GellerGrimm 2005 Molobratia

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A new species of the genus Molobratia Hull, 1958 from South Korea (Diptera:

Article · April 2005


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Fritz Geller-Grimm
Museum Wiesbaden


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581-584 Studia dipterologica 11 (2004) Heft 2 ISSN 0945-3954

A new species of the genus Molobratia HULL,1958

from South Korea (Diptera: Asilidae)
[Eine neue Art aus der Gattung Molobratia HULL,1958 aus Siidkorea (Diptera: Asilidae)]


Frankfurt a. M. (Germany)

Abstract A new species of the genus Molobratia HULL,1958 (Diptera: Asilidae) is recognized from
South Korea. Molobratia youngi spec. nov. is described and illustrations are provided. The
new species is closely related to M. kanoi HRADSKY,
1980, which is known from Japan.
Key words Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae, Molobratia, new record, new species, Palaearctic, South Korea
Zusammenfassung Eine neue Art der Gattung Molobratia HULL,1958 (Diptera: Asilidae) wird von Siidkorea
vorgestellt. Molobratia youngi spec. nov. wird beschrieben und illustriert. Die neue Art ist
mit der aus Japan bekannt gewordenen M. kanoi HRADSKY, l980 naher verwandt.
Stichworter Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae, Molobratia, neuer Nachweis, neue Art, Palaarktis, Siidkorea

Among some Asilidae from South Korea recently sent to me for identification, I found a
specimen of the the genus Molobratia HULL,1958. The comparison with the descriptions of
the other known species shows .that it is a new species which is described herein.
The genus Molobratia is confined to the eastern part of the Palaearctic region and the Oriental
region. NAGATOMI et al. (1989) published a revision of the species for the eastern part of the
Palaearctic region. In addition HAUPT & AZUMA (1998) described a further species from Japan.
Only two of the 13 known species of the genus Molobratia are distributed in the western part
of the Palaearctic region and four species are recorded from the Oriental region.

Molobratia HULL,1958
Type species: Asilus teutonus LINNE,1767
(1 ) Molobratia. chujoi NAGATOMI & IMAIZUMI
1989 [Thailand]
(2) Molobratia egregia (LOEW,1869) [Turkey, Romania, Transcaucasus]
(3) Molobratia inopinatus (WALKER, 1860) [Myanmar]
(4) Molobratia inopportunus (WALKER, 1860) [Myanmar]
(5) Molobratia japonica (BIGOT,1878) [Japan, China?]
= Dasypogon takusagense MATSUMURA,
(6) Molobratia kanoi HRADSKY, l 980 [Japan]
(7) Molobratia nipponi HRADSKY, l980 [Japan]
(8) Molobratia pekinensis (BIGOT,1878) [China]
(9) Molobratia purpuripennis (MATSUMURA, 19 16) [Thailand]
( 10) Molobratia sapporensis (MATSUMURA, 1916) [Japan]
(1 1) Molobratia teutonus (LINNE,1767) [Europe, Turkey, China?]
= Asilusmarmoratus GEOFEROY in FOURCROY,
= Dasypogon teuton MACQUART, 1834
= Erax tenthredoides SCOPOLI,
( 12) Molobratia triangulata HAUPT & AZUMA, l998 [Japan]
(1 3) Molobratia youngi spec. nov. [South Korea]
A new species of the genus Molobratia HULL,1958 from South Korea (Diptera: Asilidae)

Like other Dasypogoninae, species of Molobratia have a large spur at the tip of the fore tibia.
The genus is easily recognized by the simple ovipositor, which bears no spines on the acan-

