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Methodology for the Determination of Stickies Concentration in Bleached Kraft

Recycled Pulp using and Interactive Image Analyzer

Chapter · January 1997

4 1,861

4 authors, including:

Roger Gaudreault
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)


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Methodology for the Determination of Stickies Con
centration in Bleached Kraft Recycled Pulp Using an
Interactive Image Analyzer

S. Blais, P. Chabot, R. Gaudreault, and C. Tremblay


The methodology describes the various steps in In the pulp and paper industry, the contamination
volved in the quantification of sticky contaminants problem is a complex phenomenon of which a sig
at room temperature with surface areas equal to or nificant part is due to the presence of stickies. This
greater than 0.08 mm2 using an interactive image phenomenon can be compared to a moving target,
analyzer. Recycled wood-free papers are used in this since the chemical nature of substances which are
study. This description covers the method used to at the root ofthis problem has been constantly evolv
prepare samples, i.e., pulp disintegration, 1aboia- ing in the last few years. One of the underlying dif
tory screening, suspension of contaminants, filtra ficulties lies in the quantification and
tion, drying, dyeing and characterization. The characterization of such contaminants. Several
various steps involved in image analysis are de authors have documented methodologies used to
scribed. These include calibration, image acquisi 8J. One author CD has published
quantify stickies (1
tion, discrimination, elimination of negligible a method which uses an image analyzer. It is speci
particles, particle filling, particle reconstruction, fied in the publication that the proposed method is
particle selection, particle measurement, data clas useful only as a quality control procedure for evalu
sification and results output. Finally, the repeat ating deinked pulp. It is therefore cliffiéult to com
ability of this method for the same operator and pare it with the Cascades method since the latter
different operators, within a 95% confidence level, is used as a development and optimization tool
are also discussed. which is more time consuming. Some authors (4,)
have also characterized in detail the various types
of contaminants present in puips and finished prod

Contraries, Deinked stock, Image analysis, Re Contaminants can be divided into two groups based
claimed papers, Stickies, Test methods. on their size (fi): macros (retained on the 150 .tm
Somerville slotted screen) and micros (not retained
on the 150 $.m Somerville slotted screen). Recent
publications (,jQ) refer to primary and secondary
stickies. According to the literature (a),primary
stickies are solid particles throughout the paper-
making process which become sticky under certain
conditions, and which result from “insufficient” dis
Blais is Technical Representative, Allied Colloids, 11 integration during pulping. Examples of products
Automatic Road, Brampton, ON L6S 4K6, CANADA. giving rise to primary stickies are hot-melts em
ployed for book binding (which only stick during
Chabot is Process Engineer, Cascades Jonquiere Inc., 4010
Chemin St-André, PB. 1980, Jonquiere, PQ G7S 5K5, drying and can induce spots and holes), and most
CANADA. of the pressure sensitive adhesives (which begin to
stick at ambient temperature and are very difficult
Gaudreault and Tremblay are R&D Assistant Director to screen). Secondary stickies are much more com
and Microscopist, respectively, R&D Cascades Inc., 471 plex particles because they result from physico
Marie-Victorin St., Kingsey Falls, PQ JOA 1BO, CANADA. chemical changes which occur all along the paper

