Drones in Archaeology State of The Art A

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Archaeological Prospection

Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)

Published online in Wiley Online Library
(wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/arp.1569

Drones in Archaeology. State-of-the-art and

Future Perspectives
Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Ancient Topography – Department of History and Cultural Heritage, University of Siena, Via Roma 56,
53100, Siena, Italy

ABSTRACT In addition to traditional platforms for low-level remote sensing (balloons, kites, etc.) new and more complex auto-
mated systems [unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones] have become available in the last decade. The success
and market expansion of these platforms has been a driving force in the development of active and passive sensors
specifically designed for UAVs. In the last few years archaeologists have started testing both platforms and sensors,
particularly for the following applications: three-dimensional (3D) documentation of archaeological excavations; 3D
survey of monuments and historic buildings; survey of archaeological sites and landscapes; exploratory aerial survey;
and the archaeological survey of woodland areas. The scale of these applications has ranged from site-based to
landscapes-based (approximately up to about 10 km2 in extent). The role of such platforms in the archaeological sur-
vey of excavations and landscapes, and in diagnostics more generally, is of great interest and is inexorably growing.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Key words: UAV archaeology; 3D survey; 3D modelling; aerial reconnaissance; woodland archaeology

There are no neutral technologies, or, positively put, Romano in Rome, as captured from a tethered balloon
all technologies are non-neutral … . They are trans- in 1900 (Figure 1).
formational in that they change the quality, field Since then, although there has been an extraordinary
and possibility range of human experience, thus development of applications and platforms for both
they are non-neutral. (Ihde, 1993: 33) aerial and satellite-based recording, the role of low-
altitude aerial photography has remained undimin-
ished in its importance. Moreover, in recent decades,
firstly with the advent of digital photography and then
Close-range aerial photography of new aerial platforms, this form of remote sensing
has seen a further boost in its growth.
Close-range aerial photography occupies a relatively Over the years archaeologists have developed or
small niche in the wide sweep of archaeological remote borrowed from other fields a wide range of solutions
sensing. In archaeology, as in all other fields of applica- for the photographic recording of archaeological con-
tion the first initiative in aerial recording relied on the texts. That said, all the platforms developed over the
use of platforms operating at low altitude. Thus, the past century and more retain their own validity, each
first aerial photographs, made for a variety of different presenting specific advantages and limitations.
purposes, were acquired from balloons and kites Although a comprehensive overview has already been
(Lillesand et al., 2015). The first documented archaeo- published by Verhoeven (2009a) it is worth presenting
logical use of the technique dates to the turn of the here a summary of the available platforms, along with
nineteenth and twentieth centuries with the commis- their main merits and disadvantages (Figure 2).
sioning by Giacomo Boni for the area of the Foro
(1) Masts, poles, booms and towers. Although these plat-
forms are cost effective, stable and very easy to move
* Correspondence to: Stefano Campana, Faculty of Classics, Univer- (except for towers) they are limited by their maxi-
sity of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. E-mail: srlc3@cam.ac.uk mum operational height of no more than about 20 m.

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 12 July 2016
Revised 25 November 2016
Accepted 2 January 2017
S. Campana

Figure 1. Tethered air balloon used in 1900 to record the archaeological excavations of Giacomo Boni in the Foro Romano (by courtesy of Guaitoli,
(2) Kites. The use of kites in low-level aerial photogra- platforms (leaving aside, that is, the ground-based
phy has been common since the 1970s as these masts and poles, etc.). The first is the difficulty of pro-
highly inexpensive and portable platforms can viding secure positional control of the platform over
accommodate several kilograms of payload. the survey area, making it difficult or impossible to fol-
Furthermore, the only thing that is needed for their low any pre-designed pattern of recording to secure
effective operation is wind. This dependency, how- photographs that provide full coverage of the target
ever, is also the method’s main drawback: irregular area. For intended photogrammetric coverage, for in-
winds are not suitable for kite-based photography stance, there are likely to be major problems in ensur-
and the required size of the kite is dependent upon ing the necessary overlap between the individual
the wind speed. photographic frames. A second and equally significant
(3) Balloons and blimps. These devices contrast with shortcoming, the essentially ‘static’ nature of these tra-
and provide an alternative to kite photography in ditional platforms, is understandable in the light of
that they can be used in conditions of little or no their design and use almost exclusively with ‘fixed’
wind. Moreover, balloon photography is extremely targets such as archaeological excavations and the sur-
flexible in its setup procedures, and easy in its op- vey of ancient monuments.
eration. However, balloons and blimps become
difficult to position and to hold steady in windy
conditions. Helium to provide the necessary lift is UAV, RPV, RPAS, SUAV, MAV, drone or
also expensive and difficult or sometimes impossi-
ble to find in many countries. The gas containers,
too, are heavy and unwieldly.
According to the definition of the International Associ-
(4) Helikite. This is a hybrid between a balloon and a
ation of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS), an un-
kite, patented by Sandy Allsopp in 1993 and
manned aerial vehicle (AV) is any type of aircraft
manufactured by Allsopp Helikites® Ltd,
that is flown without an on-board pilot (http://
Fordingbridge, UK (http://www.allsopp.co.uk/).
www.uvs-international.org/). Moreover, it should be
It combines a (small) helium-filled balloon with
worth here pointing out that drones are powered air
kite-like wings, securing the best properties of both
platforms. Having defined the platform in these very
platforms. The balloon allows it to take off in
broad terms one is faced with the task of deciphering
windless weather conditions, whereas the kite
a daunting array of related terms and acronyms. The
components become important when there is
term ‘drone’ is widely accepted internationally even
wind, improving stability and providing the
though its origin in military aviation tends to attract
capacity to reach higher altitudes.
some feelings of negativity or ambiguity. The term
This brief review allows us to highlight two funda- ‘drone’ derives from the name of the male bee, the
mental aspects that are common to all of these aerial buzz of the drone in flight inviting comparison with

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
Drones in Archaeology

Figure 2. From left to right and top to bottom. Ladder for documenting an archaeological excavation; tower for the collection of excavation pho-
tographs and (in this case) laser scanning data; ‘giraffe’ used to collect vertical photographs and photo-mosaics of small areas in very high detail;
blimp in use by the University of Siena, Centre of Geo-technologies, at San Giovanni Valdarno; kite; helikite; tethered balloon [by courtesy of the
University of Siena, Laboratory of Landscape Archaeology and Remote Sensing (LAP&T) and Centre of Geotechnologies (CGT)]. This figure is
available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp

that insect. The same word is used for any steady and some form of ground control station (GCS); therefore,
continuous engine noise, another link with the charac- it would be appropriate using UAS, unmanned aerial
teristic buzzing noise of the bee but also of the system, which comprises the aerial platform as well
unmanned aircraft. Within the international environ- as all ground-based components that interact with it.
ment some of the most common terms and acronyms These kinds of systems were originally developed in
and terms listed by Nex and Remondino in 2013 are: the military sphere but from the 1970s onwards they
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), remotely piloted have been making gradual advances within the civil
vehicle (RPV), remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS), and amateur sector through the development and use
small UAV (SUAV), micro aerial vehicle (MAV) and of of increasingly complex systems. In recent years, this
course Drone. In reality the term UAV as well as its growth has accelerated in response to several factors,
synonyms actually represents the unmanned aerial all of them related in one way or another to technolog-
vehicle itself, plus its related sensor or sensors and ical developments, such as increasing miniaturization,

