7.4 One Word Substitution

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One Word Substitution Shafquat Ali Academy Notes. Tips : Aspirants should use these words for the Precis Writing. « Makes the language and writing concise, yet crisp. « Makes the structure more understandable, more clear. e The language is briefly expressed. e The meaning is identical yet shorter. « Embellish the language. ¢ Helps avoid repetition in Language. What is one word substitution called? ‘One-word substitutions’ are also known as ‘Verbatim’. The practice of ‘One-word substitution’ is, also, something that replaces a word with a context but without changing the meaning of the given same context. One Word Substitutions FAQs Q.1 What is the one-word substitute? ‘Ans.1 ‘One-word substitution’ is a replacement for long and lengthy sentences or definitions. It falls under the category of ‘Vocabulary’ as words, sentences, and definitions are parts of a speech as well. Q.2 Why are one-word substitutes important? ‘Ans.2 One word substitution replaces words and communicates the meaning more effortlessly. Q.3 Which causes the death of one word substitution? Ans.3 Toxic, Fatal. Q.4 What is one word that Cannot be read? Ans.4 Illegible. Q.5 What Cannot be seen in one-word substitution? Ans.5 Unseen, Invisible. Q.6 Which can be seen through one word? Ans.6 Transparent, Visible. Most Repeated One Word Substitution Sample Questions Replace the underlined words with One Word Substitution. Q1. He was hanged because he killed his brother. A. Patricide B. Matricide C. Fratricide D. Suicide 1. Option C is correct. Q2. Germany had a dictator based reign with Hitler Chancellor. A. Plutocracy B. Aristocracy C. Dictatorship D. Bureaucracy 2. Option C is correct. Almost all of these are philosophical words. Aspirants should use these words for the Precis Writing Posthumous occurring, awarded, or appearing after the death of the originator. “he was awarded a posthumous Military Cross" (of a child) born after the death of its father. “Newton was the posthumous son of a! rate yeoman” Agnostic a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God. He believes nothing can be known about God. Atheist a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. "Stephen Hawking was an atheist" Theist a person who believes in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who of the universe Monotheist Muslim, Jews, Christian are monotheistic religions. A person who believes in One God. Definition of monotheism : the doctrine or belief that there is but one God historically related forms of monotheism as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Polytheist Definition of polytheism belief in or worship of more than one god. Pantheist Belief that everything of nature is god. Albert Einstein was a pantheist. Polyglot a person who knows and is able to use many languages. Almost all Sindhis are polyglot. They can speak and write many languages. Many people in the world can't speak more than one language. Polygamy Polygamy is the practice of marrying multiple partners. When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny. When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry. In contrast to polygamy, monogamy is marriage consisting of only one wife or husband. Polyandry Misanthropist a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society. Philanthropist a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. Alfred Nobel Bernhard, who invented dynamite, was a philanthropist. He gave his wealth for the sake of humanity. Humanist Humanists believe that humans do good for humanity without any religion. Humans are responsible for their actions and consequences. an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to humans rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems Altruist a person who cares about others and helps them despite not gaining anything by doing this: Altruists have a strong desire to help other people. She was an altruist and idealist. Idealist Idealism is a broader concept.you study philosophy first to understand idealism. Idealists don't believe in materialism or the material world. Idealists believe in ideas of philosophy. Idea in philosophy means not material or matter. a person who believes in the theory of idealism. “Hegel described himself as an absolute idealist" Other meanings: A person who values principles. Optimistic hopeful and confident about the future Pessimistic tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen Sadist The definition of a sadist is a person who gets pleasure - especially sexual pleasure - from inflicting pain on someone else. An example of a sadist is a corrupt leader who enjoys watching someone else be hurt. Stoic