Digestive System

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ges.ho> baeakdawn of nahenally occursing foodshfs into difusable fosm

Change which makes toods Soluble > chemical natune h a thoy can

be obsanbed tonovgh divingmemban anes

Enzymes pnotein destnoyed by heating
speciic bnm same emd
can be used
dways Speeds up neachion Catalyst
? best within nasno
best at porhiculan pH. d n amd again
acts only temp. nange 35°4s'C
Alimentany Canal: l(ophmumtemp.)
he Aigestive System ) musculan tvbe stants torom mouth end a t
(17 Ngestive glands of m lona anus

locadel in ining Small intestine

Coiled in
digetive tube. highhy m o u cavity.
liven Apamcnes lagest n e e salivay
ands witA
(Ongans of digestive
The Mouth tood is chewed mixed with Salva tsont imits a n e
Cavity fned by ips.
Lps help in:(i) Closing the mouth i) Sucking d sipping quidds
in)speaking pencaiving sensaions, ike toueh A heat

Tongue hepo: (d manipulating h e food hie chewina and mixing it ruh Saliva.
G) tasting üi) cleaning the tood pamhcdes fmom the teeth aften eahng

h e Teeth-denition : c u t and bneak foed into sm allen b s >spea king
facial beauty. 32 in a dult dliferent shapes
a) Tn cisans fon fecnt teeth in contne of eoch jaw edges ane beroad
fan biting a Cukina shanp
Canine: > one on each side of incusons in each jow Co
hanpy pointed fon holding and deamg food
remohs > ho on each side in each jaw next to canines >Cai ding
Cbicvspid) two Ai ike pajecions n cusps en its swtea Cus hin
d) Molans: >Jast thonee teet n each side in each ja>lagen Suaca
A cvshes last nmolas in ench han emolars
pni nciple indens
Ja is wisdom tosth (17-20yns)
So hum an mammaian
on teeth ane diffene in shape
Cne Called hekaodont as oppose d to homodont lteeth of lizand faroa
Mammalian teeth appean in wo Sets
(20 teeth, not mol ans) |7-8 months old to 2years
milk teeth
CTempOsnasny 0n deci duous teeth) tall out as e s u l t of 9cots ei'ssolved in j a
teeh ( ot age 12yearrs
Kepaced by pemn anent
amula incisons, (i), Canines ( p>remolams (Pm), molans (m)
one hal) of each jaw

Mumanhild (2yms):2,21 =2o(mhk beeth)j Humanadelecet 224

2,2 (Penmanent
2 ,2O (17-20n)
Human a deulk: 2 23 32 (penmanant + wisdo)
2,1 2, 3 eeth
Stnuchme oa loat genenal stuchune issame
Cnonh (above damanpegts
aum noot (embeddad in
jaw bone
eck (light Constnichon behween noot caown) ENAMEL
Ename ivany" mateni a which Covens the Cnown PULP- DENTINE
han dest substance GUM

Dentine> fams bule of toath. ROOT

honden han bone not +han enamel JAW BONE
minute canals
Rnough which n u n
sands af cyttplasm of h e Internal structure of tooth -CEMENT
pulp cavi A
A-incisor or canine
(biting or
Cem ent> bome ike stnuctune cavenina amd
B-Premolar (grinding)piercing), with one
with two roots.

h e oot in xing
position ENAMEL

p Softconnective ssve CoTained in


pulpCavity) of the toot

space centana PULP CAVITY
with blood
Capillanie, lymph vessels, neave Hbnes
hich ane coninous
below +hose of he
thoough h e opening of he pulp cavity atbody+Re
base of soot
TheSalivary Glands :eoid glamds
(infont A beneath each ean)
submon dibulaz glands close to innen side

owe jaw each side

om ot

Sublinaval zlands below he. tongve

ducts fmom PAROTID GLAND
each qlamd tnanspo»t he BUCCAL CAVITY
Secreted saliva into the routh. SUBLINGUAL
Small quantities of GLAND
at all imes.
Saliva keep secnei
whle eating, the 5alivay tlow is considenay incaeased.
even signb, smell on
just a
hought of tay tood
Can esult Natening of m outh
Lve pmodce looo- 15oo ml of saliva ]
Saliva is very Slightly aci dic (pH 6:8) HEPATIC DUCT STOMACH
luid Cortaining naten (about 997), salts, COMMON BILE
mucws amd
an enzyme salivasny amylase DUCT
(also called pyalin) DUCT

Funcions(Saliva) facilitate speaking and


Swallowing JEJUNUM
Aubaicates tood Solvent ASCENDING

b l u s tanmahon (Sticking food pazhicles) LEUM

Palin/salivayany lane CAECUM
(Saliva) (disacchaside) APPENDIX

deans mouth, destaoy fems
Jaten balance. The alimentary canal and its associated gland
aloing and nistalsis/ Damanfmeets (3
tonj presses upnand back gainat he falale /AI AI
farces bolus -j thnoat 1WM

