven exposure classes, with 18 subclass exposures.
brackish groundwater can be drawn through reinforced concrete The standard specifies minimum cement content and cement type,
tunnel sections and then concentrated at the dew point to reach minimum and nominal cover, maximum w/c ratio and minimum
levels above 0.4% Cl-bmc, as shown in Figure 2. This mechanism
drove one of the design approaches for the Copenhagen Metro,
where various options were considered to address ingress into the Table 1. Exposure classes of BS 8500-1 (BSI, 2015a)
tunnel segments, including provision for ICCP, as discussed later
Class Description
in this paper. For other tunnel schemes, such as the Mass Rapid
Transit in Singapore where local soils had high chloride ion X0 No risk of corrosion or attack
XC Corrosion induced by carbonation
contents, a combination of measures has been used, including
XD Corrosion induced by chlorides other than those from
waterproofing additives in the concrete and waterproof surface seawater
coatings to the outside face of the segment (Nmai et al., 2001). XS Corrosion induced by chlorides from seawater
XF Freeze–thaw attack
4. The code catch-up XA Chemical attack by aggressive ground (ACEC classes)
XAS Chemical attack from seawater
For new structures in Europe, chloride ion attack risk has been
managed by the progressive tightening of European and national ACEC, Aggressive Chemical Environment for Concrete

R.C. tunnel
Submerged soil lining Operational tunnel
Groundwater pressure High temperature (40°C plus)
head 10−30 m Large air movements
cousing rapid drying

Soluble salts diffuse into the

concrete by way of the
capillary network
Groundwater transpired into
the tunnel as water vapour

Acidic soil and groundwater

attacks cover concrete
Unreacted soluble salts become
deposited in capillary pores of
concrete in the dew point zones

Dew point zone

Figure 2. Penetration of chloride ions through hollow tunnel structures. R.C., reinforced concrete (Doran et al., 1988)

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Volume 174 Issue 1 protection of concrete assets

characteristic strength, with special design measures to address reactor, incorporating 25% FA (Blundell et al., 2006), giving the
attack from sulfate-bearing clays that have been shown to cause benefit of lower heat of hydration in the large pours. The
the thaumasite form of sulfate attack (BRE CD, 2005) in the UK. advantages of using FA and GGBS for resisting sulfate and
chloride ions also began to be realised.
The scope of BS 8500-2 (BSI, 2015b) covers concrete production in
the UK and allows combination cements to be produced in the The constant updating and tightening of standards, as shown in
concrete mixer by blending PC with FA, GGBS or SF, rather than Table 2, means that until recently (unless they are tightened
just using pre-blended cements manufactured in accordance with BS again), the industry has been building concrete structures that are
EN 197-1 (BSI, 2011), which is mandated by BS EN 206 (2013a). underspecified in terms of durability and these legacy structures
may fail to achieve their design service life without monitoring
The industry’s incremental approach to the better management of and intervention.
chloride ion risk under extreme exposure conditions is illustrated
by comparing the changing provisions in UK national standards. 5. Non-cementitious enhancements
Table 2 is adapted from TR 70 (Concrete Society, 2009) and Various durability design enhancements have been proposed for
shows the changing requirements over the past 50 years for reinforced concrete in hostile environments, (Concrete Society,
resistance to seawater exposure class XS3, defined as the upper 2008), each having their own benefits and drawbacks, and some
tidal, splash and spray zone. of these are reviewed as follows.

