Holidays Homework Xi 2023-1

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Where Leaders turn Dreams into Reality….



Note: Attempt all questions in your class notebook

Q1: A drastic rise in the number of old age homes across India is really alarming. Present your point of view
in approximately 200 words.
Q2: Make a video clip advertising a product available at your home. It may be any product of your choice.
Keep the following points in your mind while unleashing your talent.
Duration 1-2 Minutes
Actors 1-3(You can take help of your family
Content Product Name


Let’s rewind the clock and go back to the Egyptian Era. Research on the Egyptian Civilization with
particular reference to Tutankhamun’s Mummy and its discovery. Make a power point presentation based on
the following points-
 Life of Pharoh Tutankhamun
 Possible cause of Pharoh’s death
 Description of his tomb along with funerary treasure
 Efforts of various historians to trace his tomb

Q4. Success is a rare commodity but it can be achieved. If a man has certain qualities, he can succeed in
defeating even the impending disaster. What does success depend upon. Write the answer with reference to
the chapter 'We're not afraid to die...'(100-120 words).
1. Art Integration Project
Compare Punjab, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Sikkim on the basis of
(a) Factors on which the humidity and climate of a place depends.
(b) Write at least ten physical quantities with their average magnitude, units, significance and uses
(e.g., pollution, temperature).
(c) Factors on which the gravity of a place depends. You may create a poster, power point
presentation, article,
.pdf etc.
2. Art Integration Project
Create a Power point presentation for the formulae of the following chapters:
A) Physical quantities
B) System of units
C) Dimensional analysis its limitations and its uses.
D) Principle of homogeneity.
E) Correctness
F) Conversion of system into another.
3. Investigatory Project
Suggested Investigatory Projects
(a) To study and write down the various applications of physics in our daily life.
(b) To design an appropriate scale with least count 1mm and 0.1mm.
(b) To design an appropriate simple pendulum.
(c) To design an accurate Second pendulum.
(d) DRAW the Scales of temperature with one scale with your own imaginary freezing point and
boiling point of water.
(e) Conservative and non-conservative forces
(f) Energy of a freely falling object remains constant.
(g) How does the intensity of sound depend upon the velocity of observer and source of sound

How to Make an Investigatory Project

Investigatory Project Sample Format:

After finishing the research and experimentation, you are required to write a (maximum) 250-word, one-
page abstract. An abstract includes the followings
a) Purpose of the experiment,
b) Procedures used,
c) Data
d) Conclusions.
It also includes any possible research applications. The abstract should focus on work done since the last
Research Paper
A research paper should be prepared and available along with a project data book, and any necessary forms
or relevant written materials. A research paper helps organize data as well as thoughts. A good paper
includes the following sections
a) Title page – title of the project must be brief, simple and catchy.
b) Statement of problems/objectives – the nature & scope of the problem should be presented with
clarity. Two types of objectives may explain as followings:
I. General Objective – this is related to the problem as given in the earlier part of the section.
II. Specific Objective – this states the purpose of each experiment conducted.
c) Methodology – This heading provides enough details so that a competent worker can repeat the
experiment and should include the method technology used to complete the task or work.
d) Materials / Equipment – under this heading the student will write the exact technical specifications,
quantities and source of method of preparation for all materials used should be given. Specifically,
built equipment used in the study must be described and the description accompanied by a picture.
e) Treatment / General Procedure – the manner & sequence by which each experiment or set of
observations were done & how measurements were obtained should be described in detail. Avoid
using the “recipe style” when stating the step-by-step procedure. Use the narrative form in the past
f) Results and Discussion – this may be divided into sub-sections describing each set of experiment or
g) Findings – under this heading the data may be presented in full & discussed descriptively in the test
or these maybe summarized in tables, pictures & graphs. The statistical test used to determine the
possible significance of the finding should be described. Tables, pictures & graphs should make the
presentation of the data more meaningful.
h) Analysis of Data – the interpretation of the findings are discussed & the significant features shown
in the tables, figures or graphs are pointed out.
i) Conclusions – the general truth implied or illustrated by the results should be clearly stated. The
evidence based on the results should be summarized for each statement.
j) Recommendations – consists of suggestions on future actions such as a new direction of research or
further experiments to be performed, practices that might be adapted or discard in order to attain
certain goals or objectives.
k) Applicability in daily life- under this heading suggests at least five examples of the chosen
assignment in the daily life.
l) Applicability for the welfare/betterment of society: - under this section student will suggest at
least five different points and areas in which the chosen assignment will be beneficial or can be used
for the betterment of the society.
m) Harmful effects: - under this heading the students will discuss the harmful effects concerned with
the implementation or not implementation of the basic idea discussed in the assignment
n) Bibliography – a list of the references used in guiding the research work and writing and paper.
o) Visual Display - the work should be attractive and informative. Make it easy for interested
spectators and judges to assess your study and the results you have obtained. Make the most of your
space using clear and concise display.

