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Chapter 60 There is not much time to think in the car. Pan Zhi, the warm-up expert, is talking.

It is
impossible for him to think about life all the time without answering a word. After answering two
sentences, he will forget where he was thinking. Forget it, forget about it for now, Jiang Cheng looked at
the back of Gu Fei's head, it was rare to go out to play together, worrying about things that affect his
mood, let alone those that affect him, Gu Fei, who is so careful, will definitely be affected as well. At the
gate of the park, Jiang Cheng took out his wallet and prepared to pay. Pan Zhi pressed his hand and took
out his wallet as well: "I asked my mother for a lot of money when I came out, you don't need to be a
landlord " "I'm your grandfather..." Jiang Cheng struggled to pull his hand out. "I know, grandpa, just let
me be a filial piety." Pan Zhi still pressed him. During the ten or so seconds they were struggling, Gu Fei
took out the money and gave it to the driver, then got out of the car. "Fuck!" Pan Zhi yelled, and
hurriedly pushed Li Yuqing out of the car, "Why did you ask Gu Fei to pay you!" "Leave the driver alone,
he has another job to do," Gu Fei said. Pan Zhi took the money and stuffed it into Gu Fei's pocket
forcibly, turned around and ran away quickly, and passed the car behind him: "It's right here, down
here." "Why are you giving money?" Jiang Cheng asked. . "The two of you are about to hug each other. If
I don't throw money away, I'm going to kiss you together." Gu Fei glanced at him, "It's indecent..." "Get
out," Jiang Cheng laughed, and went to the ticket office I looked over there, "I'll check how much the
tickets cost, I wonder if there are any discounted tickets." "I have citizen tickets," Gu Fei took out a card
from his pocket, "I'll take you in later." How do you get in?" Jiang Cheng said, "I don't have an ID card
either." "I know people," Gu Fei smiled, "It's a small place, it's not that strict, just tell them to keep quiet
and follow behind with their ID card." After everyone got out of the car, Gu Fei took them to the side
door. If Gu Fei hadn't taken this side door, ordinary tourists would not have noticed that there was a
road here, nor would they have thought that there was a door past this road. "We're here, are you
there?" Gu Fei made a phone call while walking. "Is his leg okay?" Li Song asked from behind, "It looked
like he couldn't land on the ground yesterday?" Whether you can move or not depends on your mood
that day." "...Then you are awesome." Li Song said. Several people laughed together, and Jiang Cheng
sighed: "It's fine to giggle for a while, but don't talk." "Okay." Hu Feng replied immediately. Several
people kept their mouths shut for a while and then burst out laughing. Gu Fei glanced back at them, and
then at Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng went to walk side by side with him: "This group of people who took the
wrong rat poison." "Don't you often take the wrong medicine too?" Gu Fei said. "Fart," Jiang Cheng said,
remembering that he had giggled quite a lot with Gu Fei in the past few months. Thinking about it, he
felt like an idiot, so he sighed again, "I probably did it with Gu Fei. You only make mistakes when you are
together, and you are not much better." "You are young." Gu Fei said. The side door is small and not
very conspicuous. There are only two people at the ticket gate, a man and a woman. Gu Fei walked up
to the man and handed over the ticket in his hand. The man glanced back, counted the people, lowered
his head and punched a few holes in the ticket, and glanced at their ID cards one by one. Just put it in.
"Does this person look familiar?" Jiang Cheng thought about it after entering. "Liu Fan's brother." Gu Fei
smiled. "Ah?" Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment, "It looks more serious than Liu Fan." "Liu Fan will
be serious in a few years," Gu Fei said, "These people are just like this, fooling around for a few years,
and then Return to the so-called right track, make do with it, fall in love, get married and have children,
and live your life without any disturbance.” “Really?” Jiang Cheng glanced at him, Gu Fei spoke calmly,
but after listening Suddenly feel empty. "It looks like that on the surface," Gu Fei said with a smile, "As
for what's on the inside, I don't know, who hasn't any idea yet, Wang Xu is still thinking about going to
the next big city to open A pie shop." What about you? Jiang Cheng really wanted to ask, what about
you? Do you also want to follow this "right track" like the people around you, and live your whole life
like this? But he didn't ask. He thought of Gu Fei's question again. The haunted house is at the innermost
part of the park. It was not part of the park before. In the past two years, the park has been expanded to
include it together. The haunted house turned out to be an old factory building that occupies a large
area. "It turned out to be a deserted mass grave," Pan Zhi looked at the profile of the haunted house,
"The buried corpses are all ownerless..." "Oh, it's so scary." Li Yuqing said. "After the factory was built,
strange things began to happen..." Pan Zhi continued to read, "The workers on duty at night will always
hear singing from the empty room..." "Fuck," Jiang Cheng whispered, "It's as true as it is." "What if it's
true?" Gu Fei said, "We have a lot of wasteland here, and there are also a lot of mass graves. There are
cemeteries under many schools." "Shut up." Jiang Cheng looked at him. "Just the technical school next
to the No. 4 Middle School..." Gu Fei stopped halfway through speaking, and then glanced at him, "Are
you scared?" Jiang Cheng didn't say anything. Gu Fei was silent for a while and laughed: "I really didn't
see that you are afraid of these things." "I'm also afraid of cockroaches," Jiang Cheng said, "Is there
anything I can't do?" "No," Gu Fei accepted. Smiling, he cleared his throat, "No, actually I'm also quite
afraid of cockroaches, and spiders..." Jiang Cheng actually likes watching ghost movies, horror movies,
disaster movies, science fiction movies... but he likes to watch them. Ghost movies are just because they
are scary to watch. Nothing else, he is afraid of ghosts, this kind of thing that he firmly believes does not
exist but is firmly afraid of. When he was a child, when he went home and walked into the corridor, he
would always stare at the corner of the stairs, always feeling that as soon as he turned around, there
would be... "I'm coming!" Pan Zhi's roar suddenly came from behind him. Jiang Cheng, who was still
immersed in the memories of scaring himself in his childhood, was covered in goosebumps, so
frightened by his voice that his hair and fine hairs almost shot out, and he couldn't help but yelled, "Fuck
me!" "What's the matter!" Pan Zhi was stunned by his yelling, and it took him a long time before he
answered, "Before I came, I said that the haunted house is my treat, and this is what I want to play the
most." "Oh," Jiang Cheng stared. After watching him for a while, he waved his hand, "Go, buy a ticket."
"It should be quite dark inside." Gu Fei whispered with a smile. "Nonsense, is it still called a haunted
house with a 200-watt light bulb on?" Jiang Cheng said. "I mean," Gu Fei clicked his tongue, "If you're
scared, no one will notice if you pull me." "...Oh," Jiang Cheng gave him a sideways glance, "Maybe I
don't need to pull you." , don’t think too much on your own.” “If you don’t pull me,” Gu Fei glanced
behind him, “maybe someone else will…” Jiang Cheng turned around and saw Li Yuqing and Li Yuqing
rubbing their arms and bouncing on the spot. Xu Meng, who was watching, turned her head back
instantly and looked at Gu Fei: "I told you, you'd better be more careful." "Yeah." Gu Fei smiled and
nodded. During the May Day holiday, there were more people queuing up at the haunted house than
usual. When they were waiting at the door to be released, they could hear the people inside screaming.
"Is it so scary?" Pan Zhi turned his head and whispered to Jiang Cheng, "It's called like this." "I don't
know," Jiang Cheng said, "When we go in later, those two girls might be called by what. "I still want to
fight one-on-one," Pan Zhi clicked his tongue twice, "I just asked for a one-on-one fight." Just as Jiang
Cheng was about to speak, several people who were still in shock ran out from inside. There were men
and women. With tear stains, hair is messed up. "I will never come here again..." a girl said while wiping
tears. "Ah," Xu Meng stamped her feet on the spot nervously, "When we bought the tickets, these
people just went in. They said the whole journey would take forty minutes, and they came out before
the end? Is it so scary?" "It doesn't matter if you get lost," Jiang Cheng said. "Let's not run away," Xu
Meng was a little worried, "Yuqing, please hold me tight." "Well," Li Yuqing nodded with a solemn and
solemn expression, "Let's walk in the middle, the boy will lead the way and break the back. "A group of
people discussed the expedition formation for a long time, but when it was their turn to enter the field,
they didn't discuss the reason. "It doesn't matter," Pan Zhi waved his hand, "Let's go!" The few people
who were still hesitant saw him enter, afraid of being left behind, hurriedly pushed and rushed in.
"Damn," Jiang Cheng said in a low voice, and followed into the small door in front of him, "Why do I feel
a little scared..." The sky was clear outside, and as soon as I stepped into the small door, the sunlight
disappeared, leaving only the path in front of me. A narrow, dark corridor with no windows. He
immediately froze in place, and quickly put his hands back: "Gu Fei?" "Yes." Gu Fei patted his hand. Jiang
Cheng felt a little more relieved, and turned around to confirm Gu Fei's distance: "Follow me closely."
"Yeah." Gu Fei hooked the corner of his mouth. What a charming smile, Jiang Cheng felt a little sad, and
under such circumstances, Gu Fei's smile couldn't make him think anything wrong. Pan Zhi and the
others were right ahead, walking forward looking east and west. Although the corridor is not a formal
haunted house, it is just a passage, but it already has a terrifying atmosphere. On the mottled walls,
moss grew on many places that had been soaked by water. Jiang Cheng felt that the moss must be fake,
but he didn't dare to touch it to make sure. A group of people didn't dare to move to either side, and
they all squeezed in the middle. When approaching the dark door frame of the official entrance of the
haunted house, Jiang Cheng saw a few bloody handprints on the wall. "God, look." Li Yuqing whispered.
