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I Usama Waqas Student VU ID mc150401057 hereby confirm that the Project/Dissertation I

have provided is solely my own effort. I did not copy my report partially or completely from

any other student or from any other source either against payment or free and I did not

provide any plagiarized material in any section of my report. I further confirm that the

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forge/fake) and have been issued by the authorized person in the organization. If I am found

guilty of misstating, misleading or concealing the facts about my activities (either academic

or non-academic but relevant to this course) at any stage, the university is authorized to take

disciplinary action against me according to university policies and regulations. I hereby also

confirm that I have carefully read and understood all the guidelines, rules and regulations

provided by the course instructor on VULMS. I assure that I will follow the instructions

regarding presentation & viva voce and will appear on the scheduled date for presentation &

viva voce which will be intimated to me at my VU-email ID by the Course Instructor. In case

of any negligence, I shall be held responsible.

Name…Usama..Waqas……………… Signature…Usama Waqas…………………………


Table of Contents page #
Topic Background......................................................................................................03
1.0 Aims of the research question…………………………………………………..04
1.2 Objectives of the research question......................................................................04
1.2 The idea of flexible working arrangement............................................................04
1.3 FLEXIBLE WORKING IN THE PAKISTAN.........................................................05
2.0 Literature Review.................................................................................................06
2.1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................06
2.2 FLEXIBILITY................................................................................................06
2.3 Categories of Flexibility........................................................................................06
2.3.1 Part-time work....................................................................................................06
2.3.1 Term time work..................................................................................................07
2.3.2 Job sharing..........................................................................................................07
2.3.3 Flexitime.............................................................................................................07
2.3.4 Compressed hours...............................................................................................07
2.3.5 Annual hours.......................................................................................................07
2.3.6 Working from home on a regular basis ............................................................07
2.3.7 Mobile working/teleworking...............................................................................07
2.3.8 Career breaks.......................................................................................................07
2.4 THE FLEXIBLE MODEL.....................................................................................07
2.5 FIGURE 2.1: THE FLEXIBLE FIRM...................................................................08
3.0 Research Methodology...........................................................................................09
3.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................09
3.2 Research Approach.................................................................................................10
3.3 Research Strategy....................................................................................................10
3.4 Time Horizon...........................................................................................................11
3.5 Data Collection Method...........................................................................................11
3.5.2 Primary Data......................................................................................................... 12
3.5.1 Secondary Data.....................................................................................................12 Sampling............................................................................................................13
3.6 Relevance and Validity............................................................................................13
3.7 Research Limitations................................................................................................13
3.9 Ethical Considerations.............................................................................................14
3.10 Pilot Study.............................................................................................................14
4.0 Project Plan..............................................................................................................15
5.0 CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................16
6.0 References................................................................................................................17

Research Proposal

Candidate Name:UamaWaqas

Course: MBA EXECUTIVE ID number: mc150401057

Research topic:

“The role flexible working arrangement in employee Motivation in McDonalds”

Topic Background: (Rationale for selection including previous work)

Sapsford and Jupp (1996) illustrate that “flexible working arrangements of work followed by
a character that accommodates that individual life’s style.” They said that, since the
flexibility is a vital element in making sure that a base of the healthy contest that is
supportive is recognised inside a particular method, this functioning demonstrate an
intensification in not only the entire amount of people who will be involved in the working
formats which is non- customary, and next to these new methods and modern working
methods will also be introduced in the working environment of Pakistan.
Such a way of schedule of work consists of several types of working pattern such as full time,
part time, flexible hours and annualized time and all of these options makes one’s life by “by
making modifications to suit the requirements of these working patterns depending on the
state of things in life than individuals” On a larger scale, it is obvious that many people in the
workforce involved in this type of company that promotes the offering multiple formats
working options, as in the case of flexible organizations "either part-time , non-permanent or
group of employees that matter. (Porter, 2001)
In this regard, we are going to highlight all comprehensive review of McDonalds aims to be
capable to find out what is the meaning o flexible working arrangement and investigation of
different models which are connected with flexible working arrangements beside we will also
analyse the gains to be achieved without the elimination of risks relating to opt for flexible
working patterns.
I also go to do surveys to know that the introduction of flexible pattern of work has or have

