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Home / AS400 to IBM i / Data Queue Popular Posts

Data Queue in AS400 1. Data Queue

2. Advantages of using Data Queue
Data Queue in AS400 3. Example 1
4. Example 2
5. Server Jobs
AS400 and SQL Tricks
6. Data Queues with Display Files
7. Data queue with an output queue
8. Prerequisites for using data queues
9. Creating a Standard Data Queue
in AS400 to IBM i / Data Structure
10. Creating a DDM Data Queue to
01 File information data structures Access a Data Queue at Another
(INFDS) in RPG AS400 system

File Information Data Structure in RPG 11. Creating a Data Queue Specifying
AS400 Introduction to File Information… Size Attributes and Automatic
in AS400 to IBM i / Db2 12. Comparisons with using Database
files as Queues
02 SQL stored procedure in IBM i
13. Managing the Storage used by the
Data Queue
in Array / Array operations
14. Allocating Data Queues
03 Lookup an Array element in RPGLE 15. Related Post
Data Queue in AS400 AS400

Data Queue
AS400 to IBM i (267)
Data queue is the type of system object that one can create to which a program or procedure can send
data and from which another program or procedure can receive data. IBM i Basics (198) RPG (38)

RPGLE (38) SQL (38) RPGIV (37)

* The program that receives the data can be already waiting or can receive the data later.
Show more (+69)

Advantages of using Data Queue Useful Sites

Getting started with IBM i

1. Data queues are the fastest means of asynchronous communication between two jobs. IBM Documentation for 7.4
2. Using a data queue to send and receive data requires less overhead than any other means such as IBM Documentation for 7.3
IBM Documentation for 7.2
database files, message queues, or data areas. IBM Documentation for 7.1
3. We can send, receive, clear, retrieve the data or description of a data queue and change some
attributes of the data queue by calling APIs QSNDDTAQ, QRCVDTAQ, QCLRDTAQ, QMHRDQM, 2022 116
QMHQRDQD, and QMHQCDQ from any high-level program or procedure without the need to call Nov 2022 3
Oct 2022 11
any CL program or exiting from the High-level program. Sep 2022 2
4. More than one job can receive the data from the same data queue. We get some advantage here Jul 2022 6
Jun 2022 16
when we process a large number of entries which one job cannot be able to process by May 2022 22
maintaining the performance. Apr 2022 27
Mar 2022 6
5. Data queues have the ability to add the sender id to each message being placed on the data Jan 2022 23
queue. The sender id contains the qualified job name and the current user profile. 2021 152
Dec 2021 103
6. We can set the timeout such that the job waits until an entry arrives on the respective data queue Nov 2021 49
during data receive from the data queue.
7. We can journal the data queues so that we can recover the data queue to a consistent state at any
time when any crash occurs.

Example 1

First example shows how the data queue works in the AS400 system. Let's suppose any number of jobs
can send the entries to the data queue and these entries are handled by the server job.

A real-world example would be all the processed checks are coming to the single batch job that would
do the printing of checks.

Example 2

Let's suppose the main job gets the requests for some work and sends the entries to the data queue by
calling the API QSNDDTAQ. The server job receives the entry from the data queue by calling the
QRCVDTAQ API and processing the data and then reverting back to the main job by using another data

Server Jobs

* Data queues allow the main job to transfer the work to the server jobs. This frees the main job to take the next
request. Please note that any number of server jobs can receive from the same data queue.

When no entries are placed on a data queue, server jobs can perform the following things.

Wait until an entry is placed on the data queue.

Wait for a specific period of time, if the entry is not received even after waiting for the specific time
then continue processing.
Do not wait, return immediately.

Data Queues with Display Files

Data queues can also be used when a program needs to wait for input from display files and data
queues at the same time.

You need to specify the data queue name on the DTAQ parameter for the Create Display File
*CRTDSPF),Change Display File (CHGDSPF), Override Display File (OVRDSPF).

We can specify the data queue that will have entries placed on it when an enabled command key or the
ENTER key is pressed from a DSPF. Jobs running on the system can place the entry on the data queue
using API QSNDDTAQ and another program receives the entry being placed on the data queue by using
QRCVDTAQ API and process the entries as it was placed in the data queue by the display file or the

Create Display File (CRTDSPF)

Type choices, press Enter.