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
S. Campana

improvements in energy efficiency of both engines and flying at a height of about 150 m with a ground res-
batteries, the advent of global positioning systems olution of about 5 cm/pixel. The second main cate-
(GPSs), the impact of digital photography and related gory consists of ‘multi-rotor’ systems equipped with
advances in the field of multi-image photogrammetry. three, four, six, eight or more propellers, sometimes
The first generation of UAV systems to become readily in pairs rotating in opposite directions. These can
available suffered from several problems but nowa- be further subdivided according to their size, pay-
days the market offers increasingly reliable and load and level of sophistication into ‘low’ and ‘me-
‘professional’ solutions. The growth in the industry is dium’ brackets for the kind of UAV generally used
truly dizzying, to the point where it has become in archaeological work, along with ‘higher-end’ sys-
increasingly difficult to navigate one’s way through tems involving the use of more sophisticated and in-
the jungle of ‘offers’ currently available on the market. novative sensors, those enabling the collection of
The cost of a UAV for archaeological purposes can LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data being of
vary enormously, from less than €500 up to €50 000 particular interest in the present-day context. Despite
or even as much as €250 000. The variation of course the differences between these sub-categories it is pos-
reflects substantial differences in the on-board instru- sible to identify some common characteristics that
mentation (sensors and GPS), the payload, the flight apply with reasonable consistency to all multi-rotor
range, the platform type and the degree of automation systems: accuracy in positioning of the platform, an
and therefore versatility in use (Figure 3). acceptable level of automation, a high geometric res-
Low-cost platforms have improved significantly in olution of data acquisition, an ability to record verti-
recent years. It is possible today to find within the com- cal structures such as the facades of buildings and
mercial market systems that can perform autonomous other structures as well as more or less horizontal
flight, with a payload sufficient to carry a good quality surfaces such as archaeological excavations in prog-
camera, with good reliability and an acceptable capac- ress. The fixed-wing and multi-rotor types of UAV
ity to deal with wind and other environmental factors. are thus complementary in the functions that they
For archaeological purposes, it is possible to draw can serve.
a distinction between two different types of aerial In summary, the main advantages of UAV systems
platform. The first, the so-called ‘fixed-wing’ variety, as compared with traditional platforms such as kites,
consists of small and medium-sized aircraft ranging balloons and helikites can be listed as follows:
from about 60 cm to 2 m in approximate wingspan;
these can provide coverage at landscape scale, (1) UAV systems offer substantially better positional
making it possible in optimal conditions to scan control and thus better accuracy in the topographic
within a day’s work an area of up to about 300 ha, coverage of the survey area.

Figure 3. Summary of the main features of the three main types of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platforms used in archaeology. This figure is
available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
Drones in Archaeology

(2) UAV systems provide the opportunity to under- platform that will be used, the autonomy of the flight,
take low-level remote sensing at both ‘site’ and the skill of the intended pilot and ultimately, of course,
‘landscape’ scale thanks to the dynamic nature of the overall cost. A very important factor in the choice
the platform and the absence of wires or other of the camera is the possibility to save and output files
physical connections to the ground below. in *.raw or other uncompressed formats (for subse-
quent conversion, for example, to *.tiff and *.bmp
Although the costs of the UAV systems are in some
format). Indeed, compressed files make it much more
cases fairly competitive compared with traditional
difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to create
systems it should not be taken for granted that UAVs
high-quality three-dimensional (3D) models. In addi-
will always provide the better option. For example, if
tion to the production of 3D models and maps, digital
the aim is to acquire beautiful or high-quality aerial
cameras can be used in exploratory aerial reconnais-
photographs of archaeological excavations for pur-
sance and the monitoring of sites and landscapes.
poses of public illustration rather than technical
Another interesting category of ‘passive’ sensors has
record, then a simple mast, kite or balloon may be able
been developed for recording information in the near,
to do the job just as well without wasting time and
medium and thermal infrared and near-ultraviolet
money on buying and learning to use a drone.
ranges (Verhoeven, 2009b; Verhoeven and Schmitt,
2010). Within the last year or two (2015–2016) several
cameras specifically designed for use on UAVs have
Sensors made their appearance. For a few examples see
Tetracam ADC Lite (http://www.tetracam.
Remote sensing traditionally identifies three key com/Products-Micro_MCA.htm), MAIA (http://
segments: platform, sensor and data processing. In www.salengineering.it/public/it/p/camera_multispe
archaeology, as in other fields of application, the ttrale_maia.asp), MicaSense RedEdge (http://www.
platform/sensor/base-station setup is not an end in micasense.com/rededge) and FLIR VuePro (http://
itself but simply the means of acquiring of the desired www.flir.com/suas/content/?id=70728). These sen-
information. In this process the sensor clearly plays a sors have great potential value, especially for explor-
fundamental role. Having defined the objectives of a atory aerial reconnaissance.
hypothetical research programme and established the Among the ‘active’ group of sensors those designed
need for UAV platform to undertake aerial survey, it for recording LiDAR data have dominated the scene so
is necessary to define the required characteristics of far, for reasons that will be discussed later in connec-
the sensor; in combination with other factors this will tion with the exploratory recording of wooded or par-
in turn affect the choice of aerial platform. In recent tially wooded areas. An obvious indication of the high
years, the rapid development of the UAV market has demand for, and interest in, 3D data in many areas of
stimulated manufacturers to design sensors specifi- landscape study lies in the wide range of miniaturized
cally adapted for this type of platform. The published systems for UAV observation that are currently avail-
literature on remote sensing identifies two main types able (Figure 4). However, LiDAR sensors have cost
of sensor: ‘active’ and ‘passive’. and weight implications that demand the use of high-
‘Passive’ sensors are those used in digital cameras end aerial platforms, thereby increasing the overall
for recording the visible portion of the electromagnetic cost of any intended survey work.
spectrum. This type of sensor is widely available,
either separately or in combination with cameras that
offer a wide and constantly evolving functionality.
The choice of the technical characteristics of the sensor The history of the UAVs in archaeology
should be based on the research objectives. There is a
progressive move towards the documentation of struc- Leaving aside the very first acquisition of aerial photo-
tures, sites and landscapes in three dimensions using graphs from a UAV the first applications in the field of
multi-image photogrammetry (Image-based Model- archaeology took place around the turn of the millen-
ling, IBM). For this kind of work the quality and nium. By UAV applications we mean in this context
resolution of the sensor must be medium to high. structured projects ranging in their scope from flight
Generally, the higher the quality of the camera (and planning to the flights themselves, along with data ac-
especially the lens), the greater is its weight. However, quisition, post-processing and ultimately the interpre-
weight is a parameter that must be kept under control tation and discussion of the results (Nex and
in aerial work since it has a direct impact on the type of Remondino, 2013).