not influenced and discover the introduction of flexible working pattern has any kind of
impact on employee’s motivation and cheering their enthusiasm about their work.
The summary will highlight a variety of different flexible working conditions presented in
McDonalds and know the reasons for promoting such kind of work methods, plus it will also
provide the access the borders related with the flexible working arrangements to motivate
employees. Porte et al. (2001)
In addition, it will also check for flexible working methods or not to allow companies to
facilitate their trade to react the factors of cost efficiently by managing the ups & downs in
goods demand and contribute to the creation of capturing the attention of best employees and
sustain it with the best staff, in other words , the objective is to focus on its goals and
concentrate on the pros and cons o flexible working arrangement to motivate employees and
how it could produce the endurance which leads to success for McDonalds food industry.
(Rielly 2002)

1.0 Aims of the research question:

The research aims to recognize the significance of developing flexible working arrangements
that can provide managers with fundamental framework to categorize better design and
implement best flexible work policies can help to company to attract retain and motivate the
best employees.

1.1 Objectives of the research question:

 Describe and identify the concept of flexible working arrangements and to judge the
advantaged and disadvantages of flexible working adoption, and to investigate the
connection and its consequences among “arrangement of flexible work and employee
 Conduct a significant analysis of the literature on flexibility at work and employee
motivation for the development of research hypotheses.
 To Give conclusion and recommendations
 My research will draw attention towards the essential aspects and provide suggestions
at the end will be helpful to McDonalds about “the role of flexible working
arrangements in employee motivation”.

1.2 The idea of flexible working arrangement
The concept of flexible working can be described as work flexibility in the case of service
being rendered by employees, the place where they work and leave time that can be taken
from the workplace. All these elements are vital to achieve a better understanding of the idea
of flexibility at work.
"The agency evaluation of the Working Group of the National Institute of Statistics, 2005"
(quoted in Bratton and Gold 2007) show that about 3.0 million employees worked mainly
from his residence or in other words, use your home by reallocating them as their office
statistics say it is an upward growth of $ 0.9 million in 1999. On the contrary, as one may
think, the statistics do not rise significantly to greater heights, although it did rise to 8.5%
when put side by side 5% since 1999. Dwelly and Bennion (2003) emphasized that "the piles
of snow on the way to the residence and workplace and teleportation has always fed through
the advancement in the technical development, public demand, the inventive holder , the EC
and the Pakistani government guidelines on the promotion of flexible employment. Members
of the Union has the best chance to enjoy the benefits of flexibility, but unions have no
magic wand to change employers or eliminate hostile crops long time. "says TUC Trade
Union Council (2010).

2.0 Literature Review

Saunders, et al (2007) illustrates the issue of literature review that "the detailed analysis of
the text provides a basis on which rests critical studies." A textual analysis and criticism
portrays access to the text distributed to the public by different authors on the subject of
'flexible Job Performance" and the benefits and limitations associated with it. The evaluation
of this text describe the idea of flexible working and realization that several types of
flexibility, consideration flexible, strong and powerful and shows hypothetical thinking, as in
the case of Harvard University under the management of human resources, workers'
devotion, enthusiasm, and significantly, the function of the flexibility in the preservation of
the workers.
Detailed analysis of the guidelines for the use of EU debates flexible employment
represents a ray of hope by presenting the solution to the problem of unemployment. Raising
thefinancial unit of society and the company, preservation of the affectivity
and positiveeconomic improvement for success and last but not least, causing both the
potential success of any genre to be a man or a woman "(Perrons, 1999). 
Although Huws (1999)emphasized that "The flexibility mainly involves the internal
elastic instilled through diversity and ability, which makes the staff so they can find a better
fit for employment in a place thatis considered necessary to a particular position or office,
plus it also promotes the introduction of several new ideas from other businesses in the
current caused by a variety of informal workers time permanent or full exploitation".
2.3 Categories of Flexibility
So far I have talked about various types of flexibility that can be divided up in several
other sub-types of flexibility that could be very valuable to the organisation establishment.
These sub-divides the flexibility of work is define in several different subtypes that are
according to the CIPD (2009) could also apply to management companies in the following

