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Clean Technology and Waste Minimaization

“Coal Power”

Arranged by:
Jaya Dewata



DAFTAR ISI.......................................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER I .......................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 3
a. Background ............................................................................................................................... 3
b. Paper Objective ......................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................................................... 4
DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1. Definition of Coal Energy Sources .......................................................................................... 4
1.1 Coal Forming Process ....................................................................................................... 4
1.2 The Theory That Explains the Occurrence of Coal ....................................................... 4
1.3 Coal Forming Materials ................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Types of Coal ..................................................................................................................... 5
2. Coal Energy Efficiency ............................................................................................................. 6
3. Development of the Coal Era Industry ................................................................................... 7
4. Eonomic Growth ....................................................................................................................... 8
5. The Influence Of The Coal Industry On SDG’s ..................................................................... 9
CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................................................... 11
CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION .................................................................................... 11
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 12

a. Background
Indonesia is one of the 5 largest producers of coal energy sources in the world,
Indonesia's total coal reserves in 2021 will reach 38.8 billion tons and coal resources recorded
at 143.7 billion tons. Most of Indonesia's coal reserves and resources are located in Kalimantan
and Sumatra. Kalimantan has reserves of 25.84 billion tons and resources of 88.31 billion tons.
Then, Sumatra with 12.96 billion tons of reserves and 55.08 billion tons of resources.

With increasingly advanced technological developments and adequate and good quality
coal energy sources, it is very possible to transition from fossil fuels to coal energy. The use of
fossil energy sources is getting bigger along with the increasing need to make the reserves of
fossil energy sources dwindling. For this reason, the transition from the use of fossil energy to
New and Renewable Energy (EBT) is something that is absolutely necessary.

b. Paper Objective
The aims of this paper are as follows:
1. To know what is a coal energy source.
2. To find out how the influence of coal on industrial growth.
3. To determine the influence of the coal industry on economic growth.


1. Definition of Coal Energy Sources

In Indonesia, fossil fuels such as coal and oil are still the main sources of energy. The
increase in the price of petroleum fuel has caused industries in Indonesia to switch to coal as an
energy source for their production.
Sukandarrumidi 1995, said that coal is a solid hydrocarbon fuel formed from the
process of peat and coal in a basin (swamp area) in a geological period which includes bio-
geochemical activity towards the accumulation of natural flora which contains cellulose and
lignin. The coalescence process is also assisted by factors pressure (related to depth), and
temperature (related to the reduction of water content in the coal).
Coal is one of the fossil fuels that comes from sedimentary rock that can be burned and
is formed from organic deposits, mainly plant remains and formed through the process of
coalescence. The main elements consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (Anonymous, 2016).
Coal has complex physical and chemical properties which can be found in various forms.
According to Irwandy 2014, coal is also known as black "gold". People know it as a
black stone that can burn. This is not wrong because the appearance in the field shows the
difference in contrast between the coal and the surrounding rocks. Coal is defined by several
experts and has many meanings in various books or references. In the industrial community, this
definition is even more specific, namely rocks that at a certain level of quality have economic

1.1 Coal Forming Process

This type of coal energy is formed through 2 processes:
 The biochemical (peat peat) stage is the stage when accumulated plant remains are
stored in oxygen-free (anaerobic) conditions in swamp areas with a poor drainage
system and are always stagnant with water a few inches from the surface of the swamp
 The coalification stage is a diagenetic process of the organic components of peat
which causes an increase in temperature and pressure as a combination of
biochemical, chemical and physical processes that occur due to the influence of
loading of the sediment that covers it in geological time. At that stage, the percentage
of carbon will increase, while the percentage of hydrogen and oxygen will decrease
so as to produce coal in various maturity levels of organic matter (Susilawati 1992).

1.2 The Theory That Explains the Occurrence of Coal

 Insitu Theory
Coal is formed from plants or trees that come from the forest where the coal is.
The coal that is formed usually occurs in wet and swampy forests, so that when the
trees in the forest die and collapse, they immediately sink into the swamp and the rest

of the plants do not decompose completely and eventually become plant fossils that
form organic sediments.