Units and Measurements
Dimensional analysis
1. If the units of energy, force, and velocity are 50 J, 5 N, and 2m/ s, what will be the unit of mass, length,
and time?
2. The units of power, force, and time are 1 kW, 1 KN, and 1 millisecond. Find the unit of mass and
3. What will be the value of G in CGS units if in SI units it is 6.67 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
4. What will be the dimensions of a/b in the relation E= b-x2/ at, where E is energy, x is distance, and t is
5. In the relation h= 2Tcos α/ r2ρg, where h is the height, T is surface tension ρ is density and r is the
radius of a capillary tube, α is the angle of contact and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Verify
the correctness of the equation.
6. Give one example of each of the physical quantities which have an SI unit but no dimensions, which
neither have a unit nor dimension.
7. Acceleration due to gravity is 10m/s2. Determine its value in cm/minutes2.
8. If the units of force and length, are doubled then how many times the unit of energy, Surface
tension, and stress be affected?
9. If velocity, density, and frequency are taken as fundamental quantities, what will be the
dimensions of linear momentum and surface tension?
10. If velocity, acceleration, and force are chosen as fundamental units, what will be the
dimensions of linear momentum, angular momentum, and young’s modulus of elasticity?
11. A piece of lead has a mass of 23.94g and a volume of 2.10 cm3. Calculate the density in SI units.
12. If force, length, and time are fundamental quantities, determine the dimensions of mass.
13. Check the dimensional correctness of the following equation –
ρ= 3g
𝟒 𝝅𝑹 𝑮
14. If the mass (m) of a stone depends on velocity (v), ρ (density of water), and g, find the expression for
15. Determine the expression for centripetal force if it depends on mass m, radius r, and speed v of the
16. Obtain an expression for the height to which a fluid of density ρ and surface tension T will rise in
a capillary tube of radius r. Given hα1/r
17. E, m, l, and G denote energy, mass, angular momentum, and gravitational constant respectively.
Determine the dimensions of EL2 / m5G2
18. As H(heat)depends on I, R, and t, determine its formula with the help of dimensional analysis.
19. Find the dimensional formulae for the following physical quantities:
a) Torque
b) Coefficient of Viscosity
c) Voltage
20. A large fluid star oscillates in shape under the influence of its own gravitational field. Using
dimensional analysis, find the expression for the period of oscillation (T) in terms of the radius of the
star (R), mean density of the fluid (ρ), and universal gravitational constant (G).
21. Young’s modulus of steel was calculated to be 18 X 10 12N/m2. Express it in CGS units.
22. If energy E is proportional to mass m and c, the speed of light, determine the relation in these
quantities using the concept of dimensions.
23. If force (F) acceleration (A) and time (T) are taken as fundamental units, then find the dimension of
24. Find the dimensions of latent heat and specific heat?
25. . Determine which of the following are dimensionally correct-
(i) Pressure = Energy per unit volume
(ii) Pressure = Momentum volume
26. Give the number of significant digits in each of the following measurements:
a) 1278.50
b) 7. 8.002
c) 13. 43.050
d) 2. 120000
e) 8. 823.012
f) 3. 90027.00
g) 0.0053567
h) 542000.
i) 0.00730
27. Perform the following operations giving the proper number of significant figures in the answer:
a) 25. 23.4 x 14
b) 28. 0.005 - 0.0007
c) 26. 7.895 + 3.4
d) 29. 7.895 ÷ 34
e) 27. 0.0945 x 1.47
f) 30. 0.2 / 0.0005
PROJECT 1-Turn elements into superheroes (or villains)

This is such a fun twist on the usual element research project. Students will learn more about the
characteristics of their element, then decide whether it’s a superhero—or a villain!

PROJECT 2- Solve The Mystery of the Periodic Table

Students will enjoy this tale of the development of the periodic table, learning about the various scientists
involved along the way.

PROJECT 3- Get to know the Element characters

Each element has its own set of characteristics that could almost be called its personality. That’s the idea
behind these incredibly fun cards, which imagine the elements as living characters. You could use a set of
these for all kinds of periodic table activities in the project.

PROJECT 4-Compete at periodic table Bingo

Bingo is always fun, but this version helps you learn the various abbreviations of the elements too. Make
your own cards.

Select any one of the two topics from the above-mentioned list of FOUR art integrated projects
• Need to research on the topic and learn.
• Each project should be maximum of 10 pages, A4 size (Executive bond) paper including conclusion and
• Photographs and creative presentation will be a part of project.
• There should be a research analysis related to the topic chosen.
• Projects should be hand written using blue/ blue-black ink and no prints should be kept (Except the
photographs), in a spiral bonded file.
• Images or Pictures should be on Left side of page.
• No striking is allowed in the project and to be neat and should have good handwriting
• Prepare Model / Chart / Collection of samples related to the project.


 Finding a topic
 Find more background on the subject
 Do a literature search
 Use your summaries to write your rough draft
 References may also be helpful in seeking good background material
 STYLE is a personal thing. Check the sample manuscript on reserve in the Library for an example of
how to write a paper- Introduction, Presentation of data/results, Summary and Significance
 Use interdisciplinary approach, introduce use of arts, craft, music, pneumonic, history, literature to
prepare the project.
I will use the following criteria in evaluating your projects and presentations. I have divided the
evaluation into three parts: Preparation, Content and Presentation. The effort put into
the preparation of your project is as important a part of the research as the final project.
Under content I am interested in your understanding of the material and the manner in which you
organize the paper and presentation. This criterion will apply to both the paper and the poster
presentation. The points will be distributed equally to each. Under presentation I am interested in how
well you present the material (and yourself). Since one objective of the exercise is to gain experience in
preparing and defending a poster-type presentation, one third of the total points will be assigned to
"Presentation" alone.