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
S. Campana

Figure 4. Some lightweight LiDAR systems and their principal features. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp

One of the most significant pioneering initiatives commercial companies (Piani, 2013). At that stage,
was that promoted by ETH Zurich under the leader- everything was still highly experimental and the
ship of Professor Armin Gruen. He first developed, development work required significant technical skills.
virtually independently, a reliable pipeline based on Nowadays the main applications of UAVs in archaeol-
UAV data acquisition for achieving accurate and ogy are aimed at the photogrammetric survey of land-
detailed 3D models and digital cartography scapes for the creation of digital surface and digital
(Eisenbeiss et al., 2005; Eisenbeiss and Zhang, 2006; terrain models (DSMs and DTMs) and at the 3D
Lambers et al., 2007; Pueschel et al., 2008; Remondino recording of excavations and historic monuments.
et al., 2009; Eisenbeiss, 2009). Another important case The case studies cited in this context have amply dem-
study, especially for its attention to the sensors and to onstrated the effectiveness and advantages of these
a wide range of potential archaeological applications, novel systems and procedures compared with tradi-
was initiated by the University of Gent in Belgium. In tional instruments; at the same time they have
addition to the development of an interesting aerial involved the procedural development of cost-effective
platform (Verhoeven et al., 2009) within the traditional and reliable pipelines, free of obstructive bottlenecks
category of the helikite, the developers at Gent carried (Chiabrando et al., 2011; Nocerino et al., 2013).
out experiments in the field of archaeological diagnos- There have of course been many problems to over-
tics, using optical sensors that operated in the non- come, starting with the aerial platforms themselves.
visible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum At the Fourth International Congress on Remote
(Verhoeven and Loenders, 2006). Sensing in Archaeology, held at Beijing in October
Other pioneering initiatives followed in the wake of 2012, Armin Gruen, in his keynote address on UAV
the innovative work undertaken by ETH Zurich, char- systems defined this technology as potentially extraor-
acterized by the first use of commercially developed dinary in its impact but still unripe in its reliability, its
aerial platforms (Campana et al., 2008; Remondino capacity to operate in critical condition and in its safety
et al., 2011; Lo Brutto et al., 2013; Sordini et al., 2016) of operation [considerations repeated by Professor
or of systems assembled within university laboratories Gruen (2014): https://www.youtube.com/watch?
and research institutes (Oczipka et al., 2009; Seitz and v=LurNobNVlEM]. Similar problems were encoun-
Altenbach, 2011; Rinaudo et al., 2012) or small tered with the software for image processing and the

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
Drones in Archaeology

generation of high-quality 3D models. In recent years, words could perhaps remove the risk of misunder-
however, there has been a substantial improvement standings and ambiguities.
in all the key segments of the procedural pipeline: the Within archaeology traditional documentation
platform, the sensors and the software for post- systems have always favoured two-dimensional (2D)
processing. In particular, the platforms have benefitted media and representations, both of artefacts and of
from important developments involving systematic on-site contexts. In real life, the products of human
improvements to all the main evaluation parameters endeavour – objects, structures and landscapes – all
listed in Figure 3. Costs have also fallen significantly have volume and are therefore capable of description
but professional UAV systems still require investments in three spatial dimensions, as well, of course, as in
in the order of tens of thousands of euro. That said, terms of their historical derivation. The concepts of
there remains ample room for further improvement. volume and of the third dimension are not in any sense
For instance, the software systems on the platforms new or innovatory. Rather, they constitute an archaeo-
themselves are still fairly basic, good enough for logical component which has from the very beginning
following predetermined routes but incapable yet of of the study been recognized as fundamental to the
responding independently to unforeseen events or discipline, albeit expressed through 2D means such as
circumstances during flight. The relatively short flight excavation plans, perspective drawings, maps and
endurance of most platforms (rarely more than about the like.
20 minutes before a necessary change of battery) often But it is also true that three-dimensionality has in
reduces their efficiency in use, forcing the user to general been represented in a ‘non-measuring’ mode,
undertake several flights in the same working day. in particular through the development of a language
Finally, one of the main problems with currently avail- of symbols. In essence the reasons for this practice,
able platforms lies in their limited reliability and hence common to the present day, lie in the technology and
their safety in use. To date, many countries have devel- instrumentation available at the time. The forms of
oped specific legislation in this regard to offset or graphical documentation which have underpinned
counter the risks that could otherwise be involved archaeology throughout the greater part of its life can
(for a brief overview see Nex and Remondino, 2013). be reduced to maps, excavation drawings, matrices
The final segment in the procedural workflow and photographs.
involves the post-processing software, in which These rely on methods of presentation that are
development has in recent years advanced in leaps essentially 2D. All archaeologists – including those still
and bounds. Until the first decade of the present ‘in embryo’ – have been and still are being educated to
millennium Image-based Modelling (IBM) software reduce and then to represent 3D archaeological infor-
procedures were for the most part manageable only mation in two dimensions. This practice should not
by specialists in the pure and applied sciences, using be decried or under-valued, nor should it be seen as a
in-house software subject to severe limitations in the banal response to the absence of alternative technical
implementation of automatic processing (Remondino solutions. We are dealing here with a complex process,
and El-Hakim, 2006). Nowadays, however, there are the first requirement of which is the acquisition of
open-source, low-cost and semi-automated commer- insights into the cultural articulation of historical and
cial software packages that can be operated by compe- archaeological contexts, while at the same time relying
tent users without necessarily demanding the on a variety of methodological and technical skills.
involvement of specialists (Nex and Remondino, Only through a wide-ranging training in the develop-
2013; Sordini et al., 2016). ment and maturing of the researcher’s critical faculties
is it possible to negotiate the transition from 3D reality
to graphical or photographic representation in two
Archaeological survey and the third In this sense survey and documentation, as well as
dimension photography, present not an alternative to reality but
an interpretation of reality, whether it be of an object, a
Any discussion of the use of UAVs in archaeology context or a landscape. This has been neatly expressed
must inevitably consider the broader question of by Gregory Bateson (1979) when he wrote that ‘The
archaeological survey carried out through the means map is not the landscape and the name on the map is
of photogrammetry and/or laser scanning, and thus not the thing that it represents’. Naturally, a good inter-
of high-density 3D survey and measurement. Before pretation relies on a clear understanding of the object
plunging into detailed discussion a few introductory itself, and of its essential characteristics. These form

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
S. Campana

necessary preliminaries to a fuller understanding of initial euphoria generated by the possibility of