Paper Recycling Challenge—Stickie8 Page 49

manufacturing process, especially before the head Screening
box. Initially, during pulping, some products are
completely or partially released in water, giving rise The pulp, at a consistency of 2.0% (w/w), is gradu
to soluble or colloidal materials, respectively. These ally introduced into a Somerville vibrating screen
soluble and colloidal materials can result from the with 150 j.Lni slots so that total addition is done in
repulping of hydrodispersible adhesives, but more approximately five mm. The total screening time is
often result from the repulping of coated paper (la 20 mm, which should be sufficient to pass all the
tex particles) as well as wood-containing papers (ex fibers for most pulp types. This procedure prevents
tractable components), especially in alkaline plugging of the screen slots. In general, the con
conditions. As soon as the pulp suspension is de taminants that remain on the Somerville screen are
stabilized by the addition of cationic polyelectro stickies, shives, plastic particles, wax particles, etc.
lytes, pH and temperature changes, etc., colloids The quantity of pulp used has no critical bearing,
and/or soluble materials can be precipitated out of but usually varies between 100 and 150 g in the
the slurry producing secondary stickies (jo). The case of a finished product. For the purpose of calcu
methodology developed by R&D Cascades Inc. al lation the exact quantity of pulp used must be
lows the determination of sticky particles concen known. Finally, as mentioned in the literature (4),
tration retained on the 150 jim Somerville screen the advantage of using a screen to concentrate con
and which have a surface equivalent to and/or taminants is that the amount of stock screened to
. A smaller surface area could
greater than 0.08 mm
2 obtain a reproducible and statistically significant
) as a lower detection limit if
be used (e.g., 0.04 mm
2 result• can be varied.
the screening could be performed using a screen
with smaller slot width such as the Pulmac Suspension and Filtration of Contaminants
Masterscreen which can be equipped with a 100
I.Lm slotted screen. Contaminants remaining on the surface of the
Somerville screen are collected using a teflon
Application scraper, and then suspended with care in a 1000
ml teflon beaker containing approximately 500 ml
This methodology can be applied to bleached kraft of deionized water at room temperature. Teflon is
recycled pulp, either at the wet end or on the fin used in order to prevent contaminants from cling
ished product. When testing a finished product, the ing to the surface of the scraper and beaker during
total procedure takes approximately one to two transfer. The contaminant suspension is then fil
hours. This time can vary greatly and may be sig tered in a Buchner funnel using a Whatman wet
nificantly longer when testing is performed on pro strengthened filter paper #111, 113, 114 or equiva
cess samples (screen feed, accepts, rejects, etc.). This lent. However, this methodology carries a factor of
makes the actual procedure a development and op uncertainty, namely, the possibility that some par
timization methodology rather than a quality con ticles may stick together during the collectionlsus
trol method. pension step. Such uncertainty also exists during
the Somerville screening step. Therefore, further
experiments should be carried out in order to de
PROCEDURE termine the presence of such a phenomenon, and
its impact, if any, on the repeatability and the va
Disintegration lidity of the method used.

Disintegration of wetlap pulp or diluted pulp is car First Drying Step

ried out using a standard British disintegrator at a
consistency of 2.0% (w/w) for five mm. Disintegra The filter paper covered with the contaminants is
tion of dry pulp or papers can be done with the same then place.d in an oven at a temperature of 105° ±2°
technique provided they have been previously C for exactly 10 min. This step should allow the
soaked in tap water for at least 4 hr, preferably 24 sticky contaminants to adhere to the surface of the
hr, in order to ensure adequate defibering. This con filter paper as the filter surface dries.
sistency was selected for practical reasons only and
future experiments should be conducted to evalu Contaminants Dyeing
ate the impact of consistency on the diameter of
the sticky particles once disintegration has been The contaminants are colored by immersing the fil
completed. ter paper in a blue dye solution made from a solid
nonpolar organic dye trade name 15133 Oil Blue A:

Page 50 Paper Recycling Challenge—Stickies

chemical name = Solvent Blue 36 (Color Index rect such anomalies through programming by re
Name) dissolved in heptane ( gil). Soaking time constructing both particles from their visible sur
generally varies between 5 and 10 sec. The blue dye faces; however, the phenomenon as well as the error
was ordered from Chemcentral Dyes and Pigments factor that can result from such a manipulation of
Division, 13395 Huron River Drive, Romulus, the data should be studied further.
Michigan 48174. Afterwards, it is crucial to deli
cately wash the filter paper with contaminants in It must be mentioned that waxes are not analyzed
a water bath, taking care not to dislodge the sticky by this method because their melting point is too
contaminants from the surface of the filter paper. low, which seems to have a significant impact on
This step is necessary in order to make the stickies the surface of the particles. Moreover, the varia
stand out, i.e., blue sticky contaminants on a white tion in the coloration level of this type of contami
background, for better resolution of the image dur nant using the nonpolar dye could represent a
ing the analysis. It is important to note that light significant source of errors. The same holds true
plastic contaminants may float upon washing. for plastic films which are not considered since there
These contaminants, not beiig stickies, are nor is a wide variation in the coloration level for this
mally discarded before the analyses. type of contaminant and also because they might
be partially or totally lost during the dyeing step
Second Drying Step (gentle washing). Finally, ink-like particles will be
recorded as long as they are sticky at room tem
The filter paper with the colored contaminants is perature. For example, laser or xerographic inks
placed in an oven for exactly two mm at 105° ±2° C. which have been exposed to a solvent and have soft
ened could be recorded.
Image Analysis
The characterization step is very critical since other
particles besides stickies are colored at room tem Image analysis is carried out using a Kontron Elec
perature. For example, poor washing may some tronics interactive image analyzer distributed by
times result in colored and/or partly colored shives, Zeiss. The image acquisition is done with a Hitachi
plastic films, waxes, etc. Therefore, it becomes im color video camera which is mounted on a micro
portant to make sure that only sticky particles are scope. The images are then transmitted to a com
being analyzed. The characterization of the con puter that stores, processes and measures the
taminants is done at room temperature. This pro various characteristics of these images according
cess is carried out with a microscope and a metallic
needle. Each contaminant identified as “tacky” is
Figure 1: Structure of the stickies surface measurement
circled with a pencil mark and later analyzed. macros.

