Hns103 Biochemistry Cat 1 2021 Nursing Class

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  My courses  Biochemistry  Topic 4  HNS103 BIOCHEMISTRY CAT 1 2021 NURSING CLASS

Started on Thursday, 28 January 2021, 2:05 PM

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Completed on Thursday, 28 January 2021, 3:28 PM
Time taken 1 hour 23 mins
1 2 3 4 5 6

Question 1 A compound that is capable of forming hydrogen bonds with water

7 8 9 10 11 12

Marked out of 1 Select one:

a. contains at least some polar covalent bonds 13 14 15 16 17 18
Flag question

b. is probably held together by noncovalent bonds

19 20 21 22 23 24
c. does not dissolve well in water

d. should act as a good bu er for acids and bases 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36
Question 2 A general method for preparing alcohols is the

37 38 39 40 41 42
Marked out of 1 Select one:
Flag question a. combustion of alkanes
43 44 45 46 47 48
b. hydrogenation of alkenes

c. hydration of alkenes 49 50 51 52 53 54
d. combustion of ethers
55 56 57 58 59 60

Question 3 A solution with pH = 5 is __________ than a solution with pH = 7. 61 62 63 64 65 66


Marked out of 1 Select one:

67 68 69 70 71 72
Flag question a. 100 times more acidic

b. 2 times more basic 73 74 75 76 77 78

c. 10 times more basic

d. 10 times more acidic 79 80 81 82 83 84

85 86 87 88 89 90
Question 4 Adjacent nucleotides in nucleic acids are linked together by one of the following bonds
Complete 91 92 93 94
Marked out of 1 Select one:
Flag question a. β and α-glycosidic
Show one page at a time
b. Ester linkages
Finish review
c. Phosphodiester

d. Hydrogen bonds

Question 5 Alcohols have higher boiling points than alkanes of similar molecular mass because

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. alcohols are ionic compounds and alkanes are covalent compounds

b. H-bonding occurs between alcohol molecules but not between alkane molecules

c. alkane molecules are polar and alcohol molecules are not.

d. alcohols are acidic and alkanes are not

Question 6 All of the following are considered “weak” interactions in proteins, except:

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Peptide bonds

b. Van der Waals forces

c. Hydrophobic interactions

d. Hydrogen bonds

Question 7 All of the following general formulas except one represent an ether. The exception is

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Ar-O-R

b. Ar-O-Ar

c. H-O-Ar

d. R-O-R

Question 8 Based on the carbon chain length and the degree of unsaturation, which of the following fatty acids
Complete will have the lowest melting temperature?
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. Linolenic acid

b. Linoleic acid

c. Palmitic acid

d. Oleic acid

Question 9 Bu er solutions

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. are rarely found in living systems

b. tend to maintain a relatively constant pH

c. will always have a pH of 7

d. cause a decrease in pH when acids are added to them

Question 10 Bu ers present in blood contain


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. H2PO4-

b. hemoglobin

c. all of them

d. HCO3-

Question 11 Chlorine will undergo an addition reaction with one of the following compounds.

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. C6H6





Question 12 Cholesterol is essential for normal membrane functions because it


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. spans the thickness of the bilayer

b. keeps membranes uid

c. catalyzes lipid ip- op in the bilayer

d. cannot be synthesized in humans

Question 13 Compounds of the type R3COH are referred to as ________ alcohols.


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. secondary

b. quaternary

c. tertiary

d. quasi-tertiary

e. primary

Question 14 Concerning bu ers, which of the following is true?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Bu ers may be a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base

b. The NH2 / NH3+ pair is a good bu er near a pH of 2.5

c. Bu ers cause dramatic pH changes

d. Strong acid and bases are good bu ers

e. Bu ers are (good only if they bu er at or near physiological pH

Question 15 De ciency of Vitamin B2 causes


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Rickets

b. Beriberi

c. Arabino avinosis

d. Pellagra

Question 16 Dehydration of an alcohol leads to the formation of an _____ .