2.3.1 Part-time work - Job is generally considered part-time ever that employers agree

to work little less than full-time hours.
2.3.2Term time work - a worker to remain in a long-term, but may be taken with or without

pay, to be sack from job at the time of school holidays
2.3.3Job sharing - is the kind of part-time work when 2 (or in overtime) individuals add to
the division of performing a duty or obligation between them.
2.3.4Flexitime - allows employees to have a preferential right in accordance with pre-
assigned limits, such as when to start or complete the work.
2.3.5Compressed hours – condensate line business weeks essentially involves no decrease
in total working time or some sort of addition to which, in addition to the option
on the working hours on weekdays. The main feature of such a change in the pattern of
work can be divided into lower and higher frequency ranges throughout the week.
2.3.6Annual hours – In this case, the term for how a person is classified as full-
time employee is allocated for the full year.
2.3.7Working from home on a regular basis – Employees working standard
pattern is regularly to be operating from home
2.3.8Mobile working/teleworking– is an avenue that offers employees the liberty to work all
or part of their working week on a remote location of the workplace by employers.
2.3.9Career breaks - break time vocation or long term is considered outside the ranges of
extended leave without pay at least 5 years.
CIPD (2010) affirmed that the applications explained so far could be termed as not to be
as evocative as it should be flexibility in the work involves other actions and the staff of
employees, in addition to repeating shift replacement. CIPD research data points as
relationships fall under the percentage yield of flexibility in business administration
presented to an employee under the temporary interruption of his "work on the relationship
of eighty-six% of the length of tenure of thirty-eight% by division format work tasks sixty-
three% at day's end Flexi form results in the proportion of 55%, etc.


Lucidities of this firm are produced by Atkinson et al (1984). Along him other than follow
the same pattern, all focused on the facts concerning the organisation of flexible working
systems have increased if present or not, and also specify whether this has become a fresh
advances acceptable recognized by owners of the company or not. (Atkinson and Meager,
1986; Pollert, 1988; Hakim, 1987) advancing the flexible model is the corporate restructuring
of domestic manufacturing market more to those represented his group split, in which the
skills of employees and owners perspectives and aspirations are separated (Atkinson and
Gregory 1986 as shown in figure 1 at the Atkinson et (1984) came up with a form called

"flexible firm", which is a flexible mold of the company showing his car as a way that choose
to separate their work regime of a core of staff members that convey eternal purpose for the
flexibility which test the ability to take on many tasks in addition to this. a margin or edge of
non-regular employees, providing flexibility to establish a mathematical.


3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction
The research methodology of this dissertation is structured and influenced process of research
by "onion", which was introduced and presented by Saunders et al. (2003). In this sense, the
"Research Methodology" of this thesis is divided into five sub-themes, each of which aims to
provide a brief explanation of the research process.