"Don't let me watch, don't let me watch, I don't watch anything." Xu Meng's voice trembled. Jiang
Cheng turned his hand back again, touched Gu Fei's coat and grabbed it. Gu Fei sighed, grabbed his
hand, leaned over and said in a very low voice: "Actually, you are not so brave. It’s not small, aren’t you
afraid of grabbing something else with your hand?” Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and turned around and
said, “Get lost.” After entering the room, several people fell silent, and their eyes hadn’t adapted to the
darkness. It was pitch black and there was no sound. "Are... are you there?" Hu Feng asked. "Here." Pan
Zhi said. "Should I report the number?" Hu Feng said again. "Crazy," Pan Zhi said, "One." "Two." Hu Feng
said. "Three." Li Song also spoke. "Four." "Five." Li Yuqing and Xu Meng spoke at almost the same time.
"Six Seven." Gu Fei said. "...Ah, I'm next to Qi." Jiang Cheng said. A few people had just laughed a few
times, and suddenly a woman's voice came out from nowhere and interspersed with their laughter:
"Eight..." This erratic voice immediately made everyone quiet. "Fuck!" Pan Zhi, who was laughing the
loudest, roared, "Who!" "Ah——" Under the leadership of Xu Meng and Li Yuqing, a group of people
suddenly shouted. Although Jiang Cheng didn't make a sound, he was so frightened that he squeezed Gu
Fei's hand tightly. What a fuck! There are actors in this haunted house! A haunted house in a small
broken city! Even if there are actors, they are still so fucking dedicated! The movement of them now was
much more shocking than the screams they heard just now, and the people outside probably believed
that they were taken away by ghosts. "There is a light!" Pan Zhi yelled, "There is a light! I saw a switch
on the wall and I turned on the light..." With a bang, the room suddenly lit up, but then the lights began
to frantically flicker flash. Jiang Cheng felt that he was being shocked twice at this very moment. First,
under the flickering lights, he saw clearly that this was a room with "help me", "she's there" and "don't
go in" painted on the wall with blood. "These sentences make people feel chills on the back, and the
second is that he and Gu Fei haven't had time to let go of the hands that are holding each other tightly.
But in this situation, no one would notice such details. The two girls had already hugged each other, and
even Hu Feng hugged Pan Zhi's arm. Even if he is hugging Gu Fei right now, there is nothing strange at
all... But just when he and Gu Fei were about to let go of their hands, a closed door on the opposite side
suddenly opened. After reacting, a person suddenly hung down from the other side of the door and
hung on the door frame. "Damn it!" Gu Fei, who was facing the door and witnessed the whole process,
jumped up and hugged Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng, who was already in panic, didn't even see what was
going on there, so he roared and hugged Gu Fei. Everyone immediately shouted together again, and
each hugged the people around them tightly. After closing his eyes and screaming for at least ten
seconds, he slowly calmed down. "Fuck," Pan Zhi leaned on the wall, staring at the person hanging on
the door, "Dummy!" "Crap, can this be a real person?" Jiang Cheng took a few breaths, "I think we
should calm down, Just this one room, we have been shouting for two minutes, and the three people
who came in didn't shout so badly, it's so fucking shameful." The lights in the room are still flashing, but
it is estimated that the agency has completed the process, and there is no more Something scary
happens. Pan Zhi pulled the hanging dummy for a while, but didn't move any more. He poked his head
over there: "There's light over here, let's go this way?" Everyone followed slowly towards the door. past.
"How dare I fucking think you are?" Jiang Cheng rubbed his arm that was sorely strangled by Gu Fei,
glanced at Gu Fei, and said in a low voice, "If I'm shorter, can you crawl along? My head goes up?"
"Hey," Gu Fei looked at the dummy dangling again, and laughed again after thinking about it, "I didn't
say I wasn't afraid...I just scared me to death." After being frightened, everyone finally got used to the
fear a little bit. When they walked into the next room, they heard low crying and did not scream. "Voice
control," Pan Zhi pointed to the corner, "There must have been a sensor when we came in." This room is
quite large, it looks like a small workshop, and there are two electric planers in the middle, both of
which are stained with blood , There are torn bloody clothes on the ground. "It's quite forceful..." Pan
Zhi leaned over to look, and there was a sudden movement in the middle of the ragged clothes on the
ground, revealing half of his hand, "Ah—" The people next to him didn't approach, and the visual effect
didn't look like it. Pan Zhi understood so deeply that everyone just took two steps back in fright. Pan Zhi
was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, but he still insisted on finishing what he hadn't said:
"Really! Fuck!" Cheng couldn't help laughing. "Which door?" Pan Zhi sighed. "Just one door," Gu Fei
looked at the two doors in front, "The door on the right is the escape route, so let's go out right away?"
"Oh," Pan Zhi looked, and there was a light on the bottom of the door on the right. There was a small
light, and it said Exit, "Then go to the left." Li Yuqing immediately followed and grabbed the corner of his
clothes. "Don't pull me when you're nervous, you almost pulled my pants off just now." Pan Zhi glanced
at her. "Oh." Li Yuqing was stunned for a moment, then laughed for a long time. After going out from
this room, there is a corridor. The right side of the corridor is a wall, and the left side is a room. There is
no way in front of them. They have to find a way out from these rooms. Jiang Cheng felt that his nervous
mood gradually calmed down a bit. Although he walked with Gu Fei at the end of the line, which is
usually the first place in horror movies like this, but... he glanced at Gu Fei next to him. I don't really
have the consciousness to hang up right away. "Do you think there will be something behind?" Gu Fei
whispered. "Don't scare me." Pan Zhi said at the front. "There are six of us behind you," Jiang Cheng
said, "Are you scared?" "Who knows," Pan Zhi said, "You are also a person who reads countless films,
and there are often people who walk in front of you. Walk and walk, and as soon as you look back,
you're the only fucking left." "This is a man-made haunted house," Hu Feng reminded him, "Even if there
are actors, it's impossible to drag someone away." "A person like Jiang Cheng Combat power, half of it
will become a real ghost." Li Song said. In a tense situation, people's laughter point is likely to be stuck,
just this sentence, a group of people inexplicably started to laugh, looking around in horror, while
laughing wildly. "Stupid." Jiang Cheng sighed. but this

His feeling was especially obvious at a moment. When the group of people laughed wildly, he didn't
laugh along with it. Thinking about it before, he rarely joined the ranks of smirking. At most, when Pan
Zhi smirked, he joined in the fun and laughed to show They are on the same front. Only when he was
with Gu Fei...he turned to look at Gu Fei. Gu Fei was slightly behind on his right, and the room he
entered now had a blood-red light that dimmed and darkened. Although the atmosphere was weird,
when he saw Gu Fei bared his teeth at him, he still felt that The boy really has no dead angle at 720
degrees. so handsome! Much more handsome than that bloody ghost floating in from the door behind
him... Fuck! "Ah—fuck, fuck—" Jiang Cheng yelled at the same time, he felt that his current reaction
might as well be giggling along with him, and he shouted until his voice cracked a bit. And he knew very
well in his heart that this was an extra with a wig that was all crooked, yet he was so frightened that
when he roared, he almost gave his heart directly to Gu Fei from his throat. When he yelled, Gu Fei, who
had laughed at him before entering the door, didn't even turn his head, and immediately followed up
with the yelling. When he turned around and rushed towards the crowd hand in hand with Gu Fei, I feel
that all the face in my 18 years of life will be lost here. Fortunately, the embarrassment of the first few
was even more complete, the two girls fell to the ground directly, Hu Feng and Li Song shouted at twice
the decibel while fleeing to the right. When Pan Zhi, who was at the front, turned his head back, his eyes
were wide open and he couldn't even shout, so he staggered backwards, not knowing whether he
wanted to hide from Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei, or from the Dai who was behind them. A ghost with a
crooked wig. From the time the ghost flashed into the room to when he turned around and accidentally
bumped on the door frame and ran away covering his head, it took only a few seconds. The good boys in
the room were already screaming. After taking a long breath, Jiang Cheng sighed, "It's really... a big
show." "Is there surveillance here?" Pan Zhi asked. "Yes," Gu Fei pointed at the door frame, "If we fall
like this twice, the security guards will probably come in and force us out." "No," Pan Zhi pointed at the
two of them, thinking about it and laughing "You two can walk away if you don't close your eyes. I really
didn't realize that the two who are the most courageous can actually..." Pan Zhi looked at their hands
and paused: "When I ran over, my liver You two were scared to death." Jiang Cheng smiled and didn't
speak. Pan Zhi's eyes made him suddenly heave a sigh of relief. I see it. Pan Zhi's IQ is relatively worthy
of his name. After all, he is also a friend with such a strong relationship. He probably has seen everything
clearly at a glance. Jiang Cheng looked at Pan Zhi. Actually, maybe he wasn't unwilling to let Pan Zhi
know about this matter, but just didn't know how to speak up. He glanced at Gu Fei again. Gu Fei tilted
his head, twitched the corner of his mouth indistinctly, and smiled at him. Jiang Cheng's heart suddenly
felt fluffy, and he wanted to go over and give him a firm hug. "Let's go," Pan Zhi greeted, "Follow closely,
those who want to pull clothes, pull clothes, those who want to hug tightly..." Then he turned his head
and glanced at Jiang Cheng, with a smile in his voice: "Those who want to hold hands also hurry up
Done." "Fuck." Jiang Cheng laughed, and mouthed him, idiot. you two. Pan Zhi also mouthed him back.
Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu Fei's hand and squeezed it. Gu Fei squeezed him
too, very hard. Jiang Cheng immediately pinched back and increased his strength. Gu Fei hit back again...
Before he reached the door, Jiang Cheng Hearing his knuckles being pinched, he turned his head and
stared at Gu Fei. Gu Fei quickly clasped his hands together, and his knuckles creaked softly. Jiang Cheng
suppressed a smile, and followed the team with a serious face. He felt that if Pan Zhi knew how stupid
his grandfather was when he was with Gu Fei, he would probably break up with him.

Chapter 61 The design of the haunted house has at least three floors. The introduction said that the
whole journey takes about 40 minutes, but this 40 minutes should not include the time to stop and
scream in groups. Anyway, Jiang Cheng feels that they are making all kinds of scares While screaming
from the dead ghost, he wandered around in the darker and darker rooms for almost twenty minutes,
not even walking down the stairs once. "Should we find a place to go upstairs?" Jiang Cheng asked. "I'm
looking," Pan Zhi replied at the front, "Have we been in this room before?" "No." Gu Fei said. "Then we
probably haven't walked through this door," Pan Zhi pointed to the closed door in front, "Maybe it's
through..." Before they could speak, a series of children's laughter floated behind them. Even though
Jiang Cheng could hear the electric sound in the laughter and could confirm that it was coming from a
speaker hidden in a corner, he still had a chill on his skin. "Is there a ghost behind?" Li Song asked. "Let's
go, let's go..." Xu Meng pulled Li Yuqing's clothes, lowered her head and didn't dare to look around. Just
as he was talking, another string of laughter sounded. "Ah—" a group of people shouted at the same
time, squeezed Pan Zhi and rushed towards the door. "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Pan Zhi was
pushed so hard that he couldn't stand still. He hurried over and opened the door, and then there was a
loud roar, "Ah—" a man standing outside the door didn't know whether he was passing by or waiting. A
ghost who has been around for a long time, Pan Zhi was directly pushed into the arms of this ghost by a
group of people. During the howling, the ghost was knocked against the wall behind, and had to push
Pan Zhi away. "Ah—" A group of people turned around and ran again. There is a door behind, a group of
people panicked and rushed over as if the world had been destroyed, opened the door and rushed in.
The bright and dazzling sun filled the world amidst their howls. The few of them stood in the sun and
howled several times before stopping with a dazed expression. "Fuck me?" Pan Zhi squinted his eyes in
shock, "Why did you come out?" "Come out without even going upstairs?" Jiang Cheng looked back at
the small door, "Is this a fucking emergency exit?" Gu Fei stood at the end, folded his arms and cleared
his throat. "Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked back at him. Gu Fei gave a look to the right, and a group of people
followed along, wanting to turn around and squeeze back into the haunted house. About 30 meters to
the right is where the queue for the entrance is. Dozens of people lined up and looked at them together.
The expressions on their faces were quite indescribable, and some of them couldn't stop laughing. "Who
the hell led the way!" Pan Zhi asked in grief. "Crazy?" Li Yuqing said. "It's not me," Hu Feng said
immediately, "I came out after Da Li!" "Me?" Li Song was stunned for a long time with a blank
expression on his face, and stretched out his hand to gesture for a long time, "I seem to be There's a...
action to open the door?" "Idiot!" Pan Zhi rushed over and beat him several times, and under his
leadership, a group of people went up and gave Li Song several times. Having already come out, they
couldn't go back, so they had to leave the haunted house sullenly, with expressions of "we really just
went the wrong way", under the watchful eyes of the people in line. "Go to that ancient pagoda and
take a look?" Xu Meng suggested, "The cultural landscape is also quite interesting." "Well," Gu Fei took
out his phone and checked the time, "After going up and down the ancient pagoda... almost Go to eat
something, there should be a delicious restaurant in the park, I have to ask where it is first." "Are you
also a road idiot?" Li Yuqing said with a smile, "I don't remember where the food is. Huh?" "No," Gu Fei
said while dialing, "The last time I came here was a spring outing in elementary school." "Huh?" Li
Yuqing was stunned, "I think there is also an amusement park and a zoo , if I change it, I might have to
come to play several times a semester." "It means that your mind is not sound." Pan Zhi said. "You are
not healthy!" Li Yuqing glared at him. Gu Fei walked aside and probably called Liu Fan's brother again to
ask where to eat. Jiang Cheng looked at his back standing in the backlight. Whether it's watching movies
or going to amusement parks, Gu Fei's entertainment activities seem to have stayed a long time ago.
Although he doesn't like to go to parks, the number of times he goes with his classmates and friends is
not infrequent. The school canceled Spring and Autumn After swimming, they still go out by themselves.
Gu Fei's life is in the steel factory, except for skipping class and going out to play a few times, he seems
to have been in the steel factory all the time. Jiang Cheng's life in the past few months is also the same.
If there is no Gu Fei, his surroundings will be frozen, and all the people will be trapped in this small space
along the few streets under their feet. . Live dull and powerless. This kind of life is fine for a day or two,
a month or two months to grit your teeth, a year or two may explode, Jiang Cheng walked to the trash
can next to him, lit a cigarette and drank it, after a long time, maybe he will get used to it Whether it is
helpless or unwilling, it will sink in the end. The ancient pagoda is by a lake in the park. The lake is not
very clean, but the pagoda is very beautiful. The tower is quite tall, and standing on the top of the
tower, you can see the streets outside the park and the cars coming and going, but you can also see
more clearly the dusty and lonely city under the sun. "Let me write down the content," Pan Zhi said
while taking a picture of the introduction on the wall with his mobile phone. "There are still a lot of
words. Once I go back and copy it, the weekly diary will be complete." "This is good." Li Song also began
to take pictures. "Let me tell you," Pan Zhi glanced at the few people who took out their mobile phones
and started to take pictures of the wall, "don't copy them all like me." " said Hu Feng. "It's sad to think
about it," Pan Zhi sighed, "The weekly diary with hundreds of words, probably the last line is written by
ourselves, and the above is quoted from the ancient pagoda travel map." Several people suddenly
laughed together. "I haven't written a weekly diary for a long time," Jiang Cheng leaned on the railing
and stretched, "Old Xu didn't ask for it." "No one wrote it even if I asked for it," Gu Fei said, "I'm asked to
write a weekly diary. I definitely can't write this stuff." "No, you can definitely write it." Jiang Cheng
smiled, "You can write poetry." Gu Fei laughed: "That's right." "Oh, I Let me tell you," Jiang Cheng turned
around and leaned on the railing, glanced at Pan Zhi, then turned back and whispered, "Grandson Pan
should have... seen it." "Well, I can see that he saw it," Gu Fei He also lowered his voice, "Will there be
any problems?" "No," Jiang Cheng said, "I didn't think about how to tell him at first, it's better if he sees
it himself, so I don't have to find words." "He knew about you before, right?" Gu Fei asked. "Well," Jiang
Cheng nodded, "Only he knows...Of course, you know now too." Gu Fei smiled, "I have something to do
with you." "I have something to do with you, too." Jiang Cheng squinted at him . Gu Fei smiled and
didn't speak. "Actually," Jiang Cheng was silent for a while, "Actually, this doesn't count as something for
you, does it?" "Does it count for you?" Gu Fei asked back. "I don't know, forget it," Jiang Cheng frowned,
"I can't tell, I don't like being stared at or talked about, I hate being... accused." Gu Fei looked at him, he
Pause for a while: "You are not allowed to do this, you are wrong that way, here you need to correct,
there you need to improve, I hate being told that you are wrong this way, that is wrong, I have heard it
since I was a child There are too many, I just really...really..." "I know," Gu Fei said, "I know what you
mean." "I didn't want to say this at first," Jiang Cheng sighed lightly, lying on his stomach On the railing,
"I don't want you to think I'm... cowardly." "This has nothing to do with being cowardly or not." Gu Fei
also leaned on the railing, "Not being cowardly doesn't mean that I need to tell the world about these
things, just like I don't mind people knowing what my underwear looks like, but it doesn't mean that I
will walk around in underwear." Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at him, and after a while he
laughed: "What a silly metaphor." "I I've already tried my best." Gu Fei said. Pan Zhi hadn't discussed Gu
Fei's matter with Jiang Cheng since the haunted house, until the end of the vacation they were going
back, the car in the evening, and returned to the rental house after dinner in the afternoon. Pan Zhi
finished packing his luggage and said: "You and that Gu Fei..." "Huh?" Jiang Cheng sat on the sofa and
leaned against each other. "When did it start?" Pan Zhi asked. "It hasn't been long," Jiang Cheng said,
"Do you have any suggestions?" "No," Pan Zhi smiled, "Is there any suggestion here, it's going to rain,
grandpa is going to fall in love, what a normal thing , Am I still stopping you?" Jiang Cheng smiled and
said nothing. "But to be honest, I was quite surprised," Pan Zhi said, "I never thought that you could still
fall in love here." "Why?" Jiang Cheng looked at him. "Is there any reason?" Pan Zhi sat next to him, "I
don't think you would be in such a mood under such circumstances." I've thought about it." "But it's not
incomprehensible," Pan Zhi thought for a while, "I was quite worried about you before, but I saw that
you didn't's better than being bored by yourself." Jiang Cheng didn't say a word, staring
Staring at the ceiling for a long time, he looked at Pan Zhi: "Pan Pan." "Change your name." Pan Zhi
rubbed his arms. "Grandson." Jiang Cheng said. "What's the matter, Grandpa?" Pan Zhi turned his head.