Kindly attempt the following questions given below (from the chapters done in class) as an assignment for
holidays homework in your class notebook –
Q1. A) What is the wavelength of the light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes
transition from the energy level with n = 4 to energy level n = 2? What is the colour corresponding to
this wavelength? (Given RH = 109678 cm-1)
B) Calculate the wavelength for the emission transition if it starts from the orbit having radius 1.3225
nm and ends at 211.6 pm. Name the series to which this transition belongs and the region of the
Q2. A) Which of the following are iso-electronic species - Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, S2-, Ar.
B) What is the lowest value of n which allows ‘g’ orbital to exist?
C) An electron is in one of the 3d orbitals. Give the possible values of n, l and nil for the electron?
Q3. (i) An atomic orbital has n = 3. What are the possible values of l and ml?
(ii) List the quantum numbers ml and l of electron in 3rd orbital.
(iii) Which of the following orbitals are possible?
1p, 2s, 2p and 3f
(iv)How many electrons in an atom may have the following quantum numbers- n = 4; ms = -1/2
Q4. The work function for cesium atom is 1.9 eV. Calculate
(a) the threshold wavelength and
(b) the threshold frequency of the radiation. If the cesium element is irradiated with a wavelength 500
nm, calculate the kinetic energy and the velocity of the ejected photoelectron
Q5. (a) How many sub-shells are associated with n = 4?
(b) How many electrons will be present in the sub-shells having ms value of -1/2 for n = 4?
(c) Why copper and chromium shows exceptional configuration, explain?
Q6. (i) Among the elements B, Al, C and Si, which element has the highest first ionisation enthalpy?
(ii) which element has the most metallic character? Justify your answer in each case.
Q7. A) Nitrogen has positive electron gain enthalpy whereas oxygen has negative. However, oxygen has
lower ionisation enthalpy than nitrogen. Explain.
B) The radius of Na+ cation is less than that of Na atom. Give reason.
C) How would you explain the fact that first ionisation enthalpy of sodium is lower than that of
magnesium but its second ionisation enthalpy is higher than that of magnesium?
D) Discuss the factors affecting ionisation enthalpy of the elements
Q8. A) Based on quantum numbers, justify that the sixth period of the periodic table should have 32 elements.
B) In terms of the period and group, where would you locate the element with Z =114?
Q9. Explain the deviation in ionization enthalpy of some elements from the general trend by using the given

Q10. A) Which of the following pairs of elements would have a more negative electron gain enthalpy?
(i) O or F (ii) F or Cl
B) Would you expect the first ionization enthalpies for two isotopes of the same element to be the
same or different? Justify your answer

 Example- Global warming- A ticking time bomb!
Steps to prepare the project-
1) Selection of topic- Select a latest topic from present global scenario or any other topic you are
comfortable with on which survey can be conducted. (Decision making)
2) Acknowledgement- Thank the person who was guiding force behind making of the project or their
assistance helped in completion of the project. (Gratitude)
3) Description of topic –
A) Explore different books, magazines, research articles, web sites to collect information about
the content of the project. (Exploration)
B) Go through the content, try to comprehend the information, observe, reflect upon the
information, analyse and shortlist the content. (Scientific attitude and temperament)
C) Think of presentation-observations in a creative, artistic, scientific manner which looks
attractive. (Art integration)
D) Carry out discussions with peer, parents, teachers or experts from a specific field. (Peer
learning and discussion-based learning)
E) Beautify the scientific data by drawing some diagrams, cartoons and making a collage.
(Multidisciplinary approach- Integration with art, English, Computers)
F) Describe the topic with content, pictures, slogans, quote and poem in an artistic manner.
(Multidisciplinary approach)
G) Draw diagrams if possible or paste pictures to make it attractive. (Art integration)
4) Survey and collection of Data-
A) Do a survey related to the topic, form hypothesis and prove it by performing some experiments
and investigate on the selected topic. (Investigation)
B) Make observation tables, graphs, pie charts, histograms to sum up the investigation. (Integration
with Maths and physics-Inter disciplinary)
5) Conclusion- Conclude the investigation with help of critical and higher order thinking.
6) Process of making the project- Maintain originality while making the project, use out of box
thinking and innovative approach. Enjoy the learning experience! (Experiential learning)
7) Bibliography- Mention the books magazines, newspapers, websites consulted. (Originality)
8) Self-assessment- After completing the project analyse and assess the project and make a final effort
of improvement if required before submission. (Self-analysis)
Examples of some investigatory projects-
a) Female infanticide.
b) Disturbing sex ratios.
c) Digital toxicity among teenagers.
d) Increasing heart attacks in teenagers.
e) Water disaster- A global challenge!
f) Any topic you are comfortable with

Following guidelines to be followed while making the holiday home work-

1) Investigatory project to be written on A4 sheets.
2) Spiral binding to be done of the sheets.
3) Project should have formal look.
4) First page following things to be written-
a) School Name
b) Session
c) Class
d) Subject
e) Investigatory Project
f) Name of the project
g) Principals Signatures and on bottom of the page.
 Take a print out of this question bank and paste it in your class note book.
 Attempt 1 to 10 questions on Assignment itself by ticking the a, b, c, d options, very short answer
questions, short answer questions, case study questions and long answer questions are to be written in
note book.

Q1 Selaginella, a pteridophyte shows advances towards the seed habit. Consider the following statements-
I. Development and retention of embryo inside megasporangium.
II. Homospory.
III. Formation of several megaspores within a megasporangium.
IV. Enhancement in size of male gametophyte.
Choose the incorrect statements with regard to prerequisites for seed habits.
a) I and III b) I and IV c) II,III and IV d) II and III only
Q2 How many organisms in the list given below are autotrophs?
Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Streptomycetes, Saccharomyces,
Trypanosoma, Porphyra, Wolffia-
a) Four b) Five c) Six d) Three