From a theoretical point of view, it may be men I CALIBRATION I

tioned that some contaminants which do not show
up as sticky particles at room temperature can be IMAGE ACQUISITION I
come so when the plant’s operational temperature
is reached. Though this hypothesis is sustainable I DISCRIMINATION I
in an operational context, it is not possible to pre
dict which contaminants will become sticky at IELIMINATION OF NEGLIGIBLE PARTICLES
higher temperatures as too many variables come
into play, i.e., chemical nature, glass transition tem I PARTICLE FILLING I
perature, time spent at that particular temperature,
etc. Moreover, in pulps analyzed up to this point PARTICLE RECONSTRUCTION I
(wood-free types), the contaminants that were de
fined as sticky particles at room temperature rep
resented the bulk of contaminants that were colored
by the blue nonpolar dye. I PARTICLE MEASUREMENT I
Sometimes a superposition of particles can occur. DATA CLASSIFICATION I
Such a phenomenon is somewhat totally, or at least
partially, resolved by manually dislodging the ag I RESULTS OUTPUT I
glomerated particles. It would be possible to cor

Paper Recycling Challenge—Stickies Page 51

to the logistics described in Fig. 1. The microscope lb
lighting system uses reflected light and an optical
fiber peripheral lighting system which is controlled
by a dimmer.


The level of magnification of the microscope is ad

justed in order to obtain a maximum resolution by a
placing a large sticky under the objective and ad Figure 3: Initial image. Figure 4: Discriminated image.
justing the microscope so that the sticky fills up
approximately 50% of the area under observation.
The scale is then calibrated using a micrometric white). The next steps are then performed on a bi
ruler. The scale calibration is done for the x and y nary image (black and white) (Figs. 3 and 4).
axes respectively, in order to correct any possible
distortion of the optical system. At the program Image Alteration
ming level, the scale calibration is carried out in
teractively by pointing the ends of the micrometric The next three operations are carried out automati
ruler and by entering the desired units as well as cally and are aimed at correcting the surface of ob
the pointed distance. The computer then calculates jects which has been altered by external factors.
a length per pixel ratio. The result obtained is then
used as a reference for future calculations. Typical Elimination of Negligible Particles
resolutions which have been used so far and seem
appropriate vary from 5.26 x 5.26 p.mlpixel to 6.90 Particles with a negligible surface (10 pixels) are
x 6.90 p.m/pixel. often derived from the presence of residual dye
lumps or by the quality of the lighting or electronic
Image Acquisition noise. Consequently, ghost particles are eliminated
right from the beginning. It must be noted that the
The image transfer from the camera to the com particles being analyzed are of a much greater or
puter is usually the first step in the image analysis der of magnitude (equivalent diameter of 319 to
process. In the case of the present methodology, 2523 p.m) than those of ghost particles (Figs. 5 and
image processing is done in black and white, i.e., in 6).
accordance with the V

shades of grey that are Particle Filling

subdivided on a scale
from 0 (which stands for Because of their tackiness, one can very often ob
100% black) to 255 serve particles of a smaller size and of a different
(which represents the shade of grey adhering to the surface of larger stick
• 100% white) for each ies (Fig. 7). The surface of a larger sticky being com
pixel (Fig. 2). It is also puted is then falsified because the varying shades
necessary to take one of grey of the smaller adhered particles are inter
image per contaminant preted as small white surfaces. Such an anomaly
particle rather than to can be corrected by filling in these white spots. At
make a full scan of the the programming level, filling is done by automati
Figure 2 Grey level scale, sample at once. cally adjusting pixels with a maximum level of grey
shade (255) that are surrounded by pixels with a 0
Image Discrimination grey shade (binary image) to a grey shade value
equal to 0 (Figs. 8 and 9).
This process is aimed at recognizing the particles
that are being targeted. At this stage, the operator Particle Reconstruction
interactively selects the range of grey level that will
determine which pixels are to be selected. Those Very often, the sticky is intermingled with one or
pixels will be set to a grey value of 0 (black). Any several fibers which produce a different shade of
other shade will automatically be eliminated, as it grey. In terms of image recognition, this translates
will be considered as background (pixels set to into a series of various small particles (Figs. 10 and

Page 52 Paper Recrycling Challenge—Stickies

11) instead of a single large particle, thereby falsi
fying the statistics for this sample.