"Falling in love, falling in love," Jiang Cheng said, "What do you think is the difference?" "Are you in a
hurry?" Pan Zhi asked. "Turn to your uncle." Jiang Cheng said. "You have to ask me this?" Pan Zhi looked
at him, "This is not your style." "I just want to hear what people with lower IQs think," Jiang Cheng
touched a cigarette and took it out. He said, "We people with high IQ tend to think too much." "There is
a difference between thinking too much and being mindless. I want to fall in love," Pan Zhi said. "For
example, I want to fall in love. Huang Hui, how about..." "No," Jiang Cheng interrupted him, "Then to put
it another way, you want to fall in love with me?" "Fuck," Pan Zhi frowned, "If it's so troublesome, it's
only for you. Whether it's a relationship or not, it has to be with you." Jiang Cheng gave him a thumbs
up. Jiang Cheng felt that Gu Fei's delicacy surprised him a bit. When it comes to dating and dating, there
is always a "he" in front of it. No matter which answer it is, it is him. Jiang Cheng frowned, at least on
this point, Gu Fei knew what he was thinking. It's not that he is so lonely, he needs to find someone here
to start a relationship, just because the other person is Gu Fei, no matter what kind of relationship, the
premise must be Gu Fei. He has been thinking about this sentence for the past two days. In fact, he has
already figured out the meaning of this sentence. I also know the true meaning of Gu Fei's sentence "I
will love you until you no longer need me to love you". He had to admit that Gu Fei did think a lot more
than himself, and he couldn't say how impulsive he was, but after all, the reason why he was so active
was that I like you and I want to be with you. I want to fall in love with you, not a relationship, it's you,
not someone else. This is the reason why Gu Fei would wait for him downstairs in the end. But if one
day, there is no way to go, Gu Fei's choice is probably "stop here", but what about his own choice? This
is the question that Gu Fei needs to answer. Gu Fei should be used to thinking of everything. His growing
environment, his family, and his experiences have made him used to thinking of all possibilities and
finding a way to deal with each possibility. But he is different. He didn't need him to think like this to
determine the environment of everything, even if he was suddenly thrown into such a place, he didn't
think too much, he just solved what he encountered in front of him. I am not my own, my biological
parents are like this, I have changed the environment from heaven to earth...everything, he has not
thought about it in depth, all his actions are looking at his feet, here There is a rock, how can I get there,
there is a ditch here, how can I get over it. On this point, he has a completely different way of thinking
from Gu Fei, but he is used to it. "Did he ask you this?" Pan Zhi asked from the side. "I asked him." Jiang
Cheng took the ashtray on the coffee table and put it on the floor next to the sofa, flicking ash into it.
"Impossible," Pan Zhi looked at him, "I know you too well." "Then you have to be careful that one day
you will be silenced by me." Jiang Cheng said. "He gave me the feeling." Pan Zhi also touched a cigarette
from the cigarette case on the coffee table and lit it, "It's just... how should I put it, I want to call him
brother when I see him." "He's younger than you .” Jiang Cheng said. "... That's what I mean," Pan Zhi
clicked, "You are also younger than me, I still call you grandpa, what I mean is, he looks like the kind...
who has been through a lot of things People." "Really." Jiang Cheng sighed lightly, this judgment was
quite accurate. "Some people can be known as soon as you meet them. As for the aura, you can still feel
it," Pan Zhi said, "Although he is in a haunted house...but I still want to call him Brother Fei when I see
him, you know I mean it." "Understood." Jiang Cheng said. "But that's not the reason why I call you
grandpa." Pan Zhi said again. "There is no need to specifically add explanations on this." Jiang Cheng
said. "Cheng'er," Pan Zhi took a puff of cigarette, and pondered deeply for a long time, "Yu Xin and you
are not considered dating, not even dating." "Ah." Jiang Cheng responded, She also stared at him
deeply. "So," Pan Zhi remained silent for a long time, "Gu Fei is your first love." "Fuck," Jiang Cheng
laughed, "Hold on for a long time, I thought you were going to say something, the farts didn't make any
noise "I haven't finished talking, I haven't finished talking!" Pan Zhi looked at him very unhappy, "Can
you change the pace of laughing at me from running wildly to walking, slowing down can kill you!"
"Walking Let’s go for a walk,” Jiang Cheng nodded, “You finished.” “It’s fair to say that first love will
probably… be hurt a little bit, after all, we’re… young,” Pan Zhi struggled to find words while holding a
cigarette, Stumbling hard, "I just want to say, don't let yourself get hurt too badly, you know what I
mean? Just... grandpa, I see your... my grandma... my grandpa, he should be The kind of person who
already knows how to protect himself... I have no other meaning." "Ah." It took Jiang Cheng a long time
to sort out what he wanted to express from Pan Zhi's confusing address. "Don't think that what I said is
inappropriate." Pan Zhi said. "Thank you." Jiang Cheng put out the cigarette butt, got up and patted him
on the shoulder, "I see." "Yeah." Pan Zhi nodded. "Flick the ashtray here," Jiang Cheng put the ashtray in
front of him, "Flick it on the coffee table and I'll let you lick the coffee table with your tongue." "Fuck
me!" Pan Zhi was stunned, "Fuck me Put it on paper, okay?" "That's why I didn't let you lick it now."
Jiang Cheng smiled and fell back on the sofa. Gu Fei did not participate in the activity of sending Pan Zhi
and the others to the train station. Although he did not participate in all the activities these days, in Gu
Miao's view, he still had less time at home, so Gu Fei Take her to Wang Xu's house to eat pie. Jiang
Cheng sent Pan Zhi and the others to the station: "Okay, don't say anything about parting speeches, it's
too nasty to bear." "Don't say anything," Hu Feng said, "Come back to see us after summer vacation.
How about going?" "...It's really hard to say." Jiang Cheng really didn't think about going back in the past
few months, no matter what he did when he went back, he never thought about it at all. "Or we can
arrange a place to travel together." Li Song said. "A detailed appointment will be made at that time,"
Pan Zhi said. "By the way, Gu Fei has been working as a tour guide for the past few days, and he didn't
say thank you to anyone." Li Yuqing handed a bag in her hand to Jiang Cheng, "Didn't it be said that day
that he had a younger sister? He didn't seem suitable, so we bought a doll..." Jiang Cheng smiled and
took it over: "Why are you being so polite." If these people had met this younger sister, no one would
think of buying her a doll again. baby. After a group of people entered the station, Jiang Cheng turned
around and went to the bus station, very frugal

Huidi took the bus back to the rental house. After entering the room, he took a photo of the doll and
sent it to Gu Fei. - Gu Fei, who was sent to Gu Miao by my classmate, quickly returned a message. - sent
away? -Well, are you still at Jiu Ri’s house?-Yes, are you coming?-No, I’m a little tired, I’ll lie down for a
while to loosen my waist-squeeze my waist.jpg Jiang Cheng smiled for a long time, and walked around
the room for two more Circle to see if there is anything that Pan Zhi missed, and then went into the
bedroom, it was still early, make a set of papers. Standing in front of the desk, Jiang Cheng
expressed deep admiration for his decision. This is the quality of a top student. kneel. The phone rang
again, and Gu Fei sent a photo of Zhang Gu Miao. In the photo, Gu Miao was holding a pie with a dazed
look on her face. -I showed her a picture of the doll, and she had this expression-hhhhhhh, you're such a
good brother, a little girl saw that the doll actually looked like this. Jiang Cheng pulled up the messy quilt
on the bed and shook, although It's for papers, but the environment is still very influential, so it needs to
be tidy... He saw a black box exposed under the pillow. He took a look at it and opened the box,
although he had already guessed what it was when he saw the box. But when he opened it and saw that
there was really a hot red pen inside, he was still a little shocked. Pan Zhi would actually give him a pen.
There is also a small note with a line of writing on it. -I will definitely be ridiculed if I give it to you face to
face, so I put it here, and I will give you a pen to make you always remember that you are a
schoolmaster. Jiang Cheng sat down at the desk with a pen in his hand, and laughed for a long time.
After thinking about it, he sighed again, Pan Zhi is a good friend, enjoying the treatment of his grandson
and worrying about his grandpa's heart. He took a piece of paper and wrote a few random words on it,
probably this word, no matter what kind of pen he used, he couldn't make it clear. He stared at the
paper for a while, then slowly drew his breath and wrote a line. May we all be as brave as each other.
The author has something to say: I saw someone say that Xiao Xiaojing will become a black-bone chicken
“_“, so farsighted. The author, who was in a good mood after eating a very sweet kumquat today, said
while holding a cup of hot tea. I have stopped letting the fourth essence of black hair and the fifth
essence of black hair practice o(≧mouth≦)o, so sad o(≧mouth ≦)o. The black-haired elf yelled loudly.
w(゜Д゜)w 嘤. Said the black-haired elf. Chichi, gurgle, gurgling &lt(ˉ^ˉ)&gt! . The black-haired little
spirit said.