Table 2 shows that even in the past 15 years, durability ■ Alternative reinforcements, including stainless steel, synthetic
recommendations have changed. bar and fusion-bonded epoxy-coated (FBEC) bars, have been
used. Some, such as FBEC bars, have proven performance
■ In 2006, BS 8500-1 (BSI, 2006) recommended a 60 mm under laboratory conditions, but when used on-site, the
nominal cover for PC concrete, with a characteristic strength coating can be chipped and rendered vulnerable. Also, when
of C40/50 and a w/c ratio 0.40. bent at site, the coating on the bars can split, as the Florida
■ Now, BS 8500-1 (BSI, 2015a) recommends a 90 mm nominal Keys failures demonstrated (Saguees et al., 1994).
cover for PC concrete, with a characteristic strength of C45/ ■ Hydrophobic admixtures are specified for basements below
55 and w/c ratio of 0.35. the water table to provide additional waterproofing and to
■ If CEM IIIA is used, BS 8500-1 (BSI, 2015a) recommends a resist ionic penetration, producing low water absorption
55 mm nominal cover and C40/50 concrete, provided that the characteristics. The additives are less effective against water
GGBS content is least 46%. under high hydrostatic pressure, as indicated in Figure 3. At
1 MPa water pressure (approximately 100 m head of water),
The standards now recognise the benefits of using cements the pressure overcomes the waterproofing effect for concrete
containing constituents other than PC, including reactive materials that otherwise had very low sorption characteristics.
such as FA, GGBS and SF. In comparison, CP 110 (BSI, 1972) ■ Corrosion inhibitors such as calcium nitrite have been used in
gave no such recognition. It was not until the 1980s that FA and the USA since at least 1969 (Berke and Rosenberg, 1989) and
GGBS began to be used more commonly: one of the largest UK are recommended as a ‘proven corrosion-inhibiting admixture’
structures of the time was the Heysham 2 pressurised water for chloride exposure conditions. Research has also shown

Table 2. Summary of reinforced concrete durability requirements for exposure class XS3 (seawater upper tidal, splash and spray zones)
based on TR 70 (Concrete Society, 2009)
PC (CEM I) Blast-furnace cement (CEM III/Aa)
Code of practice/British Standard
MCC: kg/m 3
MWC fck,cube: MPa cnom: mm MCC: kg/m3 MWC fck,cube: MPa cnom: mm
CP 110-1:1972 (BSI, 1972) 330 0.45 50 50 330 0.45 40 50
BS 6349-1:1984 (BSI, 1984a) 400 0.42 40 50 400 0.42 40 50
BS 8110-1:1985 (BSI, 1985) 400 0.45 50 50 400 0.45 50 50
BS 8110-1:1997 (BSI, 1997) 400 0.45 50 50 400 0.45 50 50
BS 6349-1:2000 (BSI, 2000b) 400 0.40 50 60 360 0.50 37 50
BS 8500-1:2002 (BSI, 2002) 360 0.40 50 60 360 0.40 45 50
BS 8500-1:2006 (BSI, 2006) 380 0.40 50 60 380 0.40 45 50
BS 6349-1-4:2013 (BSI, 2013b) 360 0.35 50 90 380 0.35 50 55
BS 8500-1:2015 (BSI, 2015a) 380 0.35 55 90 380 0.35 50 55
Assumes that CEM III/A has a GGBS content of at least 40%, representative of UK Portland blast-furnace cements 1925–1990
Assumes a maximum aggregate size of 20 mmXS3 is equivalent to exposure classes previously described as severe, very severe or extreme
MCC, minimum PC or PC+GGBS by mass equivalent to the definitions of BS EN 197-1 (BSI, 2000a); MWC, maximum free w/c ratio; fck,cube, characteristic cube
compressive strength; cnom, nominal cover, assuming required minimum cover plus an allowance of 10 mm

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Permeability and sorption relationship for concrete with and without waterproofing admixture
1 × 10−8
Low quality

1 × 10−9
Valenta permeability coefficient, Kv: m/s

1 × 10−10

1 × 10−11

1 × 10−12

High quality
1 × 10−13
0 0.05 0.01 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
4 h sorption, S: mm/min0.5
Waterproofer No waterproofer

Figure 3. Relationship between capillary rise (sorption) and water permeability (100 mm dia. × 50 mm thick core specimens subjected to
1 MPa head (adapted from Papworth et al. (1985))

that under-dosing can increase the severity of pitting corrosion Construction in hostile environments, and/or at new project
(Anstice, 2000), meaning that the dosage has to be correct for locations where the local conditions are not covered by existing
the intended conditions. codes, requires performance-related durability methods and has
driven a four-step approach to durability assessment:
No single solution above provides the panacea for durable
reinforced concrete, so a life-cycle strategy is commonly needed ■ pre-construction durability assessments and testing, using the
where there is hostile exposure and an exceptionally long design locally available concreting materials and knowledge of what
service life, with both measures taken at new build and provisions has worked before
put in place that can be used where monitoring identifies the onset
of premature deterioration once in service.