Saunders et al., (2003) also said that “The knowledge is a complex phenomenon influenced
and developed by several variables contextuales. In this regard, a philosophy of investigation
represents the perception of an investigator of the way that the knowledge is constructed”.
There are three recognized research philosophies in literature - philosophy of “positivism,
interpretivism and realism”. Each one of these philosophies offer a characteristic view on the
way knowledge is developed. It is significant for a research to pinpoint the research
philosophy, as it has a important impact on the methodological structure applied.
For example, positivism applies scientific reasoning and generalizations, as the law in the
process of knowledge construction (Reményi et al., 1998). The research methodology
prejudiced by this philosophy is characterized by a very transparent structure to make easy
replication (Gill and Johnson, 1997). On the other hand, the research philosophy of realism

identifies the survival of a number of external social goals, which control the interactions
of people and, respectively, the creation of knowledge. Realism can be recognized to be close
to the philosophy of positivism, but at the same time, it has distinctive features such as
philosophy clearly shows the inadequacy of exploring the interactions of people in the
method of natural science (Saunders et al. , 2003).
Reményi et al., (1998) describe that "philosophy, which is incorporated in the context of this
thesis is the research investigation of interpretivism. The Interpretivism is chosen to be the
philosophical framework of the study; the researcher thinks that knowledge is a complex
phenomenon that cannot be generalized in a value-free and distant. in addition, the
investigator concentrates on the exploration of the subject of the application of critical
readings and gradually establishment of conclusions of investigation ".

3.2 Research Approach

Hussey and Hussey (1997) say that "The literature describes two distinct research
approaches that can be applied in this dissertation – “deductive and
inductive”. A deductiveresearch approach is suggested which is comfortable for scientific
research, where theresearcher expands a hypothesis that is tested and observed to build
a theory. "
“In the present context, since the investigator is planning to progressively realize the theory
ofresearch through critical evaluation of the variables of research, and as the inductive
researchapproach follows the research data for the construction of the theory, therefore, it can
be suggested that the research approach is inductive. In addition, the inductive
researchapproach, which provides greater flexibility, provides the researcher the opportunity
to change the emphasis of research based on the cumulative results of the entire research
process”. (Easterby-Smith et al., 2002).
3.3 Research Strategy
The selection of different strategies of the research is the option of the design of
investigation. The strategy of investigation refers to the procedure used to find the target of
the investigation and also to go to the questions of investigation that have been established
(Saunders et to., 2007). Several alternative strategies or methods of the investigation you can
select: experimental designs, not experimental designs (as reviews), ethnographies, and
studies of the case or mixed methods (Creswell, 2003).

The questionnaires were used to examine and to explain relations, to connect to the network
practices and aspects of the confidence between small organisations of family in order to
obtain the information about the sources of finance used by small organisations of family in
his structure of the capital. Also, the review was led in order to collect the information of a
sample of small signatures of family about the aptitude of managers - proprietors of the
signatures to find his need of financial resources treating with networks, relations of
confidence and commercial. To obtain access to potential defendants, official government
- the databases of the agencies were used to join the information of contact.
The managers - proprietors and/or the informants’ keys of small organisations of family were
recognized and they asked to cooperate in filling the questionnaire, which will be sent. The
discussion to choose the strategy of review is double. First of all, the reviews provide rapid,
efficient and relatively exact means of appraising the information about the population.
Secondly, the reviews are adapted in cases where there is a lack of secondary data. (Yin,

3.4 Time Horizon

Another significant quality of the process of present investigation is the “time horizon”.
There are two time horizons documented in the literature – “longitudinally and cross-
sectional”. A process of longitudinal investigation examines the exacting phenomenon during
a given age of the time, whereas cross-sectional it is focused during an exacting moment.
Robson (2002) state that “The current presentation has a time horizon of cross-sectional when
it is admitted that it is adapted for the target of investigation and the resources of the research.
First of all, they gave to the researcher a limited period of the time that forced the aptitude to
lead a longitudinal examination. Secondly, the question of current dissertation is not
interested in the analysis of the disagreement of the variables of investigation for the period
of the time, but focused in exploration and revelation of the new sagacity contextual
suggesting new interpretations and theoretical assumptions”.

3.5 Data Collection Method

The Adams and Schvaneveldt (1991) explain this “ the process of present research can be
illustrates as the exploratory one. This tries to disclose the new sagacity and to evaluate the
phenomena investigated in a new light. Also, the investigation has a flexible approach to the

establishment of his theoretical propositions, which does not mean that the investigation lacks
clear direction and frame”.