Chapter 62 The May Day holiday is too short, that is, it is only one day longer than a weekend. When I
returned to school, I didn't even feel like I had a holiday. And Lao Xu on the podium has been
emphasizing the final exam for three or four days in a row. It was repeatedly mentioned that after this
final exam, they will face the college entrance examination that is still one year away. Jiang Cheng lay
prone on the table, resting his chin on the notebook, half-closed his eyes and listened to Lao Xu's
earnest words on the podium while the people below were buzzing. In the atmosphere of No. 4 Middle
School, Old Xu reminded him about the end of term and the college entrance examination. The people
in this classroom can focus on the summer vacation in the middle stage. Although I heard that the third
year of high school will start early, even if it is only half of the summer vacation, it is much better than
the three-day May Day that just passed. People around have already started discussing it in advance.
"What do you do during summer vacation?" Jiang Cheng turned his head and asked Gu Fei who was
playing with his phone with his head down. "Work part-time, sit in the store and listen to Li Yan's gossip,
and occasionally go out for a meal," Gu Fei said, "Accompany Er Miao, and I can accompany her to do
systematic rehabilitation training during the summer vacation." "...Oh." Jiang Cheng was stunned for a
while, he felt that it was a boring and exhausting summer vacation. "Do you want to work part-time
together?" Gu Fei whispered, "Ding Zhuxin has jobs, both her own and her friend's." Jiang Cheng never
thought that one day the word "part-time job" would appear in his summer vacation In life, but living
expenses, rent, water, electricity and telephone bills, tuition fees for the next semester, and uncertain
future expenses made him suddenly feel a little insecure just relying on the card in his hand. And it was
only at this moment that he felt how sweet it was that he was still thinking about how to relax during
the summer vacation and at most doing the questions. He was stunned for a while: "Are you going?"
"Well," Gu Fei responded, "I won't go I won’t call you anymore.” “Do you always shoot models?” Jiang
Cheng asked. "That's not true, I'm still picking up other things, such as merchandise, it's better to shoot
some of the ones that no one has." Gu Fei smiled, "If you have time, you can also shoot some films for
submission, but I haven't submitted any this year." "Damn, "Jiang Cheng said in a low voice, "Why are
you so awesome? Where are the previous ones?" "It's just some magazines, photography, travel." Gu
Fei put down his phone, "It's not much money, but it can let me pick up There is room to negotiate the
price during the job." "Yeah." Jiang Cheng nodded. Gu Fei didn't pay much attention to his studies, and
he didn't seem to have thought about these things, but he was really awesome in other aspects. Maybe
in the future Gu Fei doesn't need a grade or a school to support him. But maybe Jiang Cheng is already
used to measuring himself in this way, and such a careless Gu Fei always makes him a little uneasy. After
Pan Zhi went back, he quickly sorted out the photos of the visit this time, posted them to many circles of
friends, and even sent a copy to Jiang Cheng in a separate package. "I figured it out," Jiang Cheng flipped
through the photos, "Pan Zhi is simply a qualified original emoji photographer." "Well," Gu Fei leaned
over to look at it for a while, "Even your face can't match his level. Contest." "Shall I compliment you
back?" Jiang Cheng said. "No need," Gu Fei said, "I know how handsome I am." "Damn," Jiang Cheng
glanced at him, "Do your fans know that you are so narcissistic?" "I hide it deeply," Gu Fei smiled, "But I
know how narcissistic you are." "Get lost," Jiang Cheng said. Before school was over, he went to Lao Xu's
office and took all the papers he had written in the past two days. Old Xu looked at the papers with a
look of relief: "I'll find other teachers in a while and ask them to grade your papers. Don't relax, keep
working hard for the final exam." "Yes." Jiang Cheng responded. Gu Fei's "injured" leg has healed a lot,
and now he can walk slowly with just a hand, and he doesn't need to jump around with his arms
crossed. What Doctor Gu means is that in another week, the splint will almost heal. dismantled. When
he walked out of the school gate together with Gu Fei, Jiang Cheng saw Gu Miao whom he hadn't seen
for almost a week. ...and a doll hanging on Gu Miao's butt pocket. "This..." Jiang Cheng was stunned,
walked over and bent over to take a look. This doll is not big, but it definitely exceeds the size of even a
large bag, so it is tied around the neck with a rope. The buttonhole of Gu Miao's butt pocket was closed.
The visuals are beyond words. "She asked for it herself," Gu Fei said, "It took me two days to teach her
how to tie the rope." "It takes two days to learn how to tie the rope?" Jiang Cheng knew that Gu Miao
could count addition and subtraction very well. It took a lot of effort, and I was wondering if she couldn't
use her brain to calculate, and her hands-on ability would be stronger, after all, skateboarding is really
smooth. "Well," Gu Fei looked at Gu Miao, "Sometimes when I think about it, I feel... I'm so exhausted
that I can't learn it no matter how I teach." Jiang Cheng didn't speak, and pushed the bicycle out with Gu
Fei, and walked forward As soon as he rode out, Gu Miao quickly followed up on the skateboard. The
cool posture, the expression of contempt for everything in the world, the wild hairstyle... "Don't you tell
Li Yan to give her a haircut? How long has it been since you lied to me for 50 yuan?" Jiang Cheng
watched as he was kicking slowly with one leg Gu Fei riding a bicycle. "Then tell him to come over," Gu
Fei took out his phone, "Should we go to the store to eat later? Stay with me for a while." "Yes." Jiang
Cheng responded. The two of them didn't spend much time together during the May Day holiday. After
class, Gu Fei's mother was cats in the store for a few days. It seemed that something was on his mind.
Gu Fei wanted to accompany Gu Miao and stare at his mother... …"Is your mother alright?" Jiang Cheng
asked. "Ghost knows," Gu Fei sent a message to Li Yan, "I don't know who I'm dating again."
"She...why?" Jiang Cheng sighed. "I asked her to go to a psychiatrist, and she would fight with me," Gu
Fei said, "Now I don't bother to talk about it, as long as I dare to bring it home, I'll hit one." "...Like last
time? "Jiang Cheng said. "Yeah." Gu Fei smiled. "Don't hit me nonsense, just in case a good person
comes back." Jiang Cheng recalled the scene of the man being swung up a tree by Gu Fei, and felt a dull
pain from his nose to his ribs and even his crotch. "She just held her silly, sweet, and fantasy-loving
young girl's heart, and if I could find someone good here, I'd go to the streets." Gu Fei said. Jiang Cheng
glanced at him, laughed for a long time before sighing again. Hairstylist and Chef Li came here with a bag
of vegetables, and when he entered the shop and saw Gu Miao and the doll on her butt pocket, he was
stunned: "Are you shooting a horror movie?" "What horror movie? "Gu Fei sat behind the cash register
and looked at the purchase order. "My younger sister is carrying a doll." Jiang Cheng and Li Yan said at
the same time. "Er Miao," Gu Fei called Gu Miao, "throw brother Li Yan out." Gu Miao kicked on the
skateboard and bumped into Li Yan's leg. Li Yan pointed at Gu Fei while stepping back towards the door:
" Do you know what I want to say based on your virtue right now?" "Do you value sex over friends?" Gu
Fei said. "What kind of lethal power is there in emphasizing sex over friends?" Li Yan said, "Why don't
you say that you have always abandoned me!" "Shout," Gu Fei pointed to the street outside, "Shout
louder, Not ten people heard that I gave you a discounted leg." "Gu Ermiao!" Li Yan yelled at the door,
"Where is your relationship with me for so many years?" "Li Yan..." Jiang Cheng hesitated , walked to the
cash register and whispered, "Know?" "I don't know, I didn't say," Gu Fei glanced at him, "But you
should be able to tell, we usually don't talk about these things... you want Shall I say?" "No, no need,"
Jiang Cheng shook his head, "It's too deliberate and I'd feel awkward." Although Gu Fei and Li Yan didn't
meet together, they could feel it when they came into contact with each other. A stable personal
relationship can't be achieved in a day or two, so Jiang Cheng didn't want Gu Fei to explain something
specially. It's quite uncomfortable to think about something that breaks the habitual rhythm of a circle
of friends. Li Yan collided with Gu Miao outside for a while, and then came in with the bag of vegetables:
"It's just the four of us, so I'll cook a few random dishes?" "Okay." Gu Fei nodded. Li Yan really doesn't
look like someone who can cook, but every time Gu Fei needs to cook here, as long as Li Yan is around,
he must be the one who cooks, even though the cooking tastes just the same. But there is one thing that
is strong, that is, the action is quick. Jiang Cheng touched the review materials that Pan Zhi sent him last
time, and just read a few pages, and the dishes on the table over there were ready. "Eat quickly," Li Yan
sat down at the table, "After eating, give Er Miao a haircut, I have something to do tonight." "What's the
matter?" Gu Fei sat down. "Play." Li Yan said. "You haven't come home, have you?" Gu Fei asked. "Go
back." Li Yan frowned. Jiang Cheng took a bowl and ate in silence. Gu Fei told him about Li Yan not
coming home. At that time, he felt lucky that no one cares about him now. No matter what, at least he
won't have trouble with his family because of such a thing. Although when he thinks of Li Baoguo, he
still feels blocked in his heart. Li Baoguo hadn't contacted him for so long, so he didn't know whether he
should breathe a sigh of relief or feel uneasy, and he didn't know what kind of changes were waiting for
him ahead. Gu Miao was pretty obedient when she was getting her haircut. She wrapped herself in a
piece of cloth and sat motionless next to the cash register, honestly letting Li Yan cut her head up and
down. "Give her a hairstyle suitable for long hair." Jiang Cheng leaned on the chair with a book in his
hand, and looked at Gu Miao while reading. "At least she's a little girl." "I've always thought so," Li Yan
sighed "But there is no way, she will bite her hair when it grows, and she will get angry after washing her
hair for a long time." "In the future, wear a wig." Gu Fei said. "Aren't you afraid that she will eat up a
wig?" Li Yan said. "Maybe we will develop some new problems in the future, so we won't bite our hair."