Figure 5: Discriminated im- Figure 6: Result of elimina
Such an error is corrected through object dilation
(expansion of the surface through the addition of
pixels until a complete filling is obtained). Once this
is done, the operation is reversed and the particle
is eroded to its initial surface (Figs. 11 to 13).

Specific Cases (Interactive Tracing)

age with negligible par- tion of negligible particles. In some specific cases, the surface that is recognized
by the image analyzer does not reflect reality. This
can result, for example, from a crossing of the pen
cil mark made by the operator with the particle
(Figs. 14 and 15), or from the complete filling of
the circle traced around the particle (Figs. 16 and
17). In these rare cases, a mitigative measurement
is available, i.e., the operator interactively circles
the area to be selected, taking care to eliminate any
undesirable object. Such an exceptional procedure
requires time and caution. Once this procedure is
performed and the surface of the particle is recon
structed, it then becomes possible to measure the
Figure 7: Particle before actual characteristics of the particle (Figs. 18 to 20).
Figure 8: Particle before filling
filling. without background.
Particle Analysis

Once objects have been selected, they can be ana

lyzed. In the case of stickies, the following param
eters are generally computed: surface area, number
of contaminants, equivalent diameter, circulatory
shape factor and “DMIJD” ratio. Various data
analyses can then be carried out, such as the clas
sification of results by surface area, equivalent di
ameter, etc.

So far, the most appropriate method for preseüting

results seems to be the surface of the contaminant
Figure 9: Image after filling Figure 10: Initial picture.
for a fixed quantity of pulp, e.g., mm2 of contami
nants per 150 g pulp. Obviously, the reference mass
of pulp is not a crucial factor, as it can vary when
ever necessary, based on the initial concentration
* I. of sticky particles in the pulp sample.

Repeatability of Image Analysis

Repeatability of the image analysis for the same

0 operator and different operators within a 95% con
fidence level was calculated using the method sug
gested by the Direction des laboratoires, Ministère
de l’Environnement, Gouvernement du Québec (fl).
pp The repeatability for the same and different opera
Figure 11: Identification of Figure 12: Image with fill- tors was determined from ten measurements per
particle without image cor- ing and dilation. sample, only taking into account image analysis (see
Appendix for repeatability equation), i.e., they ex

Paper Recycling Challenge—Stickies

Page 53
Table 1. Repeatability of Image Analysis. ;

Total surface Repeatability* Repeatability

of stickies Same Operator Different Operators
sample - Same Conditions Same Conditions

(mm %) (%)

, 4.3 j
485 29 *

-8.87 3.6 .Zc4.:’ 8.77

Figure 13: Resulting image Figure 14: Initial image,
after particle erosion. particle and pencil mark.
dude any error related to the method used for pre
paring samples (Somerville screening, suspension
of contaminants, ifitration, drying, dyeing and char

The repeatability obtained on the image analysis

only seems to be good considering this type of
method. An extension of this methodology has been
developed for the determination of stickies concen
tration in recycled 0CC and liner pulp (iZ. The
method described has better repeatability than the
ones reported here, and is nearly identical except
Figure 15: Resulting image, Figure 16: Initial image with that the image analysis is performed with true color
particle and pencil mark pencil circle. processing. This adaptation was necessary because
combined. of the characteristics of the Somerville rejects,
where a lot of brown shives, waxes, plastic films
and stickies are present. The true color processing
gives the ability to measure the blue surface area
v.. on either a brown, white, or otherwise colored ma

Therefore, further experiments are required in or

der to determine the statistical performance of the
global method (sample preparation plus image

Figure 17: Resulting image, Figure 18: Initial image.

circle filling causing an CONCLUSIONS
identification error.
The methodology developed allows the quantifica
tion, with sufficient precision, of the stickies found
in bleached recycled pulp (wood-free type), and
should be considered as a development and process
optimization method. However, further experiments
should be carried out in order to optimize the meth
odology, so as to:

• Determine the impact of disintegration time on

the distribution of the sticky particles’ equivalent

Figure 19: Selection of an Figure 20: Image after • Determine whether sticky particles adhere to
area of the initial image. correction. gether during the Somerville screening and the con
taminant collection/suspension steps.