 Drift Theory
Coal is formed from plants or trees that come from forests that are not where
the coal is. Coal that is formed usually occurs in deltas and has the characteristics of
layers, namely thin, not continuous (splitting), multiple layers (multiple seams), lots
of impurities (high ash content).
1.3 Coal Forming Materials
The types of coal-forming plants and their ages according to Diessel (1981) are
as follows:
 Algae, from Pre-cambrian to Ordovician and unicellular. There are very few coal
deposits from this period.
 Silophytes, from the Silurian to Middle Devonian, are descended from algae. Few coal
deposits from this period.
 Pteridophytes, Upper Devonian to Upper Carboniferous. The main material for coal
formation is carbonaceous in Europe and North America. Plants without flowers and
seeds, reproduce by spores and grow in warm climates.
 Gymnosperms, the period from the Permian to the Middle Cretaceous. Heterosexual
plants, seeds encased in fruit, such as pine, contain high levels of resin (resin). Types
of Pterydosperms such as gangamopteris and glossopteris are the main constituents of
Permian coal such as in Australia, India and Africa.
 Angiosperms, from the Upper Cretaceous to the present. Modern plant species, fruit
covering seeds, male and female in a single flower, are less gummy than

1.4 Types of Coal

 Lignite, is a low rank coal where the position of lignite in the coal classification level
is in the transition area from peat to coal. Lignite is coal that is black in color and has
a wood-like texture. Properties of lignite type coal:
1. Black color, very fragile.
2. Low calorific value, little carbon content.
3. High water content.
4. A lot of ash content.
5. There is a lot of sulfur content.
 Peat, this group actually includes a type of coal, but is a fuel. This is because it is still
an early phase of the coal formation process. This precipitate still shows the initial
properties of the basic ingredients (plants).
 Subbituminous/Medium Bitumen, this group shows certain characteristics, namely
the color is blackish and already contains wax. This precipitate can be used for
adequate combustion utilization with not too high temperatures. Subbituminous is
commonly used as a steam power plant. Subbituminous is also an important source of
raw materials for the manufacture of aromatic hydrocarbons in the synthetic chemical

 Bituminous, this type of coal is a black coal with a good bond texture. Properties of
bituminous coal:
1. Glossy black color, less compact
2. High calorific value, relatively high carbon content
3. Little water content
4. Little ash content
5. Little sulfur content
 Anthracite is the highest grade coal that has a carbon content of more than 93% and
a volatile matter content of less than 10%. Anthracite is generally harder, stronger and
often shiny black like glass. Properties of anthracite type coal:
1. Black color is very shiny, compact.
2. Very high calorific value, very high carbon content.
3. Very little water content.
4. The ash content is very small.
5. Very little sulfur content.

The higher the quality of the coal, the carbon content will increase, while the
hydrogen and oxygen will decrease. Low-grade coal, such as lignite and sub-
bituminous, has a high level of moisture and low carbon content, so the energy is also
low. The higher the quality of the coal, generally it will be harder and more compact,
and the color will be black and shiny. In addition, the humidity will decrease while
the carbon content will increase, so that the energy content will also increase.