Gu Fei stretched his waist and kicked Gu Miao's feet. "Is it?" Gu Miao looked at him blankly. he. "Do you
have any new problems that you haven't shown your brother?" Gu Fei kicked her again. Gu Miao
remained expressionless. "Grow up quickly." Gu Fei leaned forward, looking at her with his arms on his
knees, "Don't worry my brother, okay?" Li Yan gave Gu Miao a cute short haircut, and put her ears
together. Pointy and round, it made Gu Miao's cool expression much cuter. "Your head?" Li Yan took
another look at Gu Fei while packing up his things. "Huh?" Gu Fei quickly glanced at Jiang Cheng, "Don't
do it, I'll just shave it off if it gets hotter." "Shave it off?" Laughed, "Okay, I got it." Jiang Cheng was
thinking about whether Gu Fei's good looks could support his bald head, when Li Yan turned to look at
him and asked, "Do you want a haircut?" "No, Jiang Cheng leaned back subconsciously, "I..." "Yes, I see,"
Li Yan laughed, "Are you going to shave your head too?" "No!" Jiang Cheng resolutely gave the answer.
No answer. "I'm leaving," Li Yan put all the hairdressing tools in the box and kicked it under the cashier
counter, "There is something I promised Liu Fan not to tell you, but I will say it after thinking about it."
"Huh? "Gu Fei looked at him. "Ah, I'm in the hospital," Li Yan said, "He said..." "What?" Gu Fei
immediately stood up, "Injured?" "No," Li Yan cleared his throat, "What is it, hemorrhoids, surgery
tomorrow , I helped him drive to the hospital the day before yesterday. Anyway, I was not allowed to
talk about it, and I was not allowed to see it, but I think..." "I still have to see it," Gu Fei heaved a sigh of
relief and sat back on his chair, "So Everyone should not miss the funny things." "Yes," Li Yan nodded,
"So you should inform Luo Yu and the others? Go and have a look tomorrow, I ordered a big fruit
basket." "Okay." Gu Fly laughed. After Li Yan left, Jiang Cheng took a look at Gu Fei, "You guys are so
cruel." "Yes," Gu Fei laughed, "These people are boring, they just love to do this kind of thing, you Do
you want to go together tomorrow? Take a look at Liu Fan's butt." "... You don't have to keep your butt
there naked all the time for hemorrhoid surgery, right?" Jiang Cheng laughed after thinking about it, "I
can only see your butt..." Without saying a word After he finished speaking, he hurriedly stopped, while
Gu Miao was still sitting beside her, concentrating on grabbing the short-cut hair with her fingers. "Er
Miao," Gu Fei grabbed her hand, "The new hairstyle is very nice." Gu Miao didn't respond. As soon as Gu
Fei let go of his hand, she immediately raised her hand and continued to grab her head. Sighing, he
stretched out his hand to follow her fingers and scratched in her hair, and then ignored her. "Won't you
pull out your hair?" Jiang Cheng was a little worried. "I tried it, but it didn't work. I just can't get used to
the short hair. Just scratch it for a while." Gu Fei said. "...Oh," Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Miao, and sighed
after a long time, "I didn't know she would be like this after she got a haircut. I knew I wouldn't have
urged you to let her have a haircut." She still bites it." Gu Fei smiled, "And it's not the same as
answering." Jiang Cheng was inexplicably depressed, and looked down at the book in his hand: "I don't
understand her like Li Yan." "I and Li Yan Yan can be regarded as a child," Gu Fei said, "It's not surprising
that he watched Er Miao grow up, and Li Yan is depressed. Er Miao hasn't paid much attention to him for
so many years, but he is very close to you. .” Jiang Cheng smiled, yes. But... After laughing, he still felt a
little upset: "Then I don't know that you still drink tea?" "Huh?" Gu Fei didn't understand for a while.
"Even Lao Xu knows that you drink tea," Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue, "You actually took Lao Xu to
drink tea, ah, you are so elegant, young man." Gu Fei was stunned and laughed: "Ah... "What is it?" Jiang
Cheng said, "I'm just depressed, I don't know anything, I don't even know what you like to eat now." "I
took you to eat all I like "Gu Fei moved closer to him, stuck to him, and stuffed his hands behind his
back, "There is also that tea, only Lao Xu knows, I don't always go, if you want to go, we can go now.
"No," Jiang Cheng thought about it and felt that he was quite naive, "I just wanted to express how
disappointed I was when I missed you for more than ten years." "It's a good thing that I missed you for
more than ten years," Gu Fei looked at He said, "Actually, I can tell you anything, but I don't want you to
see it. It is impossible for us to be together all the way. Besides, you have been here for more than ten
years, and I may not It's useless to be willing to look at you more, no matter how good-looking you are."
"Get lost." Jiang Cheng smiled. That's right, if he grew up here, in a steel factory, in Li Bao's country...
"And I haven't even said that I'm depressed," Gu Fei stretched out his hand to do his homework on the
next table Gu Miao's forehead, whose nose was almost on the paper, pushed up, "I'm with a group of
your classmates, and I listen to the things you used to do with them every day. Where am I going to
cry?" "Damn "Jiang Cheng looked at him, "How simple is my past, just attending classes, cutting out
classes, competing with others for the top three in grades..." "Didn't I have a girlfriend before?" Gu Fei
said. "That's not called a girlfriend," Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "Well, I can't tell, it's like joining in
the fun, so the people next to me made a fuss, she brought me breakfast, and if I have nothing to do,
call Send a few messages, and then she is angry, coaxing, she is angry, coaxing, she is angry, coaxing..."
"Yo," Gu Fei was a little surprised, "You can still coax people?" She's a woman after all, so it's quite
annoying anyway," Jiang Cheng frowned, "I'm just like a fool, I didn't do anything, I just teased people all
day long." "Didn't do anything?" Gu Fei ticked off. Hook the corners of your mouth. "Well," Jiang Cheng
glanced at him sideways, "I haven't even held my hand." "So innocent," Gu Fei looked at Gu Miao, and
whispered in his ear, "Why is it not at all now? Pure love." "Fuck," Jiang Cheng lowered his voice and
leaned into his ear, "Am I not pure now? I am handsome and innocent now." "Yes, that's right," Gu Fei
continued biting his ear

Duo, "As pure as I am." "No," Jiang Cheng glared at him, "Turn your face in a little bit, okay, you're
squeezing me!" Gu Fei laughed, and couldn't stop laughing at him. down. "What a joke," Jiang Cheng
sighed, trying to suppress his voice, "just masturbate a few times, don't laugh like we did something." "A
few masturbations are nothing? "Gu Fei said with a smile, "Then you have to do something to count as
what you have done?" Gu Fei probably didn't think too much about it, as soon as he said this, the two of
them fell into a subtle, ambiguous relationship instantly. Yes, those who can't see people, those who are
guilty, and those who want to blush but are too embarrassed to blush. Jiang Cheng's first reaction was
that there would be countless pictures of stinky and shameless flesh floating past his eyes, and there
must be Gu Fei's stinky and shameless flesh inside. But I never thought that the barrage that flew out
first would be so wild. Not yet 18. Law on the Protection of Minors. How to treat premarital sex
rationally. ...what the hell is this? When he came back to his senses, Gu Fei had already leaned over to
correct Gu Miao's writing posture where her nose was about to stick to the paper, and he stared at Gu
Fei's back. At this moment, all kinds of scenes that cannot be described suddenly burst out. Fuck me! He
felt that he could burn Gu Fei's clothes with his thoughts. Fuck me! It turns out that I have watched so
many pornographic films without knowing it! Fuck me! The Internet is indeed a big dye vat!

Chapter 63 Once this kind of very unhealthy thinking starts, it can't be held back like a silly dog grabbing
food. But right now, not only can he not eat the pot, he can't even eat the food. After staring at Gu Fei
for a long time, he could only slap his lower back depressedly, then pulled the waistband of his sports
pants, and pinched his buttocks. "Hey," Gu Fei was startled, and turned his head to look at him, "What
are you doing?" "...Slap you." Jiang Cheng pulled his pants back up. "There's a room full of minors," Gu
Fei laughed, "It's okay to be careful." "I didn't do anything," Jiang Cheng leaned back in his chair, "Minors
can't pinch... play Did you?" Gu Fei stared at him for a while, then smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Did
you think of something shameful?" "For example?" Jiang Cheng also narrowed his eyes. Gu Fei didn't say
a word, he turned sideways and put his arms on the back of the chair, looked at him for a while and then
started laughing. "What are you laughing at?" Jiang Cheng looked serious. Gu Fei still didn't make a
sound, just looked at him and smiled, the meaningful smile on his face made Jiang Cheng unable to
stretch himself. "No." Jiang Cheng got up and poured a glass of water and sat down again, "You can be
frank, you can say whatever you want." "We're not too frank," Gu Fei laughed for a long time, "What are
you thinking?"" What are you thinking?" Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue. "I know what you're thinking."