File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FILE
Library . . . . . . . . . . . *CURLIB
Source file . . . . . . . . . . SRCFILE *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . .
Source member . . . . . . . . . SRCMBR *FILE
Generation severity level . . . GENLVL 20
Flagging severity level . . . . FLAG 0
Display device . . . . . . . . . DEV *REQUESTER
+ for more values
Text 'description' . . . . . . . TEXT *SRCMBRTXT

Additional Parameters

Source listing options . . . . . OPTION

+ for more values
Maximum devices . . . . . . . . MAXDEV 1
Enhanced display . . . . . . . . ENHDSP *YES
Restore display . . . . . . . . RSTDSP *NO
Defer write . . . . . . . . . . DFRWRT *YES
Character identifier: CHRID
Graphic character set . . . . *DEVD
Code page . . . . . . . . . .
Decimal format . . . . . . . . . DECFMT *JOB
SFLEND text . . . . . . . . . . SFLENDTXT *MSG
Maximum file wait time . . . . . WAITFILE *IMMED
Maximum record wait time . . . . WAITRCD *NOMAX
Data queue . . . . . . . . . . . DTAQ *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . .
Share open data path . . . . . . SHARE *NO
Sort sequence . . . . . . . . . SRTSEQ *JOB
Library . . . . . . . . . . .
Language ID . . . . . . . . . . LANGID *JOB
Record format level check . . . LVLCHK *YES
Authority . . . . . . . . . . . AUT *LIBCRTAUT
Replace file . . . . . . . . . . REPLACE *YES

Data queue with an output queue

We can associate the data queue to an output queue by using the Create output queue (CRTOUTQ) or
Change output queue (CHGOUTQ) command. The system placed the entries in the associated data
queue when spool files are in Ready (RDY) status on the output queue. A program can check when a
spool file is in RDY state in an OUTQ by using the Receive data queue API (QRCVDTAQ) to receive data
from the data queue.

Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ)

Type choices, press Enter.

Output queue . . . . . . . . . . OUTQ

Library . . . . . . . . . . . *CURLIB
Maximum spooled file size: MAXPAGES
Number of pages . . . . . . . *NONE
Starting time . . . . . . . .
Ending time . . . . . . . . .
+ for more values
Order of files on queue . . . . SEQ *FIFO
Remote system . . . . . . . . . RMTSYS *NONE

User defined option . . . . . . USRDFNOPT *NONE

+ for more values
User defined object: USRDFNOBJ
Object . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . .
Object type . . . . . . . . .
Spooled file ASP . . . . . . . . SPLFASP *SYSTEM
Text 'description' . . . . . . . TEXT *BLANK

Additional Parameters

Display any file . . . . . . . . DSPDTA *NO

Job separators . . . . . . . . . JOBSEP 0
Operator controlled . . . . . . OPRCTL *YES
Data queue . . . . . . . . . . . DTAQ *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . .
Authority to check . . . . . . . AUTCHK *OWNER

Prerequisites for using data queues

Before using a data queue, we should create the data queue using the command Create Data Queue
command (CRTDTAQ).

Create Data Queue (CRTDTAQ)

Type choices, press Enter.

Data queue . . . . . . . . . . . DTAQ > DTAQ1

Library . . . . . . . . . . . > EASYCLASS1
Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TYPE *STD
Maximum entry length . . . . . . MAXLEN > 128
Force to auxiliary storage . . . FORCE *NO
Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . SEQ *FIFO
Key length . . . . . . . . . . . KEYLEN
Include sender ID . . . . . . . SENDERID *NO
Queue size: SIZE
Maximum number of entries . . *MAX16MB
Initial number of entries . . 16
Automatic reclaim . . . . . . . AUTORCL *NO
Remote data queue . . . . . . . RMTDTAQ
Library . . . . . . . . . . .
Remote location . . . . . . . . RMTLOCNAME
Relational database . . . . . . RDB
APPC device description . . . . DEV *LOC
Local location . . . . . . . . . LCLLOCNAME *LOC
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MODE *NETATR
Remote network identifier . . . RMTNETID *LOC
Text 'description' . . . . . . . TEXT > 'Test data queue'

