Com.-Sci1 Q4 Wk3 GLAK

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Guided Learning Activity Kit
Internet Ethics
Quarter 4 - Week 3

1|P age
Computer Science 1 – Grade 7
Guided Learning Activity Kit
Internet Ethics
Quarter 4 - Week 3

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
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Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Guided Learning Activity Kit Development Team

Writer: Jonalyn B. Lopez

Editor: Andrew V. Paje
Reviewer: Moises D. Moises, Jr.
Illustrator: Name
Layout Artist: Name
Management Team: Romeo M. Alip, PhD., CESO V
Michelle Ablian-Mojica, EdD
Manolito B. Basilio, EdD
Evelyn D. Tarrayo, EdD
Garry M. Achacoso
Rachelle C. Diviva
Chester Allan P. Matienzo

Printed in the Philippines by the Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391
E-mail Address:
Internet Ethics


In today’s generation, the internet has been a part of our daily

lives. It allows us to access vast information from various sources,
communicate and meet with people from different places and even
provides entertainment regardless of the user’s age. However, despite
all its advantages, we must also consider that using the internet also
has its dangers especially when it is not utilized properly.
In this lesson, we will learn some of the threats in using the
internet and tips on how to avoid them. We will also learn internet
ethics that may guide us in using the internet.

Learning Competency

Manifest ability to illustrate the basics of computer

networks and internet use.


At the end of this guided learning activity kit, you will be able to:
a. discuss some risks in using the internet,
b. cite some ways on how to be safe in using the internet,
c. identify internet etiquettes and apply them in a given

1|P age

Cite some services used on the internet that you learned from your
previous Guided Learning Activity.

1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________
6. ____________________________
7. ____________________________
8. ____________________________


The internet has been a big help to people in accomplishing

tasks. Especially during this time of the pandemic, the internet allows
people to communicate in purchasing basic goods. As for students, it
provides them a new platform to continue learning at home, and for
employees, who continue to work and provide services from home.
However, as we engaged ourselves in using it, we must also be aware
of the risks of accessing or giving our personal information on sites that
we encounter.
Here are some threats on the internet that we must avoid:
1. Email Spam
Email spam is uninvited emails with the same content and sent to
multiple users. There are email spams that are not harmful and are
for advertising purposes only, but there are also some which are
dangerous. It might be carrying a virus that may harm your
computer or may lead you to other software or sites that would allow
the spammer to collect your personal information or gain access to
your computer system.
2|P age
2. Phishing
It is usually done through email which will persuade users to visit a
site and requires them to provide information, but its objective is to
gain personal information from the user.

3. Pharming
It is an attack on a website, wherein, once you access that website
you will be redirected to a false website. Those people who do this
aim to collect log-in details or finance-related information that they
can use to access accounts and steal from them.

4. Computer Virus
It is a computer program that sometimes appears as a safe file but
once opened will reproduce itself and infect other installed programs
on your computer and caused harm to your system or files. It can
be introduced into your computers when downloading files from
untrusted sources or when using external devices that you insert
into your devices. It might cause you to lose files or makes your
computer malfunction.

These are just some internet threats that anyone of us may encounter, but
then, with the right knowledge and attitude, can surely be avoided. Here are
some tips on how to be safe in using the internet.

1. Be conscious of sharing information online and accessing sites that

require personal information. Read the terms, conditions, and policy of
the site in handling information it will collect from you.

2. Create strong passwords and always keep them confidential. As much

as possible, do not use personal information like your passwords like

3|P age
your name or birthday. It may include other characters or symbols
aside from numbers and letters to make it stronger and unique.

3. When using social media networks, make sure to check their security
features first. Add friends on your social media that you personally
know and trusted and avoid giving information to people you barely
know. Also, do not post information that will allow people to track your

4. Avoid visiting, downloading, or logging in to untrusted sites. Do not

respond to links that look suspicious and do not open emails or
messages that came from an unknown sender.

5. Install genuine software packages and programs that are trusted and
will help you protect your computer from unwanted access or virus.
Always keep your programs/software updated and regularly check for
viruses or malicious programs that may harm your computer.

It is indeed our responsibility to protect ourselves from these but most

importantly, not to be one of those people who are doing it. Here are some
internet ethics that we must follow in using the internet.

1. Be respectful and courteous. Avoid using languages that may harm or

insult other people. Also, be mindful of how you present your messages
online. Be conscious of the words that you are using because they may
give a wrong impression to readers.

2. Act appropriately. There might be standards acceptable to one but not

to all. For example, in sending messages some people will find it
respectful if you do it via email rather than on social media apps or the
other way around.

4|P age
3. Be respectful of other people’s time. For example, when sending email
or messages concerning your work, limit your messages on what is

4. Make a good impression by making sure that your messages are of good
quality. And when sharing facts, make sure that it is credible and
accurate and always give credits to your resources.

5. When dealing with some discussions online, learn how to control your
emotions in expressing your opinion.

6. Handle personal information you see online with confidentiality.

7. Be understanding of other people’s mistakes. For example, in an online

discussion, be considerate of minimal errors that you might encounter
but if you think that the concern needs immediate action, approach the
person privately.


Guided Practice 1
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write a checkmark on the items
that you agree to be safe from internet threats.

_____ 1. I will give my password to my friends for them to check my


_____ 2. I will make sure that my password is unique and strong.

_____ 3. I will open all emails that I will receive even if I do not know
their sender.

_____ 4. I will not give my personal information on an unknown


5|P age
_____ 5. I will install a genuine antivirus on my computer to keep it safe.

