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History of Smallpox and

Its Spread in Human Populations


Smallpox, the infectious disease caused by species of the variola virus (VARV),
is probably one of the most terrible diseases to have affected human pop-
ulations over the past hundreds of years. Its dissemination was significantly
related to global population growth and the movement of people across
regions and continents. The geographical origin of the disease remains a
matter of debate; hypotheses suggest the Indus Valley or Egypt and the Near
East, regions that had high population densities 3,000 to 4,000 years ago (1, 2).
The latter hypothesis was recently refined by Babkin and Babkina (3), who
suggested that the initial spread of the virus in humans could have occurred in
the Horn of Africa (Kingdom of the Queen of Sheba). In this region, active
trade expeditions overlapped with the distribution areas of several animal
poxvirus hosts (including the naked-soled gerbil) and the introduction of the
domesticated camel as a new potential host. The disease spread from these
regions to the west and east, with historical reports suggesting epidemics in
China and Europe as early as the 1st or 2nd century CE, with a subsequent
progressive emergence of the virus in western Africa (4). During the 16th
century, smallpox was a significant cause of death in Europe. The smallpox
agent was also exported to South America during this time and passed over

AMIS Laboratory, UMR 5288, CNRS / University of Toulouse / University of Strasbourg, Toulouse, France;
Viral Emergence and Co-Evolution Unit, UMR 7268 ADES, Aix-Marseille University / French Blood Agency /
CNRS, Marseille, France.
Paleomicrobiology of Humans
Edited by Michel Drancourt and Didier Raoult
© 2016 American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC


both American continents (5, 6). As noted by god, Sitala (1, 8, 9); however, a precise
Fenner et al., smallpox was a major global description of the disease, masurika, was
endemic disease by the mid-18th century, reported only around the 7th century CE by
with the exception of Australia (4). Only the the physician Vagbhata (4). The period when
variolation and vaccination campaigns initi- smallpox was introduced into China is also
ated more than two centuries ago reduced under debate; a precise dating (i.e., between 25
dramatically the spread and impact of the CE and 49 CE) was reported by the physician
disease in contemporary populations. Ko Hung in 340 CE (10), whereas some
authors suggested a valid knowledge of the
disease as early as the 11th century BCE (8).
The subsequent spread of the virus to Japan,
between the 6th and 7th centuries CE, was
most likely favored by cultural (Buddhism)
From Ancient Times to 1000 CE
and trading exchanges with China and Korea.
According to the hypotheses reported above, The erection of a great statue of Buddha (Nara
it is possible to locate VARV in ancient Egypt. Daibutsu, 752 CE) was commissioned by the
Literature details three mummies dated from Emperor Shomu at the end of the smallpox
the 18th and 20th dynasties (1580 to 1350 BCE epidemic in memory of this period.
and 1200 to 1100 BCE, respectively) whose The dissemination of the disease in Europe
skin was covered with lesions that resembled and western Africa was suggested initially in
those of the smallpox rash (7). Thus, the writings dating from the 5th and 6th centuries
earliest physical evidence of a VARV infec- CE. It is conceivable that the introduction of
tion consists of the scars identified on these smallpox in European populations would
mummies, including the well-known mummy have been linked mainly to war and invasion
of the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses V, currently events. Thus, the invasion of the Huns around
preserved in the Cairo Museum, who died in 451 CE would have been contemporaneous
1157 BCE. Molecular studies aiming to con- with the possible presence of smallpox in
firm the smallpox diagnosis have not been French populations, as noted by Saint Nicaise,
authorized. In addition, extensive writings Bishop of Reims at that time. Despite a dearth
from that period describing the devastating of information on smallpox for the remainder
effects of the disease and/or specific medical of the Middle Ages, it is assumed that the
subjects have not been identified. The first Moorish invasions during the 7th and 8th
description of smallpox in Egypt was reported centuries CE contributed to the spread of the
by Aaron of Alexandria in 622 CE (4, 8). disease in southwestern Europe (4). Whether
Smallpox could have been brought to the East smallpox was also involved in several well-
by Egyptian traders traveling by caravan or known historical episodes, including the
across the sea during the 1st millennium BCE. Plague of Athens (Peloponnesian Wars, 430
Descriptions of diseases potentially related BCE) and the Antonine Plague (165 CE),
to smallpox outbreaks in Ethiopian, Persian, when smallpox could have been carried by
and Syrian populations were retrieved in Roman soldiers returning to Syria and Italy
writings dating from c. 300 to c. 900 CE; how- from Mesopotamia, are interesting hypothe-
ever, it is accepted that the clearest description ses that remain to be elucidated (4–11).
of smallpox was made by the Persian physician
Al-Razi, who differentiated the disease from
Spread of Smallpox during
measles in c. 910 CE (4, 8). In regard to India,
the Second Millennium CE
some authors postulated that the disease was
mentioned in the oldest Sanskrit texts, associ- During the 11th and 13th centuries CE, the
ated with the recognition of a dedicated Hindu Crusades contributed vastly to the dissemina-
CHAPTER 16 • History of Smallpox 163