Page 54 Paper Recycling Challenge—Stickies

• Investigate the phenomenon related to superposed
particles, if any, and the potential error that could Table 2. Example of repeatability
result from such a phenomenon. calculation for the same operator.

• Improve the overall repeatability of the method Analysis Wetlap pulp Breakeyville
by carrying out true color processing. Area (mm

• Determine the global method’s overall repeatabil 1 1.45

ity (sample preparation plus image analysis). 2 1.51
3 1.57
• Compare this methodology with others. 4 148
5 1.66
• Since Pulmac screening could reduce the analy 6 1.44 .••‘.‘

sis time by approximately 20 mm, it seems appro 7 1.43

priate to compare the results obtained with the two 8 1.67
apparatuses and eventually substitute the 9 1.42
Somerville by the Pulmac as long as the repeatabil 10 1.44
ity is acceptable.
Average 1.51
Standard deviation 0.09
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Repeatability 4 25%

The authors would like to thank Mr. Louis Sénéchal

(Mill Manager), Mr. Marcel Lambert (Production
Manager) and Mr. Maurice Theberge (Laboratory
Supervisor) of the plant at Desencrage Cascades, a LITERATURE CITED
Division of Rolland Inc., for their financial, techni
cal and operational support. We also wish to thank 1. Forester, W. Methods for the detection of stick
Dr. Martin P. Pelletier and Dr. Christian Lauzier ies in pulp. Contaminants Problems and Strategies
for the valuable technical information as well as in Waste Papers Seminar, pp. 161-168, Cincinnati,
Mrs. Pierrette Lamontagne for the preparation of OH (Apr. 28-30, 1992)..
this document. Finally, we would like to thank Mr.
Rémi Beaulieu (Mill Manager) of the plant at 2. Knight, P.A. Revised standard: Stickie determi
Desencrage CMD Inc. for his financial support. nation method. Beloit Corp. (Dec. 3, 1980).

3. Jean, M.; Nguyen, X.T. Quantification and re

APPENDiX moval of stickies from 0CC waste papers. CPPA
Research Forum on Recycling, pp. 61-69 (Oct. 5-7,
The repeatablility for the same operator has been 1993).
determined on three pulp samples coming from
three different mills and having a total stickies sur 4. Staff. Methods to quantifr stickies: A mill sur
face area of 1.50, 4.85, and 6.87 mm
. The statisti
2 vey. Prog. in Paper Recycl. 2 (3): 80-84 (May 1993).
cal equation used, assuming a normal curve
distribution, is: 5. Ouellette, A.J. Troubleshooting for stickies us
ing the Doshi method. Prog. in Paper Recycl. 4 (2):
Repeatability = t (0.95. n-i) x S.D. 85-88 (Feb. 1995).
where: n=number of readings 6. Doshi, R.M. Quantification of stickies. Prog. in
(N.B.: n =10 in these cases) Paper Recycl. 4 (2): 103-106 (Feb. 1995).

t (0.95, n-i) = from Student’s table 7. Darlington, W.B.; Blair, W.R. Quantification of
thermoplastic stickies with an image analyzer. Prog.
S.D. = Standard deviation in Paper Recycl. 4 (3): 68-70 (May 1995).

Paper Recycling Challenge—Stickies Page 55

8. Matzke, W.; Selder, H. Additional benefits from 11. Gouvernement du Quebec, Ministère de
pressureless high consistency dispersing of second l’Environnement, Direction des laboratoires,
ary fiber stock. Proc. TAPPI Pulping ConL, Book 3, “Protocole de definitions et conventions pour la
TAPPI Press (Oct. 1986). flabilité et la validation d’une méthode d’analyse
en physico-chiinie”, May 1993 Math. 1.1. (In French)
9. Carré, B.; Brim, J.; Galland, G. The incidence of
the destabilization of the pulp suspension on the 12. Fillion, M.; Gaudreault, R.; Roy, B. Methodol
deposition of secondary stickies. Proc. 3rd Research ogy for the determination of stickies concentration
Forum on Recycling, pp. 187-197 (Nov. 20-22, 1995). in recycled 0CC and liner pulp using interactive
image analyzer in real color processing mode. Un
10. Carré, B.; Brim, J.; Galland, G. Comparison of published work (March 23, 1995). (In French)
two methods to estimate secondary stickies con
tamination. Prog. in Paper Recycl. 5(1): 68-72 (Nov.

Received for Review November 18, 1996

Accepted December 19, 1996

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Page 56 Paper Recycling Challenge—Stickies

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