2. Coal Energy Efficiency

Coal is widely used as fuel for power plant units (14%), furnace fuel for water heaters,
fuel for metal smelting processes (11%), fuel for rotary kiln operations in cement factories (8%)
and paper factories. (1%), and now comes with a few innovations such as coal briquettes
(compacted coal powder), and CWM (Coal-Water Mixture) or liquid coal which is a mixture of
low rank pulverized coal and oil. In Indonesia, coal is the main fuel besides diesel (diesel fuel)
which is commonly used in many industries, from an economic point of view coal is much more
economical than diesel, with the following comparison; Solar is Rp. 0.74/kilocalory while coal
is only Rp. 0.09/kilocalory, (based on industrial diesel prices of Rp. 6,200/liter). In terms of
quantity, coal is one of the most important fossil energy reserves for Indonesia. The amount is
very abundant, reaching tens of billions of tons. This amount is actually enough to supply
electrical energy needs for hundreds of years into the future. Unfortunately, it is impossible for
Indonesia to completely burn coal and convert it into electrical energy through PLTU. Apart
from polluting the environment through CO2, SO2, NOx and CxHy pollutants, this method is
considered less efficient and does not provide high added value.
In general, Indonesian coal has a heating value ranging from 4400-7750 kcal/kg, water
content between 2-35%, ash content between 1-15%, fly gas content between 11-45.4%, and
sulfur content less than 1 %. Relatively high calorific value and relatively low water content,

such as coal from East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and Ombilin, so that it has a very high
selling value abroad for export (Triswan, S., et al, 2009).
Coal is generally used as fuel in industrial processes. One of the companies that use
coal as fuel is a Steam Power Plant. Currently the coal used in the Steam Power Plant is low rank
coal which has a calorific value of 4200 kcal/kg with a moisture content of 40%. Coal with a
moisture content of up to 40% can cause the process efficiency of the plant to not be optimal.
Currently the efficiency generated at the Steam Power Plant reaches 83.280% and the heat loss
that occurs is 16.72%. A low efficiency value will cause the use of electricity itself to increase
and the combustion process to become imperfect so that it can cause a lot of losses to the Steam
Power Plant.
Based on the above phenomena it can be concluded that it is necessary to have a coal
drying process in order to reduce the water content of the coal. The technology used to dry coal
is coal dryer. Previously there was also research related to the use of coal dryers which were
used for deep coal drying processes. From this study it was concluded that the use of a coal dryer
could increase the efficiency value by 1.55% and also explained the types of coal dryers. Types
of coal dryers that are often used to dry coal include Rotary Dryers and Fluidized Bed Dryers.
In building a coal dryer, it is necessary to have a source of steam or heat that is used for the
drying process. At the Steam Power Plant there is still steam extracted from the turbine (Waste
Heat Recovery) which can be used by the coal dryer as a heat source to heat the coal. If this
extraction steam is used, it can reduce the load on the condenser. The amount of turbine
extraction steam that can be received by the coal dryer depends on the design of the coal dryer,
because the design process of the coal dryer will affect the availability of energy in the coal
dryer. This research is expected to be one of the ways to save the use of coal efficiency so that
the drying process is fast and the electricity produced is perfect.
Coal in gas and liquid form can function as clean energy with the help of technology.
The energy transition must be carried out simultaneously by carrying out three activities
simultaneously, namely carrying out energy production from fossils which still has to be carried
out while utilizing the transitional energy sources that are being developed, especially from the
infrastructure aspect. Then proceed with the development of various alternative energy or
options from renewable energy.
However, this is a polemic for various parties, because when talking about the energy
transition, the production of renewable energy is increased and the fossil energy is reduced. But
what is happening now is an energy bubble. There are efforts to increase renewable energy, but
dirty energy has also increased. What is happening is not an energy transition, only an
enlargement of energy from several sources (energy).

3. Development of the Coal Era Industry

In the last 20 years the coal industry has experienced very rapid growth, considering it
is the main source of income for the country. The need for coal supply for domestic power plants
is estimated to reach 177 million tons. One of the factors for the triumph of the coal industry in
Indonesia is the abundant medium and low quality coal reserves, so that Indonesia can export at
very competitive prices in the international market.
This development was partly triggered by the decline in China's coal exports and the
increase in crude oil prices. During 2006, it was reported that coal production reached 170
million tons. As much as 127 million tons to meet the export market and 45 million tons to meet

