3D Timeline Infographics TUTORIAL

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A f t e r E f f e c t Te m p l a t e
1. What’s Inside
!TL All Scenes! - this is a file that’s you need to be rendered after done adjusting
01. Scenes - every scenes got color setting if you want to adjust
02. Infographics - Premade infographics for you to choose
03. Info Selection For Scenes - Placement for infographic to be shown on scenes

- to be rendered

- total 12 Scenes

- total 16 Infographics
- total 10 Placement
2. How to Use the template

1 - use this to adjust the color on this scene

Double click “!TL All Scenes!”
to open the composition
Double click on “Info Selection 01”
to open the composition

Select any Infographic and drag
down inside composition

Double click on any layer (Scene)
you want to change
5 -dont forget to turn on this option
Double click the info composition
to adjust the data & parameter
3. How to Use setting

1 Every Infographics compostion

has this setting for you to use
Select the “Setting” layer to adjust
the parameter.

*Data Group Input

- setting for you to input the

*Data Group Color

- setting for you to change the
color of the data

2 3
Setting to input data Setting to change the color
for purchasing

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