the object itself and preferably of the subject matter documenting large-scale structures in three dimen-
more generally. We are clearly dealing here with a pro- sions through laser scanning, there has been a progres-
cess that is both essential to and irreplaceable in the sive cooling of enthusiasm for this technique because
practice of archaeological research. These thoughts will of poor understanding of the functions of point-clouds,
hopefully provide a basic frame of reference within meshes and 3D models in general. In this case, too, 3D
which we can consider the introduction of innovative recording must be placed in the context of the process
systems for 3D recording within archaeology. That of understanding and documenting the structures con-
said, it is time to tackle some of the problems that have cerned. The situation for the recording of buildings is
emerged during the last couple of decades. in fact exactly analogous to that already described for
In their early history, the significance and role of archaeological excavations, relying above all on the
laser scanning and photogrammetric recording in ‘reading’ and interpretation of the structural elements
archaeology – and especially in excavation recording and related characteristics of the monuments under
– were complicated by several misapprehensions and examination. In the introduction to a recent manual
ambiguities. It may be useful to start here by consider- on survey and recording noted that ‘a good survey
ing the experience of pioneering applications that engages with the history of the building, identifying
placed a high emphasis on objectivity and the faithful the chronological phases, pointing out variations of
representation of stratigraphical units, all too often technique, underlining stratigraphical relationships,
ignoring the central dictum that the main challenge noting anomalies, clarifying static issues and
within any excavation, by its very essence a process summarising in the final documentation the forms,
that cannot be repeated, consists not of objective docu- colours, state of preservation and quality of the mate-
mentation of stratigraphical units but at root in the rials used in the building’s construction’. Thus, the
definition and interpretation of those units. In addition, resulting record represents a synthesis of measure-
excavation recording does not deal only with the ment combined with ‘reading’ and interpretation of
relationship of stratigraphical units in terms of their the structure and its progressive development over
volumes but also with such things as the consistency time. It is evident that if one makes use only of mea-
and composition of the strata, their chemical and surement, however accurate and detailed (as in the
physical characteristics and in many instances the case of the point clouds produced by laser scanning
artefacts and cultural objects which they contain. or photogrammetry) the absence of ‘reading’ and
These are elements which can themselves change interpretation irrevocably limits the validity of the
under the influence of variations in environmental record so created.
conditions such as temperature, humidity and light- Equally central to the problems that have arisen in
ing, and last but not least in response to the skill and the first application of 3D recording, whether of build-
experience of the excavator. Three-dimensional docu- ings or of excavations, is the misleading idea that 3D
mentation makes it possible to create an objective recording can act as a substitute or replacement for tradi-
record of some aspects such as volume and texture of tional methods of documentation. It may be useful
stratigraphical units that have been defined or here to draw a parallel with photography. When the
influenced by the necessarily subjective actions and possibility of capturing and using photographs,
interpretations of the excavator. For this very reason whether aerial or terrestrial, in archaeological work
the adoption of 3D recording does not in itself trans- was first proposed the photographs did not replace
form the process into an objective or ‘neutral’ proce- traditional landscape or excavation recording but
dure since the acts of observation and hence of rather complemented them, adding a new form of docu-
understanding cannot by their very nature be other mentation which in its turn required interpretation and
than subjective. That said, it is undeniable that the sometimes graphical representation of the archaeolog-
essentially destructive and unrepeatable nature of ical information present in the photographs. Thus, 3D
excavation makes it imperative to employ recording documentation presents an innovative means of
systems that are as sophisticated and accurate as possi- executing and representing measurements taken from
ble at the time concerned. In the context of the present archaeological sites, objects or contexts. It makes possi-
day the most relevant techniques in this respect are ble the acquisition of an extraordinary amount of posi-
undoubtedly those of multi-image photogrammetry tional data and measurements, the density of which is
and laser scanning. conditioned by the scanning density (for example one
Ambiguities have also emerged in the recording of point every three millimetres, etc.) or the resolution
historical buildings and field monuments. After the of the camera sensor (in both cases affected by the

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
Drones in Archaeology

distance from the object under examination). These discussed later, however, it is worth mentioning the
factors must be matched to the characteristics of the contributions of Sauerbier and Eisenbeiss (2010), Seitz
object or context being documented. But, as with pho- and Altenbach (2011) and Rinaudo et al. (2012).
tographs, the point cloud produced by these methods Interesting ideas have also been put forward as a result
is an intermediate document between reality and its of some earlier researches, notably by Tokmakidis and
conceptual representation (limited, of course, to those Skarlatos (2000) and Shaw and Corns (2008).
elements of reality that can be described in three Archaeological excavation is a fundamental but
dimensions or through such characteristics as colour). essentially unrepeatable process in the exploration
It is certainly true, however, that the aim of the record- and understanding of the past. These two objectives,
ing work, which has traditionally focused on taking exploration and understanding, are the main reasons
measurements in the field, can in the case of laser scan- why archaeologists consider it imperative to seek
ning and digital photogrammetry be re-allocated to a constant improvement in their excavation techniques
later stage, reducing the amount of time spent on and in refining the quality of their documentation.
measurement and recording in the field. The attention to excavation techniques and the
However, there is thus a fundamental aspect of both achievement of increasingly accurate documentation
theory and practice when working with these tools: a inevitably involve the expenditure of time and atten-
basic change in the analytical sequence. tion on these aspects of the process. In essence these
Traditional field survey is based on a sequence that are the circumstances which in 2004 led the author of
can be expressed as follows: this article in his official role at the Laboratory of
Landscape Archaeology and Remote Sensing (LAP&T)
observation → interpretation/abstraction → at the University of Siena to begin experiments with
measurement → recording → analysis new ways of documenting excavation evidence. In
collaboration with Leica Geosystems a series of tests
Field survey using high density measurement tech- were carried out using laser scanning in the years
nologies breaks out of this logical sequence and leads between 2004 and 2006. The context was a long-
us towards a new ordering of the process (Limp, 2016): running archaeological excavation at the site of a
Roman villa that later developed into a large early
observation → recording → measurement → Christian church at Pava in the Asso Valley in southern
analysis → interpretation/abstraction Tucany. The initial results were positive but as the
excavation grew in size it was soon realized that this
The practical implementation of this new sequence system was unsustainable in the longer term for a vari-
is of course the subject of considerable discussion, both ety of reasons, including the relatively low acquisition
in terms of theory and of practical implementation in rate, the high number of stations necessary to limit the
the field, especially regarding the final stage of incidence of occlusions, and the time-consuming post-
interpretation and annotation of the objective record processing routines, etc.
in the direct presence of the excavation surfaces, With the aim of overcoming these limitations a col-
features, deposits and structures being recorded and laboration was initiated in 2007 with Fabio Remondino
analysed at any one time. of FBK Trento and with Zenith, a commercial com-
pany, to test the potential of UAV photogrammetry in
recording the progressively increasing excavation area
(Campana et al., 2008; Remondino et al., 2011). The
Documenting archaeological excavations ultimate objective was to develop a complete
through the use of drones and 3D recording workflow, from flight planning to 3D modelling, layers
and volumes mapping, to achieve the semi-automatic
Examples of ground based experience in the 3D docu- creation of 3D and four-dimensional (4D) documenta-
mentation of excavations through the use of laser scan- tion of the archaeological excavation. The essential
ners and photogrammetry have increased in numbers characteristics of the process were envisages as being
and sophistication in recent years (see for instance speed, reliability, accuracy, standardization and user-
Doneus et al., 2003; Dell’Unto, 2014). By contrast, the friendliness. In addition to the potential applicability
development of new standards and procedures for to any archaeological context it was taken as granted
the use of UAVs in 3D documentation is still in its rel- from the outset that any effective workflow established
ative infancy, the published discussions of this topic in the context of the Pava excavations could then play
being as yet few in number. In addition to those a significant role in the wider context of planning-led

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
S. Campana

and rescue archaeology, within which there is often a cameras, none of which was capable of recording
need to document large surface areas in a relatively uncompressed (RAW) files. These limitations greatly
brief period. complicated the processes of data processing and 3D
In addition to a reduction of working time in the modelling.
field the fundamental ‘added value’ of such a pipeline, Nevertheless, these initial experiments were impor-
in qualitative terms, would lie in the development of tant in making it possible within the next few years
easily applicable standard procedures to a wide to implement the procedure in its entirety through
variety of archaeological contexts, with a consequent the advent of the next generation of aerial platforms,
gain in the expected quality and homogeneity of the cameras and processing software. The context for this
resulting documentation. The UAV platform made next phase of experimentation, carried out in collabo-
available by the Zenith company was a Microdrones ration with the ATS srl, a spin-off company of the Uni-
md4–200 system equipped with a Pentax compact versity of Siena, was provided by archaeological
camera (Figure 5). Unfortunately, the problems excavation at Santa Marta, a large Roman villa situated
encountered in the early years of testing tended to out- in the Ombrone Valley that spans the provinces of
weigh the benefits of the results. Difficulties were Grosseto and Siena, again in the southern part of Tus-
encountered in almost every part of the process. The cany. The new aerial platform was an Aibot X6
aerial platform had major problems of reliability and Hexacopter, a system with six rotors protected by a
operability in response to even moderate wind while carbon fibre cowling, capable of carrying a payload
the sensor was limited by the relatively low lifting of up to 2 kg (Figure 6). The drone can be flown either
power of the UAV to a few lightweight compact manually or autonomously, including take-off and

