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"Last Name" "First Name" "Username" "Student ID" "Last Access"

"Availability" "PRELIMS Attendance [Total Pts: 100 Score] |563692"

"PRELIMS HW - Construction Cases [Total Pts: 100 Score] |540277" "PRELIMS -
Quiz [Total Pts: 99.9 Score] |541701" "PRELIM Exam - Contracts [Total Pts: 100
Score] |540279" "PRELIMS Grade [Total Pts: up to 99.96 Score] |546609"
"MIDTERMS Attendance [Total Pts: 100 Score] |563693" "MIDTERM HW -
Construction Methods and Techniques [Total Pts: 100 Score] |543549" "MIDTERMS
Quiz - Construction Methodology [Total Pts: 100 Score] |551295" "MIDTERM Exam -
Construction Methodologies [Total Pts: 99.9 Score] |553609""MIDTERMS Grade [Total
Pts: up to 99.96 Score] |555180" "Attendance [Total Pts: 100 Score] |535761"
"FINALS HW - Productivity Computations [Total Pts: 100 Score] |561265"
"FINALS Quiz - PERT-CPM [Total Pts: 100 Score] |561264" "FINALS Exam -
S_Curve/Gantt Chart [Total Pts: 100 Score] |559285" "FINALS Grade [Total Pts: up
to 100 Score] |562726" "Sem. Grade [Total Pts: up to 99.97333 Score] |563697"
"ADALLA" "AURYL AIDAN" "201911158" "201911158" "2023-05-29 21:17:12" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "91.96" "73.26" "75.00" "78.098" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "76.59" "85.62" "57.14285"
"100.00" "75.00" "88.00" "84.35714" "82.69171"
"ARELLANO" "JANNA CAMILLE" "201912059" "201912059" "2023-06-02 16:28:17" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "63.27" "95.00" "83.308" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "92.08" "100.00" "79.92" "90.78" "100.00"
"87.54" "88.00" "83.58" "86.321" "86.803"
"BAGAOISAN" "ANDREI" "201913797" "201913797" "2023-06-03 02:05:14" "Yes" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "76.59" "77.00" "79.636" "Ready to
Post(100.00)" "88.00" "96.04" "83.25" "89.916" "100.00" "100.0
0" "75.00" "70.05" "77.525" "82.359"
"BIEN" "GLENN LEXTER" "201915187" "201915187" "2023-06-01 19:44:14" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "63.27" "67.00" "70.308" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "69.93" "82.956" "71.42857"
"95.92" "88.00" "88.00" "88.35942" "80.54114"
"CARASI" "JOHN HENRY" "201912878" "201912878" "2023-06-02 22:22:23" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(80.00)" "88.00" "56.61" "78.00" "71.044" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "96.04" "86.58" "91.24799" "85.71428"
"60.00" "95.92" "70.05" "77.08671" "79.7929"
"CORRAL" "ALLANES CHRISTINE" "201915119" "201915119" "2023-05-27 04:22:02"
"Yes" "Ready to Post(100.00)" "91.96" "59.94" "75.00" "72.77"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "79.92" "86.952"
"85.71428" "100.00" "75.00" "88.00" "85.78571" "81.8359"
"DARACAN" "MARK REIVAN" "201913919" "201913919" "2023-06-25 21:06:52" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "76.59" "100.00" "90.636" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "100.00" "56.61" "80.844" "85.71428"
"91.96" "64.95" "79.29" "77.20971" "82.89657"
"DATU" "CHRISTOPHER SHANE" "201814732" "201814732" "2023-06-16 21:19:45"
"Yes" "Ready to Post(80.00)" "69.90" "59.94" "100.00" "78.461"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "59.94" "78.96"
"71.42857" "75.00" "75.00" "88.00" "81.32142" "79.5808"
"DE GUZMAN" "LORENZ ADRIAN" "201911470" "201911470" "2023-06-19 09:34:19" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "69.90" "46.62" "100.00" "74.133" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "69.93" "82.956" "57.14285"
"75.00" "75.00" "88.00" "80.60714" "79.23204"
"DE JESUS" "ADISON" "201914059" "201914059" "2023-06-02 09:04:17" "Yes" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "53.28" "77.00" "70.312" "Ready to
Post(100.00)" "88.00" "96.04" "86.58" "91.24799" "100.00" "100.0
0" "75.00" "70.05" "77.525" "79.695"
"DELA CRUZ" "CHRISTIAN KYLE" "201913813" "201913813" "2023-06-02 07:09:25" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(80.00)" "100.00" "49.95" "100.00" "78.98" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "79.92" "86.952" "71.42857"
"69.24" "100.00" "100.00" "93.95742" "86.6298"