Molobratia youngi spec. nov.
(Figs 1-5)
Material. Holotype male with following label: SOUTH KOREA, Chollabukdo Province, Pyongsanbando National
Park, 400 m, 127"33'5OUE 35"16'36"N, five feet from the ground resting on vegetation, 19.VI.1999, leg. C. YOUNG;
Coll. Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii [BPBM]. No further material available.
Geographic distribution: South Korea
Male. Head black, 1.5 times as wide as high. Face at base of antenna about 0.75 times as wide as one
eye. Facial in lateral view without facial gibbosity. Head with golden to yellowish tomentum, except
frons, ocellar tubercle and paravertex, which are shiny. Mystax yellow, composed of several long and
weak bristles arranged in 4-5 rows above the upper margin of the face. Hair on the back of the head and
lower occipital hairs (post-genal beard, cheek) yellow, postocular bristles (occipital bristles) biack.
Ocellar tubercle with short and black hairs. Palps black, cylindrical, with predominantly black hairs.
Proboscis black, with yellow hairs at tip. Antennae reddish, except the black arista; with somewhat pale
tomentum and black hairs. Postpedicel with black hairs on dorsum (like the scape and pedicel); ratio of
segments (scape, pedicel, postpedicel, arista): 1 to 0.5 to 2.5 to 0.5. Arista two-segmented with minute
sensory element.
Thorax black. Ante- and postpronotum brownish tomentose; with black hairs. Scutum with golden
tomentum at sides and along the black median stripe. Postalar callus silvery tomentose, with black
hairs. Bristles: 2 notopleurals, 2 supra-alars, lpostalar, 3 4 dorsocentrals - all bristles black. Pleurae
with golden tomentum, an- and katepisternum somewhat darker. Katatergal bristles (postnotal fan) red-
dish, in 3-4 rows. Scutellum silvery tomentose, without scutellar bristles on hind margin. Wings brownish
tinged, especially along veins. Veins black, except costa, subcosta and anterior branch of radius, which
are brownish. Halteres brownish. Legs reddish and black. Coxae black, golden tomentose and yellow
hairs. Femora reddish, except small black spots at their tips; with black bristles and black hairs. Tibiae
reddish, except the posterior part of fore tibia, which is darker; brisles predominantly black and longer
than thickness of tibiae. Tarsomeres somewhat darker, especially of fore legs; with black bristles and
hairs, ventrally with yellow hair. Claws apically black. Apical black of spure of fore tibia less than 0.3
as long as basal reddish part (Fig. 5).
Abdomen black and red. Tergites 1, 5-7 black, 2 4 reddish with black spots at posterior angels. Terg-
ites shiny, with square spots of silvery tomentum at posterior angles of tergites 4-6. Short hair on disc
black, laterally yellow. Sternites 2 4 reddish; with few brownish tomentum and short, yellowish hairs.
Male genitalia black. Aedeagus without posteroventral fin; apex curved weekly upwards, ventrally with
a row of spines (Fig. 1). Cerci apparently seprated (Figs 2,3). Horizontal branch of gonocoxite with two
apical teeth (Fig. 4). Body length: 14 mm; length of wing: 12 mm.
Female: Unknown.
Condition of type: The male genitalia are dissected and preserved in glycerine.
Etymology: Named for Mr. Charles YOUNGin appreciation of his work on the Korean Asilidae.

Molobratia youngi spec. nov. shows distinct characteristics, but resembles M. nipponi in the
shape of some external characters, like the colour of legs, the shape of face, the length of the
bristles on fore and hind tibiae, and the colour of the spure of the fore tibia. In addition the new
species resembles also M. kanoi in the shape of male genitalia, except the apex of the aedea-
gus, which is directed downward.
Studia dipterologica 11 (2004) Heft 2: XXX-XXX

Figs 1-5: Molobratia youngi spec. nov.; - 1: Aedeagus in lateral view (180" rotated); - 2: Fused epandria with cerci
in interior view; - 3: Fused epandria with cerci in exterior view.; - 4: Apical part of gonocoxite in exterior view; -
5: Spine at the apex of fore tibia. Scale bar = 1 mm.

In regards to Molobratia youngi spec. nov.: The specimen was found at Pyongsanbando Na-
tional Park at 400 meters. The only one taken was located five feet from the ground resting on
vegetation (a leaf) while waving it's forelegs in the air, perhaps a mating maneuver (YOUNG,
pers. comm.).
In the key (a: external characters) by I~AGATOMI et al. (1989: 986), M. youngi can be placed
into couplet 4:
4 In sigmoid terminal spine of fore tibia, apical black part over 112 as long as basal yel-
lowish brown part ............................................................................................................5
- In sigmoid terminal spine of fore tibia, apical black part less than 112 as long as basal
yellowish brown part (Fig. 5) .......................................................................................4b
A new species of the genus Molobratia HULL,1958 from South Korea (Diptera: Asilidae)

4b Apical and posterior portions of wing brownish tinged. Tergites yellowish brown; ante-
rior margins of tergites 2-6 with distinct tomentose spots at posterior angles ................
M. nipponi
- Wing also anterior brownish tinged. Tergites l and 5-7 black, 2 4 reddish with black
spots at poteror angels; spots of silvery tomentum at posterior angles of tergites 4-6 ...
.......................................................................................................M. youngi spec. nov.
In the key (b: male ganitalia) by NAGATOMI et al. (1989: 986), M. youngi can be placed into
couplet 1:
1 Posteroventral fin of aedeagus present. Cerci fused (except their apical portions). Hori-
zontal branch of gonocoxite with one minute apical process ........................................2
- Posteroventral fin of aedeagus absent (Fig. l). Each cercus apparently separated (Fig. 3).
Horizontal branch of gonocoxite with two thicker apical processes (Fig. 4) ..............l b
l b Apex of aedeagus curved distinctly upwards ....................................................M. kanoi
- Apex of aedeagus curved weekly upwards (Fig. l ) ......................M. youngi spec. nov.