Gu Fei took a sip of water from the cup in his hand, then put the cup back in his hand, "You also know
that I know what you're thinking." "Ah," Jiang Cheng thought about it and was happy again, "I thought
about it a bit shamelessly, but if you don't say it, I really haven't thought about it in detail." "I haven't
thought about it either." Gu Fei said. "I don't know whether I should believe it or not," Jiang Cheng
looked at him, "Anyway, you said it yourself, and you hid it deeply." "It's not like you haven't thought
about it at all..." Gu Fei laughed again, and it took a while He opened his mouth, "But I remembered
something I watched before." "What?" Jiang Cheng asked. "There's just a guy, and I've got a boyfriend,
and the relationship between the two of them is very good," Gu Fei said halfway in a low voice, then
looked back at Gu Miao, dragged the chair to Jiang Cheng's side, and brought it closer to his ear , "Then
it's just... going to bed..." Jiang Cheng choked, turned his head and coughed for a long time: "Fuck, that's
all?" "I didn't finish talking," Gu Fei said, "Have you finished coughing yet?" "I'm done coughing." Jiang
Cheng turned his head back and put his ear close to him, "Tell me." "And then I found out later, they
have the same model..." Gu Fei spoke with a little difficulty , when it came to the main point, his voice
was so low that it was like a mosaic, "Then, I'm still quite firm and can't change it, so I can only slap it
until the end of time..." Jiang Cheng didn't have time to feel that this content made people blush, first A
Tongle, laughed several times before stopping. "Damn it," Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at Gu Fei,
"What do you mean by that?" "It was a joke after dinner." Gu Fei also put away his smile, and replied
with a serious face. "It's been a long time since I finished this meal," Jiang Cheng said, and after thinking
about it for more than ten seconds, when he spoke, his voice was more mosaic than Gu Fei's just now,
and it almost caught up with the black bars, "Then you... huh? What?" "What?" Gu Fei was
stunned. "Damn," Jiang Cheng also glanced at Gu Miao. Gu Miao probably couldn't write the questions.
She was drawing circles one by one on a piece of paper with a pen. She was very focused, so he
improved a little. A son's voice said, "Do we need to masturbate until the end of time?" "Ah," Gu Fei
looked at him, probably not knowing what to say, "Ah." The most intimate behavior has always been the
two of them masturbating mushrooms, Suddenly the topic jumped to bed, and directly involved the
shameless level 12 content of body position, the atmosphere at this moment was a bit indescribable.
Suddenly embarrassed.jpg The two of them couldn't continue talking, and just stared at each other. Gu
Miao over there broke the atmosphere in a timely manner, probably because she couldn't write
arithmetic problems, and couldn't draw circles, so she grabbed the pen and began to poke on the paper.
When Gu Fei turned around and took away the pen in her hand, the tip of the pencil was already
broken, and the wood was poked by her until it blossomed. Jiang Cheng was a little stunned, but he
understood why Gu Fei didn't buy her a mechanical pencil. With this explosive power, a mechanical
pencil would break if it came, and a wooden pencil planer could still be used. Even after Gu Miao had no
pen in her hand, she still didn't stop her movements. She hammered down on the table with no angry
expression on her face. Not very pleasant. "Er Miao, Er Miao, look at me, Er Miao," Gu Fei didn't stop
her, but just squatted next to the table and kept repeating these words, "Er Miao, look at brother, Er
Miao..." Before Jiang Cheng All kinds of ecstasy thoughts dissipated with the sound of bang bang bang
and Gu Fei's repeated words. He didn't know what he could do at this time, but just watched quietly. Gu
Miao is not an ordinary child, and her current behavior is not a bear. Apart from being patient, there is
no other way. Looking at Gu Fei, Jiang Cheng couldn't comprehend his current mood, nor could he
imagine to what extent he could do it if he changed himself. Not once or twice, a day or two. Although
Gu Miao is small, she is 10 years old this year. He dare not imagine how Gu Fei has persisted for so many
years. Instead, he gradually understood how Gu Fei's temperament of always being indifferent to
everything came from. Gu Miao's seizure lasted for ten minutes. After Gu Fei repeated it tirelessly, she
finally looked at Gu Fei and stopped her movements. "You don't have to do the questions you don't
know how to do." Gu Fei looked at her and said slowly, "Don't be angry, you understand?" Gu Miao
looked at him without any response. "Nod your head to let brother know that you understand." Gu Fei
said again. Gu Miao nodded. "Brother Cheng is thirsty," Gu Fei pointed at Jiang Cheng, "Can you pour
him a glass of water?" Jiang Cheng was unprepared, and when he heard this, he quickly wanted to pick
up the glass and drink the rest of the water, but Gu Miao nodded, stood up and walked to him, and took
the cup from his hand. "I..." Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say. Gu Miao looked down at the
unfinished half glass of water in the glass, and simply fell to the ground with a splash, then went to the
side to take another glass, and handed it to him. "Thank you, little beauty." Jiang Cheng took the cup
and immediately drank half of it in one gulp. "I'm so thirsty." Fortunately, Gu Miao's thinking is different
from that of ordinary children. They have to be included in the mentally handicapped group. "Brother
Cheng will accompany you to skateboard for half an hour, okay?" Gu Fei asked again. "Okay." Jiang
Cheng immediately put down his cup and squatted in front of Gu Miao, "Shall we skateboard for a
while?" Gu Miao's eyes lit up, she nodded, and tapped her toes on the edge of the skateboard placed on
the ground next to her. Pick, took the skateboard in his hand, turned around and walked out. "Thank
you." Gu Fei heaved a sigh of relief, "Brother Cheng." "I'll pinch your legs later." Jiang Cheng stood up
and followed Gu Miao out. It is still very comfortable to skateboard in this weather, neither hot nor cold,
and feel the wind gliding over the body when stepping on the skateboard, which is quite enjoyable. With
Xinli's cute doll head on her head, Gu Miao alternated back and forth with Jiang Cheng with a cool face.
Every time Jiang Cheng watched her skillfully jump on the skateboard and make all kinds of difficult
moves, he felt that it would be great if time stayed here forever, or kept moving forward while Gu Miao
was playing skateboard. Gu Miao no longer has to worry, and Gu Fei no longer has to bear the pressure.
Jiang Cheng slid past the door of the store on his skateboard, took a look at Gu Fei who was squatting on
the steps of the door with a cigarette in his mouth, and looked at him, then stretched out his hand and
snapped his fingers. Gu Fei immediately whistled back, and the clear whistle followed him about ten
meters before disappearing. Originally, the previous topic made Jiang Cheng fantasize, but after half an
hour of skateboarding with Gu Miao, he broke out in a sweat, and his fantasies were temporarily
suppressed. He remembered an article he read when he was in junior high school, using exercise to get
rid of the bad habit of masturbation... At the time, he thought it was a piece of shit, but now that he
thinks about it, there might be some truth to it... But after Gu Miao sat down at the table and started
tidying up When he was reading his own book, Gu Fei walked into the hut and waved at him, but he
realized that this thing was still bullshit. He threw himself into the hut, hugged Gu Fei and gnawed, and
finally Gu Fei bit his shoulder, and he took a deep breath and stopped. "Fuck me? Why don't you bite my
face?" He touched his shoulder, suppressed his voice, and reached out to grab Gu Fei's waist, "Do you
still have a hidden identity as a vampire! ""Speaking so honestly, it's as if you didn't bite me." Gu Fei
hooked his shoulder, pulled his clothes over to cover the teeth marks, "If you bite me twice, you won't
be able to get out of this door." " "I..." Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, the sound of Gu Miao
kicking the table away came from outside. The two of them separated quickly at the speed of gods.
When Gu Miao dragged her small schoolbag to the door of the hut, there was already at least one meter
between Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei. Gu Fei was standing by the window, Jiang Cheng Standing by the bed,
he even took out his mobile phone and pretended to look at it at the speed of his thoughts. "Is it
packed?" Gu Fei asked. Gu Miao nodded. "Brother Cheng," Gu Fei called Jiang Cheng again, with a smile
in his voice, "This acting." "Let's go?" Jiang Cheng raised his head and put the phone back in his pocket.
"En." Gu Fei nodded. Recently, Gu Miao has been very attached to Gu Fei. I don't know if it's because Gu
Fei didn't spend much time with her during May 1st. Now if Gu Fei is not at home at night, she just sits
on the bed in a daze and doesn't sleep. "Do you have any opinions?" Gu Fei asked in a low voice when
he said goodbye to Jiang Cheng at the fork in the road. "What's your opinion?" Jiang Cheng asked. "I was
thinking of going to your place tonight..." Gu Fei cleared his throat, "Later." "...I'm not that hungry."