6. Strategy for hostile exposure and

indefinite life
By the mid-1990s, in new construction projects such as the
Copenhagen Metro (Geiker, 1999) and Singapore Metro extension
(Nmai, 2001), deterioration modelling of chloride ion exposure
began to be used to predict corrosion risk for a service life of well
over 100 years. Multi-barrier protection strategies have emerged
that incorporate additional corrosion detection measures,
supported by provision for ICCP should this be needed when the
structures is in service.

The latest landmark crossing to open is the record-breaking 55 km

Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge (HZMB), crossing the Pearl
Plate 4. HZMB immersed tube tunnel sections leaving the
River estuary, including an immersed tube tunnel section
precasting yard, joined together and then kept in a holding pond
(Plate 4). The HZMB uses enhanced asset durability prediction until installation
under the prevailing hostile exposure conditions (Li et al., 2016).

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■ modelling the design service life based on accelerated testing and maintenance commitment at intervals of between 10 and 20 years,
life prediction assessment using recognised durability models depending on the type of coating and the exposure environment
■ installing monitoring probes within the cover zone to validate (Almusallam et al., 2003). According to BS EN 1504-2 (BSI,
in-service durability modelling 2004), there are three common generic types:
■ preparing a quality assurance plan to ensure that the
reinforcement has the correct cover and the concrete is mixed, ■ hydrophobic impregnation to produce a water-repellent
placed, compacted and cured as intended by the durability design. surface, where the pores and capillaries are internally coated,
but not filled, so no visible film is left on the surface of the
Several software packages are available for modelling durability, concrete and there is little or no change in its appearance
including Life-365 (ACI Committee 365, 2000) and DuraCrete ■ impregnation with resin to reduce the surface porosity and to
(1988). Trial mixes can be prepared using the available aggregates strengthen the surface, by partially or fully filling the pores
and cements and then chloride penetration resistance measured using and capillaries
electrically accelerated methods such as ASTM C 1202 (ASTM, ■ coating with resin to produce a continuous protective film on
2019) or NT Build 492 (Nordtest, 1999). A recent review of the the surface of concrete.
different modelling approaches is given by Pillai and Annapareddy
(2013). The accelerated penetration tests can also be used as a quality Coatings can be ‘designed’ by the specifier to be resistant to
assurance test during concrete production to ensure that the concrete carbonation and chloride ion penetration – for example, balancing
mix continues to provide the correct chloride ion barrier resistance. the intrinsic permeability and thickness of the paint film. Standard
tests are available to assess in-service durability such as crack-
The past 50 years has taught the industry not to build and forget bridging performance, with selection guidance given in BS EN
assets, particularly where they are in extreme/hostile exposure 1504-2 (BSI, 2004).
environments. Assets can be monitored over the design service life to
warn of premature deterioration. To do this effectively, a durability- Under hostile chloride exposure conditions, ICCP should be
management plan is required for the assets that allows changes in considered at the construction stage. Many structures have been
performance to be monitored and compared with the design service designed with ICCP either installed and commissioned at the
life modelling. Where the actual performance deviates from the construction stage (termed ‘cathodic prevention’) or retrofitted
predicted performance, such as where higher levels of chloride ion later if needed (termed ‘cathodic protection’). ICCP design is
ingress are found in the cover zone, then proactive steps can be taken covered by BS EN ISO 12696 (BSI, 2016).
to address deficiencies, thereby helping owners to make informed,
finance-led decisions as to the best times and ways to intervene. ■ At the construction stage, the main requirement is for
reinforcement to be made electrically continuous, tack welding
Like many new structures, HZMB incorporates sensors into the some of the bars together and routing electrical connections
cover concrete to provide computer-aided structural health through the cover concrete. Power and control systems are either
monitoring, an approach that has been used increasingly over the installed and energised immediately to counteract chloride ion
past 20 years. There is now a wide range of monitoring systems to ingress or added later should excessive ingress be detected that
assist, inform and assure asset operators about the continued fitness would compromise the design service life.
for purpose of their assets, as explained by Brownjohn (2007), and ■ With older structures, ICCP can be retrofitted. Provided that
sensors can detect the following: the reinforcing cage is electrically continuous, either a surface
anode system can be provided or, for structures buried in the
■ load behaviour, such as defections, dynamic response, strain ground or standing in seawater, external anodes can be
and inclination installed that use the conductivity of the surrounding medium
■ environmental exposure, including wind speed, seismic (i.e. soil or seawater).
effects, precipitation and temperature
■ deterioration impairment, such as the effect of sea salt causing ICCP works by the following three principles.
resistivity, half-cell and linear polarisation changes.
■ Developing a negative charge on the steel surface (i.e.
If problems develop, then a variety of techniques can be used to polarising it), which occurs as a direct result of the applied
retard chloride ion migration, with the two most common being cathodic protection voltage. This repels the negatively charged
surface protection systems (SPSs) or ICCP, as explained below. chloride ions away from the steel and attracts them to the
positively charged anode, typically located at the surface of
Considerable advances have been made in the formulation and the element receiving ICCP.
protective qualities of SPSs for concrete structures, providing a ■ The excess of energy at the steel surface establishes the
barrier to waterborne salts and reducing rates of carbonation, and cathodic reaction and generates hydroxide ions that increase
there is now considerable experience in their use (Robery, 1988). the resistance to chloride ions (lowering the free-chloride-to-
However, applying a surface coating means an enduring hydroxide ratio).

