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Piezas Experimentales

(Experimental Pieces)

The “Piezas Experimetales” were composed during the spring of 2022, Under the guidance of
Dr. Mahir Cetiz.
Those pieces (at the beginning) were exercises for composition where I was trying to find a style
or a way to compose. However, with those pieces, I started to express more my inner voice with
melodies, textures, harmonies, and other compositional elements. Those pieces are just the
beginning of my discovery into the world of composition.
In the first piece in a “Modal Way” I was trying to create some atmospheres and “moods” using
modes, different keys, abrupt modulations, etc. It is the only piece of the set with a key signature
(F minor) and it is slow and very introspective.
The second piece is more elaborated and calculated than the first one. It is based on augmented,
diminished chords and dissonant intervals (2nd, 7th,11th, tritones). It creates different textures
and sonorities between the melody and the accompaniment. It is fast and kind of Irreverent, but
still attached to the form and some “classic” guidelines.

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