Q3 Select the right option in which all the following figures are identified-
a Adamsia Aurelia Pleurobranchia Cnidoblast
b Cnidoblast Pleurobrachia Adamsia Aurelia
c Aurelia Adamsia Cnidoblast Pleurobrachia
d Pluerobranchia Cnidoblast Aurelia Adamsia
e Herdmania Aurelia Pleurobranchia Cnidoblast
Q4 Select the correct match from the options given below-
A. Phaeophyceae - Mannitol
B. Rhodophyceae - Dictyota
C. Chlorophyceae - Non-motile gametes
D. Rhodophyceae - r- Phycoerythrin
a) A,B and C b) B,C and D c) C and D d) A and D
Q5 Match column I with column II and choose the right option.
Column-I Column-II
A.Rhizopus 1.Ascomycetes
B.Penicillium 2.Basidiomycetes
C.Ustilago 3.Deuteromycetes
D.Alternaria 4.Phycomycetes
a) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
b) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
c) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
d) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
Q6 A bacterium divides every 35 minutes, if a culture containing 105 cells /ml is grown for 175 mins. What
will be cell concentration/ml after 175 mins?
a) 175 x 105 cells
b) 85 x 105 cells
c) 35 x 105 cells
d) 32 x 105 cells
Q7 Match the items in column I with column II and choose the right option.
Column-I Column-II
P.Blue green algae as bio fertiliser I.Ectomychorrhiza
Q.Fungi as bio fertilisers II.Thiobacillus sp.
R.Free living nitrogen fixing bacteria. III.Anabaena sp.
S.Phosphate solubilising bacteria IV.Clostridium sp.
V. Azospirillum sp.
a) P - III, Q - I, R - V, S - II
b) P - V, Q - I, R - II ,S - IV
c) P - V, Q- IV, R -I , S- II
d) P -IV, Q-II , R-V, S- III
Q8 Which of the following statements are true/false-
A. In Torpedo electric organs are capable of generating strong electric shock to paralyse the prey.
B. Bony fishes use pectoral, pelvic, dorsal, anal, and caudal fin for swimming.
C. Amphibians skin is moist and has thick scales.
D. Birds are poikilothermous animals
E. The most unique Mammalian characteristic is the presence of milk producing glands by which young
ones are nourished.
a) A, B, C are true and D, E are false.
b) A, B, E are true and C, D are false
c) A, D, E are true B, C are false
d) A, B, D are false C, E are true.
Q9 Assertion: Chlorella could be utilised to keep the air pure in space vehicles.
Reason: The space travelers feed on Chlorella soup.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
Q10 Assertion: Radial symmetry in animal helps in detecting food and danger.
Reason: It enables the animal to respond to stimuli from any direction.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
Q11 Match the following and write correct choice in space provided
Animal Characteristics
(a) Pila (i) Jointed appendages
(b) Cockroach (ii) Perching
(c) Asterias (iii) Water vascular system
(d) Torpedo (iv) Electric organ
(e) Parrot (v) Presence of shell
(f) Dogfish (vi) Placoidscales
Q12 Differentiate between –
a) Closed and open circulatory system.
b) Radial and bilateral symmetry.
Q13 Give reasons for the following-
a) Platyhelminthes have flattened long bodies with reduced digestive system.
b) Birds have hollow bones along with keel like sternum.
c) Heterospory is the beginning of seed habit.
d)All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.
Q14 Compare and contrast photosynthesis performed by cyanobacteria and green algae. Write at least four
Q15 Mention characteristic features of Ascomycetes and basidiomycetes of kingdom Fungi on the basis of
their a) Mycellium b) Reproduction c) Fruiting body
Q16 Justify the following statements--
a) Neurospora is called drosophila of plant kingdom.
b) Gymnosperms are called Panda of vegetable kingdom.
c) Viruses are enigmatic structures.
Q17 Mention the ploidy of the following-
a) protonemal cell of a moss;
b) primary endosperm nucleus in dicot, leaf cell of a moss;
c) prothallus cell of a fern;
d) gemma cell in Marchantia;
e) meristem cell of monocot,
f) ovum of a liverwort, and zygote of a fern
Observe the diagram given below. It depicts the water vascular system of Echinodermata (Star Fish). It
has an extensive network of canals lined by ciliated epithelium, which is derived entirely from the
coelom. The canals are filled with wayery fluid along with some corpuscles. Tube feet are muscular
extensions of these canals and they are having suckers at one end. They are used for attachment and
a) What would be the pathway taken by water in water vascular system to carry out locomotion?
b) Echinoderms have organ system level of organisation. Which organ system is absent due to well-
developed water vascular system? Give reason.
c)How is canal system different from water vascular system?
c)What is the driving force that allows water to enter and exit in the Poriferans.
Q19 Explain the evolutionary trends in gametophyte from Bryophyta to Gymnosperms. Is the trend
progressive or retrogressive in nature, Justify your statement.
Q20 Identify the three types of coeloms given in the pic and answer the following questions-

a) Identify the type of coelom given in figure A, B and C.

b) Which is the most primitive coelom according to you and why?
c) If we compare the coelom of Echinoderms with Chordates what are the similarities?
d) How study of coelom is helpful in the process of classification?

Project cum Holiday Home Work
Topic: Source documents and Vouchers
Aim of the Project: The design of the project aims to:
 To acquaint students with basic accounting concepts and accounting tools and documents.
 To help students to recognise various supporting documents that are used to verify and record
business transactions.
Scope of the Project: For the purpose of preparation of Project students are required to:
 Visit any public or private bank.
 Enquire about the types of Accounts the bank is offering. (Current A/c, Saving A/c, Fixed Deposit
and Recurring Deposit)
 Collect all the source documents from the bank. (Withdrawal slip, pay in slip, cancelled cheque)
 Collect other vouchers and source documents. (debit note, credit note, Invoice, Bill)
Presentation of the Project: Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for preparation of the
 The total length of the project should be of 30-40 pages.
 First page of the file should describe the title of the project, student’s information, school and
name of the teacher concerned (Format will be shared)
 Index to indicate columns for title of work, page number, date, teacher’s remarks and signature.
 Acknowledgment (acknowledging the institution, teacher and the places visited and the persons
who have helped)
 Certificate of originality.
 A brief Introduction about the bank visited.
 Topic with suitable colourful headings and Photographs with the staff of the concerned bank.
 Explain all the types of Accounts offered by the bank.
 Explain and paste pictures of all the vouchers and source documents collected.
Important Tips:
 Project should be hand written and presented in a neat cardboard file.
 Project should not be identical with others.
 Use your creativity and make a colourful attractive file with diagrams, pictures.
 In case of any doubt or confusion, feel free to approach and discuss.
Note: This project file will be assessed for First term and for Final term as well.