Figure 5. Clockwise from top left. Microdrones md4–200 UAV; digital terrain model (DTM) of the Pava excavation following the processing of the
drone photography, created by Fabio Remondino using in-house ETH Zurich software; aerial recording in progress at the Pava excavations; detail
of the camera used in the recording work. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
Drones in Archaeology

Figure 6. Clockwise from top left. Aibot X6 Hexacopter; processing of images with Agisoft PhotoScan Pro software; overview of the vector drawing
overlaid on the orthophoto image in the project’s geographical information system (GIS); detail of the vector drawing; aerial photograph from the drone
recording the state of excavation at the end of the 2013 season of fieldwork. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp

landing, with the aid of an integrated GPS navigation This system was being used in 2013, 2014 and 2015
system. A significant advantage of the Aibot drone is to record the progress of the Santa Marta excavations.
its enhanced tolerance of variations in atmospheric The documentation of the open areas, amounting to
condition, in particular wind, making the system far about 700 m2 of the overall 2000 m2 extent of the exca-
more versatile for use in various kinds of archaeologi- vation, was achieved in less than two hours of work on
cal fieldwork. The carbon-fibre cowling protects the each occasion, including related topographic survey
six rotors from potential damage, making it possible on the ground. The level of detail in the images, the
for the aircraft to operate in spatially-restricted repeatability of successive flights conforming to the
environments and at low levels with a very high same basic parameters, and the high speed in
degree of reliability. collecting the photogrammetric coverage made this
Within this set-up, it is possible to choose any type of complex of instrumentation particularly suitable for
camera (within the 2 kg payload limit of the UAV). The repeated documentation of the excavation area as the
nature of the camera mount minimizes any vibration work progressed.
that might be transmitted to the sensor, allowing the To optimize the process of 3D recoding is of course
capture of digital images that have accurate focus necessary to integrate the aerial documentation
and a good depth of field. The setting-up of the system derived from the drone with that created by total
is very fast; in no more than a few minutes it is ready to station survey at ground level; otherwise it would be
fly. The payload and the stability of the UAV allow the necessary to undertake a fresh flight whenever a new
use of either reflex or mirrorless cameras, producing feature or stratigraphical unit was identified, making
very high-quality images. the process unsustainable in practical terms. This is

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
S. Campana

not a problem since any present-day archaeologist can

quickly learn how to collect (and geo-locate) ground-
based photographs for photogrammetric purposes,
using a camera and lens of relatively mid-quality
The images collected from the drone were processed
through the low-cost and semi-automatic photogram-
metry package Agisoft Photoscan Pro (http://www.
agisoft.ru). The software, as would be expected, re-
quires total coverage of the survey area with at least
60% overlap between the frames (ensuring that every
part of the area is covered in a minimum of three over-
lapping images), along with geolocation of relevant
reference points at ground level through total station
In this kind of recording work, it is important to ex-
ecute the successive stage in the workflow with a con-
sistent level of accuracy if one is to achieve reliable
documentation in which the spatial relationships be- Figure 7. Orthophoto mosaic of two adjacent survey areas made by
tween layers and features are properly expressed, es- combining the results of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photography col-
lected during separate excavation campaigns at Santa Marta. Note the
pecially when dealing with successive episodes of on- comparison with the image at bottom left in Figure 6, in which the apse
site recording. Given this precondition the PhotoScan structure at upper left in that image had not yet been excavated. This fig-
software provides a powerful tool for integrating dif- ure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp
ferent point-clouds to create diachronic models, a very
useful feature within archaeological research and dis-
semination. For example, the part of the baths area that
had been excavated at Santa Marta in 2013 was then
covered over for conservation purposes, making it pos-
sible in the following year to survey only the area that
was newly excavated during the 2014 campaign. Re-
moving the coverage from the 2013 excavation was
considered too time-consuming and expensive, so the
archaeologists did not have the possibility of seeing
or recording the whole of the excavated area at the
same time. However, it proved possible to create a
model of the whole area uncovered during the succes-
sive season of fieldwork by integrating the different
datasets acquired in 2013 and 2014. Each point cloud
was first ‘cleaned’ by removing points from the areas Figure 8. Photomosaic produced from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) im-
that overlapped with one another. A single mesh for ages taken during two different excavation campaigns at Santa Marta.
the whole area was then created through the Note the comparison with the image at bottom left in Figure 6, in which
the apse (towards the top of that image) had not yet been excavated. This
PhotoScan software. The resulting orthophoto is figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp
shown in Figure 7.
The next step of the workflow involved texture map-
ping on the polygonal meshes and the creation of allowed drawings of each layer and feature to be made
orthophotos of each area (Figure 8). The documenta- in great detail, and in less time than would have been
tion achieved at each stage was used for the creation possible by traditional on-site measurement and draw-
of vector drawing of each stratigraphical and struc- ing. It is important to emphasize here, however, that
tural context. Orthophotos were imported into the the work at Pava, and at Santa Marta more specifically,
(2D) geographical information system (GIS) used for has always envisaged a close integration between
storage and management of information collected dur- work on-site and work in the laboratory. This should
ing the successive stages of excavation. The high preci- in no sense be a linear and sterile relationship but
sion, accuracy and resolution of the aerial images one that involves a continuous feedback in both