_____ 6. I will access all websites and will give my information to find
new friends.

_____ 7. I will use my name as my password so that anyone can easily

access my account.

_____ 8. I will download anything I want or open emails even if I do not

have an antivirus on my computer.

_____ 9. When I am using a public computer, I will make sure to log out
all my accounts on the sites that I visit.

_____ 10. I will install software that is not genuine.

Guided Practice 2
Directions: Read each statement carefully and tell whether each follows the
internet ethics discussed. Write E if it is ethical or U if it is not.

_____ 1. I share private conversations on my social media account.

_____ 2. When a discussion becomes intense, I tried to act as a

mediator and pacify the situation instead of choosing sides.

_____ 3. If I see misspelled words on messages I received, I immediately

talked to the person concerned.

_____ 4. I send all my messages on my preferred platforms, regardless

of if the receiver can access them or not.

_____ 5. When sending files, I make sure to include only important and
necessary details.

_____ 6. When someone confides with e a personal problem, I also

share it with my other friends.

_____ 7. I always type my messages in the uppercase letter because it

looks beautiful.

_____ 8. I check my messages/emails thoroughly to avoid errors and

inappropriate terms before sending them.

6|P age
_____ 9. I think first of what people will feel before posting on my social
media accounts.

_____ 10. I am willing to extend my help to people when they are not
so familiar with the platform that we are using for meetings.

Independent Practice
Directions: Read each scenario carefully. Identify what threat is illustrated in
each. Below each scenario, write a paragraph on how you can avoid this

1. Ana is a music lover. She loves to download songs and videos on her
computer every time she hears a new song. One day, her computers
started to malfunction, and all her files were no longer accessible. What
do you think happened to Ana’s computer and what can you do to avoid
the same problem?

2. Kiko loves to surf the internet and check on different websites. One day,
he received an email from an unknown source. When he opens it, he
was directed to a site and logged in using his credit card number. After
a few days, he learned that his card was used by someone in purchasing
an expensive item.
What internet threat did Kiko experience and what can you do to avoid

7|P age

Analyze each situation and identify which part is ethical and

which is not.

1. Jun loves to socialize with people online. There were also instances
that his friends confide with him about their personal problems
because he makes sure that his messages are respectful and would
not offend other people. Aside from Jun, some of his friends also
know his password and can access his accounts. One day, someone
shares with him a personal matter. Unfortunately, one of his friends
who knows his password seen it and shared it publicly.

Ethical: ________________________________________________________
Unethical: ______________________________________________________

2. Nena is a member of an online class. During classes, she makes sure

that she logged in on time. When sharing her opinions/ideas, she
makes sure to include only points that are related to the topic
discussed. One day, two of her classmates were having a debate.
One of her classmates was so angry and the discussions became so
intense. Instead of taking sides, she tried to keep calm and manage
to pacify the situation.

Ethical: _________________________________________________________
Unethical: _______________________________________________________

8|P age

In accomplishing this GLAK, I found these key points very helpful to

me as a student.

Key point 1


Key point 2


Key point 3



Jemma Development Group. 2017. Empowerment Technologies.

Jemma, Inc.

Innovative Training Works, Inc. 2016. Empowerment

Technologies. Rex Book Store Inc.

"Core Rules Of Netiquette". Coursedesign.Colostate.Edu.
l. (Accessed May 22, 2021)

9|P age
10 | P a g e
Guided Practice 1
Independent Practice 2. ∕
Answers may vary. 3.
4. ∕
Assessment 5. ∕
Answers may vary. 6.
Reflection 8.
Answers may vary. 9. ∕
Guided Practice 2
1. U
2. E
3. U
4. U
5. E
6. U
7. U
8. E
9. E
10. E
Key to Corrections

The Schools Division of Zambales would like to express its heartfelt gratitude
to the following, who in one way or the other, have contributed to the successful
preparation, development, quality assurance, printing, and distribution of the
Quarter 2 Guided Learning Activity Kits (GLAKs) in all learning areas across grade
levels as a response to providing the learners with developmentally-appropriate,
contextualized and simplified learning resources with most essential learning
competencies (MELCs)-based activities anchored on the principles of guided learning
and explicit instruction:

First, the Learning Resources (LR) Development Team composed of the writers
and graphic artists for devoting much of their time and exhausting their best efforts
to produce these indispensable learning kits used for the implementation of learning
delivery modalities.

Second, the content editors, language reviewers, and layout evaluators

making up the Division Quality Assurance Team (DQAT) for having carefully
evaluated all GLAKs to ensure quality and compliance to DepEd standards;

Third, the Provincial Government of Zambales, for unceasingly extending its

financial assistance to augment the funds for the printing of these learning resources
for use by learners and parents at home;

Fourth, the teacher-advisers and subject teachers, in close coordination with

the school heads, for their weekly distribution and retrieval of the GLAKs and for
their frequent monitoring of the learners’ progress through various means; and

Finally, the parents and other home learning facilitators for giving the learners
the needed guidance and support for them to possibly accomplish the tasks and for
gradually helping them become independent learners.

To deliver learning continuity in this challenging circumstance would not be

possible without your collective effort and strong commitment to serving our
Zambaleño learners.

Again, our sincerest thanks!

The Management Team

For inquiries of feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III – Division of Zambales

Learning Resources Management Section (LRMS)
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391

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