18 801-Ecom

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Eighth Semester B.Tech.

Degree Examination,
(2018 Scheme)

Time: 3 Hours Max-Marks: 100


Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks

1. What is Ecommerce?Discuss about some of its applications?

2. What are the business models in E commerce?
3. What do you mean by EDI?
4. Define Intellectual Property Rights.
5. Write short note on E-wallet?
6. Discuss about Dual Signatures. Give examples.
7. Explain Anonymous routing.
8. How can security provided to a HTTP cache? Explain.
9. What is meant by integrity of databases?
10. What are the advantages of using trusted operating system?
(10*2 = 20 Marks)


Answer any one question from eachmodule. Each question carries 20marks

Module – I

11. Explain the different business models in E commerce. (20 )


12. a) Discuss about the Ethical and Legal issues of E-commerce (10)
b) Explain Supply Chain Management. (10)
Module – II

13. (a) Differentiate between Smart card, Debit card and Credit card (10 )

(b)Write short note on confidentiality & non-repudiation of payment transactions.

Give sample transactions (10)

14.a)Explain about payment authorization transfers. (10)
(b)What are the roles of payment gateways? Can multiple bank have the same payment
gateways? (10)

Module – III

15. (a)Explain double spending and protective steps against double spending (10)

(b). Explain about blind signature and its applications. (10)

16. a) Explain in detail about SHTTP with sample messages (10)

b) What is web security? How can we ensure web security (10)

Module – IV

17. (a) Discuss about designing trusted operating system (10)

(b) How can we ensure database security? (10)


18. (a) Explain security in networks.? (10)

(b)Explain the legal, privacy and ethical issues in computer security. (10)

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