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
Drones in Archaeology

directions between fieldwork and laboratory. At architectural details. Another common feature of
present the project GIS at Santa Marta uses MeshLab working with these applications is the need to inte-
(http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/) to manage 3D grate the results of UAV survey with ground-based
models of stratigraphic contexts. This makes it possible photogrammetry and laser scanning. Among the main
to manage a large amount of data about individual benefits remarked on in the scientific literature so far
layers and features, displaying or hiding them as and are the relative speed, economies of cost, levels of accu-
when necessary, implementing real-time measure- racy and ability to record elements that are not readily
ments and (for instance) varying the direction of visible from the ground or from available vantage
lighting within the digital 3D environment. The points (roof tops, architectural details and stratigraph-
archaeologists involved in the project can thus explore ical relationships, etc.).
the archaeological data in 3D as well as consulting a A very important feature, explored more fully later,
traditional GIS (for a detailed description of these is the inherent capacity of all forms of aerial photogra-
operations see Sordini et al., 2016). This kind of phy to place individual monuments and historic build-
workflow, based on both UAV and ground-based pho- ings within a record of their immediate surroundings,
togrammetry, can also be used to facilitate traditional thereby recognizing and communicating the essential
2D mapping and GIS data management as well as 3D relationship between architectural structures and the
vector drawing (see for instance Dell’Unto, 2014). urban or rural landscape within which they lie
(Figure 9). No doubt many readers will have experi-
enced the uncomfortable sense of alienation that can
be aroused by otherwise excellent 3D models pre-
Three-dimensional survey of monuments sented in a virtual space totally devoid of information
and historic buildings about their original (or even present) surroundings.
This should surely act as a spur to go beyond the
The UAV based survey of archaeological monuments simple measurement and 3D representation of the
and historic buildings has been among the most preva- collected data (with all its well-known advantages in
lent applications from the early days of these application monitoring, measurement and the automatic extrac-
in archaeology and heritage management. The research tion of plans, profiles and cross-sections) by switching
team at ETH Zurich, for instance, concentrated much of to a more analytical and critical approach in the use
its early experimentation on cultural heritage in general, and interpretation 3D documentation, not just for indi-
and individual sites and monuments notably at the vidual structures but also for the immediate surround-
Maya site of Copan in Honduras, where Temple 22 ings which form an essential part of their existence.
was recorded within its surrounding context
(Remondino et al., 2009). Another relevant project con-
cerned recording of the medieval castle at Landenberg
in Switzerland (Pueschel et al., 2008). There have been The survey of archaeological sites and
many subsequent examples of this kind of application, landscapes
for instance by LAP&T in Tuscany (Campana et al.,
2008; Campana et al., 2009), by 3DOM and the It has already been mentioned that the topographical
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Remondino et al., 2011; survey and digital representation of sites and land-
Fiorillo et al., 2013a), by the Polytechnic of Turin scapes figure strongly among the outputs of UAV
(Chiabrando et al., 2011) and by various private applications within heritage studies. The final goal in
companies. these instances is to achieve detailed maps or 3D
From the experience accumulated so far it is possible models of local landscapes and the archaeological sites
to identify some general feedback. A first aspect that lie within them. This scale of landscape has
concerns the choice of aerial platform for initiating proved to be an elusive target until quite recent times.
the recording work. While fixed-wing UAVs are very In the past, first total station survey, then GPS-based
efficient at surveying large areas to produce survey and finally laser scanning have provided
orthophotos, maps and 3D landscape models, multi- successive approaches to the recording of such
rotor systems are more suitable for the recording of landscapes. However, the mapping of landscapes
individual sites and monuments because of their inher- using these devices proved to be highly time consum-
ent characteristics. Multicopters can record both hori- ing and expensive; moreover, the outcomes often
zontal and vertical or sloping surfaces with equal lacked sufficient detail and the tools used did not pro-
facility, as required in the modelling of facades and vide any capacity to add texture to the results

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
S. Campana

Figure 9. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) survey of temples and the ancient city of Paestum. Italy (courtesy of Fabio Remondino and 3DOM FBK
Trento). This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp

achieved. However, traditional aerial photogramme- 2016; Sonnemann et al., 2016). In conclusion, the re-
try, in addition to being very expensive, was not sults achieved in recent years have clearly demon-
always capable (depending on the size of the sites strated the extraordinary speed and effectiveness of
involved) of providing sufficient detail for their detec- drone-based survey in the creation of high-resolution
tion and depiction. Against that background, and images and maps; other aspects include the high levels
without citing specific examples, there is no doubt that of accuracy that can be achieved and the benefits that
drone-based 3D recording fills a methodological gap accrue from having access to 3D images with all the
within the archaeological mapping process. In the liter- analytical potential that these provide. The advantages
ature, numerous case studies have been reported from of this type of relief-mapping, at this scale of detail, are
around 2005 onwards. Originally, their primary aim by now manifest and convincing, in many cases ren-
was to test new technological developments and to dering anachronistic the systems that were used until
verify the technical quality and accuracy of the survey just a few years ago.
results (Bendea et al., 2007; Lambers et al., 2007;
Remondino et al., 2011; Fiorillo et al., 2013b; Caldarelli
and Ceccaroni, 2013). In the author’s view, however,
recent publications show a mature approach, most of Exploratory survey and aerial
all in the composition of the research teams, which no reconnaissance
longer consist almost exclusively of scientists and
engineers but also benefit from the presence/input of While survey work aimed at the better understanding
archaeologists. In addition, present-day of already-known sites and features is a highly devel-
implementations of UAV systems now tend to form oped field of work, drawing on a wide range of
parts of a complex strategy aimed primarily at answer- methods and platforms (Verhoeven, 2009a), explor-
ing archaeological questions (Brenningmeyer et al., atory survey using UAVs is an innovation that is

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
Drones in Archaeology

directly related to the dynamic characteristics of this becomes possible to simulate whatever conditions,
particular form of platform (Brenningmeyer et al., angles or directions of lighting that will give emphasis
2016). The main novelties compared with the use of to the micro-morphological features. This can also be
light aircraft in traditional aerial reconnaissance, are done in such a way as to allow the angle of view to
enhanced cost-effectiveness, high geometric resolution, be varied in real time, just as it would be if the observer
unprecedented opportunities to acquire data in a wide could move at will around the chosen target – a key
range of differing environmental and field conditions element in enhancing the capacity of eye and mind to
(lighting, seasonality, land use, morphology, etc.) and comprehend the physical characteristics and potential
coverage at a ‘new’ scale of detail, filling a real gap in archaeological interpretation of the site or object under
the previous methodological workflow. Indeed, in this study. It should be acknowledged, of course, that the
kind of survey the main cost lies in the initial purchase creation and examination of 3D models of this kind is
of the UAV, there being few subsequent management also possible (admittedly at considerably greater cost),
or maintenance costs apart from the occasional through ‘traditional’ aerial survey from light aircraft,
replacement of moving parts affected by wear (or occa- or even from existing historical aerial photographs if
sional accidental damage). these are available in sufficient numbers (for an exam-
Fixed-wing UAVs are particularly suitable for this ple involving the mapping of the Roman-period
kind of exploratory reconnaissance, can cover rela- mine-workings in Spain, see Verhoeven et al., 2012).
tively large areas, up to as much as 300 hectares per Traditional aerial photography (using optical
day. Technically, there is no reason why this scale of sensors operating within the visible electromagnetic
coverage could not be increased to two or three times spectrum) has among its main limitations the need to
as much but present aviation regulations in most coun- work within fairly short time windows, combined
tries compel the pilot to keep direct eye-contact with with the inability to control all (or any) of the variables
the UAV. However, even in this case the choice of the that determine success or failure: geology, pedology,
most appropriate platform should be weighted accord- micro-climate, agricultural patterns, farming practices
ing to research objectives; successful applications in and historical landscape development, etc. Archaeolo-
this area have also been achieved using multi-rotor gists have long been conscious of their inability to con-
platforms (Oczipka et al., 2009; Sconzo, 2014; Lang trol the conditioning factors that influence the visibility
et al., 2016). The experience gained so far, though still or invisibility of archaeological features buried beneath
fairly limited in its scope, confirms some of the the soil (Jones and Evans, 1975). As a result, the discov-
readily-imagined potential of the method, highlighting ery of archaeological traces through aerial photogra-
further aspects of particular or more detailed interest. phy is to a significant extent subject to the incidence
For example, research at the huge Celtic settlement of of chance and serendipity (Campana, 2016a).
Heidengraben in Germany, as well as in Oman at Al An important contribution to expanding the current
Khashabah and in the Orkhon Valley of Mongolia, time windows and reducing the effect of serendipity
has shown that in addition to traditional diagnostic on the outcome of aerial reconnaissance (thereby
capabilities such as the detection of cropmark and strengthening the diagnostic potential of the photogra-
soilmark evidence, there is enormous potential for the phy) could come from the measurement and analysis
collection of high-resolution photogrammetric data of non-visible portions of the electromagnetic spec-
and the extraction of high-quality DTMs can assist trum. UAV systems offer the archaeological commu-
the discovery, mapping and subsequent survey and nity the possibility of equipping platforms not only
monitoring of micro-morphological features of with optical systems operating in the visible range
archaeological or related significance (Lang et al., but also with sensors collecting data within the non-
2016; Oczipka et al., 2009). visible parts of the spectrum. Key experiments in this
Micro-morphological features of this kind fall within field have been conducted by the Department of
well-established categories of aerial survey interpreta- Archaeology at the University of Gent, in Belgium. In
tion but the environmental conditions in which such this case the data were collected through the medium
features become visible, in particular the incidence of of a helikite. The research was undertaken mainly
low oblique lighting, are limited to certain seasons of within the Potenza Valley Project in central Italy, a
the year, especially autumn and winter, and specific long-term collaboration that has been integrating a
times of the day, soon after dawn and just before wide variety of research methodologies, including
sunset (Piccarreta and Ceraudo, 2000; Musson et al., surface survey, geo-archaeological survey, geophysical
2005). Conversely, operating on a digital 3D model prospection and archaeological excavation (Vermeulen
acquired in less specific environmental conditions, it et al., 2006). In this case the sensor was a standard SLR