Soft palate closes the pening betveen oroat A

naa passage
7 at entnance of widpipe puled
Lasynx All

upwond to bning it clese to the back of the

tongve when flap called eiglotis" clases AND

Jts peni"g PIOTG aLorID

it ls conducted Of OPMAU
Food neache s 0sophaqus TIACA

behind by a spocial movemed Called pavisdalsis (WIND)

> Pani stalsis is wave of Conadichiong causeld

by ciculan muscles of qut pushing the faopl B

along (1t occuns hmough all eai ons of qd
MucuS secneted by all the megioms ofthel
u t is a slimy fluid nhich dubricates food

esophaUs conduets foad non Anoat

to the stomach
p a s s e s +Aoough diaphnagn Close tD backbone FOOD MASS
doas not pmoduce any digestive enzyme GLOTTIS (closod)

|Stomach elasic bag docated below diaphag WINDPIPE

of fooa highly musculan

C a n hold 2-3 c
to mix nuith aastve
c h u m food haovghly Intastine
o f Stomach into WAVE OF
Julce pening keefecONSTRICTION
is called pykamus pylon: gete, planu9:gake

muscles sphinctan) to keap cpeninj RELAXATION

9sig food passing fovor BOLUS
Closedike a vave to psevent
Stomach unhil it is thanovghy
of stoach
Candiac sphineter pme sent in faont end
to preve nt back flow of food into Oesophagvs the larynx ls
lowered and the
A-During breathing raised and
the larynx is
nne lining ofStomach glottls opened;
B-During swallowing m o v e m e n t of

4astric juice.by
ls closed by epiglottis;
acidic liqvid Covtalning
naden the glottis
through oesophagus,
by a w a v e of

C o l o w n l e s s highly food
called pepsin
Some salts, Hel enzyme HC Pepsin
PepsingEn Cactive)
act n pepsin Cin acHve.
kill qems to acton pmoteins Pepain Pep tides
Pnelelns Enzyme
fool stays in stomach te 3-te ornennin Hcd Remn (acive)
and atoin pulp-uke
fonm-chyme milk pmotein caseln Rennin Panacas ein
inteshine Boluble) Enzyme
Pylomv9 opens >dyme
The Small Tntestime about 7m
ong wbe ,2.5omnide damanprect
) Duadenum
Tnea SD6 Ceiled folded in hube,2Somnide
Vilus) Epitheliun
next to stomach C) Tejunum
Ci) Tleum Capillaaies
means 12 mext to shaat aion m
(dve two abou m mean twist Lacteal
deni: Tom 20l.
bile duc
open intoit means empty
ound empty in vem
fingen lee pengjections Akery
Imen ining of
villi slow dewn he ileum is poduced into
movement of food villi en Cmovsly
" tacilitakes he incnease innen suntace
absanption of digested foulanea of intestines (8 tins
between the vili ane Small body susta
holes Rnough which he intestinal juice secseed
by tslan du an cells is
pouned into1he Jumen of he (testne.
Villus covened by
Single-cell +hick epithelium
nside villvs ane
Contained an
capill aies and aymph vessel antery,
a vein intenconneetg looa ,

tdaptathionS of ileum: Veny Jomg imone actealsuwrace cmea

age of Vlli futth
incaease psovidled
Susrtace avea tor absaphion
>Sige cell epthelium
2mannOw 8lw movemet of fooal helps inabsanptio
Bileyelonish een nateny fluid in diven
>tmdspored hy hepate
hepatic is duet joined by cystic duet Diaphragm
to fonn Commo bile duct.
bile Alow into
duodenum a tamponaily o liver
stned in gal bladden Left liver

Colouis due o iliveclin Piaments lobe

biliwbin Jdead a wan

Gall bladder -Hepotic du
Bile duct
out Rec's Common bile
Contain Sodium bicanbenate duct

meutralises acid cantert of fooduhich


tanom tomach. recaved Duodenum Pancreatic

bile salts redce h e Stace
amd beneal tension df fccts
intothem tiny dnoplets (emulsicatiom) Location of liver and pancreas
Fat ie,Enul slon Acidic Chyme bie alhaline
Na HCO ehyme
Pancneaic Juicel >bywhi bsh gland pancreas behind stomach
duct opensinto duodenum by an
aperthone comm on to bile duct.
enzymes present amel nole i) Typsinogen onas Typsin
nacie) Cative)
Pmoteins A ptles Smallen Pephides Ami no acids.

