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Senior Secondary Section (CBSE)

Date: 25/09/2020 Unit Test 1 Class: XI

Duration: 1hr 30 mins Subject: Psychology (Code: 037) Max Marks: 50

General Instructions
• All questions are compulsory and answers should be brief and to the point.
• Marks for each question are indicated against it.
• Question No. 1 – 11 in Part A carry 1 mark each. You are expected to answer them as
• Question No. 12 - 14 in Part B are very short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
• Question No. 15 – 18 in Part C are short answer type – I questions carrying 3 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
• Question No. 19 – 21 in Part D are short answer type – II questions carrying 4 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words.
• Question No. 22 and 23 in Part E are long answer type questions carrying 6 marks
each. Answer to the question should not exceed 200 words.

1. In a field experiment, the Independent variable is selected rather than manipulated by the
experimenter. True/False. 1
2. The parietal lobe is mainly concerned with the cognitive functions of the brain. True/false.
3. Experiences are responses or reactions we make or activities we engage in. True/False 1
4. A Goan family migrated to the U.S. interacts with other cultural groups there while
maintaining Goan culture and identity. The acculturative strategy which best represents this
situation is __________. 1
a) Assimilation
b) Marginalization
c) Integration
d) Separation OR
During the British rule in India many individuals and groups adopted several aspects of
British lifestyle. These changes refer to ___________
a) Socialization
b) Enculturation
c) Acculturation
d) Cultural transmission
5. A psychologist recommends that a company must adopt a new management structure that
would increase communication between managers and staff. The branch of Psychology
involved here is __________ 1
6. After having learnt to dance, Terry doesn’t have to concentrate on how to dance. The part of
brain involved in this situation is __________. 1
7. __________established a psychological laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1
8. __________ is a purposeful activity conducted to derive factual information, opinions and
attitudes and reason for a particular behavior from the respondents. 1
9. __________ Psychologists facilitate communication between parents, teachers and
administrators and also provide teacher and parents with information about the academic
progress of a student. 1
10. __________ provide detailed in-depth depictions of people’s lives. 1
a) Structured Interviews
b) Unstructured interviews
c) Case study
d) Questionnaires
11. _________ is the process of knowing. 1
a) Constructivism
b) Cognition
c) Reasoning
d) Cognitive perspective

12. Give two functions of the spinal cord. 2
Elucidate the role of sensory and motor nerves.
13. State two points of difference between Speed tests and Power Tests 2
14. Describe the role of a Clinical Psychologist. 2

15. How does the autonomic nervous system help us in dealing with an emergency situation? 3
16. How can Psychology be used in everyday life? 3

Distinguish between structuralism and behaviorism.
17. Dr. Roberts is interested in assessing the anxiety level of students coming from different
schools. Identify the method of research involved. Discuss its characteristics. 3
18. Discuss briefly the goals of psychological enquiry? 4
As psychological research is concerned with human behavior, the researcher is expected to
follow certain ethics while conducting studies. Highlight any 4 ethical guidelines.
19. Explain how information travels within the nervous system? 4
20. Explain in detail any 4 branches of Psychology. 4

21. Describe in detail the Survey research method. 6
Describe in detail the Observational method of research.
22. Name and explain the various endocrine glands and the hormone secreted by them. How does
the endocrine system affect our behavior? 6
What is socialization? Discuss the main features. Describe the main agents of socialization.

----------GOOD LUCK ----------

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