Important Questions
 This contains important questions and case studies from first 3 chapters of Business Studies.
 All students shall attempt these questions in their class notebooks during holidays
 Notebooks will be checked by the concerned subject teacher.
Very Short and Short Questions/Answers
1. ‘Accounting information should be verifiable and free from personal Bias'. Name the qualitative
characteristics of accounting information denoted by this statement.
2. Recording of financial transactions and preparing financial statements are the only objectives of
accounting. Do you agree?
3. On 1st Jan. 2015, Mr Vadera was appointed as marketing manager in a company with Rs. 50,000 per
month salary. Explain whether this case will be registered in the book of accounts.
4. A company follows a practice of giving the figures for the previous year along with the figures of the
current year. Now the accountant of the firm wants to discontinue this practice. Do you
justify this decision?
5. A firm has received a large order to supply the goods. Will it be recorded in the books?
6. Mr. Jaspal Singh dealing in electronic goods sold 20 TV sets costing Rs.30,000 each at Rs.40,000 each.
Out of this Rs., 5,00,000 were received in cash and the balance is not yet received. State the
amount of revenue.
7. A customer of X Ltd. has discounted his business. He used to purchase 30% of the total goods produced
by × Ltd. Is it relevant information in your opinion and should be disclosed by X Ltd.
8. X Ltd. gets a contract of Rs.100 crores to build a shopping mall to be completed in 3 years. The
management of the company wants to ascertain profit or loss on this contract only when the contract is
completed. Is the management justifies?
9. The proprietor of the business treated as a creditor to the extent of capital under which concept?
10. Under which principle the calibre or quality of the management is not disclosed in the balance sheet.
11. Which accounting principle states that all anticipated losses should be recorded but all anticipated
profits should be ignored?
12. According to which concept depreciation is to be charged as per one particular method year after year?
13. A debtor who owes Rs.2 lakhs to the company is rumoured to be declared insolvent. Will you disclose
the information in the books?
14. In a business provision for doubtful debts is created @5% on debtors every year. Name two accounting
principles followed in this process.
15. Goods withdrawn by the proprietor for his personal use has not been recorded in the books of accounts.
Which accounting concept has been violated?
16. Rohan has returned goods worth 20,000 to Radhe as he found them defective. Which document will be
prepared by Radhe?
17. Why are rules of debit and credit same for both liability and Capital?
18. “Every Debit must have a corresponding Credit” Discuss.
19. Give one transaction for each of the following that will:
(a) increase an asset and decrease another asset.
(b) increase an asset and increase a liability.
(c) decrease an asset and decrease a liability.
(d) increase an asset and increase capital.
(e) decrease an asset and decrease capital.
20. According to which concept closing stock is valued at market value or book value whichever is low.
Long and Case Study based Questions
1. Differentiate between the following
a. Capital and Revenue Expenditure
b. Trade Discount and Cash Discount
c. Debtors and Creditors
d. Current and Non Current Assets
e. Capital and Drawings
f. Personal and Nominal accounts

2. “The needs of internal users of accounting information are as important as that of external users.
3. Accounting provides information about the profitability and financial soundness of the concern. In
addition, it provides various other valuable information also. However, accounting has certain
limitations. Explain any four limitations.
4. Write a note on the following
a. Principle of Going concern.
b. Principle of Prudence.
c. Business Entity Concept.
d. Money Measurement Concept.
5. What is the difference between source document and Vouchers? Explain cash, non cash and transfer
vouchers with the help of suitable examples.
6. “Cash basis of Accounting is not a better basis for depicting the correct financial position of the
enterprise” Give reasons in support of your answer. Also Distinguish between Cash and Accrual basis
of accounting.
7. Raveesh started business with cash ₹ 1,00,000 and stock ₹ 70,000. He purchased goods from Jaiveer on
credit for ₹ 90,000, of which goods costing ₹ 12,000 are returned to Jaiveer. He sold goods to Kabir on
credit ₹ 1,25,000, of which goods costing ₹ 16,000 were retuned by Kabir. He purchased computer for ₹
30,000 and furniture for ₹ 20,000. He withdrew ₹ 35,000 from the business. He borrowed ₹ 25,000 from
bank for 5 years.
(i) What is the amount of his capital?
(ii) Who is the creditor and what is the amount payable to him?
(iii) Who is the debtor and what are the book debts?
(iv) What are the net purchases?
(v) What are the net sales?
(vi) What is the amount of non-current assets acquired by Raveesh?
(vii) What is the amount of drawings?
(viii) What is the non-current liability?
8. Bhag Singh started business with cash ₹80,000, furniture ₹60,000 and stock ₹40,000. He purchased
goods on credit from Imran Khan ₹70,000 and sold to Nirmal Singh for ₹95,000 on credit. He spent
₹10,000 on salaries and ₹2,000 on postage. Furniture costing ₹30,000 was sold for ₹45,000. At the end
of the year, stock costing ₹18,000 is left unsold. Ravi who owed ₹40,000 is declared insolvent and 60%
could be recovered from his estate.
(i) Who is the proprietor and what is the amount of capital introduced by him?
(ii) Who is the creditor and what is the amount payable to creditor?
(iii) Who is the debtor and what is the amount receivable from debtor?
(iv) What is the amount of expense?
(v) What is the gain?
Art Integrated Project
TOPIC History of Commerce & Trade in India-Major Trade Centres
Introduction: India was at the epicenter of global economy since ancient times and remained
so till 1600 AD. The present project under consideration focuses upon the way
business and trading activities were undertaken in ancient India. It also focuses
upon important India cities which were the hub of trade and business.
Objectives: 1. To enable students develop a sense of pride in Indian Culture.
2. To acquaint students about the rich Indian Business History.
3. To give students an opportunity to make project involving interaction
between subjects.
4. To enhance analysis & synthesis abilities among students
Structure of the Chapter-1
Project 1) An Introduction of History of Trade & Commerce in India. (Related with
2) Explore about & Write Down in Brief/ Make Flow Chart/ Tabular
a) 16 Mahajanapadas of India. (Related with History, Geography, Statistics)
b) Major Trade Centers in Ancient India.
c) Major Trade Communities.
(Related with Geography & Business Studies)
Chapter – 2
Pick any 3 of the Major Trade Centers (Refer Pg. 7-8 Of NCERT Book of
Business Studies Class 11)
1) Pen down the following:
• History of the cities chosen. (Related with History)
• What were those cities famous for? (Related with Research and Art)
• Important Events/ Stories related to the cities.
• The popular dynasties that ruled the area where the particular city is
located. Start the study from the ancient India.
• Evolution of the City.
• Contribution of The City in Economic Development (Contribution
GDP /Foreign Trade) (Related with Statistics & Economics)
2) Locate your chosen cities on the map of India. (Related with Geography)
3) Create a time line of the cities selected by you by pasting photographs.
(Related with Art)
4) Paste photograph of famous trader(s) & the good(s) traded. (Related with
5) Current scenario in the cities. (Related with GK and Current Affairs)
6) Future plans and projects in the cities.( Related with GK and Current Affairs)
Other Important A) Project report is to be written on A4 size sheet (practical sheets), attach all
Points: the sheets in hardbound files.
B) Submission date – 25 July 2023.
C) Format of title page, acknowledgement and certificate of originality will
be provided later which should be attached in the file.
D) Bibliography is must ( it is to be written in the last of the project).
E) Index has to be made properly mentioning all the topics covered in the
1) In which economic activity does the activity of a worker fall?
2) Which hindrance of business is removed by the banking industry?
3) What is business risk?
4) Define profession.
5) What is Entrepot?
1) Why business is considered as economic activity?
2) Why should business pursue social objectives?
3) How would you classify business activities?
1) Define Business. Discuss any 3 features of business.
2) What is a Business Risk? What is its nature?
3) Explain Aids to Trade.
4) What is the role of profit in Business?
1) What are the objectives of Business?
2) Differentiate between Business, profession and Employment.
3) Discuss any 5 hindrances of trade.
4) What do you mean by Commerce? Discuss its components in detail.
5) What do you mean by Industry? Discuss various types of industries in detail.