the needs of the domestic market. This figure is much higher when compared to conditions in
1996. At that time, coal production was around 12.1 million tons, of which 9.7 million tons were
for export and 3.3 million tons for domestic needs.
Based on data from the World Coal Institute in 2006 the volume of coal shipments in
international trade reached 508 million tons. Of this amount, the contribution of coal from
Indonesia reached 21%. Whereas for trade in the Asian region, Indonesian coal has a
contribution of 36%.
The ups and downs of coal prices are the most important thing in the coal business.
When the price goes up, it will be a good moment happiness for coal business people. And
conversely, when prices fall, the coal business becomes sluggish and less enthusiastic. If we look
at the graph above, there are 4 phases of change. Phase 1 is the moment when coal prices start
to rise slowly but surely. This period started in April 2009 until its peak in March 2011. In phase
1, demand for coal from China and the world market was quite large. At this moment, China's
economic growth is growing rapidly. Where, various industrial sectors in China require a large
enough supply of coal. Although, China's own coal production is very large. In phase 2, there
was an economic crisis in Europe which made the market for Chinese products sluggish. Thus
hitting the rate of Chinese industry. In addition, in this phase, many new players make the world
market oversupply of coal. So that automatically makes world coal prices continue to fall. In
phase 3, prices continued to decline until mid-2016. In phase 4, there was a positive trend in coal
prices from late 2016 to early 2017. However, starting in October 2020, coal prices continued to
rise until November 2021 with a highest price of 215.63 USD. /ton

4. Eonomic Growth
Presidential Regulation (perpres) number 22 of 2017 concerning the National Energy
General Draft (RUEN), coal production will be limited to 400 million tonnes per year and coal
exports will be reduced gradually from year to year and will be stopped no later than 2046 in
order to prioritize domestic needs to realize energy independence and security to support
sustainable national development. This increase is accompanied by increasing the efficiency of
coal utilization through technology and the development of alternative fuels and slowly
switching to renewable energy.
The coal economy in 2020, when compared to the previous year, grew by -0.31 percent,
experiencing a contraction due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the production approach,
the highest growth was achieved by the Information and Communication Business Field of 7.47
percent. Followed by the Electricity and Gas Procurement Business Field of 5.53 percent.
Several business fields experienced contractions including the Accommodation and Food and
Drink Provision Business Field by -5.75 percent and the Construction Business Field by -4.41
Based on the expenditure approach, the component achieved the highest growth,
namely Household Consumption Expenditures of 0.02 percent. The component that experienced
the highest contraction included LNPRT Consumption Expenditure of -2.33 percent. Based on
the expenditure approach, the 2020 coal economy grew by -0.31 percent compared to the
previous year. Most of the components experienced contraction due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
LNPRT consumption expenditure was the component that experienced the deepest contraction
of -2.33 percent, then Government Expenditure by -0.19 percent, and Gross Domestic Fixed
Capital Formation by -0.04 percent. Meanwhile, the component that experienced positive growth
was household consumption expenditure of 0.02 percent. Coal's economic structure according

to spending at current prices in 2020 does not show significant changes. Final demand activity
is still dominated by the household consumption expenditure component, which accounts for
almost half of the coal GDP, namely 40.86 percent. Other components that play a large role in
GRDP successively are net exports of goods and services of 31.05 percent; PMTB of 19.53
percent; government consumption expenditure by 5.31 percent and LNPRT consumption
expenditure by 0.82 percent.