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. alkyl halide

b. alkane

c. aldehyde

d. alkene

e. alkyne

Question 17 Eicosanoids produce a wide range of biological e ects that includes


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Regulation of blood pressure through vasodilation or constriction
b. In ammatory responses (predominantly those of the joints, skin and eyes)

c. Intensity and duration of pain and fever

d. All of the above

Question 18 Enantiomers are


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. All of the above

b. distinguished by plane polarized light

c. stereoisomers

d. are not superimposible on their mirror images

Question 19 Ester containing compounds would be best described by the of following general formula

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. -COOH

b. -CHO

c. -CONH2

d. -COOR

Question 20 Ether molecules are polar, but do not form hydrogen bonds among themselves because

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Ether molecules are so reactive such that they cannot form hydrogen bonds

b. Ether molecules are generally too large

c. There is no hydrogen atom bonded to the oxygen

d. There are too many hydrogen atoms on the molecules to bond with just one oxygen atom

e. Only binary compounds form hydrogen bonds

Question 21 For which of the following alcohol oxidations is the listed oxidation product incorrect?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. tertiary alcohol; carboxylic acid

b. more than one correct response

c. primary alcohol; aldehyde

d. secondary alcohol; ketone

Question 22 General formula for amines is


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. R-NH2

b. R-CH2

c. R2CH


Question 23 Given an enzyme reaction where a plot of 1/v versus 1/[S] gives a straight line. It was found in three
Complete additional experiments each using a di erent inhibitor concentration that the lines were parallel. This
Marked out of 1 is an example of:
Flag question
Select one:
a. non-competitive

b. mixed inhibition

c. competitive inhibition

d. uncompetitive inhibition

Question 24 Gram positive have


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. D-glutamic acid and D-alanine attached to lactic acid moiety of N-acetylmuramic acid

b. An outside lipid cell membrane

c. All of the above

d. a cell wall with cross-linked multilayered polysaccharide-peptide complex (peptidoglycan)

Question 25 Hexane and 3-methylpentane are examples of:


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Diastereomers

b. Stereoisomers

c. Position isomers

d. Constitutional isomers

e. Enantiomers

Question 26 How many aromatic isomers of dibromobenzene exist?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. 8

b. 2

c. 4

d. 6

e. 3

Question 27 Hyaluronic acid is made up of the following repeating disaccharide


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. β(1→3)Gal + β(1→4) GlcNAc-6-sulfate

b. β (1→3)GlcNAc + β(1→4)glucuronic acid

c. D(1→4) GlcNAc + β(1→4)glucuronate

d. β(1→3) glucuronic acid + GalNAc(1β→4)

Question 28 Hydrogen bonds and hydrophilic interactions are types of


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. strong chemical bonds that link together separate molecules

b. weak chemical bonds that hold together the atoms within a molecule
c. strong chemical bonds that hold together the atoms within a molecule

d. weak chemical bonds that link together separate molecules

Question 29 In a secondary alcohol, the hydroxyl-bearing carbon atom


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. more than one correct response

b. is always involved in a double bond

c. cannot be bonded to hydrogen atoms

d. is attached to two other carbon atoms

e. no correct response

Question 30 In which of the following pairs of compounds are the two members of the pair constitutional isomers?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. methoxymethane and ethoxyethane

b. propyl alcohol and Qdipropyl ether

c. isobutyl alcohol and diethyl ether

d. pentanol and pentanediol

Question 31 Intermolecular forces can be formed by the following mechanisms except bonds may be formed due
Complete to
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. Sharing of electrons between atoms

b. Electrostatic interactions due to charged groups

c. Electronegativitity di erences between the bonding atoms

d. Fluctuation of electrons around bonding groups

Question 32 Lack of the following fatty acid will a ect the availability of eicosanoids in higher animals