Topic –Project on Consumer’s Awareness
General objectives of the project work are to enable learners to:
 Probe deeper into theoretical concepts learnt in classes
 Analyse and evaluate real world economic scenarios using theoretical constructs and arguments
 Demonstrate the learning of economic theory
 Follow up aspects of economics in which learners have interest
 Develop the communication skills to argue logically
Specific Objectives
After the completion of the Project, students will be able to:
 Seek the information about consumer awareness regarding different products.
 Get information about demerits and defects of products or any fraud by shopkeeper and suggest
remedial measures.
 Prepare the consumer whom to approach, how to approach in case of defective goods.
The expectations of the project work are that:
 Project should be hand-written
 Project should be in file format (use loose sheets with one side plain & tag them in hard bound
practical file with tag)
 the file should include 3500-4000 words (35-40 pages at least excluding diagrams & graphs)
 First page of the file should be described the Title of the Project, student’s information, school and
name of the teacher. (Format will be shared soon)
 Project should be an independent, self-directed piece of study
 Paste colourful pictures, diagrams, graphs to make it more attractive
 Consumer awareness can be: General Consumer Awareness/ Product Specific/ Brand awareness/
competitor Awareness / Market research
Guidelines for preparing Project on Consumers Awareness

1 Name of the topic

2 Certificate of Originality (Format will be shared later)
3 Acknowledgement (will be shared soon)
4 Index
5 Introduction and meaning (1-2 pages)
6 Objectives (1-2 pages)
7 Rights of Consumer (1-2 pages)
8 Collection of data – (Primary Source & Secondary)
9 Field Survey from male -female / literate – illiterate/ rural –urban, working – non working
consumer etc. (prepare Questionnaires)
10 Classification of data (tabulation form)
11 Analysis of data (Using Arithmetic Technique)
12 Diagrammatic Presentation (if required)
13 Interpretation of data
14 Problem and suggestions regarding Consumer’s Awareness
15 Conclusion
16 Bibliography

Important Instructions:
1. This Project file will be assessed for First term and for Final term as well.
2. Color of the cover of your Project will be updated later

Solve All the Questions

1 Which of the following statement is correct?
i) Every unit of the population is investigated in a sample survey.
ii) Secondary data is available only from external sources.
iii) Sample enquiry takes lesser time as compared to census.
iv) Census method is not possible in case of heterogeneous population.
a) Only i
b) ii and iii
c) i, ii and iii
d) i, ii, iii and iv
2 Read the following Statements- Assertion (A) and Reason(R), carefully and choose the
correct alternative given below:
Assertion: Median is a positional average.
Reason: Positional averages determine the position of the variables in the series.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and reason(R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Reason (R) is true but Assertion (A) is false.
3 Read the following statements carefully and choose the correct alternative from the following:
Statement 1: Central point of a class- interval is known as midpoint.
Statement 2: The data arranged according to location or geographical considerations from a
spatial series
(a) Both the statements are true.
(b) Both the statements are false
(c) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
(d) Statement 2 is true and statement 1 is false.
4 What is the Empirical Relationship between mean, median and mode
(a) Z= 3 Mean – 2 Median (c) Mode = 3 median – 2 Mean
(b) Mode = 3 Median + 2 Mean (d) Mode = 3 Mean + 2 Median
5 If five students obtained 10, 20, 30 ,40 and 50 marks, what would be arithmetic mean?
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 10
(d) 30
6 How is Statistics important for Economics? Write any three limitations of Statistics.
7 What are the different methods of collecting Primary Data?
8 Explain briefly the Random and Non-Random methods of collecting Samples.
9 Define ‘Classification’. Discuss the essentials of a good classification.
10 What is the Meaning of Mean. Explain the Properties of Mean.
11 Find missing data, given that mean = 53.85 and total of frequency is 65.