Jiang Cheng looked at him. "I'm talking about staying later, not doing it later," Gu Fei said, "Besides, it's
not convincing for you to say that you are not hungry and thirsty just now..." "Get out," Jiang Cheng
interrupted him, thinking a little Smile, "Harmonious society, be reserved on the street." "Tomorrow,
wait for me early." Gu Fei said. "En." Jiang Cheng responded. Ever since he "injured" his leg, Gu Fei, with
extraordinary determination and perseverance, has never been late again. "Good night." Gu Fei swayed
the front of the car, and whistled to Gu Miao on the sidewalk as he stepped on his skateboard. "Good
night." Jiang Cheng squeezed the back of his hand. Jiang Cheng returned to the rental room, took a bath
and changed clothes step by step, and checked Gu Fei's teeth marks in the mirror. Overall, it was fine
and not obvious, but the two canine teeth and small eyes were quite deep. Closer to the neck, he has to
wear a shirt tomorrow. "The dog has changed!" He filed his teeth in front of the mirror, then turned and
went back to the house, sat down at the table and started to do his homework. However, because the
homework is relatively difficult, he can free up half of his brain to think about other things while writing.
For example, the problem of body position will cause a burst of tachycardia and fever at the base of the
ears when you think about it. He really hasn't thought about this question, or rather, every time he rolls
into a ball with Gu Fei and listens to his panting, he doesn't think about the content other than the
various scenes where Gu Fei is being suppressed by him... But when Gu Fei suddenly told such a story,
he suddenly realized that his imagination was probably a bit monotonous, and maybe it needed to be
more colorful. This up and down...he stared at the tip of the pen, because he had no practical
experience...he couldn't understand what each felt like. but. A generous, chic, handsome... man like
myself, it's not impossible to give in to a boyfriend, after all, Gu Fei is still a month younger than himself,
so if Gu Fei... Although it's not necessarily true, but if... ...So What? Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue, what
a big deal. It's just that compared to this uncertain situation, for Jiang Cheng, what he cared more about
was that he didn't seem to be mentally prepared to do something with Gu Fei. Gu Fei didn't seem to
want to take any further actions, anyway, after Shameless finished his work, the two of them were quite
satisfied. The heat is not up yet? Jiang Cheng held the pen holder in his mouth, shaking it up and down.
It's a shame that my mind is full of this stuff when I'm doing my homework. Neither Jiang Cheng nor Gu
Fei continued to discuss this issue. The next day, when Jiang Cheng saw Gu Fei's figure flashing from the
intersection towards the breakfast stall, he felt a burst of comfort in his heart. Fuck you tangling about
the meaning of these farts, just looking at this guy is enough. It wasn't until now that he realized that
staring at a person's face was not such a stupid thing, it just depended on who the person was. On this
day of class, he listened to the class and looked at Gu Fei. He didn't feel that the teacher was chanting
scriptures in class. He couldn't enjoy Lao Lu's class too much. Lao Lu's class was too passionate, and the
greatest joy was The pointer pointed to the back of the classroom: "Jiang Cheng, answer it." During the
self-study class, Jiang Cheng lay down on the table while doing his homework while continuing to sweep
Gu Fei's face. Gu Fei glanced at him and smiled. , bowed his head and swiped a few times on the phone.
His cell phone vibrated, and when he took it out, he saw that it was a message from the little rabbit
obediently. - I watched it with great enthusiasm today. Boyfriend Jiang Cheng smiled and glanced at him.
Gu Fei was still playing with his phone with his head down. -Why don't you look at me-I just like you
staring at me like this all the time "Why?" Jiang Cheng asked softly while lying on the table.
"Reassuring." Gu Fei turned his head and smiled, and touched him with his leg under the table. - I think,
in your eyes, running wildly, I think, just a look, old Jiang Cheng looked at the words sent by Gu Fei,
looked around, made sure no one noticed them, stretched his hand over, Gu Fei rubbed his legs
vigorously. As soon as he left the school gate after school in the afternoon, he saw Liu Fan's small broken
car parked by the side of the road, and Li Yan was sitting in the driver's cab. "Let's go, let's go," Li Yan
beckoned, "They have already passed by, gather at the gate of the hospital." Gu Fei got into the car:
"Have you had the surgery?" .” Li Yan said. "Where did the sweet and sour come from?" Jiang Cheng sat
on the back seat, looked at a huge fruit basket next to him, and there was a card inserted in the middle,
and he read the words on it, "Everyone hold up the little daisy ...Just out of your mind, he probably can't
even taste spicy food, so it will be bitter." "I'll definitely clean you up one by one when you're discharged
from the hospital," Gu Fei said. "You also have to count." Li Yan said. "Ask him if he dares." Gu Fei clicked
his tongue. After the bad bird gathered at the entrance of the hospital, several people took the fruit
basket they were looking for and went to the ward of the inpatient department. The condition of the
ward was not bad. Liu Fan only had two people in this room with three beds. When they entered, Liu
Fan was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone. Hearing someone coming in, he turned his
head, and after seeing it clearly, he yelled sincerely: "Li Yan, I'll fuck you to death sooner or later!"
"Brothers," Li Yan put the fruit basket on the bedside table, " How can we let you lie on your stomach
alone in the hospital." "Then tell the doctor to put you in this row one by one!" Liu Fan stared around,
"Hey fuck Jiang Cheng, you're a fucking serious person, and you're here to join in the fun!" "I'm passing
by," Jiang Cheng said. "I remember you guys," Liu Fan clasped his fists at them, "I will never forget you in
this lifetime!" "Brother Fan, how do you feel?" Luo Yu leaned over and asked. "The feeling of bursting an
ass! What does it feel like! Do you want to try it!" Liu Fan stared at him. A group of people laughed very
loudly. The family members of the hospital bed next to them frowned, probably because they thought
they were too noisy, but to be honest, this group of people came to this place, with the three big
characters "Don't mess with me" hanging on their faces, looking like they were going on tour with the
underworld. It seemed that the family member took a few glances but did not dare to make a sound.
"Be quiet." Gu Fei leaned against the wall and said. Several people stopped their voices and comforted
Liu Fan with suppressed smiles. Asshole feeling. Tut tut. Jiang Cheng stood beside Gu Fei and leaned
against the wall, but he was not listening to what they said at all, and only this sentence was in his mind.
Although this is too exaggerated, it is almost conceivable that the first time cannot be

What a wonderful enjoyment... Tsk tsk. Jiang Cheng glanced at Gu Fei. Gu Fei leaned his head against
the wall, from his neck to his collarbone, drawing a very beautiful and sexy arc. If it wasn't for the large
group of people around him, he would have wanted to go over and lick it right away. Tut tut. How could
he bear such a Gu Fei? Not long after staying here with Liu Fan, they were kicked out by the nurse for
arguing for the patient to rest. "Where are you going?" Li Yan asked in the elevator, "I'm driving Liu Fan's
car, I can take you there." "Take us back." Gu Fei said. "Let's all go to Dafei's, I haven't had a drink for a
long time." Luo Yu said. "En." Gu Fei responded. The elevator stopped two floors down, and before the
door opened, there was a messy roar from outside. When the door opened, the roar suddenly became
louder. "You guys just want to steal money!" A man's voice yelled, "Surgery! I have to be hospitalized! If
I live, I will have surgery! I won't have surgery! What radiotherapy and chemotherapy! They are all
fucking money! You lied to me The money is still fucking saying that I don’t have enough money? Believe
it or not, I’ve ruined your place!" "Uncle, you can discuss the treatment plan with the attending doctor,
and there is also a list of medicines for you..." Jiang Cheng was all over Frozen in the elevator, when the
door opened, he saw an angry man waving his arms outside at a glance. His own father, Li Baoguo. "I
don't read the list! I'm dying now! Get my money back!" Li Baoguo pushed the doctors and nurses next
to him, "Death is death! I won't let you steal my money! You won't give me the money I paid Give it back
to me, I'm not finished with you!" The people who got into the elevator were still looking out, talking in
low voices, and there was someone who was stuck at the elevator door and couldn't get in to watch the
excitement. Jiang Cheng moved, and Gu Fei grabbed his arm. Li Yan stood by the door. After taking a
look, he slapped the person who was stuck in the door and pushed the door to close. The man turned
his head and wanted to come in, but stopped after glancing into the elevator. The few people in the
elevator didn't speak. After reaching the first floor, Gu Fei pulled Jiang Cheng's arm out of the elevator.
"Then let's go first, the store will wait for you..." Li Yan asked. "In the store, my mother probably isn't
here again." Gu Fei said. "En." Li Yan turned around a few times and left. Jiang Cheng followed Gu Fei to
a corner with some numbness. "Brother Cheng?" Gu Fei called him. "Yes." Jiang Cheng responded. "This
matter..." Gu Fei hesitated, "You can't do anything about it." Jiang Cheng glanced at him, but didn't say
anything. "You can't control it," Gu Fei looked at him, "You can't control this matter, you can wait for
him to go home and talk to him, but you can't go there now, do you understand what I mean?" "Yes."
Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Of course he knew what Gu Fei
meant. The author has something to say: Happy New Year, students ⊙▽⊙. The author, who ate a big
pot of braised mutton, rubbed his belly and knelt on the ground and said happily. Happy everyone
o(≧mouth≦)o, and the author should not change the topic o( ≧mouth ≦)o, what do you want to do by
letting Li Baoguo out o(≧mouth≦)o. The black-haired elf yelled loudly. w( ゜Д゜)w 嘤. Said the black-
haired elf. Jijigugu&lt(ˉ^ˉ)&gt! . The black-haired little spirit said. .... The silent fourth black-haired elf
and the fifth black-haired elf.

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