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Docosohexaenoic acid

b. Linoleic acid

c. Arachidonic acid

d. Eicosapentaenoic acid

Question 33 Methanoic acid is an example of


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Carboxylic acids

b. Ketones

c. Ethers

d. Aldehydes

Question 34 Negative logarithm of molar concentration of H+ ions in aqueous solutions is called


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Equilibrium constant

b. pH

c. Hydrogenation

d. Self-ionization of water

Question 35 One of the following compounds displays optical isomerism


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. CH2(OH)-CH2(OH)

b. CH3-O-C2H5


d. CH2=CHCl

e. CHCl=CHCl

Question 36 One of the following compounds is a functional group isomer of C2H5OH, ethanol

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. propanol, C3H7OH

b. ethanal, CH3CHO

c. dimethyl ether, (CH3)2O

d. diethyl ether, (C2H5)2O

Question 37 One of the following statements is true regarding the properties of aqueous solutions

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. The pH can be calculated by adding 7 to the value of the pOH

b. A pH change from 8.0 to 6.0 re ects a decrease in the proton concentration ([H+]) by a factor of

c. Charged molecules are generally insoluble in water

d. A pH change from 5.0 to 6.0 re ects an increase in the hydroxide ion concentration ([OH-]) of 20

e. Hydrogen bonds form readily in aqueous solutions

Question 38 Organic compounds which are sulfur analogs of alcohols are referred to as

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. thiols

b. halides
c. sulfuric alcohols

d. carbonyls

Question 39 pH can be kept constant with help of


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. super saturated solution

b. saturated solution

c. bu er solution

d. unsaturated solution

Question 40 Polar molecules can readily dissolve in water because


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Polar charged water can interact with the charge of polar molecules

b. All polar molecules are amphipathic in nature

c. Polar molecules can form hydrogen bonds with water

d. All the above statements are true

e. Polar molecules can replace water-water interactions with the mere energetically favorable
water solute interactions

Question 41 Purines

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. bind via the N9 atom to a pentose sugar

b. all form three hydrogen bonds

c. are comprised a single homocyclic ring

d. can be protonated at N7 at pH 7.0

Question 42 Rank the following bonds in order of increasing bond strength.


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Ionic, hydrogen bond, van der Waals, covalent single bond

b. Van der Waals, ionic, hydrogen bond, covalent single bond

c. Van der Waals, hydrogen bond, ionic, covalent single bond

d. Covalent single bond, van der Waals, ionic, hydrogen bond

Question 43 RBCs having blood group AB have an antigen containing one of the following carbohydrate units

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Gal+ β (1→3) GlcNAc + β (1→3) Gal + )(1→4) Fuc

b. Gal+ β (1→3) GlcNAc + β (1→3) Gal + ()(1→2) Fuc, (2(1→3) Gal

c. Gal+ β (1→3) GlcNAc + β (1→3) Gal + ()(1→2) Fuc, (2(1→3) GalNac)

d. Gal+ β (1→3) GlcNAc + β (1→3) Gal + ()(1→2) Fuc, (2(1→3) GalNac) and Gal+ β (1→3) GlcNAc + β
(1→3) Gal + ()(1→2) Fuc, (2(1→3) Gal

Question 44 Salt dissolves well in water because water molecules


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. make nonpolar covalent bonds with the positively charged ions only

b. surround the ions because of their charge but do not form hydrogen bonds

c. form hydrogen bonds with the positively and negatively charged ions

d. are larger than the salt molecules

e. share electrons with the ions to make polar covalent bonds

Question 45 Sickle cell anemia is caused by the substitution of the following amino acid in the S-chain of HbS

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Hydroxyproline

b. Glutamate

c. Valine

d. Glycine

Question 46 Synthesis of prostaglandins is inhibited by one of the following drugs