i Leltoven Stanch ylase

EmulEmul sihed fat Stpsin Faty acids +aleenol.
Absanhon of food amiro acids
Simple d
sugans (g'ucose, Daman pne (5)
Small Sized nolecules fanucose, galactose)
absobed hin epi
neach hein blood capillanies to finally emtanthelium
of Vuu
the lblood circul a ion
finst o sreach +he liven toough he hepati c ponta vein
t a t t y acids alyceral> absambed into > lynph vessels
Contens pass to blood steam food takes H bors to enten lasnge
5m dong
he Large Lnteshne:
Smald blind pouch
* Siualed at junchen of smal Alange tintestine
1. Caecwm
called venmifomm
fnom blind emd pnoiets a n a m o w wa»nm shaped wbe
appendix (when it
I n t a m e causes appemdichs ) . it is a funcionlen
vesiaia Ongan
little m o e h a n a
2Colom> boaden +an ieu to det just below
sight (ascending colon),
pa9ses up Cbomen on
Stomach (tnansvense colon) am d donwn on left Side (desceina celom)
.anus has musede
3 Rectum a s t pant 1scm lrg opons in anus
Csphinctens)to kap
Funcions>Lange intesine dont secnete any enzyme it closed excapt
absonbs waten and some emmants of igested toa hon passina bowels
waten 's absanbed semi Solid taeces asu tomed
expulsi on of umdigested m a i n s of tood is dafaecahon.

Faeces 75/ waten alo-2o/ fat bad odouy is due to


6 7, Solid mate 367dead bacteia

bactenial action

Digestive Enzymes-Their Sources and Action

Region of Secretlons Medlum Enzyme Action
Digestive System
1. Buccal cavity Saliva Alkaline Sallvary amylase | Starch > Maltose
(Salivary (Ptyalin)
2. Stomach Gastric juice Acidic Pepsin Proteins Peptones + Proteoses
(Gastric glands) Curdles milk, changes casein into paracasein
acid Gastric lipase Fats Fatty acids and glycerol
(partial digestion)
3. Duodenum Bile Juice Alkaline Emulsifles fat
(Liver) Trypsin, Proteins» Polypeptides
Pancreatic juice | Alkaline Chymotrypsin Starch, Glycogen Maltose (disaccharide)
Pancreatic Fats Fatty acids glycerol
4. lleumn Succus entericus Alkaline Erepsin Peptides Amino acids
(Intestinal (Peptidase)
glands) Sucrasse Sucrose > Glucose
(Invertase) + Frutose
Lactase Lactose Glucose Monosaccharides
Maltase Maltose Glucose
Enterokinase |Trypsinogen Trypsin
(Assimilethion of Food Comven sion ot
food to absonbed digested
iested and body mateni a
absambed by qut a e feodamanjad 6)
7Siwnpe Suga, amino acids ,
vitamin9, minenals
tnanspoared in thuo ways, System
ven (by hepoaic panta veln) lymphaie Sys
excess gucose to
ucose ayco qen. econverded
Sounce f
emeay in Celludan lucose in blood cinulaio
sespinadion Synthesise cartain
Amino acids (bulding blocks of
pmoteln) Compourds.
Ca't be stoe
bmoken in liven by psrocess deaminatiom unea Cexcneked)
Faty acid 4 aucese (uhlised)
absonbed by Grut ied by vili amd
exces Stosed bsed
lymphatie syste
belon skin as
synthesis of cetain compoun ds in

LIVER lagest gland .1500 a" nedlish benown .uppen izt side o
diaphnagm. .impo-tan t osqan post mostem abeamen
Cortnol bood Suga levels cabohydnae neleaed
Conksnol of amino acid Jevels gcogen hem neada

(pro duce Unea + Sugan)

Synthesis of sed blood cells in
embn yo (In adut Recs aa psodwcad
Stonage lnon, Ceppen, Vitaming A, Det. in bone masnon)
>Detoxifcation nodue binogon panotfnembin (fom blood cdotting)
hepasin (anti coagulant) Sagulate blood Voluwne
haat estaucion of excw on Of toxic A metalic poisons
dead RBC's
Ponachical nank On Food Tests
Test Foar Glucose (sem: glocose added to blue gneen Chamical (Fehling'soluke
haat it blve an ean -
/usine )
(pple/ Crape deep bnich sned (0pt.)
diabete2 unose will aive above 9nesut if dil HCl is
added neutnalise with NaHCO
2 Test Fan Stonch Stanch ponde in waten is boiled .Cool down add
(Potato, Ric e) tuem blue black
lodine soluti on.
Test Fon otein . han d boiled eaa white in test tube . dil HNOs addad
gety heat
gettyMaat inse nwit naten add NH4OH
whie to yeloo Dange
Test fa
Fads A Oils ub a piece of gmoundnu, nalnt, a
piece ot
papen tuns translucet btten on p e
STest foa resena ot wate Ce balt chWoide papen which is blve tusms
(Cut surtace of potato, banana pink when exposed to moishune
Can betested)
6) Test toe Mimenads banana an potd n a t tll it buns
hat does not buam is left behind
indi cates
ninena Substance

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