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Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)

Seshu M.R. Adluri

CIV 7530 Design of Steel Structures

S-Frame & S-Steel Tutorial

Analysis & Design of Steel Concrete Composite Beam

Composite Beam Design : Design the following beams for steel concrete composite
action. Use DL=SW of Slab (t > 65mm) + 0.7kN/m2; LL=3.5kN/m2, Deck sizes available:
38, 50 or 75 mm. Concrete: 25 or 30 MPa. Use ¾" (19mm) Shear Studs
Main Beam Secondary Beam


25 or 30MPa

Steel Deck

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

 Choose the deck

 Choose the slab thickness
 Design the shear stud
 Check for deflections

Starting S-Frame:
Search for S-Frame in the start menu, then click on the icon.

Creating a New 3-D Model

The following window appears when you open the S-Frame. To create a 3D model of planar
Truss system Click on New 3D.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Filling Project Details:

A window called “New Structure” will be appeared as soon as you click to create a new 3D
model which asks for project titles and details. Fill these details and click ‘Next’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Fixing Units:
Select the units as per requirements and click on ‘Next’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Setting Tolerance Limit:

The default tolerance limit of 0.001 m is chosen as the model tolerance limit. Click on ‘Next’.

Selecting The Codes:

Select the codes from the drop down menu and click ‘Next’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Format of New Structure:

Select “Create a Regular Frame Work” and click ‘Finished’. The interface of S-Frame will appear.

Edit Regular Framework:

Put the values of the following parameters as follows:
Z-Storey Height = 4.5m
X- Direction: No of Bays=3, Bay Width=8m for primary beam
Y- Direction: No of Bays=6, Bay Width=4m for secondary beam

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

A 3D structure will appear as follows. We need to delete few members from here.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Displaying Member No. and Joint No.:

The member and joint numbers can be displayed by turning on the boxed icons.

Deleting Unnecessary Members and Joints:

At first press ‘Esc’ to unselect the whole structure, then select the members and joints to erase
and press the tab ‘Delete Objects’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

After deleting the members and joints, the structure will be like this:

Assigning Section Properties:

Right click on the ‘Section Properties Tool’ and click ‘Steel’ from the right of the ‘Section
Properties Tool’ window. From the ‘Steel section properties’ window, choose ‘CISC 2007’ from
the ‘Steel table’ and select the section ‘W 460*52’. Click ‘Add to=>’ then ‘OK’. From ‘Section
Properties Tool’ window, select the section ‘W 460*52’, then click ‘Update’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Placing Supports:
Right click on the ‘support tool’, fix translation and rotation in and about Z-direction by
checking the boxes as follows. Then click ‘OK’ and select the Nodes at the bottom of the

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Assigning Shell Elements:

Select the ‘Quadrilateral Element Tool’ by right clicking the mouse, put ‘Thickness’ equal to
150 mm, then click ‘OK’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Now left click on the 3 nodes of a panel, turn ‘On’ the tab ‘Render Model’. The outcome will be

Now do the same for the rest four panels.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Assigning Panels:
Right click on ‘Panel Element Tool’ to select and put ‘Thickness=150mm’. Check the box
‘Display Thickness’ and ‘Area Load Only’.

Right click on ‘Level 2 Beams’, select ‘Copy Group’ and copy to ‘Area Load Members’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Right click on ‘Panel Element Tool’ and then left click on the 4 nodes of a panel to assign the
panels. This step is quite similar to assigning quadrilateral shell elements. The outcome is like
the following:

Assigning Tributary Areas:

Right click on ‘Span Direction Tool’, choose the ‘Tributary Area Colors’, select Span Type as
‘Two Way’ and press ‘OK’. Then left click on a panel area and drag the mouse. This will result in
tributary areas as follows:

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Repeat the same procedure for rest of the panels. The final outcome will be like:

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Creating Load Cases:

From the “Shortcuts” menu Right click on ‘Loads’, then click ‘Edit’ and select ‘New Load
Case…’. Name the type of load in ‘Load Case Description’ e.g. Dead Load and press ‘OK’. Repeat
the same for self-weight and live load. Thus three load cases are created. Note that while
assigning self-weight don’t forget to input in ‘Gravitational Factors’, ‘Z = -1’. In other cases, X=0,
Y=0 & Z=0.

Creating Load Combination:

Click on ‘Edit’ and select ‘Load Combinations’. The equation of our load combination is:
Load Comb 1 = 1*Self wt. + 1.2*DL + 1.5*LL

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Applying Loads on Tributary Areas:

At first left click on the tab ‘Loads’ from the ‘Shortcuts’ menu, select ‘Dead Load’ from the load
cart then Right Click on ‘Area Load Tool’, put magnitude of ‘Area Load’ equal to -0.7, press ‘OK’
and then left click on the panel mid points to assign the dead load. Similarly, select ‘Live Load’
from the load cart, magnitude of ‘Area Load’ equal to -3.5 and then left click on the panel mid
points to assign the live loads.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Run Analysis:
The model is ready now. Save the model, click ‘Run’ and select ‘Analysis...’. Select the Analysis
type as follows and press ‘OK’.

A window will appear to allow access if you want to proceed with analysis. Press ‘OK’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Now press any key to run the analysis.

Support Reactions:
The reactions at the supports can be found by clicking ‘Reactions Tool’ as follows. You can also
check the reactions for individual load cases by: click ‘View’, select ‘Select Load Type’, select
‘Primary Load Cases’ and then chose the load case from the drop down menu.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Analysing with S-Steel:

Save the model, click ‘Run’ and select ‘S-STEEL’. Select the Analysis type as follows and press

A window will appear to allow access if you want to proceed with analysis. Press ‘OK’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Now we shall check the code using S-Steel. Select the input of code check- ‘Code Check Input CAN/CSA
S16-14’. Before running the code check select the whole structure by left clicking and draging the

The code check result will be like the following. Select ‘Color coding + Ratios’. You will see that all
the members are red in color and all the ratios are greater than 1.The ratios must be less than 1 in order
to pass and the color will not be red anymore then. So we need to increase the size of the members

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Click on ‘View’ and select ‘Pass/Fail Status’.

Defining Composite Structure:

Select ‘Design Input’ from the ‘Shortcuts’ and select the whole structure by left click and draging the
mouse, click ‘Edit’ and select ‘Composite Beams…’. Then press ‘OK’.

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Now, select ‘Level 2 Beams’, click ‘Edit’ and select ‘Composite Beams…’. Then fill up the composite
beam data as follows:

i) 75mm deck + 90mm slab

ii) Fc’=25 MPa
iii) Stud dia= 19mm or ¾ in
iv) Wd/Hd Ratio = 2

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Select the whole structure, click ‘Run’, select ‘Design 1 Step’ and select the ‘Load Comb 1’.

Now, Press ‘OK’. The outcome will be as like:

Composite Beam (S-Frame Tutorial)
Seshu M.R. Adluri

Check Code Details for Members:

Double Click on any member to check the code details and you can change the section of the
members based on weight, cost, depth etc. Then ‘Reanalyze’ the structure until all the ratios
are less than 1. One of the possible solutions of final design is as follows:


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