When the exploratory processes of investigation share the strategy of common investigation
of exploring the literature fenomenológica and of extracting the specialists' mastery in the
field and interviews of group of sample, of a similar way the present oration incorporates the
strategy of investigation of the based theory and thoroughly he interviews. In this respect, it
can be concluded that the present study is constructed in a combination of primary and
secondary data.

3.5.1 Primary Data

The current dissertation includes a multi-method research process, where the researcher
combines secondary and primary data in the same study. This strategy is chosen as the
researcher believes that both methods are significantly dependable on each other in the
present research context, and that secondary data provides solid theoretical foundation,
whereas primary data contributes to the researcher's ability to address the most important
issues in the present context (Robson, 2002). The primary data is extracted through the
conduction of in-depth interviews.
The present dissertation comprises a process of investigation of multi method, where the
investigator combines secondary and primary data in the same study. This approach is
selected when the investigator believes that both methods are considerably serious one in
other in the context of present investigation, and that the secondary data offers the theoretical
solid foundation, whereas the primary data adds to the aptitude of the investigator to go to the
most important questions in the present context (Robson, 2002).

3.5.2 Secondary Data

Saunders et al., (2007) illustrates this “the secondary data can be explained as secondary
multiple data. Secondary data with multiple source can be separated in two groups – based
area, which he understands of academic sources and based series of time, that foci of
commercial questions. The use of multiple information of the source provides the investigator
of the opportunity to develop a balanced and analytical oration. The academic literature is
used to outline the academic context of the behaviour of buy of the customers, whereas the
commercial sources are used for the recognition of the present circumstances, which probably
will defy the academician she constructs”.

3.5.3 Sampling
The sampling is the skill applied in the primary investigation to facilitate the researcher in the
choice of the most suitable and excellent quantity of information for the particular
exploration (Saunders et to., 2003).
The sampling can be separated in the test of not probability and probability. The primary
method of research of the present dissertation is the sampling of not probability, also
acquaintance as the critical sampling. The sampling of non probability is an option adapted in
the exploratory context of the current dissertation. Also, non probability that proves the skill,
which the researcher uses, is the purposive sampling.

3.6 Relevance and Validity

Easterby-Smith et al., (2002) describe that “The credibility of every research project depends
on the validity and the reliability of his conclusions. In other words, the investigation can be
categorized like reliably only if this transfers the same one causes a different occasion (This
one suggests that the reliable investigation should be clear as crystal and replicable”.
On the other hand, the validity of a project is obtained only if the conclusions of investigation
obtain his initial targets and it goes to the question of investigation appropriately (Sapsford
and Jupp, 1996).
The current dissertation obtains the reliability of investigation and the validity of results for
the application of several approaches. First of all, the investigator clearly outlines the
variables of investigation examined using a strategy that it canalizes, which he contributes to
the high grade of transparency of investigation and internal validity. Secondly, the
investigator outlines a frame contextual that can be advised to contribute to the external
validity of the conclusions of investigation. In other words, the investigator provides a
transparent frame to direct other tries of investigation in the alcanzamiento of the same results
sometimes different. Finally the investigator obtains the reliability and the credibility leading
several discussions with academic and commercial specialists in the investigated context.
This one provided the investigator of the useful direction and avoided the defeat of the
investigator in the direction to topics of investigation fix. (Bryman, and Bell, 2003)

3.7 Research Limitations
The investigator used a wide variety of academic and realistic, believable and contemporary
sources of literature established well. Nevertheless, the list of references is not the restricted
one and there are many other sources, in terms of scientific sphere and area, which might be
secondhand. In this respect, the present oration is structured by a focus of particular literature,
which might change according to the sources of literature used. (Bell, 2005)