tion of smallpox in Europe. Interestingly, an of France, Tsar Peter II of Russia, King Luis I
analysis of historical sources of Constan- of Spain, and Queen Ulrika Eleonora of
tinople reports two cases that, in all probabil- Sweden. The disease appeared in southern
ity, correspond to smallpox (12). The spread Africa in 1713 (Cape Town), and by the end of
of smallpox was persistent during the subse- the 18th century, smallpox was considered a
quent centuries, and by the 1500s, the disease major global endemic disease after its intro-
was considered endemic in most European duction into the Australian continent in 1789.
countries, from Iceland to Spain. Royal houses Following Edward Jenner’s discovery in
were also affected, as exemplified by the ill- 1796, variolation and, subsequently, more
ness of Queen Elizabeth I of England in 1562, efficient vaccination protocols that were
who remained disfigured (8). The introduc- developed during the 19th century contrib-
tion of the disease in the New World, in the uted to reduce progressively the incidence of
early 16th century, was linked to the creation the disease. Severe epidemic episodes were,
of Spanish and Portuguese colonies. As a however, still observed in the 1800s (e.g., in
consequence of Conquistador expeditions European and North American cities), and
and wars against the Aztec and Inca empires, the disease was also present during the
it has been estimated that smallpox killed Franco-Prussian War of 1870 to 1871 (8).
approximately 3 million to 4 million inhabi- Smallpox was still endemic in many coun-
tants (6). During the same period, another tries at the beginning of the 20th century (4).
source of importation of the virus was the The situation evolved favorably after the
contamination of ports in West Africa; thus, Second World War and the subsequent deci-
smallpox spread throughout Central America sive decision of the WHO in 1959 to initiate
via the slave trade (13). Populations in Peru an eradication program targeting smallpox.
and Brazil were subsequently devastated The application of the WHO strategic action
(c. 1524 and c. 1555, respectively), and by plan, the Intensified Smallpox Eradication
the beginning of the 17th century, smallpox Programme (1967 to 1980), resulted in mass
outbreaks had been identified throughout vaccination campaigns and the development
South America (4). The first epidemics in of surveillance systems. By 1979, the WHO
North America occurred in 1617 to 1619 officially declared smallpox eradicated (1, 14).
(Massachusetts) as a result of colonization
by European settlers; other ports, including
Boston and New York, suffered major epi- PALAEOMICROBIOLOGY AND
demics during the 17th century. PALAEOGENETIC STUDIES
Eyler noted that smallpox replaced bu-
bonic plague as Europe’s most feared disease Palaeomicrobiology is the study of disease-
at that time (14). The disease also became causing microorganisms in skeletal and
established in Russia (1623) and was dissem- mummified remains from archaeological
inated across the country, with massive epi- contexts. Although initial microscopy studies
demics in Siberian populations (1630) (4). were conducted on cross-sections of mummy
The death of Queen Mary II of England tissues as early as 1889 (15), the development
(1694) was symbolic of the future devasta- of genetic studies involving historical or ar-
tions that were to be observed during the chaeological specimens was relatively recent
18th century. Smallpox affected all levels of and mainly dependent on PCR technology
society and killed an estimated 400,000 (16). More recently, advances in microbio-
Europeans each year, in a population of ap- logical knowledge permitted the detection
proximately 160 million people in 1750 (13, of pathogens from the past (17). Fragments
14). Several other monarchs also succumbed: of bacterial or viral DNA are investigated in
Emperor Joseph I of Austria, King Louis XV possibly infected tissues, or in the teeth of