1 would like to thank Dr. Charles YOUNG (Wongang University, Iksan City, Chonbuk, South Korea) for providing the
type specimen and for helpful discussions and comments on an early draft of this paper.

M. (1980): Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Molobratia HULL,1962 aus Japan (Diptera, Asilidae). Travaux --

du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle 'Grigore Antipa' 22: 453-457; Bucuresti.

A.;I ,IMAIZUMI, H. (1989): Revision of Molobratia from Japan and Taiwan (lnsecta, Dip-
tera, Asilidae). - Zoological Science. Zoological Society of Japan 6: 983-1003; Tokyo.

Author's address
Natural History Collections
Museum Wiesbaden [MWNH]
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2
65 185 Wiesbaden
Web page:

The paper was accepted on 10 January 2004.

Editum: 30 May 2005.
Additional notes on the paper:

The paper on Molobratia youngi spec. nov. lacks some notes on additional material (potential
paratypes), the female characters, and notes on further literature. Unfortunately, the editors used a
former manuscript and I haven’t thoroughly checked the last proof. Please note the following
changes, which are reddish marked, although they aren’t valid. Thank you very much.


Molobratia HULL, 1958
Type species: Asilus teutonus LINNÉ, 1767
(1) Molobratia arkadii LEHR, 2002 [Ukraine]
(2) Molobratia bokhai LEHR, 2002 [Russia, Promorskii Territory]
= Molobratia pekinensis: LEHR, 1984
(3) Molobratia chujoi NAGATOMI & IMAIZUMI & NAGATOMI, 1989 [Thailand]
(4) Molobratia egregia (LOEW, 1869) [Turkey, Roumania, Transcaucasus]
(5) Molobratia inopinatus (WALKER, 1860) [Myanmar]
(6) Molobratia inopportunus (WALKER, 1860) [Myanmar]
(7) Molobratia japonica (BIGOT, 1878) [Japan, China?]
= Dasypogon takasagense MATSUMURA, 1916
(8) Molobratia kanoi HRADSKÝ, 1980 [Japan]
(9) Molobratia nipponi HRADSKÝ, 1980 [Japan]
(10) Molobratia pekinensis (BIGOT, 1878) [China]
(11) Molobratia purpuripennis (MATSUMURA, 1916) [Thailand]
(12) Molobratia sapporensis (MATSUMURA, 1916) [Japan]
(13) Molobratia teutonus (LINNÉ, 1767) [Europe, Turkey, China?]
= Asilus marmoratus GEOFFROY in FOURCROY, 1785
= Dasypogon teuton MACQUART, 1834
= Erax tenthredoides SCOPOLI, 1763
(14) Molobratia triangulata HAUPT & AZUMA, 1998 [Japan]
(15) Molobratia youngi spec. nov. [South Korea]



Molobratia youngi spec. nov.

(Figs 1-5)
Material examined: Holotype male with following label: South Korea, Chollabukdo Province,
Pyongsanbando National Park, 200 m, 35°16'36''N 127°33'50''E, five feet from the ground resting on
vegetation, 19. VI. 1999, leg. C. Young; Coll. Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii [BPBM].
Paratypes: South Korea, Chollabukdo Province, Puan - Gun, Pyongsanbando National Park, 200 m,
37°44'57''N 128°34'19''E, 26. - 30. VI. 2003, leg. C. Young; Coll. Bishop Museum in Honolulu,
Hawaii [BPBM], 1 female. Same data, Coll. Fritz Geller-Grimm, Frankfurt am Main [COGG], 1
female. Same data, Coll. Milan Hradský, Zásmuky [COMH], 1 female.
Female: Similar to male, except abdominal tergite 7, which is reddish and the square spots of silvery
tomentum are restricted to posterior angles of tergites 4-5. Body length: 13-14 mm; length of wing:
11-12 mm.



HAUPT, J. & AZUMA, S. (1998): Faunistic and taxonomic notes on robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae)
from the Ryukyu Islands (Japan) with the description of three new species, Molobratia
triangulata sp.n., Choerades yaeyamana sp.n. and Merodontina silvatica sp.n.. - Deutsche
Entomologische Zeitschrift 45(2): 33-42; Berlin.
HRADSKÝ, M. (1980): Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Molobratia HULL, 1962 aus Japan (Diptera,
Asilidae). - Travaux du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle `Grigore Antipa' 22: 453-457; Bucuresti.
LEHR, P.A. (2002): Robber flies of the subfamily Dioctriinae Hull from Asia: 2. Taxonomy and
ecology. - Entomologiceskoe Obozreniye 81(2): 445-459, 526; Moscow.
NAGATOMI, A. & IMAIZUMI, H. & NAGATOMI, H. (1989): Revision of Molobratia from Japan and
Taiwan (Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae). - Zoological Science. Zoological Society of Japan 6: 983-
1003; Tokyo.


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