"DELA CRUZ" "RENA VIANCA" "201911515" "201911515" "2023-06-15 00:53:56" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "91.96" "66.60" "75.00" "75.434" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "73.26" "84.288" "57.14285"
"100.00" "75.00" "88.00" "84.35714" "81.35971"
"DELFIN" "JAN MAYNARD" "201911209" "201911209" "2023-06-17 22:56:07" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(80.00)" "69.90" "56.61" "100.00" "77.129" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "63.27" "80.292" "42.85714"
"91.96" "75.00" "88.00" "82.43685" "79.95261"
"ESTRADA" "JUSTINA MARIE" "201914002" "201914002" "2023-06-18 13:59:14" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(80.00)" "88.00" "63.27" "77.00" "73.308" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "96.04" "79.92" "88.584" "57.14285"
"100.00" "75.00" "70.05" "75.38214" "79.09138"
"FAJARDO" "MA. MICHAELA" "201910693" "201910693" "2023-05-30 21:13:52" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "79.92" "100.00" "91.968" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "100.00" "59.94" "82.176" "100.00"
"91.96" "64.95" "79.29" "77.924" "84.02266"
"FAMADICO" "JEROME JORDAN" "2013110148" "2013110148" "" "Yes" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "" "0.00" "" "5.00" "0.00" "" "" "0.00"
"0.00" "100.00" "" "" "" "5.00" "3.33333"
"FLORANTE" "KRISTINE JOYCE" "201814980" "201814980" "2023-05-27 18:19:46" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "73.26" "In Progress(93.00)"
"86.504" "Ready to Post(80.00)" "79.29" "91.96" "59.94"
"76.6535" "85.71428" "95.92" "88.00" "91.96" "91.05371" "84.73
"FONTANILLAS" "KENNETH BRYAN" "201914011" "201914011" "2023-06-15 02:20:07"
"Yes" "Ready to Post(80.00)" "In Progress(100.00)" "53.28" "100.00"
"80.312" "Ready to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "100.00" "73.26"
"87.504" "57.14285" "91.96" "64.95" "79.29" "75.78114" "81.19
"GRIÑO" "ALBERT" "2012100187" "2012100187" "2023-05-09 15:54:27"
"Yes" "Ready to Post(100.00)" "" "0.00" "" "5.00" "0.00"
"" "" "0.00" "0.00" "100.00" "" "" "" "5.00"
"HERNANDEZ" "SAM ELIJAH" "201910667" "201910667" "2023-05-29 10:02:57" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "73.26" "63.00" "74.504" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "92.08" "91.96" "69.93" "83.568" "85.71428"
"100.00" "88.00" "88.00" "89.68571" "82.5859"
"LEE" "CHONA" "201820079" "201820079" "2023-06-19 16:47:45" "Yes" "Ready to
Post(100.00)" "100.00" "63.27" "In Progress(93.00)" "82.508" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "79.29" "91.96" "96.57" "92.3055" "57.14285"
"95.92" "88.00" "91.96" "89.62514" "88.14621"
"LICTAOA" "CRISPIN" "1999060025" "1999060025" "" "Yes" "Ready to
Post(100.00)" "" "0.00" "" "5.00" "0.00" "" "" "0.00"
"0.00" "100.00" "" "" "" "5.00" "3.33333"
"LOPEZ" "MARC GABRIEL" "201913740" "201913740" "2023-06-19 19:37:45" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "83.71" "73.26" "70.00" "74.8605" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "88.00" "83.25" "86.70" "71.42857"
"75.00" "75.00" "88.00" "81.32142" "80.96064"
"LOPEZ" "WINONA ROSS" "202014854" "202014854" "2023-06-03 16:29:23" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "73.26" "95.00" "87.304" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "92.08" "100.00" "83.25" "92.112" "71.42857"
"87.54" "88.00" "83.58" "84.89242" "88.1028"
"LUI" "CATHERINE NICOLE" "201913373" "201913373" "2023-06-02 18:09:17" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "73.26" "100.00" "89.304" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "76.59" "85.62" "85.71428"
"69.24" "100.00" "100.00" "94.67171" "89.86523"
"MAGANTE" "EARL EDWARD" "201913596" "201913596" "2023-05-30 18:20:05" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "76.59" "67.00" "75.636" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "79.92" "86.952" "71.42857"
"95.92" "88.00" "88.00" "88.35942" "83.64914"
"MAGLANQUE" "RENE JR." "201820080" "201820080" "2023-05-09 20:54:08" "Yes" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "73.26" "In Progress(93.00)" "86.504" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "79.29" "91.96" "93.24" "90.9735" "57.14285"
