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Sapakuka, Toetu

English 91 -153-
06 / 16 / 23
Ms. Angel.C.

‘The Blind Vet’

*Discussion Questions:
4. Consider this bit of scripture from the Bible: “Three things will last forever — faith, hope, and love—
and the greatest of these is love.” What do these words mean to you? How might they apply to “The Blind

Faith, hope, and love are one of the greatest traits someone could ever have. Love is among one
of the most powerful things you could never define, it is formed by two people creating a strong tense of
love and affection towards one another. The words mean a lot to me because these are fundamental
emotions that we feel and live by throughout our lives. Faith provides a sense of guidance, helping
people to find comfort hence strengths in their own beliefs. Hope gives people a sight of courage,
motivation into striving for a better future on their own.

In addition to the Blind Vet, these three words surely apply to the story in recognition of how it is
being shown in the story moreover on how the reader can feel the affection. The love in the story is
clearly being expressed between the two love birds, Nick and Kristen. Kristen is always there for
Nick,since he’s having a difficult time with how his life is going. Therefore, Kirsten also is showing hope
to Nick that even if he’s blind, he could still live his life to the fullest. Lastly, people’s faith, like the bus
driver, clearly tells Nick that being blind shouldn’t be an obstacle for him, he should learn new ways of
dealing with it. There are people around him to help him live his life to the fullest.

*Name three (3) characters in the story and describe each one in a separate paragraph.
First of all, we have the main character, Nick. Nick wanted his life to be normal, being able to see
the love of his life, but he is now a blind man. For Nick to be blind is slowly making him doubt himself
into doing the things that he loves, being able to see Kristen, his friends. He realizes that his blindness is
becoming something that his friends are trying not to talk about when they are around him, hence that his
friends are fading away slowly. Nick founded a way for him to live his life to the fullest, moreover
overcoming his blindness.

Second we have Kristen, Nick’s girl. Kristen is somewhat a caring and loving person. She shows
and expresses so much hope, love and affection towards Nick, helping him to overcome the fear of being
blind. Nick thought, now that he’s blind, Kristen wouldn’t want to be with her, but no, it's the opposite.
Kristen cares so much for Nick that she goes to the bus with him everyday to drop him off at the Local
Center for Disabled Veterans. Kristen's character has such caring and loving affection.

Lastly we have the bus driver, who always drives the bus to drop off Nick at the center. The bus
driver plays a good role of showing hope and faith in Nick, to always appreciate the ones who are always
there for you. He mentioned how lucky Nick is to have such a loving soulmate like Kristen, making sure
nothing happens to him. For that matter he’s jealous that his wife isn’t like that. The bus driver seems to
care for the couple and advises Nick to be appreciative.

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