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PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 11 Circle the correct options.

1 I ’ve / ’s / are got blue gloves.

2 She ’ve / is / ’s got a small red scarf.

3 We are / ’ve / ’s got dark chocolate!

4 They ’ve / be / ’s got bananas and oranges.

5 You ’ve / ’s / are got your phone and wallet.

6 I am / ’ve / ’s got my light blue hat.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verb have got.

1 Have you got your new gloves?

2 he his football?

3 we our books for school?

4 they their hats?

5 she her old grey phone?

6 you your water bottle?

3 Complete the sentences with the correct negative

form of the verb have got.

1 We haven’t got our football things.

2 He a small yellow bag.

3 We our phones.

4 They their dictionary.

5 I my keys.

6 You your green wallet.

7 She a dirty coat.

4 Complete the sentences.

1 A: Have you got your phone?

B: Yes, I have .

2 He got a sister. He’s got a brother.

3 I got two brothers and one sister.

4 A: she got your bag?

B: No, she .
5 We got two pens. We’ve got three.

6 A: you got brothers and sisters?

B: No, I .

5 Put the words in order to make sentences. Then

match the questions and the responses.

1 fish / Have / pet / you / a / got

Have you got a pet fish ? A

2 dog / she / Has / got / a

3 phones / we / Have / got / our

4 football / got / they / Have / a

5 you / bag / Have / got / your

6 he / books / Has / got / his

A No, I haven’t.

B No, she hasn’t.

C Yes, they have.

D Yes, he has.

E No, I haven’t

F Yes, we have.

6 Complete Rosalía’s email with one word in each gap.

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Hi Mei!

I’m Rosalía and I 1’m 13. I 2

got one brother. His name’s Nico. I 3

got a sister and I haven’t got pets. 4

you got brothers and sisters, or pets? We’re

Mexican and we live in Mexico City! Where are you

from in China? In our flat, there 5

a big living room and there 6 three

bedrooms. Tell me about your home in China!

This is me with my new light blue scarf and gloves!

They’re very clean! This is my brother! He’s got

his favourite football. He 7 got clean

clothes today! Look at his gloves! 8

very dirty after football practice!


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