Additional Parameters

Authority . . . . . . . . . . . AUT *LIBCRTAUT

The MAXLEN parameter can have 1-64512 characters of the entries that can be sent to the data
queue and this parameter is valid only when the Type specified is *STD. If the data queue is associated
with the output queue, the maximum length value should be at least 128.
The possible values of Type are *STD (a standard data queue is created, a MAXLEN parameter is
required with the use of this value.), *DDM(A DDM data queue is created. This value requires the name
of the remote data queue accessed using the RMTDTAQ parameter and the name of the remote target
system that the data queue is located on the RMTLOCNAME parameter.), *DSP(A display data queue is
created. The data queue will be used with a display file. The MAXLEN parameter is required for using
this type. An interactive job waiting on this data queue would be eligible for an inactive timeout.

Creating a Standard Data Queue

The below command creates the data queue named DTAQ1 in the current library.

CRTDTAQ DTAQ(DTAQ1) MAXLEN(128) TEXT('Test data queue')

Data Queue created.


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F13=Inf

F23=Set initial menu
Object DTAQ1 type *DTAQ created in library EASYCLASS1.


Work with Objects

Type options, press Enter.

2=Edit authority 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display authority
8=Display description 13=Change description

Opt Object Type Library Attribute Text

DTAQ1 *DTAQ EASYCLASS1 Test data queue

Creating a DDM Data Queue to Access a Data Queue at

Another system

The below command will create the DDM data queue named DTAQ2 in the EASYCLASS1 library on the
source system. This DDM data queue uses the remote_location_name to access the remote data queue
Remote_Data_Queue_Name in library Remote_Librray.


RMTDTAQ(<Remote_Liraryb>/<Remote_Data_Queue_Name>) RMTLOCNAME(<Remote_Location_Name>)

Creating a Data Queue Specifying Size Attributes and

Automatic Reclaim

Below command will create the data queue named DTAQ3 in library EASYCLASS1 of type *STD (standard
data queue) of MAXLEN 128 and maximum entries allowed on a data queue is 16 MB and an initial
number of entries as 10 and Auto reclaim set as *YES means once 16MB storage is reached, the data
queue gets automatically reclaimed.

Create Data Queue (CRTDTAQ)

Type choices, press Enter.

Data queue . . . . . . . . . . . DTAQ > DTAQ3

Library . . . . . . . . . . . > EASYCLASS1
Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TYPE *STD
Maximum entry length . . . . . . MAXLEN > 128
Force to auxiliary storage . . . FORCE *NO
Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . SEQ *FIFO
Include sender ID . . . . . . . SENDERID *NO
Queue size: SIZE
Maximum number of entries . . > *MAX16MB
Initial number of entries . . > 10
Automatic reclaim . . . . . . . AUTORCL > *YES
Text 'description' . . . . . . . TEXT *BLANK

Comparisons with using Database files as Queues

Data queues must not be used for storing data for a longer duration. For this purpose, we must use
database files instead.
We should include exception handling in case of using data queues to recover any entries not yet
processed before the system going to crash.
We must delete or recreate the data queue once a day so that the data queue will return to its
optimal size. Performance can be affected if too many entries existed on the data queue without being
removed from it. The most efficient approach is to use auto reclaim *YES.

Managing the Storage used by the Data Queue

Smaller data queues have better performance than large ones. Each entry consumes some storage
when sent to a data queue. The storage allocated would be the same as the MAXLEN value specified at
the time of CRTDTAQ. When receiving an entry from a data queue, the data queue removes the entry,
but it does not free the auxiliary storage. When new entries receive the data queue grows larger. If the
data queue grows too large then delete the data queue by using the command Delete Data Queue
(DLTDTAQ). After deletion, recreate the data queue by using the command Create Data Queue


There is another way to do it by using the SIZE and AUTORCL(*YES) parameter on the Create Data
Queue (CRTDTAQ) command.

Allocating Data Queues

We must allocate the data queue by sing command Allocate object (ALCOBJ) before using it and it
should be deallocated using command Deallocate object (DLCOBJ) when it is used so that the data
queue is not accessed by more than one job at a time.

Related Post

Read data from data queue using QRCVDTAQ api in RPG AS400
Write data to data queue using QSNDDTAQ API in RPG AS400

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