Class 10-20 20-30 30-50 50-70 70-100 100-130

Frequency 7 10 13 F1 F2 5

12 Average marks of 40 males appearing for an interview was 125.5 out of 200. Find out the
average marks of 35 female candidates, when it is given that average marks of all the
candidates taken together is 133.
13 Find out Median from the following data:
Mark: (more than) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of Students 80 75 60 56 42 22 18 5
14 Calculate Mode from the following date by Grouping Method
Size: 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120
Frequency 4 6 20 32 33 17 8 2

15 From the following data find mode

Class 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49
Frequency 3 6 5 14 7 8

Note –
 Take the Printout of the above Assignment and paste on your class notebook.
 Assignment for Holidays Homework should be done in your class notebook only.
 Color of the Cover of notebook should be Brown

History is one of the most important disciplines in school education. It is the study of the past, which enables
us to understand our present and shape our future. It encourages us to take inspiration from the best practices
of the past as well as avoid making the blunders committed in the past. It promotes the acquisition and
understanding of historical knowledge in breadth and depth across cultures. History transforms a student
into a better member of the society.
Project work gives students an opportunity to develop higher cognitive skills. It takes students to a
life beyond textbooks and allows them to refer to different resources; gather information, analyse it further
and understand how history is constructed.

Project work will help students to:-
 To develop skills to gather data from a variety of sources, investigate diverse viewpoints and arrive
at logical deductions.
 To develop skills to comprehend and evaluate historical evidence as well as understand the
limitations of historical evidence.
 To develop 21st century managerial skills for greater co-ordination, improved self-direction and
effective time-management.
 To work on the given topics with a multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary approach. For example; the
given topics can reasonably be integrated with English (language), Art, Science and Technology,
Political Science, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, etc.
 To incorporate various facets of art and ICT into their project work.
 To learn through “Constructivism”- a theory based on observation and scientific study.
 To foster a spirit of inquiry and research.
 To understand contemporary issues in the context of our past.
 To grow into caring and sensitive individuals capable of making informed, intelligent and
independent choices.
 To develop lasting interest in the discipline of History.


1. Evolution of the early society.
2. Facets of Industrialization from 16th to 18th century.
3. Ancient History in depth- Mesopotamia.
4. Greek Philosophy and City States.
5. Contributions of Roman Civilisation.
6. The spirit of Renaissance: Manifestation in art, literature, sculpture; Influence on trading
community, social fabric, philosophy and political values.
7. Aspects of Development- South American States/ Central American States.
8. Different Schools of Thought- Realism, Humanism and Romanticism.
9. Piecing together the past of Genghis Khan.
10. Facets of Modernisation- China/ Japan/ Korea.


One topic is to be selected out of the above-mentioned 10 topics for the project work. The project should
then be made in accordance with the following guidelines:-
Students may work along the following lines to complete their project work.

Choose a Title/Topic.

Need and Objective of the Study.



Organisation of the Material/Data.

Presentation of the Material/Data.

Analysis of the Material/Data.

Draw the relevant conclusion.


1. Inter-leaf sheets are to be used for the project work to present the data.
2. The material should be presented within 25 and 30 pages only (Total length of the project work).
3. The project work should be presented in a neatly covered shoe-lace folder.
4. Students have to preserve the initial drafts of the project as well as any research papers that they may
have used.
5. Students have to be prepared to make a presentation of their project work (Example: a PPT) before
the class. They are advised to make maximum use of ICT for the same.
6. Please do not use coloured sheets except for the title page.
7. The project work must be neat and well-presented. It must also be completely hand-written.
8. No whiteners are to be used on the written text and nothing is to be crossed out. In case of any
mistake or discrepancy, kindly redo the sheet.
9. Coloured illustrations, maps and charts (hand-drawn or printed) are all welcome to make the project
work look more attractive.

1. Prepare Case Studies (at least 5 pages, each) on all of the following 4 personalities, in context of their
Psychological Development:
● Phineas Gage
● Chris Costner Sizemore
● Bertha Pappenheim a.k.a Anna O
● Little Albert
Format Guidelines: Students will ensure that every Case Study is made using the following format.
a. Name of the Person
b. Photograph of the Person
c. Date of Birth
d. Date of Death
e. Cause of Death
f. Cause for Psychological Study
g. Detailed Explanation

a. Name of the Person: Phineas P. Gage
b. Photograph of the Person:

c. Date of Birth: July 9, 1823

d. Date of Death: May 21, 1860 (aged 36)
e. Cause of Death: Status Epilepticus
f. Cause for Psychological Study: Personality change after brain injury
g. Detailed Explanation:

Note: The Case Study file must be properly covered and neatly indexed. The Title Page of the file must
contain the following details: Name, Class & Section, Roll Number, Subject, Submitted To & Submitted

Students will make a poster on the “Influence of Bullying & Body Shaming on Young Adults.” The
poster must be made on an A4 size sheet.

1. Presentation on Society, Laws, and Ethics (Unit IV): Following topics must be included while
creating a presentation.
 Cyber Safety: safely browsing the web, Identity Protection
 Cookies and super cookies, Private and Anonymous Browsing
 Cyber Crime and its types: cyber stalking, Eavesdropping, PC intrusions, phishing and pharming,
cyber trolls, and bullying
 Social networking and its safe usage
 Computer Security and its threats
 Computer viruses and its damages
 Solution to Computer security threats and viruses: safely accessing web sites, solutions to adware’s,
malware, viruses, Trozens.
 Firewalls and its implementations
i. PPT can be made by using any presentation software like MS PowerPoint, Libre office Impress,
Open Office Impress etc.
ii. PPT must contain a minimum of 10 slides.
iii. All slides must have slide transitions and animation effects.
iv. PPT must include cover page having:
 Title of Presentation
 School name, Teacher’s name, Student’s name, class and section
Assignment of Important Questions of the chapters covered till May, 2023-24
(Note: Write the solution of the assignment in class work notebook)
1. WAP to input and print a welcome message.
2. WAP to obtain the length and breadth of a rectangle and calculate its area.
3. Program to input marks in five subjects. Print total marks and average.
4. Program to input a value in kilometres and convert it into miles (1 km=0.621371 miles)
5. Program to print the cube of an input number.
6. WAP to enter two integers and perform all arithmetic operations on them.
7. WAP to find the average of 3 input numbers.
8. WAP to swap the values of two input numbers.