subjects who died following bacteremia or Ramses V (1157 BCE) presented characteris-
viremia events, with the specific character- tics of a smallpox-like rash (26). Research
istics of the ancient DNA samples taken into aiming to demonstrate smallpox virus particles
account (18, 19). The technical requirements in the vesicles was not completely conclusive.
for palaeomicrobiology studies are the same Hopkins (27) was the first to study the dis-
as those for human palaeogenetic analyses tribution of the rash, although not all body
(20). The possibility of contamination in parts could be examined. He noted that “[the]
archaeological samples occurs during exca- rash is quite striking and is remarkably similar
vation (soil environment) and/or during ex- to smallpox.” Subsequent studies of skin
perimental analyses in a laboratory dedicated pieces by electron microscopy were inconclu-
to ancient DNA. Therefore, contamination sive because no virus particles were observed
controls must be conducted to validate the in the cells (27). Radioimmunoassay analysis of
detection of ancient pathogens in investi- skin vesicles from the shroud of the royal
gated samples and in the authentication of mummy gave negative results, and the immu-
past diseases (21, 22). nological reactivity of the viral particles was
weak (28). Moreover, electron microscopic
observations resulted in the identification of
Studies of Historical Cases
a single, morphologically atypical virus parti-
Mummies are human remains, relatively an- cle (28, 29). Strouhal (30) used the results
cient and relatively complete or incomplete. described above with those from a mummifi-
All are highly dehydrated. The preservation cation study to argue that the burial of the
of different tissues can be exceptional and pharaoh, and other members of the royal fam-
can reflect the pathological signs of disease ily, took place quickly because of a possible
outbreaks that have affected human popula- smallpox epidemic. Currently, there are no
tions over the centuries. If pathogens can be biological tests to conclude that Ramses V had
characterized by using laboratory tests, dis- a smallpox infection.
eases may be better understood, especially if At the same time, Fornaciari and Marchetti
they can be integrated into a historical con- (31) published a description of a widespread
text, thus offering new insights into disease eruption on a 400-year-old Italian mummy,
epidemiology. Several mummies showing again with macroscopic aspects and a small-
evidence of variola infection have been re- pox-like regional distribution. A more com-
ported; the combined ages of these mummies plete study was performed, including electron
spans thousands of years of history, as de- microscopic analysis of the lesions, and con-
scribed below. firmed virus-like structures with a size and
Ruffer is considered a pioneer of histopa- morphology corresponding to those of ortho-
thology (15). He described, with his colleague poxviruses. Viral antigenic activity and DNA
Ferguson, a skin rash on an Egyptian mummy molecular hybridization tests were negative
dated from the 12th dynasty (1200 to 1100 as the virus was no longer viable (32).
BCE) whose distribution, pattern, and type In 1985, archaeologists led excavations
closely resembled those of smallpox (7). His- in London church crypts where burials had
tological sections showed vesicles with ver- taken place between 1726 and 1856, a period
tical septa, consistent with the appearances when smallpox was endemic in Europe (4).
observed in this disease. This first diagnosis The cool, dry conditions in the crypts could
was contested, however, as the pathological have promoted the good preservation of
characteristics of smallpox could not be bodies in wooden coffins. It was questioned
robustly confirmed (23–25). whether in these conditions a live virus could
Early research noted that the most fa- still be present on the skin of smallpox vic-
mous mummy, that of the Egyptian Pharaoh tims. Indeed, in one coffin, archaeologists
CHAPTER 16 • History of Smallpox 165

FIGURE 1 (Left) A young mummified woman from the Arbre Chamanique multiple burial; lung tissues
were studied by microscopy and DNA analysis. (Courtesy of Patrice Gérard, CNRS.) (Top right) The lung
tissue structure was identified. It exhibited numerous scattered, black-pigmented deposits, potentially
the pigment of black lung disease (coal worker’s pneumoconiosis). Hematoxylin and eosin coloration,
×50. Courtesy of Catherine Cannet, IML, Strasbourg.) (Bottom right) A significant amount of iron was
found in the lung parenchyma and may correspond to important bleeding. Perls coloration, × 100.
Courtesy of Catherine Cannet, IML, Strasbourg.)