5. The Influence Of The Coal Industry On SDG’s

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global action plan agreed upon by
world leaders, including Indonesia, to end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the
environment. The SDGs contain 17 goals and 169 targets that are expected to be achieved by
2030. The 17 goals from 1 to 17 are eliminating poverty, ending hunger, good health and well-
being, quality education, gender equality, access to clean water and sanitation, clean and
affordable energy, decent jobs and economic growth, industrial infrastructure and innovation,
reducing inequality, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and
production, tackling climate change, safeguarding marine ecosystems, safeguarding terrestrial
ecosystems, reconciliation, equity and strong institutions , and finally partnership to achieve
The mining world has great potential to have both positive and negative impacts on the
17 SDGs goals. Many think that mining always gives bad things, especially environmental
problems. When the SDGs that the world wants to achieve by 2030 are released, the public and
ordinary people will surely feel that of course the mining world cannot contribute to the success
of this goal, and the worst thing is that it will only complicate existing problems. But often, one
bad mine blinds the world's eyes to see how mining actually contributes greatly and even plays
an important role in the success of the 2030 SDGs.
The discussion on the relationship between the role of mining and its contribution to
the SDGs will be divided into three parts, namely social inclusion, economic development and
environmental resilience. In the first part, social inclusion, the mining world can significantly
impact the surrounding community and provide economic opportunities. With the world of
labour-intensive mining bringing many opportunities for people to work and have a social
impact, related to SDGs 1 – eliminating poverty, SDGs 2 – ending hunger, and SDGs 10 –
reducing inequality, if this happens, it can support SDGs 3 – health and welfare and SDGs 4 –
quality education and SDGs 5 – gender equality. Of course also in the social field, with mining
companies always trying to work well, transparently and fairly, it can help achieve SDGs 16 –
peace, justice and strong institutions, and SDGs 17 – partnerships to achieve goals. Second, in
the field of economic development, the world of mining has a great impact on economic
development both locally and nationally, this economic growth can be used to build new
infrastructure, new technology and decent job opportunities. This relates to SDGs 8 – decent
work and economic growth, SDGs 9 – industrial infrastructure and innovation, and SDGs 12 –
responsible consumption and production. Economic growth and development will certainly lead
to SDGs 11 goals – sustainable cities and communities. Third, environmental resilience, mining
activities affect land, water, climate, flora, fauna and even humans. The difficulty that is
commonly experienced by the mining world is reclamation of the mining environment so that it
can function again, especially the impact on land and water related to SDGs 6 – access to clean
water and sanitation, SDGs 14 – protecting marine ecosystems and SDGs 15 – protecting

terrestrial ecosystems. Processing and utilization of mining products can meet energy needs
which are related to SDGs 7 – clean and affordable energy also have an impact on climate change
with intensive emissions which are related to SDGs 13 – climate management.
Realizing that the world of mining does not only have a negative impact, but also has
many positive impacts and has the potential to contribute to the success of the SDGs. Therefore
stopping or eliminating the world of mining to protect the environment is not the right solution
because almost all of human civilization today is very dependent on the results of the mining
itself, so what must be done is to reduce the negative impact caused by mining itself, especially
on the environment and climate change, innovating technologies that can help mining processes
that are more friendly to the environment and cleaner processing so as not to emit emissions that
worsen the world's climate conditions.
Achieving the SDGs is a very challenging matter, it requires work integration from
mining companies to always develop for the better and strive for innovations in mining practices
that are cleaner and more environmentally friendly in order to reduce the negative impacts
caused by their mining products. In addition, it is not an easy thing because it requires good
cooperation from all parties and aspects, both between one mining company and another, mining
companies and also the government, as well as cooperation and good relations with all
communities. The contribution of each of these elements is very valuable and will determine the
success of the SDGs in 2030.


1. Conclusion
 An energy that is easy and inexpensive should actually be utilized properly, efficiently and
for the benefit of society at large. Therefore, a solution must be found so that the
environment is maintained and this also means an effort to keep the environment able to
provide its carrying capacity for the continuity of development in Indonesia.
 Fossil energy is a non-renewable resource. May we consider "the last resource" in the sense
that if there are still others, then just use what is there first. This is because once this
resource is exploited, it disappears forever.
2. Recomendation
 The natural resources and energy that we have must be utilized as an effort to improve the
welfare of all levels of society through increasing productivity using clean and energy-
saving technologies, clean production and using materials that are environmentally
friendly, so that sustainable and environmentally sound development can be achieved.
 In the utilization of coal natural resources, it is necessary to think about and develop the
use of environmentally clean technology so as to minimize the negative environmental
impacts that occur in the utilization of coal natural resources, for example coal washing


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