1. Design a pouch / Bag / Potli bag by using Tie and dye / Block printing or Stencil printing method.

1. Physical Fitness Test: SAI KHELO INDIA TEST
 Age Group 5-8 Yrs./ Class 1-3: BMI, Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test
 Age Group 9-18yrs/ Class 4-12: BMI, 50mt Speed Test, 600mt Run/Walk, Sit & Reach
Flexibility Test, Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-ups For Boys, Modified Push-
ups For Girls).
Note: Students will draw the pictures themselves.
2. Procedure , Benefits & Contraindication of any two asanas for following lifestyle diseases.
Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana,
Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana, Ardha – Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana,
Suryabedhan pranayama.
Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana,Bhujangasana,
Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-vajarasana, Paschimottanasan-a, Ardha-Mastendrasana,
Mandukasana, Gomukasana, Yogmudra, Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati.
Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Tadasana, Urdhwahastottansana, UttanMandukasan-a,
Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati, Gomukhasana Matsyaasana,

Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakransan, Uttanpadasana, Ardha
Halasana, Sarala Matyasana, Gomukhasana, UttanMandukasan-a, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana,
Makarasana, Shavasana, Nadi- shodhanapranayam, Sitlipranayam.
Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Tadasan, Urdhawahastootansana, Ardh-Chakrasana,
Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Sarala Maysyendrsana, Bhujandgasana, Gomukhasana, Bhadrasana,
Makarasana, Nadi-Shodhana pranayama.

3. To explain any one game of your choice out of the list given below. Labelled diagram of field &
equipment (rules, terminologies & skills).
[Basketball, Badminton, Football, Table-Tennis, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Handball, Hockey,
Cricket, Bocce & Unified Basketball [CWSN (Children with Special Needs - Divyang)]

Prepare two still Life Paintings & Two Landscape Paintings. (Size of the File/ Sheet-A2)


Write the Table of -
 Teen – Taal , Ekgun , Dugun , Tigun
 Raag – Bihag
 Ek -Taal- ekgun, Dugun, Tigun

# Write Biography of Pt.Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande

Q1. There are so many amazing ways artificial intelligence and machine learning is being used behind the
scenes to impact our everyday lives. Mention any 5 fields where we have been using AI in our day to day life.
Make a PowerPoint Presentation to show the use of AI in these fields.

Q2. What is a Chatbot and why is it important? Mention any 10 websites which are using Chatbots.
HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (2023 - 2024)

“Mathematics is the art of saying many things in many different ways”.


1. Innovation, creation and fun : Using your innovative and creative approach and making
use of sets, make an Art integrated project based on the information provided and find
answers to the questions that follow :

Raghav and Rohit are two friends who were discussing the concepts of operations on sets
(i.e union, intersection and difference of sets) and Raghav suggested Rohit, “let us make the
models of these operations on sets by using our innovation and creation and then clarify the
concepts”. Raghav agreed and both of them tried their hands on these projects individually.

 Explore different types of sets i.e Empty set, Finite set, Infinite set, Singleton set,
Universal set, Superset , Power set.
 Write a paragraph on German mathematician Georg Cantor and relate it to his
contributions in modern set theory.
 Represent De Morgan’s laws with the help of Venn diagrams on an A4 size sheet and
colour it.
 Making use of plywood sheets, colours, paint, brush, woollen threads, rings make
models showing union of two sets, intersection of two sets, Difference of two
sets.(Thermocol sheets must be avoided).
 Write ten lines on the applications of sets in our everyday life.

Give your ideas a shape by making a scrapbook of all the above points (except Models in
point 4)

2.Practical Activities : write the following ten practical activities, prescribed by C.B.S.E in
your mathematics practical file. (Not to use any other subject practical file)

 To find the number of subsets of a given set and verify that if a set has n number of
elements, then the total number of subsets is 2n.(ACTIVITY-1)
 To represent set theoretic operations using Venn diagrams.(ACTIVITY-3)
 To distinguish between a Relation and a Function.(ACTIVITY-6)
 To verify the relation between the degree measure and the radian measure of an
 To plot the graphs of sin x, sin 2x, 2sinx and sin x/2 , using same coordinate axes.
 To interpret geometrically the meaning of i = √(-1) and its integral powers.(ACTIVITY-
 To demonstrate that the Arithmetic mean of two different positive numbers is
always greater than the Geometric mean.(ACTIVITY-18)
 To construct different types of conic sections.(ACTIVITY-21)
 To explain the concept of octants by three mutually perpendicular planes in
 To write the sample space, when a die is rolled once, twice -------- (ACTIVITY-32)

Note : - Please refer to NCERT Laboratory Manual which is available on the link for the above activities or refer to the
pdf provided : (Double click on the following pdf icons for detailed instructions on activities).

Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat

Document Document Document

3.Investigatory Project : Prepare a project on types of functions (Identity, constant,

polynomial, rational, modulus, Signum, exponential, logarithmic and greatest integer
functions) by drawing their neat and well labelled graphs and investigate graphs of these
functions for their domain, range and properties. Present the project in the form of a
booklet containing 10 -15 pages (use the headings – History, significance, shapes, Domain,
range, conclusion, applications in daily life, Bibliography).
4.Practice for perfection : Give a practice to your subject in an interesting way by solving
questions from the topics covered in class from NCERT Exemplar book for class XI
(Mathematics), published by NCERT (1. Sets 2.Relations and Functions 3.Trigonometric
Functions 4. Complex Numbers).

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