found a desiccated piece of skin with small- almost 60 bodies with partially preserved
pox lesions, bound to a skeleton. This skin skin were analyzed, but no smallpox lesions
sample from a 100-year-old body underwent were identified.
electron microscopic testing, but no viable Human remains can be naturally mummi-
virus was detected (33). Following this work, fied by cold temperatures in areas where
CHAPTER 16 • History of Smallpox 167

permafrost remains in the ground. In the ancient strain was distinct from modern small-
warm July of 1991, in the village of Yakutia pox strains described previously (Fig. 2) (5,
above the Arctic Circle, a temperature change 37). As for the earlier report (34), despite the
of the permafrost led to the appearance of the presence of permafrost in Yakutia, in which
mummified bodies of smallpox victims from well-preserved mummified remains are ob-
the 19th century (34). Scientists from the served after being buried for two and a half
State Research Center of Virology and Bio- centuries, the smallpox DNA was fragmented
technology VECTOR (Novosibirsk, Russia) and degraded. Studies have concluded that
and their Yakutian colleagues exhumed one Yakutia was struck by several smallpox out-
mummified child with characteristic small- breaks from the 17th to 19th centuries, with
pox pustules on the skin. After sampling, lab- significant mortality (38–40).
oratory analyses did not isolate a live virus; it In 2004, Schoepp and colleagues de-
is possible that the permafrost temperature scribed the discovery of a child’s forearm
changes eliminated viruses in the tissues. and hand showing characteristics of a small-
Archaeological excavations were under- pox infection (41). The specimen was dated
taken in central Yakutia, and a multiple burial to be approximately 50 years old. Patholog-
from the 18th century was discovered in 2004 ical symptoms were analyzed by microscopy
(35). The human genetic analysis of five sub- and showed the morphological features of
jects demonstrated that they belonged to the smallpox lesions. Different stages of imma-
same family (36). A disease outbreak could be ture as well as mature virus particles were
hypothesized because the bodies did not have identified by electron microscopic analysis.
traces of injuries. Although none of the sub- Real-time PCR assays (TaqMan technology)
jects showed any traces of blisters or pustules were used to detect variola-specific DNA and
on their skin, the hypothesis of a disease Orthopoxvirus species; the positive amplicon
outbreak was reinforced by the presence of produced in the variola-specific assay was
iron in the lung of the best-preserved subject, sequenced, and the subsequent phylogenetic
suggesting death due to hemorrhage (Fig. 1). analysis confirmed its close relationship with
A lung sample from this subject was analyzed variola major sequences available in data-
in a laboratory dedicated to ancient DNA. bases at that time (41). It is important to note
Three DNA fragments of the ancient human that these studies detected a human smallpox
poxvirus were amplified by PCR (37). The strain in an unknown subject (41) and iden-
absence of pustules, presence of a pulmonary tified an ancient viral sequence not belonging
hemorrhage, and detection of the virus indi- to human smallpox lineages of the 20th cen-
cated that the subject had hemorrhagic tury (37).
smallpox. The first phylogenetic study con- In 2011, during construction in Queens,
ducted on these fragments (with a concate- New York City, a well-preserved female
nated alignment of 718 bp) showed that this mummy dating from the 19th century was

FIGURE 2 Phylogenetic analysis of concatenated sequences of an ancient Siberian smallpox virus

(PoxSib) and representative strains identified in humans and animals. Phylogeny suggests that the 300-
year-old viral sequence did not belong to the cluster of strains sequenced from the 20th century (1947 to
1975). Strains identified in humans: Guin69, Guinea 1969; SierL69, Sierra Leone 1969; BenDH68, Benin
1968; BrazGar66 and Braz66, Brazil 1966; Syr72, Syria 1972; Pak69, Pakistan 1969; Ind64, India 1964;
Sarf65, South Africa 1965; Bots72, Botswana 1972; Ethio72, Ethiopia 1972; Bangla75, Bangladesh 1975;
Sum70, Sumatra 1970; ChinHorn48, China 1948; Kor47, Korea 1947; Jap51, Japan 1951; Tanz65, Tanzania
1965; Cng70, Congo 1970. Strains identified in animals: CMLV M96, camelpox virus M96; CPXV FIN,
cowpox Finland 2000; CPXV GER, cowpox GER91-3; CPXV GRI, cowpox GRI-90; HPXV, horsepox virus 76;
MPXV Z96, monkeypox Zaire-96; VACV, vaccinia virus Copenhagen-derived clone 1990. (Derived from
Fig. 1B in reference 37. Reproduced with permission.)