"95.92" "88.00" "91.96" "89.62514" "89.03421"
"MARCELINO" "ZYRYLLE ADRIAN" "201913502" "201913502" "2023-06-03 00:28:17" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(80.00)" "88.00" "66.60" "67.00" "70.64" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "86.58" "89.61599" "71.42857"
"95.92" "88.00" "88.00" "88.35942" "82.8718"
"MEDINA" "JHOAN" "201914076" "201914076" "2023-06-11 22:50:20" "Yes" "Ready
to Post(80.00)" "100.00" "73.26" "100.00" "88.304" "Ready to
Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "66.60" "81.624" "85.71428" "69.24
" "100.00" "100.00" "94.67171" "88.1999"
"MIÑOZA" "KIMBERLY JOANNE" "201911896" "201911896" "2023-06-13 20:53:13" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(80.00)" "100.00" "63.27" "95.00" "82.308" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "92.08" "100.00" "73.26" "88.116" "100.00"
"87.54" "88.00" "83.58" "86.321" "85.58166"
"OLINARES" "ERIKA PAULA" "201912813" "201912813" "2023-06-02 21:32:23" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "65.10" "76.59" "70.00" "73.401" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "96.04" "69.93" "84.588" "85.71428"
"91.50" "75.00" "88.00" "84.51071" "80.83323"
"ORTIZ" "JULIUS" "201913403" "201913403" "2023-06-09 14:35:17" "Yes" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "83.71" "73.26" "70.00" "74.8605" "Ready to
Post(100.00)" "88.00" "88.00" "79.92" "85.368" "71.42857" "75.00
" "75.00" "88.00" "81.32142" "80.51664"
"PAGCU" "EARL OLAN OLIVER" "201912867" "201912867" "2023-06-01 17:40:24"
"Yes" "Ready to Post(100.00)" "65.10" "69.93" "70.00" "70.737"
"Ready to Post(80.00)" "88.00" "96.04" "76.59" "86.252"
"85.71428" "91.50" "75.00" "88.00" "84.51071" "80.4999"
"PALENCIA" "MERLINDA" "2002060037" "2002060037" "" "Yes" "Ready to
Post(100.00)" "" "0.00" "" "5.00" "0.00" "" "" "0.00"
"0.00" "100.00" "" "" "" "5.00" "3.33333"
"REFORMADO" "DANN CARLO" "202118953" "202118953" "2023-06-02 16:10:15" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "65.00" "86.58" "65.00" "75.382" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "96.04" "73.26" "85.92" "85.71428"
"91.50" "75.00" "88.00" "84.51071" "81.93757"
"RETERACION" "ERL VINCENT" "201911342" "201911342" "2023-06-25 19:17:57"
"Yes" "Ready to Post(100.00)" "69.90" "56.61" "100.00" "78.129"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "79.92" "86.952"
"85.71428" "75.00" "75.00" "88.00" "82.03571" "82.37223"
"SAMSON" "ANGELO" "201912835" "201912835" "2023-05-30 22:23:44" "Yes" "Ready
to Post(80.00)" "88.00" "59.94" "78.00" "72.376" "Ready to
Post(100.00)" "88.00" "96.04" "63.27" "81.924" "85.71428" "60.00
" "95.92" "70.05" "77.08671" "77.1289"
"SARMIENTO" "MARK DANIEL" "201913645" "201913645" "2023-06-03 00:02:17" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "83.71" "73.26" "70.00" "74.8605" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "88.00" "86.58" "88.032" "71.42857"
"75.00" "75.00" "88.00" "81.32142" "81.40464"
"SEBETERO" "CHARLES RAFAEL" "201913370" "201913370" "2023-06-06 21:38:58" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "66.60" "78.00" "76.04" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "96.04" "63.27" "81.924" "71.42857"
"60.00" "95.92" "70.05" "76.37242" "78.11214"
"SINONGCO" "JOHN MARVIN" "201910553" "201910553" "2023-06-05 15:27:58" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "76.59" "63.00" "75.836" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "92.08" "91.96" "69.93" "83.568" "85.71428"
"100.00" "88.00" "88.00" "89.68571" "83.0299"
"STA. MARIA" "FEDERICO MIGUEL" "201911282" "201911282" "2023-06-07 02:37:22"
"Yes" "Ready to Post(100.00)" "69.90" "53.28" "100.00" "76.797"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "88.00" "91.96" "66.60" "81.624"
"57.14285" "91.96" "75.00" "88.00" "83.15114" "80.52404"
"SUBA" "LOIS PHILLIP" "201911137" "201911137" "2023-05-26 22:49:56" "Yes"
"Ready to Post(100.00)" "100.00" "69.93" "63.00" "73.172" "Ready
to Post(100.00)" "92.08" "91.96" "69.93" "83.568" "85.71428"
"100.00" "88.00" "88.00" "89.68571" "82.1419"

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