3.9 Ethical Considerations

The “ethical consideration” will consist of the fact that I will try me as maximum that the
information that I collect of different sources must be real and not to forge in their
publications. I will take the full responsibility that took the preventive action for to avoid this
falsification of information. In addition to this one I will tend not to present the work of
others as my own work. To refer appropriately it will be considered everywhere of my work
of investigation so to avoid to obtain the credit of the work of others.
The general ideas will be taken of newspapers, the articles, the books, the Web pages and the
appropriate appointment will be realized by this work of investigation where and when
considered necessary. To say with other words of prayers is another way so to avoid the
plagiarism with my research work. (Bryman and Bell, 2003)

3.10 Pilot Study

According to Yin (2003), the data analysis is a procedure where the investigators examine,
they classify, they tabulate and combine again the collected information. On every study of
the case the investigator should concentrate in what it is the principal target of the
investigation; and that to and why to analyze. One of the best strategies is to answer on the
theoretical plan; and the question of investigation should be the center of the attention in this
point of the time and then compare the result with the previous study.

4.0 Project Plan:

Activity wee wee wee wee wee wee wee wee wee wee wee wee wee
k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 k 8 k9 k 10 k 11 k 12 k 13
& chapter
develop &


Design Study                    

Go out and
primary data                        
Analyse data                

write up

Revise and


The investigation the principal target was to define the flexible working to realize this new
idea, examining the profits and it tries to examine the relation between hard-working flexible
benefits and employee's motivation. Making this like that it went out to the response of the
third target of investigation. The third target will discuss now to offer the conclusion of
investigation and to suggest the practical recommendations that go to favorable both for
employer and employee.
Mcmassachusetts (2010) describes this “ an employee proudly proclaimed that he manages to
go to his worries and preferences being in the company of Macdonald, he also believed that
he exercises the freedom of being in the work while he desires and not to be there when he
like that wishes. Such freedom allows him to provide the consideration to his family and to
tend to what it has the principal value in his life”.
The results of study suggested without a positive balance between both aspects to be difficult
to conclude. The results revealed that the defendants of 75 % were not reconciled that the
organization with efficacy communicated with all the members of the personnel. According
to CIPD (2009) plan of action for the flexibility at work guessed right strategy, the business
should use a wide variety of communications to imply employees.

“Adams, G. and Schvaneveldt, J. (1991) Understanding Research Methods. New York:


Atkinson, J. and Meager, N. (1984) Flexibility in Firms: A Study of Changing Working

Patterns and Practices. Brighton: Institute for Manpower Studies

Bratton and Gold (2007) Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. New York:


Bell, J. (2005) Doing Your Research Project. Fourth Edition. Maidenhead: Open University

Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2003) Business Research Methods, 2nded. New York: Oxford

University Press

Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. and Lowe, A. (2002) Management Research: An

Introduction. London: Sage.

Hussey, J. and Hussey, R. (1997) Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate

and Postgraduate Students. Basingstoke: Macmillan Business

Porte et al. (2001) Motivation and Work behaviour, 6th edition. London: Mcgraw-Hill

Rielly, P. (2002) flexibilyinwork: Balancing the Interest of Employer and Employee, Hampshire: Gower

Robson, C. (2002) Real World Research, Oxford: Blackwell Publisher

Sapsford, R. &jupp, V. (1996) Data Collection and Analysis, London: Sage

Saunders, M. Lewis, P and Thornhill, A (2007) Research Method for Business Studies. 4 th ed.

Harlow: Prentice Hall

Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2003) Research Methods for Business Students.

Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

Yin, R. (2003) Real World Research, 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers

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CIPD (2010) Work-life Balance, [online] Available at: [Accessed 26

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CIPD (2009) Survey: Working Time Regulation, calling time on working time, [online]

Available at:

8AC3CA5E0247/0/3029worktimeregs.pdf [Accessed 30 December, 2012]

Mcmassachusetts (2010) McDonald’s Means Flexibility [online] Available at:


[Accessed 03 January, 2012]

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