L. Hello! I Think I Know You, Are You Diana?

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L. Hello!

 I think I know you, are you Diana?
D. Hi, Yes, I am. Oh Lucas, I haven't seen you for a long time, how
are you?
L. I am OK and you?
D. Fine, thanks! What do you do?
L. I am an accountant, I work with my father. We have a company.
D. A family business, that's wonderfull
L. And you Diana? What do you do?
D.I am a psychologist, my job is stressful but being optimistic and ho
nest I can cope
L. That's great! And What do your parents do?
D. My mother is an excellent nurse and my father is a good teacher,
L. Great, I have to go, see you Diana!
D. See you later Lucas!
D. Hi, Yes, I am. Oh Esther, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you?

D. Fine, thanks! What do you do?

D. A family business, that's wonderfull

D.I am a psychologist, I work at international clinic

my job is stressful but being optimistic and honest I can cope

D. My mother is an excellent doctor and my father is a good teacher,

D. See you later Esther!

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