a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. This was asked during my CCE 2018 interview. Misogynist A person who hates women. Misogamist A person who hates marriage. Suicide Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Patricide the killing of one's father. a person who kills their father. Matricide the killing of one's mother. “a man suspected of matricide" a person who kills their mother. Fratricide the killing of one's brother or sister. a person who kills their brother or sister. the accidental killing of one's own forces in war. “the Vietnam War saw fratricide increase because of the close-in jungle fighting" Uroxide the killing of one's own wife. Infanticide Generally, infanticide refers to the killing of a young child under the age of 12 months. Regicide the action of killing a king. a person who kills or takes part in killing a king Homicide homicide, the killing of one human being by another. Genocide the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group Rodenticide Rodenticides are chemicals made and sold for the purpose of killing rats. Xenophobic having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. Oligarchy Rule by the few. Oligarchy is a small group of people having control of a country or organization. Aristocracy the highest class in certain societies, especially those holding hereditary titles or offices. “the ancient Polish aristocracy had hereditary right to elect the king" Potable safe to drink; drinkable. “there is no supply of potable water available" Portable able to be easily carried or moved, especially because it is a lighter and smaller version than usual. Illegible Unreadable. not clear enough to be read. “his handwriting is totally illegible" Iconoclast a destroyer of images used in religious worship. a person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or institutions. Vandalist a person who willfully destroys, damages, or defaces property belonging to another or to the public Vagabond a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job Arsonist a person who intentionally starts a fire in order to damage or destroy something, especially a building Anarchist 1 : a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power. 2 : a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established orde Hedonist a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life; a pleasure-seeker. A person who lives for happiness. Shafquat Ali Academy Notes. centenarian a person who is a hundred or more years old. Age by Decade Question What do you call a person in their 40's, 50's, 60's, etc.? — Learner's Everywhere. Answer There are different words for people in each decade of age: A person between 10 and 19 years old is called a denarian. A person between 20 and 29 is called a vicenarian. A person between 30 and 39 is called a tricenarian. A person between 40 and 49 is called a quadragenarian. A person between 50 and 59 is called a quinquagenarian. A person between 60 and 69 is called a sexagenarian. A person between 70 and 79 is called a septuagenarian. A person between 80 and 89 is called an octogenarian. A person between 90 and 99 is called a nonagenarian. A person between 100 and 109 is called a centenarian. A person 110 years old or older is called a supercentenarian. Killing and Manias Killing of Humankind Genocide/ Carnage Killing of Wife Uxoricide Killing of sister i Killing of brother Frat ing of mother Matricide Killing of father Patricide The killing of a son (own’s child) Filicide The killing of a daughter (own’s child) Filicide The killing of an animal for food Slaughter Killing someone illegally Lynch The killing of an elder/older Senicide Governance Systems Government by people Democracy Government by rich__ plutocracy Government by high-class society Aristocracy Government by dictator Dictatorship Government by monopolists Capitalism Government by a particular community §Communalism Government by king Monarchy Absence of government rule Anarchy Government by small fraction or group of families | Oligocracy Government by religious institutions Theocracy An extreme or irrational fear of heights | Acrophobia Fear of Dogs Cynophobia The study of mankind Anthropology Person and Personality One who cannot be corrected Incorrigible One who has mixed feelings Ambivalent One who has two or more skilled Ambidextrous One who is outspoken and outgoing Extrovert One who is reserved and conservative _Introvert One who hates or disgust mankind Misanthrope / Misanthropist One who hates or disgust females Misogynist One who hates or disgust males Misandrist / Misander One who is showy/flirtatious/ Pompous of character Flamboyant One who is difficult to please or to convince Uncomplacent / Fastidious One who has a strong