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Information & Updates for Vet:

His breathing is about the same but has been comfortable with very little
coughing. He has NOT made that scary reverse sneezing noise anymore since we
were in on Wednesday. The regular cough mostly only happens when I give water
by syringe. I feel bad every time I have to do that but I also know he has to stay
hydrated. Our new oxygen pack came in the mail earlier today so we are well
stocked for the weekend should we need it.

We gave him 1 & a half lasix at 6 am this morning and another 1 whole lasix at 2
pm this afternoon as instructed. Unless there is a change the plan is to give him
another 1 & a half at 10 pm tonight (lasix every 8 hours), the main thing right
now is to get those fluids out.

I have been giving a mix of baby foods with doggyrade (isotonic for dogs) and
also some other pouches of baby food that he seems to love. I brought some to
show. We also got some electrolytes at Kroger but I want to show that before we
give any to make sure it's okay. The doggyrade has some electrolytes too, is that
enough or is it okay to mix more in?

He has been acting hungry! He's been wanting what we eat for sure. The baby
food mix (even by syringe) is NOT making him cough the way the water by syringe
is, which is strange. Is it okay to try some very soft pate dog food or is it best to
stick to baby food and liquids? I want to make sure he's getting enough nutrition.

Last night he actually stood up on his own, I think he WANTS to move but is too
weak to walk. He absolutely has his moments of being more alert though. He
knows when we're talking to him, always perks his ears up when I speak, eyes
are sparkly. We are doing the leg exercises and stretches that dr. Rachel gave us,
he tolerates them very well. I am fighting for him, I can tell he's fighting too and
still has that shine in his eyes. I know he's been an absolute miracle for at at least
8 months (since we first knew his kidney levels were super high) and that he's at
least 17 years if not older. I just want to make sure we try absolutely everything
humanly possible. He has always been there for me, I'll always be there for him.
I have also been using the assisi loop roughly four times a day (not in the same
spot), twice on his back (both lower & upper) and on his back legs, which seems
to be where a lot of the weakness is. Every treatment is always at least 2 hours
apart to give the loop time to recharge. I have NOT yet used it today as I thought
he might get his laser treatment this afternoon.

He IS peeing and pooping, pooping always seems to take an effort (usually pants
while it's coming out) but stool looks normal. He usually pees every 4 to 6 hours
and it's always a lot.

I know I have asked this multiple times but I have guilt issues and have been
blaming myself for the current situation with fluids in his lungs. My question again
is, there's no way the fluids that dr. John gave him last Friday would be
responsible for the fluids he has in his lungs now, right? I asked John multiple
times to be sure he was giving the same amount you gave him before and no
more. He kept assuring me it was the same amount. But he gave him 250, you
only gave him 150. I am still so upset about this but I blame myself, I just want to
be absolutely sure that's NOT the cause of the boat we're in now. The ONLY
reason we brought him in last Friday is because of how weak he was acting, barely
able to walk, no appetite. At that point his lungs were okay but John suspected
his kidneys were to blame for how he's been feeling, thus the need for fluids. I
know it's a fine line which is why I kept asking him to be sure not to give too
much. I just need to know I didn't do the wrong thing by bringing him in for

As per your instructions I only gave him his heart meds Wednesday night (plus
galliprant) but yesterday I was able to get some of his supplements in via
syringe. Most of them are in capsules that can be opened and stirred into food or
water anyway. This is how I've always given them, as a powder mix on top of his
meals, it's easier that way. The two that are not in a powder form (joint
supplement & allergy supplement) I haven't worried about. But as long as I can
just give them with baby food or water is it okay to keep giving them? I have
brought these supplements to show you which ones he takes.

I also found a few new supplements (two of which are in a liquid form) that I think
might be helpful, as long as they're safe to give along with everything else. There
are two liquid form supplements, one for heart health & one for kidney health.
The other one is a pre & probiotic with digestion enzymes in a powder form that
I can easily stir into baby food or water. Since he also takes a heart health
supplement & a probiotic from VetriScience I want to make sure it's safe to give
all of these.

The other supplement for kidney health he takes is AminAvast (this is the one
he's been taking for about 4 months now and is what seemed to help him
bounce back before), last week he also started on Epakitin. I ran the both by the
vet (forget who now, I think we've seen everyone at this point) and they said both
were fine to take together. But since Wednesday I have not given the Epakitin,
should we get back on that?

This brings me to my next question, is it best to continue giving him pepcid (10
mg twice a day) along with the new med we got last week from the pharmacy
(the one for his tummy issues)? I am able to get him to take his meds just fine
with a bit of baby food and the pepcid is small. The other one is in a capsule. I
know it's light senstive but was told it IS okay to open it and mix with food or
water as long as I give it right away.

I still have two cerenia tabs at home, he has NOT thrown up but I gave one
yesterday to be safe, should we get some more so we have enough through the
weekend just in case?

I apologize for the novel but this is my furry son & I'm a protective pawrent.

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