امتحان اللغة الانجليزية لتحديد مستويات الطلبة بمدرسة سهول العلم

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‫امتحان اللغة االنجليزية لتحديد مستويات الطلبة بمدرسة سهول العلم للتعليم الخاص‬


Name: ……………………………………………………….……… Class: ………..…....... Date: / /202

A. Oral , speaking & write :

1. Count & write the numbers from (1) to (20).
(1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Say & write the letters from (A) to (Z).

3. Conversation & write:
o What is your name? ………….………………………….……………….….…
o Can you spell your name? ………………………………………………….…….….
o How are you? ….………………….………….…………………….……
o How old are you? …………………………………………………………......
o What is your favorite color? ….………………………………………………….…….
o What color is the apple? Red ( ) – blue ( ) – black ( )
o What color is the banana? Red ( ) – yellow ( ) – black ( )
o What shape is this ? triangle( )– circle ( )–square ( )
o What shape is this  ? triangle ( )–circle ( )–square ( )
o What shape is this ? triangle ( ) – circle ( )– square ( )


B. Choose the correct answer from (a , b or c)

1. She ………. a beautiful girl?
a) am
b) Is
c) are

2. They ……… my parents.
a) am
b) are
c) is
3. She washes her hands by ………..
a) herself
b) himself
c) myself
4. I have ………… umbrella.
a) a
b) an
5. Ahmed has ………… banana for his breakfast.
a) a
b) an

C. Choose & write:

Four – two – three – two - one

1. How many pens? ..............

2. How many rulers? .............

3. How many tables? .............

4. How many desks? ..............

5. How many books? .............

D. Match the numbers to the correct word:

10 20 15 12 8

Ten Fifteen Twenty Eight Twelve

E. Does it have d, t or a ? Listen and write.

1. ….esk. 5

2. ….iger.
3. B…..g.
4. ……pple.
5. …en.

F. Read about Ahmed and choose TRUE or FALSE.

Hello! My name is Ahmed, My favorite color is blue and My favorite class

is Math's, My mother is Fatima, she likes reading. My father is Ali, he
likes fishing, My brother is Salem, he likes playing football.

1. His name is Ahmed. TRUE( ) , FALSE( )

2. Ahmed's favorite color is red. TRUE( ) , FALSE( )
3. Ahmed's mother is Fatima. TRUE( ) , FALSE( )
4. Ahmed's father is Hasen. TRUE( ) , FALSE( )
5. Ahmed's brother is Salem. TRUE( ) , FALSE( )

Good Luck.
Salem. Z

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