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CONTACT NUMBER :0748199077

Question 1

1.1. Knowledge is created using multi – step process that includes Exploration, incubation, insight,
evaluation and implementation. It involves acquiring and analyzing information.
1.2. Reading aloud helps students learn how to use language to make sense of the world, it also
improves their information processing skills, vocabulary and comprehension.
1.3. In order for a teacher to facilitate informative and pleasurable reading interactions they have to
provide opportunities for students to share their ideas and experiences. They have to provide
encouragement and guidance in order for the students to reach their full potential. Being potential
can encourage learners to read in class for pleasure. The teacher must provide support and
structure necessary for the learners, and should also allow leaners to take ownership of their
learning, this gives learners the courage when they read because they feel they are in charge.

Question 2

2.1. Exploring Gender Stereotypes through role plays to reduce Gender Stereotypes.

2.2. Stereotype is a belief or image that many people have about a group of people or thing based on
some characteristics or expectations.

2.3. No, it is not an appropriate rhyme to teach to foundation phase learners because this rhyme
teaches children stereotype that boys have puppy dog tails and girls are made of sugar and spice, there
is no gender equality practiced and that is a wrong thing to teach children that they are not the same,
that boys are just ugly things and girls are sweet and beautiful. Children should be taught that all leaners
are the same.

Question 3

3.1 Develops visual literacy: Students can improve their visual literacy skills by reading graphic novels
and comic books.

- Increases cultural awareness : Graphic novels and comic books can give the students insight into
various cultures and viewpoints. It enhances the comprehension of the student’s world they live in.

- Critical thinking encouraged: Comic books and graphic novels can help develop critical thinking
- Differentiating instruction : Graphic novels and comics can be a great way to differentiate instruction
for learners in terms of assessment.

3.2. Picture books, because this genre above is a book that provides a visual experience through the
telling of a story using images.

3.3. Myths are symbolic and fictitious stories that are inherently religious or mystical. Legends on the
other hand are inaccurate or u authenticated historical narratives that incorporate supernatural abilities
or phenomena.

Question 4

4.1. Visual - Learners prefer to see things drawn out or in graphs to understand concepts.

- Auditory learning style - Some learners like to listen and hear information in order to process it

- kinesthetic /physical learning style – Some learners rather than watching a demo or listening to
directions, they prefer performing the task themselves, it helps them understand better.

4.2. Tape assisted reading - Students read along in their books as they hear a fluent reader read the
book on an audiotape. This will help the Learners when it comes to their Auditory learning style.

- Student adult reading - The student reads one on one with the teacher. The teacher reads first then
the student will read the same page after the teacher is done. This will help leaners with visual learning
styles. It will be easier for them to read after the teacher has read.

- Readers’ theatre - Students rehearse and perform a play for peers or others. They play characters who
speak lines or a narrator who shares necessary background information. This reading activity works hand
on hand with learners in the kinesthetic learning style, instead of listening to the story they perform it
for other..

4.3. First I will explain to them all the hard words they don’t understand so they can understand the
words, thereafter teach the rhyme as a song in order for it to be more interesting because children enjoy
singing while making gestures and facial expressions, the leaner’s background knowledge will be better
for them to understand the rhyme.

Question 5

5.1. Get to know my students by learning their cultural backgrounds, hobbies and learning styles of all
students. It will make them feel valued and allow for trust bond to form.

- maintain consistent communication with the students.

- Acknowledge and respect every student.

- Practice cultural sensitivity and incorporate diversity in my lesson plan.

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