Vocabulary 2

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BARE Desnudo, Craig's towel fell off and he was left

descalzo, completely bare.
vacío, He suffered cuts to his bare feet from all
descubrir the sharp stones.

The apartment was bare; it was as though

the family had never lived there at all.

Before long, the truth will be bared to all.

BLUNT Desafilado, Use the blunt side of the knife to bruise

romo, chato the fruit.

CLOCKWISE En el sentido Rotate the image clockwise by 90

de las degrees.
manecillas del
reloj Water swirled down the drain in a
clockwise direction.

COARSE Áspero, grueso The kitten licked my hand with its coarse

COUNTERCLOCKWISE En sentido Turn the handle in a counterclockwise

contrario a las direction to switch off the machine.
manecillas del
reloj To open the jar, you have to turn the lid

FINE Fino, Delgado He has very fine hair.

AIM Apuntar, Stephen aimed carefully and prepared to

puntería, fire.
propósito The hunter missed because his aim was

The aim of an army is to protect the


BOARD Tablón, tabla, Somebody put a board over the mud so

abordar people could walk on it.

During hurricanes, put boards over the

The plane is going to board in five

BOLT Tornillo, Ned needs two more bolts to repair the

atornillar garage door.

Micah bolted the sheet metal to the


CARPENTER Carpintero, He learned to be a skilled carpenter from

ebanista his uncle.

DEVICE Aparato, This futuristic device sweeps the floors by

artefacto, itself.

DRILL Taladro Linda is putting up some shelves this

weekend, so she'll need her drill.

GLUE Adhesivo, John used glue to stick the newspaper

pegamento cutting into his scrapbook.

GOGGLES Gafas para Don't you use goggles when you swim?
nadir, gafas de
protección Always wear goggles when you're in the

HOLE Agujero, hoyo, They watched the construction through

bache the hole in the wall.

He dug a hole with his spade.

A bird lived in the hole in the tree.

Watch out for that hole in the road.

MOTION Movimiento The motion of the machine was steady

and smooth.

NAIL Clavo, uña, Paul hammered a nail into the wall and
clavar hung a picture on it.

Amy clipped her nails.

Ben nailed a flier to the wall.

PLIERS Pinzas, alicate Gemma pulled the nail out with the
RUST Oxido, oxidarse There is rust on this old farm machinery.

The old car rusted in the barn.

SANDPAPER Lija Use sandpaper on the wood to make it


SAW Sierra, Paul cut down the tree with a saw.

He sawed along the line he had marked
with the pencil.

The magician sawed his assistant in half.

SCISSORS Tijeras Using regular scissors can be difficult for

left-handed people.

SHOVEL Pala, cavar The gravedigger leaned on his shovel.

Laura shoveled earth out of the hole she

was digging for a garden pond.

TIP Propina, He left a 15% tip.

consejo, punta
Bob gave us some tips about travelling in

She is at the far tip of the pier.

The tip of the pencil was sharp.

WORKSHOP Taller The furniture maker was busy in his


ADHERE TO Adherir, pegar, If you use insufficient glue, the metal

adherirse, won't adhere.
cumplir, Mud adhered to the tires of the truck.
obedecer If you don't adhere to the rules, you will
be in trouble.
BORE Aburrir, I try to pay attention, but algebra class
perforar bores me.

The carpenter bored a hole in the board.

DIG Cavar I can see Tom outside digging in the

ENABLE Activar, She enabled the compression feature of
habilitar, the software.
permitir The knife enabled him to cut open the

GLUE Pegar Paul glued the pieces of the broken cup

back together.

GRIP Agarrar, Anna gripped the racket tightly as she

sujetar, agarre stepped on the tennis court.

Peter's grip on the wheel tightened as he

drove through the mountains.

JOIN Acompañar, We are going to see a movie tonight.

unir, juntar Would you like to join us?

He joined the two puzzle pieces together.

SAND Arena, lijar The beach has fine white sand.

She sanded the table until the varnish

was gone.

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