sixth sense Psychic One who is mentally unsound Psychotic One who is not addicted to anything Teetotaler One who is full of life and has a charismatic personality Convivial One is innocent and unaware of worldly affairs Gullible One who is prone to hurt Vulnerable Habits and Ability An ability to use both the hands Dexterity An ability to express oneself inspeech Oracity An ability to make good judgments and take quick decisions Acumen An ability to see what might happened in future Foresight ity to stay calm in difficult situations Sangfroid ity to do something Knack An ability to copy the behaviour of a person Mimicry An ability to find ways or directions Navigate An ability to add diagrams or explanation to a written context Annotate Having complete power Omnipotent, Omnipotence Having knowledge of the power of learning Erudite Profession A person who travels in space Astronaut Aperson who makes maps__ Cartographer Aperson who sells flowers _ Florist A person with beautiful penmanship Calligrapher A person who supervises Invigilator A person who teaches dance moves Choreographer A person who supervises the museum Curator A person who collects coins Numismatist A group of cattle or sheep Herd A number of fish swimming together Shoal The one who eats human flesh = Cannibal Someone who regards the world as their country Cosmopolitan The one who loves good food and knows a lot about it Gourmet Someone who lives in solitude Recluse A person who loves himself the most Narcissist Someone who cares about mankind. Humanitarian Someone who is reserved and shy. Introvert Complex situation or a mix-up Imbroglio The profession of teaching or the approach or style of teaching Pedagogy A person who is unsure about God’s existence Agnostic Believer of fate —_ Fatalist Loves being social and enjoys the company of others Gregarious An office with high salary butno work =Sinecure One who is much concerned about details and accuracy Fastidious Q1. An individual who is unable to express or interact easily A) Extrovert B) Introvert C) Ambivert D) None of the Above Q2. A stream of water moving very fast A) Current B) Tide C) Torrent D) Storms Q3. Shikha spends a lot of money on clothes. Her cousins call her a: A) Frugal B) Economical C) Miser D) Spendthrift Q4. Asmita works really hard for the upliftment of poor children. She even donates half of her salary to NGOs. She is: A) Philanthropist B) Selfish C) Tightfisted D) None of the Above Q5. It is impossible to see through it. A) Translucent B) Fragile C) Opaque D) Transparent Q6. Aman is really scared of thunderstorms. He suffers: A) Acrophobia B) Ophidiophobia C) Nephophobia D) Astraphobia Q7. She caught the robbers A) Courageously B) Frightened C) Cowardly D) None of the above Q8. Lalit has a good knowledge of Music. His father calls him: A) Incompetent B) Amateur C) Maestro D) Beginner Q9. After attending a career counseling session, he understood that his was cooking: A) Niche B) Supplant C) Replacement D) None of the above Q10. You can’t park your truck here. It is: A) Lawful B) Allowed C) Unauthorized D) None of the Above 1.B 2.0 3.D 4A 5.C 6.D 7A 8.c 9A 10.C Phobias Acrophobia is a mental health condition in which the individual experiences an intense fear of heights Claustrophobia : Claustrophobia is the irrational fear of confined spaces. People affected by claustrophobia will often go out of their way to avoid confined spaces, such as lifts, tunnels, trains etc. Hydrophobia : extreme or irrational fear of water, especially as a symptom of rabies in humans. rabies, especially in humans. zoophobia: Zoophobia is the fear of animals. Some people with zoophobia fear all animals, while others are afraid of one specific animal. An extreme or irrational fear of heights }Acrophobia Fear of Dogs Cynophobia Herpetophobia is a fear of reptiles. People with herpetophobia are most often afraid of reptiles like snakes and lizards. Xenophobia: dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. Group Words for Animals Flock of sheep Oxford Dictionary group of sheep, goats or birds of the same type flock (of something) -He looks after a flock of 500 sheep. in flocks- These birds fly in huge flocks. Herd Oxford Dictionary a group of animals of the same type that live and feed together a herd of cows/deer/elephants a beef/dairy herd School of fish. Oxford Dictionary a large number of fish or other sea animals, swimming together. a large number of fish swimming together as a group. shoals of herring Squid travel in shoals. Swarm of bees Oxford Dictionary (of bees and other flying insects) to move around together in a large group, looking for a place to live A parliament of owls A Troop of Monkeys

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