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
S. Campana

camera that had been modified to record the near- Fernand Braudel (1949), in the first pages of his monu-
infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum mental work on the Mediterranean world complains
(Verhoeven, 2008). Overall, the results showed that about the uneven geographical distribution of histori-
the use of the differing bands, in combination, resulted cal research. More than 30 years later Graeme Barker,
in a considerable improvement in the visibility of the in the introduction to his monograph on the Biferno
archaeological features, in some cases even allowing Valley (Barker, 1995) echoes Braudel in reiterating that
the recovery of traces that were otherwise completely in the intervening years landscape survey had still
invisible. This situation has been verified not only for tended to concentrate on lowland areas at the expense
cropmark evidence but also for soilmarks (Verhoeven, of the higher ground. Today, a further 20 years after the
2012). Recently an interesting experience have been Biferno Valley publication, this remains very much the
documented in New Mexico by a team of the Univer- case in the Mediterranean area, despite a few notable
sity of Arkansas and north Florida (Casana et al., exceptions. The reasons, from a strictly archaeological
2014). The case study has been conducted at the perspective, must be sought in the physical overlap
Chaco-period Blue J community in north-western between ‘highland’ and ‘woodland’ and in the relative
New Mexico. It presents a method for collection of lack of archaeological survey methods for tackling the
high-resolution thermal imagery using a UAS, as well intrinsic characteristics of wooded areas. Indeed, in
to efficiently process and orthorectify imagery using these more or less impenetrable environments,
photogrammetric software. Results show clearly the unsuited to arable cultivation and hence undisturbed
size and organization of most habitation sites to be by soil movement in recent centuries, field-walking
readily mapped, and reveal previously undocumented survey is completely ineffective, as are most other
architectural features. That said, the use of UAVs for approaches used by archaeologists in more open areas.
this kind of experimental work with infrared or multi- Only aerial photography can claim to have had some
spectral imagery is still in an early stage of develop- limited success in these upland areas, and even then,
ment though several innovatory projects currently in only for the highest areas where the woodland cover
progress will no doubt be brought to publication in is less dense or in some cases absent altogether (Cosci,
the coming years. 2013). Metaphorically, forested areas constitute a
massive ‘black hole’ in the firmament of landscape
archaeology, creating a void of similar proportions in
Archaeology beneath the woodland canopy our understanding of the landscapes of the past. From
around the beginning of the present millennium, how-
From the second half of the twentieth century ever, the increasing use of the LiDAR sensor in topo-
topographical studies within the field of archaeology graphical mapping and archaeological survey has
have increased in number and sophistication, in the introduced new opportunities for the exploration of
Mediterranean region as well as in other parts of previously unrecorded archaeological features pre-
Europe. Millions of hectares of open landscape have served beneath the woodland canopy.
now been investigated and our understanding of In the last 10 years or so a fair number of LiDAR sur-
settlement patterns, rural populations, productive veys have been implemented for archaeological pur-
systems and both large-scale and local trading patterns poses and it is now widely accepted that this
has improved substantially compared with the past. technique represents the most efficient system for the
There have been several published discussions about exploration of wooded areas (and in some respects for
the advantages and limitations of this kind of survey open pastureland too). This has led the author, within
work [for instance Campana (2009) or more recently his own research work as a Marie Curie Fellow at the
Campana (2016b)]. However, wooded areas continue University of Cambridge in the UK, to compile a fairly
to present a very challenging environment in which detailed survey of projects that have made active use
to operate for purposes of archaeological survey. The of LiDAR survey for specifically archaeological pur-
proportion of the landscape concealed beneath tree poses, not only around the Mediterranean but also
cover of one density or another is very considerable – across other parts of Europe more generally (Figure 10).
about 45% of the total landmass, for instance, in Italy The result shows some interesting trends and some
and the Mediterranean world more generally (FAO, equally obvious limitations in the application of
2006). This issue is exacerbated by the fact that these LiDAR technology within archaeology. Particularly
areas are not equally distributed in all kinds of habi- noticeable is the lack of case studies in the Mediterra-
tats, but are mainly concentrated in upland and moun- nean area, which accounts for only 25% of research
tainous areas (Blondel et al., 2010). In this context, projects, the remainder lying in the alpine zone, in

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
Drones in Archaeology

Figure 10. The distribution around the Mediterranean Sea, in Continental Europe and in the UK of LiDAR prospection within archaeological projects. The
size of the circles is proportional to the size of the survey in square kilometres. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp

central or northern Europe or in Britain. The overall Despite these caveats, it is undeniable that UAV
picture is even worse if the analysis is expressed in platforms represent an innovation of the very greatest
terms of extent of the areas investigated; on this basis, interest, both for undertaking low-altitude aerial pho-
the Mediterranean contribution drops to just over 2% togrammetry and for the rapid development of light-
(5 292 301 ha in Continental Europe and the UK against weight LiDAR systems designed specifically for such
118 660 in the Mediterranean area). The main reason platforms. Low-altitude photography cannot of course
for the lack of case studies around the Mediterranean penetrate the dense Mediterranean vegetation to pro-
– where most projects have in practice failed to achieve vide a true record of the under-canopy landscape
their stated objectives – lies not in the matter of archae- (Figure 11). There are, however, several intermediate
ological schools of thought or other forms of cultural situations in which it could perhaps play an interesting
bias, nor even in the availability or otherwise of role. Some types of staple crops may be ‘open’ enough
research funding. The reason stems from the character to offer useful results, for instance olive groves and
and density of the vegetation and the presence of vineyards where in addition to colour differences (not
dense scrub in many areas. Traditional LiDAR systems always easily perceived because of the typically dis-
based on aerial platforms have so far been substan- continuous pattern of the ground cover) photogram-
tially ineffective in such situations, wherever they lie metric processing may be able to play a significant
in Europe, except for recent research conducted with role through the creation of high-resolution DTMs suit-
high-resolution acquisition in Croatia (Doneus et al., able for the detection of micro-morphological features.
2015). It is fair to point out in this context that LiDAR In the case of the more dense Mediterranean tree-
data has been captured for specifically archaeological cover the combination of UAV platforms and light-
purposes in only a few instances; even when this is weight LiDAR sensors could mark a significant turn-
the case, the process rarely lies under the full control ing point. The main innovation in this case is the
of the archaeologist, who in most instances is only able archaeologist’s capacity to determine a spatial resolu-
to specify the desired ground resolution (which is tion of anything up to 200 points/m2 (as well as to
influenced by factors such as the kind of sensor used, influence all the other acquisition parameters). Recent
the speed of the aerial platform and the flight altitude, considerations have suggested 8 points/m2 as the
etc.) while technicians retain control of all of the other desirable minimum resolution for archaeological
parameters, such as the scanning angle, the number applications, with 16 points/m2 as the ideal resolution
of return pulses, the type of sensor, the flying speed for bare soil or very sparse vegetation canopies (Optiz,
and even the season when the scanning work is under- 2016). The highest resolution achieved so far in an
taken (Opitz and Cowley, 2012; Optiz, 2016). archaeological context has been the 64 points/m2

