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How to build a Authenticity

BRAND Commitment


Joel talargie
3 Steps to Build your


1.Consistency 2.Frequency 3.Niche

One of the most important things
you can do as an influencer is to
be consistent with your content.
This means posting regularly, at
the same time each day or week,
and using the same hashtags and
keywords. When people know
what to expect from you, they're
more likely to follow you and
engage with your content.

Another important factor is

visibility. You want your content
to be seen by as many people as
possible. This means using high-
quality images and videos, writing
engaging captions, and promoting
your content on other social
media platforms.

It's also important to find your

niche. What are you passionate
about? What do you know a lot
about? Once you know your niche,
you can focus on creating content
that appeals to your target
Be authentic: People can spot a fake from a mile away. Be yourself and
let your personality shine through in your content.
Be helpful: People are more likely to follow and engage with you if you
provide them with value. Share tips, advice, and insights that will help
them in their lives.
Be social: Get involved in conversations on social media and interact
with your followers. The more you engage, the more likely they are to
stick around.
Be patient: It takes time to build a successful personal brand. Don't get
discouraged if you don't see results overnight. Just keep creating great
content and engaging with your audience, and you'll eventually start to
see the fruits of your labor.

Joel Talargie

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