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Forensic Engineering Best practice in the management and
Volume 174 Issue 1 protection of concrete assets

■ Hydroxide is also generated within pits at former anode sites service life can be achieved. As necessary, increased assurance can
on the steel surface (e.g. Plate 2) and neutralises the acid be provided by monitoring corrosion risk using probes and by using
generated by the pitting corrosion reaction. As a result, the pH additional protective measures including ICCP and applying an SPS.
around the bar increases, promoting restoration of a new
passive film and stabilisation within the base of the pits. Finally, the construction must follow a quality assurance plan, to
ensure that the reinforcement has the correct cover and the
Embedded reference electrodes are installed at strategic locations to concrete is batched, mixed, placed, compacted and cured as
evaluate the performance of the anode systems and enable system intended by trained operatives – arguably, it is the operatives who
adjustment to obtain optimum protection levels at the reinforcing bar are the most important people influencing the durability and
surface. These are linked to a communication system that should ultimately the success of the project.
include the following capabilities (Segers et al., 2015):
■ automated monitoring at scheduled intervals The author would like to thank the concrete and corrosion
■ remote adjustment of the system based on the monitoring data prevention community, whose enthusiastic discussions in recent
■ automatic reporting years have helped formulate some of the concepts in this paper,
■ alarm condition monitoring for the system and alternating- particularly Mr Paul Segers of SegCorr, a leading ICCP specialist.
current supply. This paper is also dedicated to the memory of two men who
generated the author’s interest in concrete technology: the late
7. Concluding remarks Professor Adam Neville, CBE, FREng, at the University of Leeds
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appropriate by the editorial board, it will be published as
life cycle costs – considerations and examples. In Concrete Durability
and Repair Technology: Proceedings of the International Conference discussion in a future issue of the journal.
Held at the University of Dundee, Scotland, UK, on 8–10 September
Proceedings journals rely entirely on contributions from the
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Li K, Zhang D and Li Q (2016) Service life design and assessment for Information about how to submit your paper online
concrete structures in HZM sea link project for 120 years. In is available at,
Proceedings of the 2016 International RILEM Conference on where you will also find detailed author guidelines.

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