found in an iron coffin (42). The forensics proteins harboring sequence diversity, in-
team recorded smallpox-like lesions on the cluding those modulating host range and
body. Analyses by the Centers for Disease virulence (2, 46, 47). Orthopoxviruses are
Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia widespread in vertebrates; they have been
(USA) revealed that the smallpox DNA was identified in human populations and various
overly degraded, with no trace of the virus. animal hosts, including camels, cows, mice,
Mummified tissues are not the only ones and monkeys. The VARV possesses the
in which the smallpox virus can be identified. smallest genome (∼186 kbp, ∼150 genes).
An exceptional case of osteomyelitis second- Sequence comparisons of smallpox strains
ary to smallpox was found in human remains identified in humans have characterized two
in a Native American cemetery dating from clades: clade I, with variants of variola major,
1640 to 1650 CE (43). Based on radiological and clade II, composed of West African var-
and osteological literature, the author showed iants of variola major and variola minor
that smallpox has an effect on bones; these (alastrim). Variola major and variola minor
very specific changes are called osteomyelitis differ greatly in their mortality rates (∼30%
variolosa. The afflicted subject, found in an vs. ∼1%, respectively) and can be distin-
archaeological context, had severe changes to guished by comparison of their respective
his bones that could have been the result of sequences (46, 48, 49). Estimates of mutation
contracting smallpox after puberty; surviving rates have been based, up to now, on the
the infection led to pathological alterations. analysis of complete/partial sequences origi-
Moreover, historical records describe an epi- nating from biological samples dating from
demic in 1634 in Ontario (43); smallpox was five to six decades ago. Accordingly, the mu-
introduced along with other diseases after the tation accumulation rate of poxviruses is
arrival of settlers (6). estimated at 0.5 × 10−6 to 7 × 10−6 nucleotide
Scab samples from patients in the variola- substitutions per site per year (2, 50, 51).
tion program of the 18th century were in- The Orthopoxvirus phylogeny indicates that
vestigated by McCollum and colleagues, three species – VARV, CMLV (camelpox),
although live viruses were not detected and TATV (taterapox infecting naked-soled
(25). Arita (44) demonstrated that specimens gerbils) – have a common ancestor, presum-
collected 9 months before analysis were no ably a rodent virus (Fig. 3), and that VARV is
longer positive. The author proposed that a relatively young virus (∼3000 to ∼4000
“variolation material probably becomes inac- years old) (Fig. 3), consistent with a high de-
tive” at 1 year after sampling. gree of lethality for humans (50, 52, 53). In a
recent study, Babkin suggested that the Horn
of Africa could have been the overlapping
GENETICS AND EVOLUTION site of the distribution areas of VARV, CMLV,
and TATV hosts, leading to emergence of the
Members of the genus Orthopoxvirus (family virus in human populations (3). Considering
Poxviridae) are among the largest and most that smallpox is a specifically human infec-
complex viruses. Approximately 200 genes tious disease, knowledge of human migrations
are distributed across conserved (central) or and related historical events is of importance
variable (terminal) regions; their linear DNA when VARV evolution is analyzed and dated.
genome is double-stranded, ranging from ap- As detailed above, the hypothesis of a VARV
proximately 180 to 230 kbp, with covalently origin in the African continent is the most
closed ends (45). In contrast to essential plausible, although an Indian origin of the
genes (involved in virus replication), which virus has also been proposed (2, 3).
are located on the central portion of the ge- Following the initial infectious event, the
nome, flanking terminal regions code for spread of the virus was closely related to
CHAPTER 16 • History of Smallpox 169

FIGURE 3 Phylogenetic tree built with central conserved regions of diverse orthopoxvirus genomes
(maximum credibility tree, Bayesian method) (53). Mutation accumulation rates are shown (substitu-
tions/site/year). Numbers on nodes indicate the time to the most recent common ancestor of the clades
(in years). Gray bars: 95% highest probability density intervals; the posterior probabilities of all clades
are >90% except the node marked with an asterisk. Strains: VARV, variola virus; TATV, taterapox virus;
CMLV, camelpox virus; CPXV, cowpox virus; HPXV, horsepox virus; MPXV, monkeypox virus; MA VARV,
variola minor alastrim strains; WA VARV, West African variola virus strains; WA MPXV, West African
monkeypox virus strains. (Legend derived from Fig. 2 in reference 53; figure reproduced from Fig. 2 in
reference 53 with permission.)

human migrations, trading, and wars, leading tion – that is, Asian, African (other than West
to the current description of distinct variants African), West African, and South American
of VARV. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates (5). Interestingly, the latter cluster corre-
that available strains can be grouped into sev- sponds to variola minor variants (alastrim)
eral clusters according to the sampling loca- for which a dating has been proposed, from

the 1500s to the 1800s, consistent with an CITATION

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