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Lesson Plan


SURNAME / VAN: Coetzer


DATE / DATUM: 09/05/2023

MODERATOR: Ms. A. McLachlan


FULL NAME: Jade Coetzer DATE: 09/05/2023

STUDENT NUMBER: u20504765 CONTACT NUMBER: 0843352479

TOPIC OF WORK: Forms of Ownership


1. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.

2. I declare that this lesson plan (e.g. assignment, essay, report, project, dissertation,
thesis, etc.) is my own, original work. Where other people’s work has been used (either from
a printed source, Internet, or any other source) this has been properly acknowledged and
referenced in accordance with departmental requirements.

3. I have not used work previously produced by another student or any other person to
hand in as my own.

4. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of
passing it off as his or her own work.

SIGNATURE: Jade Coetzer

Subject: Business Studies
Grade: 10
Type Of Lesson: Theory
Length Of Period: 35 Minutes
Number Of Learners: 25 Learners
Topic (From Caps): Concept of Quality

Prescribed Outcomes: (from CAPS) General


“collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information”

“identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking”

Specific Aims:
By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to do the following:
Define the meaning of quality, quality control, and quality assurance.
• Explain the difference between quality control and quality assurance.
• Explain the importance of quality for a business.
• Explain how quality is related to the following business functions;
1. Human resources function
2. Administration function
3. Financial function
4. General management
• Suggest quality indicators of the business function.
• Discuss the relationship between management and the business success.

Learning Theory/Theories and Paradigm/S:

Business studies is already a theoretical subject, the teacher should try to build new
knowledge from their current knowledge. Example: they were introduced to the
different business functions, now they will learn how a business ensures full quality
control throughout these functions.
Multiple Intelligences:

The lesson will consist of the teacher teaching from the textbook, letting the learners
read and explain what they understood from the text, the teacher will further explain
what is being taught. It will be interpersonal, because the learners will be expected
to verbally explain what they understood from the text as individuals.

Teaching Strategies and Techniques:

Question and answer
Cooperative learning
Solving real life challenges

Evidence Of Learning:
The teacher will observe whether the learners grasp the content or not by listening to
their questions and answers. They will also be expected to answer questions related
to how a business ensures quality and identify the difference between quality control
and assurance.

Classroom Management:
The teacher will ask the learners to keep quiet and ensure them that there will be
consequences if they are too loud, are not obedient or does not participate. The
consequence will be: the disobedient learners will read more from the textbook,
explain what they have read and answer random questions from the teacher.

LTSMs (Educational media):

Textbooks, hardcopy
Introduction: 2min
Good morning class. In grade 8 and 9, you were introduced to the different business
functions, today we will discuss the importance of quality control in all these
functions. Businesses know the importance of quality management in maintaining
customer satisfaction. A good reputation for quality can be an important
differentiator in competitive markets.
Development: 30min
Draw a line, today’s date, heading “Social Responsibility”, page 108-129 in the
Discuss the following in detail with the learners:

Quality control,
Quality assurance,
Importance of quality for businesses,
Quality indicators in the business functions,
Distinguish between quality performance and quality management.
Do the textbook activities.

Consolidation: 3min
The learners will receive activities as homework throughout the week, 1 activity a
day, in accordance with the textbook. This lesson also has a word puzzle they
should complete as homework.
Ask the learners if they are uncertain about anything related to the lesson and
Greet the learners and prepare for the next lesson.

How the teacher put meaning to the lesson:

It is important to relate a theoretical subject to learner’s real live experience, this way
they will be more engaging and will most probably remember what they have been

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