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Tetracycline

b. Aspirin

c. Paracetamol

d. Septrin

Question 47 The bicarbonate bu er system of the blood is very e cient because


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. carbon dioxide forms a stable combination with base

b. carbon dioxide is able to combine with hemoglobin

c. bicarbonate is able to be stored in the tissue

d. carbon dioxide is rapidly eliminated through the lungs

e. bicarbonate is rapidly excreted by the kidneys

Question 48 The correct IUPAC name for CH3CH (OH)CH3 is


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. isopropyl alcohol

b. 2-methyl ethanol

c. hydroxypropane

d. 2-propanol

Question 49 The following amino acid is common in enzyme active sites


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Glutamine

b. Valine

c. Serine

d. Phenylalanine

Question 50 The following are true regarding bu er solutions, except, bu er solutions


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. A variety of bu er solutions operates in the body to maintain internal homeostasis.

b. Work optimally when the conc of conjugate base is equivalent to the conc of a weak acid

c. Bu ers resist changes in their pH as some acid or base is added the solution

d. Are typically composed of a strong acid and its conjugate base.

Question 51 The following statements about covalently bonded molecules are correct, except?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Such molecules often result from the interaction of ionized atoms

b. Electrons are shared between the atoms that make up the molecule

c. The chemical bonds that hold the molecule together are relatively strong

d. Noncovalent bonds may also be present, especially if the molecule is large

Question 52 The following statements are true regarding the reaction between Cl2 and C2H6, except

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. The rst step in the mechanism is the cleavage of the Cl-Cl bond to give chlorine atoms

b. The reaction can be initiated with either sunlight or heat

c. The reaction mechanism involves free radicals

d. It is a substitution reaction

e. The reaction will give a single product of C2H5Cl

Question 53 The following structure is for the amino acid:


Marked out of 1

Flag question

Select one:
a. Arginine

b. Asparagine

c. Lysine

d. Glutamate

Question 54 The lipoprotein strongly associated with coronary heart disease is


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. VLDL

b. LDL

c. HDL

d. Chylomicrons

Question 55 The local spatial arrangement of a polypeptide’s backbone atoms without regard to the conformation
Complete of its side chains can be called?
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. Quaternary structure

b. Primary structure

c. Tertiary structure

d. Secondary structure

Question 56 The lone pair electrons on oxygen in a H20 molecule


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. carry a partial negative charge

b. are not important for the properties of water

c. form covalent bonds in ice

d. carry a partial positive charge

Question 57 The main di erence between an acid and a base is that


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. acids are polar molecules and bases are not
b. acids donate hydrogen ions in water while bases accept hydrogen ions

c. bases are polar molecules and acids are not

d. bases donate hydrogen ions in water while acids accept hydrogen ions

Question 58 The most important phosphosphingolipid found in the myelin sheath is


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Sphingomyelin

b. Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine

c. Choline plasmalogen

d. Cerebroside

Question 59 The name of the alkane isomer of cis-3-hexene is:


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. 3-methyl pentane

b. 2,3-dimethylbutane

c. 2-methylpentane

d. Cyclohexane

e. n-hexane

Question 60 The organic starting materials for the preparation of an ester could be _______ .

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. only an acid

b. an amine and an acid

c. an alkane and a ketone

d. a ketone and an alcohol

e. an acid and an alcohol

Question 61 The precursor molecule for the three forms of Vitamin A is


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. D-carotene

b. 11-Cis retinal

c. Retinoic acid

d. Retinal

Question 62 The symbol [O] written above a reaction arrow means that

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Oxygen is removed from one of the reactants during the reaction

b. That the reaction cannot occur under the conditions stated

c. The reaction consumes oxygen from the atmosphere

d. That an oxidation reaction is occurring

e. A reduction reaction is occurring and oxygen is liberated

Question 63 Two isomeric forms of a saturated hydrocarbon


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. react vigorously with one another