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
S. Campana

Figure 11. Profile of the point cloud acquired by a LiDAR sensor (grey) and an equivalent cloud generated by photogrammetric survey (black).

reached using a slow-moving helicopter at the Hill of Cambridge, has initiated a test flight in collaboration
Tara and in the offshore island of Skellig Michael in with Microgeo (Florence, Italy) and RIEGL Laser Mea-
the Republic of Ireland (Corns and Shaw, 2012). surement Systems (Horn, Austria) over a small area of
At the moment, there are no informative publica- dense woodland in the Maremma region of southern
tions on the topic of UAV-based LiDAR acquisition Tuscany. The area is characterized by typical Mediter-
for the detection of archaeological features beneath a ranean vegetation with a dense coverage of mostly ev-
dense woodland canopy. Recently, the author within ergreen trees and an under-canopy of younger trees,
his Emptyscapes research work at the University of scrub and herbaceous plants (Figure 12). Although

Figure 12. Clockwise from top left. The general character of the surveyed area between Roselle and Grosseto in southern Tuscany; UAV Ri-copter
RIEGL during LiDAR survey; detail of RIEGL lightweight LiDAR device; the Ri-copter preparing for take-off; and the UAV being carried to the take-
off area. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/arp

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
Drones in Archaeology

the results are still under detailed analysis it appears new perspectives for World Heritage recording and
likely that in this case it has proved possible to pene- conservation. In the case of environmental or other
trate the vegetation and reveal a number of potential dramatic events and disasters UAV-based data collec-
archaeological features beneath the obscuring canopy. tion will make it possible to create digital 3D represen-
The potential of this kind of drone-based LiDAR tations of the actual environmental conditions in the
survey seems great but the path to its regular and affected locality, assisting rescue or reconstruction
successful application may still be a long one. work and serving as agents for memory preservation.
It should be emphasized that these are complex issues
that require specific analysis. The risk factors are not
Final thoughts limited to war scenarios and terrorist attacks. A more
incisive role can be attributed to other factors, includ-
Although UAV systems of various kinds have been ing, intensive agriculture, new construction work,
available for less than a decade, and are still very much industrial activities and infrastructure developments
in an experimental stage, archaeologist and applied as well as natural erosion and systematic looting, for
scientists have already identified numerous archaeo- instance. Another significant aspect is the cost of the
logical applications in which aerial platforms of this equipment. In recent years, these initial costs have
kind could play an important and innovative role. been in sharp decline, although the purchase of a
The scale of the detail in which UAVs operate has professional-grade system equipped with high-quality
always been somewhat problematic – relatively sensors and offering high reliability and good toler-
restricted in comparison with traditional systems ance of variable environmental conditions still requires
based on conventional air photography or aerial a significant financial investment. That said, the survey
photogrammetry but relatively large by contrast with speed and data quality are so high that they will
terrestrial detection systems such as total station sur- quickly prove cost-effective in the balance between
vey, global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and resources invested and results achieved. Following
ground-based laser scanning. In a sense, however, appropriate training, and acquisition of the necessary
drones offer the opportunity to fill a gap in the effec- permits, most currently available UAV systems are rel-
tive range and detail of low-altitude survey, with an atively easy to use. The fact that the survey work can
effective coverage of between about 20 and 200 m fling in many cases be carried out effectively and safely by
altitude and the capacity to acquire data for landscape just a single person is another factor in the balance
areas ranging from less than a hectare to as much as between initial capital investment and subsequent
300 hectares per day. operating costs.
The geometric resolution that can be obtained is However, there are still several important problems
unprecedented, allowing the acquisition of images of to be overcome, though most of them are already some
excellent quality for both aerial photograph interpreta- way towards solution. Drones are in most cases signif-
tion and 3D modelling. A further aspect, of great inter- icantly weather dependent and are especially affected
est, lies the capacity of the UAV to take to the air at by strong or gusty winds. In many instances the lifting
short notice, almost anywhere and at almost any time capacity needs to be improved, as does the tolerance of
of day and year, increasing what might be termed the non-ideal weather conditions and the relatively poor
‘temporal resolution’ of the instrument. This facility, on-board ‘intelligence’ of many of the available plat-
compared with the difficulties involved in the hire of forms – few drones yet have any significant capacity
traditional light aircraft from perhaps distant airfields, to respond independently to variable wind conditions
introduces completely new opportunities for high- or the presence of stationary or moving obstacles that
resolution survey, exploration and landscape monitor- lie outside the direct sight-line of the pilot. In these
ing, in some cases also providing access to areas or senses autonomy and reliability, both of which vary
features that are inaccessible from the ground. These greatly with the type and capital cost of the UAV, rep-
characteristics open up new scenarios not only for the resent key considerations for potential users, especially
monitoring of individual sites or monuments but also in the initial phases of research design. Reliability must
for archaeological conservation more generally in also be a factor which is directly related to the search
response to the many activities and development pro- for safety of operation: serious accidents are thankfully
posals that daily threaten the cultural heritage. The rare but they do occur and any form of unreliability
opportunity to develop highly accurate 3D models of could become a contributory factor in future events
monuments and archaeological sites, even including of this kind. In addition to responsible behaviour and
those of very significant size (as at Paestum) offers the observance of professional ethics, meticulous

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. 9999, (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/arp
S. Campana

attention must also be paid to the regulations in force Measurement Systems for offering the opportunity to
at the time and place of operation – the regulations, test the RIEGL lightweight UAV.
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unfortunately, can be quite uneven and inconsistent Aviation Authority (ENAC), and in particular to Eng.
between one country or context and another. Alessandro Cardi and Eng. Riccardo Delise for their
Ultimately the major methodological novelty of ever-present availability, support and expertise.
UAVs, beyond mere technical innovation, lies in their Finally, the author must congratulate his friend and
capacity to provide archaeologists with the opportu- colleague Chris Musson, from Wales, for turning the
halting initial text into this resplendent example of
nity to exercise direct and independent control over English-language art and artifice.
all aspects of the survey process: the platform, the
sensors and the subsequent processing of the collected
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DOI: 10.1002/arp

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