b. have the same molecular formula

c. have the same structure

d. have di erent compositions of elements

Question 64 Two sugars which di er from one another only in con guration around a single carbon atom is
Complete termed as
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. Epimers

b. Anomers

c. Stereoisomers

d. Optical isomers

Question 65 Under which of the following conditions does the pH = pK?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. pH = pK + log10

b. [A ] / [HA] = 1

c. [conjugate base] = [weak acid]

d. Both 1) and 3) are correct

e. HA is a strong acid

Question 66 Water, which constitutes 70% of body weight, may be said to be the "cell solvent." The property of
Complete water that most contributes to its ability to dissolve compounds is the
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. Fact that the freezing point of water is much lower than body temperature

b. Strong covalent bond formed between water and salts

c. Absence of interacting forces

d. Hydrophobic bond formed between water and long-chain fatty acids

e. Hydrogen bond formed between water and biochemical molecules

Question 67 Waxes are made up of


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Glycerol linked a long chain alcohol

b. Two fatty acids esteri ed to a ceramide backbone

c. Long saturated fatty acid linked to long chain alcohol

d. Glycerol linked to 3 fatty acids

Question 68 What functional groups are present on this molecule? HOCH2CH2CHO


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. ether and aldehyde

b. hydroxyl and ester

c. hydroxyl and carboxylic acid

d. hydroxyl and ketone

e. hydroxyl and aldehyde

Question 69 What is the expected product formed from the reaction between 2-butene and Cl2?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. 2,3-dichlorobutane

b. 2,2-dichlorobutane

c. 3,3-dichlorobutane

d. 2-chlorobutane

e. 1-chlorobutane

Question 70 What is the IUPAC name for the ether whose common name is ethyl phenyl ether?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. 2-phenoxyethane

b. 2-ethoxybenzene

c. 1-ethoxybenzene

d. 1-phenoxyethane

Question 71 When two ice cubes are pressed over each other, they unite to form one cube. One of the following
Complete forces acts to hold them together.
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. Hydrophobic interactions

b. Hydrogen bond formation

c. Vander Waal's forces

d. Dipole Interaction

Question 72 Which among the following is not associated with intermolecular forces?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Non- electrostatic in nature

b. attraction of oppositely charged particles

c. They hold neutral molecules

d. dipole-dipole interaction and van der Waals forces

Question 73 Which is the best description of a carbonyl group?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. a carbon bonded directly to oxygen by a single bond

b. a carbon atom joined to an oxygen atom by a double bond

c. an oxygen double-bonded to a carbon and a hydroxyl group

d. a sulfur and a hydrogen bonded to a carbon atom

e. a nitrogen and a hydrogen bonded to a carbon atom

Question 74 Which of the following acid/base pairs act as natural bu ers in living systems?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Histidine+/histidine

b. H2CO3/HCO3-

c. H2PO4-/HPO42-

d. All of these

Question 75 Which of the following amino acids are more likely to be found in a protein’s interior away from
Complete aqueous solvent molecules?
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. Ser, Thr, Asn, Gln, and Tyr

b. Arg, His, Lys, Asp, and Glu

c. Val, Leu, Ile, Met, and Phe

d. All of the above.

Question 76 Which of the following amino acids in crucial in the structure of collagen?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Aspartate

b. Hydroxyproline
c. Lysine

d. Leucine

Question 77 Which of the following BEST explains why proteins are able to bu er physiologic solutions over a wide
Complete range of pH?
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. They are macromolecules of high molecular weight

b. They contain many functional groups with di ering pKs

c. They have unique tertiary structures that sequester hydrogen ions

d. They have peptide bonds that are resistant to hydrolysis

Question 78 Which of the following character does not apply to water?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. The water molecule is asymmetric

b. The water molecule readily forms hydrophobic interactions

c. All three atoms in the water molecule readily form hydrogen bonds

d. The covalent bonds in water are highly polarized

Question 79 Which of the following characterizes an asymmetric carbon?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. A carbon with at least one carboxyl and one amino group attached to it

b. A carbon atom with four di erent groups attached to it

c. A carbon atom with four identical groups attached to it

d. A carbon atom that has two heavy groups on one side and two light groups on the other

Question 80 Which of the following complementary deoxyoligonucleotides will hybridize with a DNA fragment
Complete containing the sequence (5') AGACTGGTC(3')?
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. (5')GACCAGTCT(3')

b. (5')TCTGGATCT(3')

c. (5')CTCATTGAG(3')

d. (5')TCTGACCAG(3')

Question 81 Which of the following conditions destabilize the structure of DNA in the cell

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. High alcohol content

b. High levels of hydration

c. Low salt concentration

d. Low temperature

Question 82 Which of the following describes the Henderson Hasselbalch equation where HA is the acid?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. pH = pK log [A ]/[HA]

b. pH = pK + log [A ]/[HA]

c. pH = pK + log [HA]/[A ]

d. pk = pH + log [A ]/[HA]

Question 83 Which of the following families of organic compound is the least soluble in water?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. amides

b. carboxylic acids

c. ethers

d. alcohols

Question 84 Which of the following groups has the highest priority according to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog sequence
Complete rules?
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:

b. CHO

c. CH2OH

d. CH2Cl

e. CH3

Question 85 Which of the following is not a characteristic of 18:3W9 fatty acid


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. It has a total of three C=C bonds

b. It is made up of nine C-C bonds

c. The double bonds are in the Cis con guration

d. It has a double bond between carbon 12 and 13

Question 86 Which of the following is not found in the following substance? CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Hydrogen bonding

b. Dipole-dipole

c. van der Waals

d. Ion-ion

Question 87 Which of the following is true about an enzyme active site?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. It is a portion of the enzyme which folds to precisely t the contours of a substrate via weak
electrostatic interactions

b. has speci c amino acid side chains that interact with cofactors and coenzymes

c. binds and holds the substrate in speci c orientation, close to Transition State to allow reaction
to occur

d. All of the above

Question 88 Which of the following pairs would be the best bu er at pH 10.0?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4 (pKas are 2.1, 7.2, 12.4)

b. Sodium succinate and succinic acid (pKa = 4.21)

c. H2CO3 and NaHCO3 (pKas are 3.77 and 10.4)

d. Lactic acid and sodium lactate (pKa = 3.86)

e. Acetic acid and sodium acetate (pKa = 4.76)

Question 89 Which of the following properties of water does not contribute to the tness of the aqueous
Complete environment for living organisms?
Marked out of 1

Flag question
Select one:
a. High speci c heat

b. Cohesion of liquid water due to hydrogen bonding

c. The density of water is greater than the density of ice

d. High heat of vaporization

e. The very low molecular weight of water

Question 90 Which of the following represents the pH of a solution that has 10-5 M concentration of OH- ion?

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Determinable only if the base composition is known.

b. 9

c. 5

d. 7

Question 91 Which of the following statements about tRNA molecules is false?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. There is at least one tRNA for each of the 20 amino acids

b. A, C, G, and U are the only bases present in the molecule

c. Although composed of a single strand of RNA, each molecule contains several short, double-
helical regions

d. Any given tRNA will normally only accept one speci c amino acid

Question 92 Which of the following statements about water is correct?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. It is critical for many of the chemical processes found in living systems

b. Polar substances that can form hydrogen bonds will dissolve in it

c. All of the above

d. Nonpolar substances like oils are not soluble in it

Question 93 Which of these is the weakest of the intermolecular attractive forces?


Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. Dipole-dipole

b. Covalent bonding

c. van der Waals

d. Hydrogen bonding

e. Ion-ion

Question 94 Which type of RNA bears the codes of amino acids during protein synthesis

Marked out of 1 Select one:

Flag question a. mRNA

b. All of the above

c. tRNA

d. rRNA

Finish review

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